| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Math Programs |
 | actuarialmathti89.zip | 298k | 06-07-06 |  | Actuarial Math for the TI-89 Using actual mortality tables this set of programs allows you to calculate the actuarial present value of life annuities, life insurance, pension costs and liabilities, as well as contributions and premiums. You may select the mortality tables to use, the interest rate, the age difference between the two persons, the terminal age and radix of the mortality table. Annuities may be calculated bases on annual payments or mthly payments, i.e. payments made monthly, quarterly, etc. An example: Assume X is 65 years old and receives a pension of $30,000 as long as he lives. His wife Y who is 2 years younger receivs 75% of X's pension if X dies. What is the actuarial present value of this pension? |
 | adft.zip | 42k | 01-06-01 |  | ADFT (Almost Definitive Financial Toolbox). Graphical ADFT is a set of useful financial tools. It has also information about more than 20 exchanges. You can view its graphical evolution and update the data daily. English & Spanish version. |
 | amortsche.zip | 89k | 11-12-10 |  | AMORTSCHe This Program makes an AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE after finding the Payment necessary to reduce a loan to 0 given the Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Frequency of Payment, and the Term of the loan. |
 | annue.zip | 82k | 11-09-12 |  | ANNUe The Program finds ANNUITY results, including: Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity, Future Value of an Annuity Due, Present Value, Sinking Fund Payment, Loan Payment, and Loan Balance after n payments. The Graphs of the future value and loan payment functions are also shown. |
 | annu.zip | 1k | 99-06-04 |  | Annuity v1.0 This program helps you find how much the Annuity balance is and/or makes an increasing Annuity table for you. |
 | bank.zip | 1k | 99-10-16 |  | Bank Account 89 This program lets you calculate intrest and total money after a period of time. |
 | bonds89.zip | 17k | 06-08-25 |  | Bonds89 A bond calculation program that computes coupon rate, redemption/call value, yield or price. Use either Actual/Actual or 30/360 calendar option. Select number of coupon payments per year. Additionally, it computes last and next coupon dates, accrued interest, number of coupons, days from last coupon to settlement date, and days from last coupon to next coupon. An added bonus is a set of date programs. The Julian date program can be used to compute dates and days between dates from January 1, 4173 B.C.E. to whenever. |
 | compe.zip | 67k | 11-09-11 |  | COMPe The Program finds all COMPOUND INTEREST results, including: Future and Present Value, Interest, Effective Rate, Time, and the Graph of the future value function. |
 | compoundinterest.zip | 1k | 03-12-01 |  | Compound Interest Solver Finds compound interest. |
 | compundinterest.zip | 1k | 12-03-29 |  | Compound Interest This is a simple formula executing the compound interest formula. Enter x for the unknown value in the dialog box. |
 | contintr.89p | 1k | 03-04-20 |  | CONTINIOUS INTEREST I wrote this for business math class. It actually works and doesn't leave a mess in the main folder. It solves for unknowns--time, begin/end principal, interest rates. Easy to use prompts for correct entries. |
 | cpi.89p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Price Index Figures price Index.Basic Macroeconomics program. Must have basic economics understanding to use this program. |
 | cto_min.zip | 7k | 04-10-12 |  | Programación Lineal de Transporte: Costo Mínimo Reselve problemas de programación lineal de transporte con el método del costo mínimo. Muestra la matriz de asignación, matriz de costos de asignación y el costo total. Es de mucha ayuda para las clases de Investigación de Operaciones y Planeación y Distribución de Instalaciones. |
 | currency.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | Currency Exhange Basically this program convert currency from one country to another. |
 | edbusnss.zip | 1k | 00-08-12 |  | Business Functions Depreciation, Ratio, and List functions |
 | equlibpte.zip | 44k | 11-10-08 |  | EQULIBPTe The Program finds the EQUILIBRIUM POINT or PRICE p to make Supply = Demand. You enter the Demand equation d = mp + b and the Supply equation s = ap + C and the program gives the equilibrium price and equilibrium demand. Also shown is the GRAPH of the two equations. Use TRACE and the arrow keys to move around the graph. In TABLE your may enter various prices and see the corresponding demand Y1 and supply Y2. |
 | finance_34.zip | 2k | 99-02-28 |  | Money Manager 89 v4.2 A borrowing and investing program for your TI 89 |
 | finance.zip | 1k | 05-03-13 |  | Finance This program includes many, many finance formulas, every one I can think of. It will calculate anything from simple interest to annuities or amortizations |
 | finanzas.zip | 576k | 07-03-22 |  | Finanzas, finance tool Herramienta de Finanzas- [ENGLISH] FINANZAS gathers a series of programs and functions to facilitate financial calculations. It includes programs for the creation of amortization tables and depreciations, as well as a tool to solve problems using TVM (Time Value of Money), rates conversions and functions for: Effective interest rate: EFF, Nominal Rate: nom, Net Present Value: npv, Net Future Value: nfv, internal Rate of Return: irr, Cost: cst, Selling price: sel, Margin: mrg..[ESPAÑOL]FINANZAS reúne una serie de programas y funciones para facilitar cálculos financieros. Incluye programas para la creación de tablas de amortización y depreciaciones, así como una herramienta para resolver problemas utilizando la teoría TVM (Time Value of Money), conversión entre tasas y funciones para: Tasa de interés efectivo: eff, Tasa Nominal: nom, Net Present Value: npv, Net Future Value: nfv, Tasa interna de Retorno: irr, Costo: cst, Precio de Venta: sel, Margen: mrg. |
 | finmenue.zip | 122k | 11-09-12 |  | FINMENUe FINMENUe, meaning FINANCE MENU, solves Simple Interest, Compound Interest, and Annuity problems. For Simple Interest; the Program finds all results, from all possible inputs, including: Future and Present Value, Interest, Rate, Time, and the Periodic Payment for an Add-On Interest loan. For Compound Interest; the Program finds all results, including: Future and Present Value, Interest, Effective Rate, Time, and the Graph of the future value function. For Annuities; the Program finds results, including: Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity, Future Value of an Annuity Due, Present Value, Sinking Fund Payment, Loan Payment, and Loan Balance after n payments. The Graphs of the future value and loan payment functions are also shown. |
 | fisher.zip | 1k | 05-09-24 |  | The International Fisher Effect Try it out. Proven to work. Used in a 4000 level international finance class. |
 | fp.zip | 8k | 04-05-13 |  | Financial Package - Economics Solves the following types of problems: AEW, depreciation (double declining to straight line and MACRS), incremental income tax, loan calculations (principal vs interest portions of a payment), irregular cashflows, mean and variance, posterior probabilities for probability trees, replacement analysis, and utility function calculations. Comes with a menu for navigating through all the programs included in the package. |
 | f_ratios_1.zip | 10k | 03-03-28 |  | Finance Ratios Rev 1 A collection of commonly used financial ratios, including some Time Value of Money (TVM) programs. Provides easier access to the NPV and IRR functions of TI's TVM flash program. |
 | gdpdefla.89p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | GDP Deflater GDP Deflater. Must have basic macroeconomics understanding. |
 | gdpexp.89p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | GDP Expenditure Approach Figures nominal GDP. Must understand Macroeconomic basics to use. |
 | gdpgrwth.zip | 1k | 05-09-24 |  | GDP Growth Rate This program figures the GDP growth rate. |
 | gdp.zip | 1k | 05-09-24 |  | GDP Growth Rate This program figures the GDP And real GDP. uses basket price and basket amount. Allows for unlimited number of baskets. |
 | ges.zip | 2k | 03-05-11 |  | ComptaFact V 0.1 French version only/ I'm working on english version, Logiciel de comptabilité utile pour les terminales STT. Permet de faire une facture de doit et des effets de commerce. |
 | inflarat.89p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Inflation Rate Figures Inflation rate. Must understand Macroeconomic basics to use. |
 | inporcent.zip | 3k | 14-07-09 |  | Inporcent Esta aplicacion hace lo sieguiente: Ingresamos una cantidad ejemplo (500€) y queremos que el 21% u otro porcentaje cualquiera este incluido dentro anterior cantidad con lo que la aplicacion nos devuelve lo siguiente: Cantidad ajustada 413.22€ Porcentaje ajustado (es el 21% de 413.22) 86.78€ y finalmente tenemos que 413.22€ + 86.78€ = 500€ iniciales |
 | interest_29.zip | 1k | 99-04-16 |  | Interest Calculator Calculates amount of money after a certain amount of time at a certain interest |
 | interestnly.zip | 1k | 11-06-05 |  | Interest Formulas A string containing two interest formulas: one for compounding n-ly and one for compounding continuously. |
 | interest.zip | 1k | 03-03-30 |  | Interest this is an interest program i wrote, it is in basic. if you select an interest of greater then 100% the program divides by 100, asuming no one is a loan shark. |
 | loans.zip | 1k | 99-06-04 |  | Ammurtization Schedules v2.0 This program helps you find the interest and principle payment plus the ending balance of a loan you take out. |
 | moneyval.zip | 4k | 06-01-28 |  | Financial Equations Solver V2.1 The program solves the classical Time/Value/Money equations. It presents data in a spreadsheet like format using the Dialog and Request functions of the TI-92 Plus/TI-89/TI Voyage 200 family of calculators. |
 | mortgagecalculator.zip | 2k | 11-04-10 |  | Mortgage Calculator "Mortgage" is a wonderfully handy program that runs calculations related to mortgages. Input the cost of the property, the percent down, the term, the annual interest rate (APR), and other monthly dues. "Mortgage" will ask for the time elapsed since the loan was made, and then it will calculate A) your monthly payments B) how much [and what percentage] of that goes to Interest and C) how much [and what percentage] of that goes to Principle. It will also calculate how much interest you have paid in the time elapsed and the total principle remaining. |
 | netpay.zip | 1k | 99-04-23 |  | Netpay Calculates FITW, and FICA taxes and estimates net paycheck. |
 | oneprce.zip | 1k | 05-09-24 |  | The One Price Rule Try it out. Used in a 4000 level International Finance Class. |
 | payments.zip | 1k | 01-02-05 |  | Periodic (Monthly) Payment Calculator Calculate monthly payments based on principal amount, annual interest rate, and timeframe. (Payments don't actually have to be "monthly"; they can occur at any periodic interval.) Can solve for the principal (P), the payment amount (M), or the time in years (t). |
 | pcgdp.zip | 1k | 04-10-04 |  | Growth rate compounding Figures projected GDP growth rate for a person or country based on current or expected rate. Beta version, but works great and no trash left-over. Written for college level intermediate macro-economics. |
 | ppp.zip | 1k | 05-09-24 |  | Purchasing Power Parity Try it out. Used in a 4000 level International Finance class. |
 | priceii.89p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Price Index for Given Year Figures Price Index for given year. Must understand Macroeconomic basics to use. |
 | pricind.89p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Price Index Figures Basic Price Index. Must understand Macroeconomic basics to use. |
 | profite.zip | 51k | 11-10-14 |  | PROFITe The Program finds the PROFIT FUNCTION P = ax + c and its graph. You enter the Revenue function R = px and the Cost function C = mx + b and given are profit function and the BREAK-EVEN quantity. Use TRACE and the arrow keys to move around the graph of the three functions. In TABLE you may enter various quantities x and see resulting revenue Y1, cost Y2, and profit Y3. |
 | realgdp.89p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Real GDP Figures Real GDP. Must understand Macroeconomic basics to use. |
 | savings89.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Savings 89 Savings 89 provides predictive calculations of a savings account based on the information given by the user. |
 | simpe.zip | 69k | 11-09-11 |  | SIMPe The Program finds all SIMPLE INTEREST results, from all possible inputs, including: Future and Present Value, Interest, Rate, Time, and the periodic payment for an Add-On Interest loan. |
 | taxit.zip | 1k | 03-08-03 |  | Tax It 1.0 This is a replica of my 83+ version of Salestax. It has some of the same parts and easy to use, just follow the on-screen instructions |