Interactive utilities, animations, and demos
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Polyhedra 3D with 5,136 downloads.
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| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-Nspire Basic Files |  | circlesegmentandbubbleani.zip | 71k | 10-04-21 |  | Amazing Circle/segment/ bubbles animation This file contains 15 initial "temp-lets" that use the animation function (already set) in order to make amazing images. This file also uses the geometry trace tool to make this possible. Read the readme for more info. |  | contour.zip | 12k | 21-03-26 |  | Contour Lines In the calculator application, define a function f(x,y) of two variables. Then enter contour({1,2,5,...}) (a list of real numbers). The program will then draw the level lines f(x,y)=1,2,5,... |  | fps_display.zip | 1k | 19-01-20 |  | FPS Display Just a program proof of concept of an fps display. |  | healthbar.zip | 7k | 12-02-22 |  | Jason's Health Bar v1.0 This program demonstrates the TI-nspire's graphing capabilities using health bars that can be configured by the user. This is the final version, with almost instant health bars. This is useful in RPGs, where a few variables can change the health bar immediately. |  | polyhedra_en.zip | 84k | 09-03-31 |  | Polyhedra 3D 3D viewer of polyhedra. Includes all platonic solids, prisms, pyramids and the truncated icosahedron (football). All solids can be freely rotated or animated. More info in www.nelsonsousa.pt |