| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Math Programs |
| factoring | folder | | TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Factoring, Primes) |
 | add2mult.zip | 1k | 12-03-29 |  | Add 2 Multiply add2mult(add,mult), A simple function to calculate two numbers that add to the first argument, add, and multiply to the second, mult. |
 | algoeucl.zip | 2k | 06-05-25 |  | AlgoEucl 1.0 AlgoEucl is a function that runs enhanced Euclid algorithm. Given parameters a and b, it solves au+bv = d = gcd(a,b), by returning u,v and d. Usage: algoeucl(a,b) returns {u,v,d} |
 | all.zip | 1k | 03-12-17 |  | BINARY AND HEXADECIMAL MEANINGS This program will help you to understand binary and hexadecimal. It displays the values of the two along with regular numbers so that it makes sense. |
 | arithm.zip | 12k | 03-03-07 |  | Arirhmetic Programs There are 4 different programs: fact() gives a factorisation in a list fi() gives Euler's function (fonction indicatrice d'Euler) inv(x,y) gives the smallest inverse of x modulo y, i.e: the smallest a so that a.x=1 modulo y pmod(a,b,c) which gives mod(a^b,c) but with very big numbers (like powmod by Zeljko Juric, but in basic). English and french version included. |
 | arithtic.zip | 2k | 03-10-06 |  | Arithmetic Problem Drills Younguns need help with arithmetic? Well here's the answer for you!! Includes multiplication, fraction arithmetic, decimals, and negative practice. Also includes great praises and insults for right and wrong answers, respectively. |
 | atools.zip | 5k | 99-04-12 |  | Arithmetic Tools v0.9 Set of functions for arithmetic class (base conversion, bezout indentity, divisors determining...) |
 | average.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Average Lets you enter the number of numbers to be averaged, lets you enter that many numbers, then it displays the average in fraction form. A useful little trinket. |
 | binadir89.zip | 1k | 07-12-20 |  | Binadir 89 4bit binary adder The long awaited version of Binadir for the TI 89! This program can add 2 binary numbers up to 4 bits in length. |
 | blog.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | BasicLog v1.0 BLog is a logarithmic function allowing bases other than (but not excluding) 10 and e. |
 | cantidad.zip | 4k | 14-08-06 |  | Porcentaje de A respecto de B Esta aplicación calcula el porcentaje que supone una "cantidad A" respcto de una "cantidad B" y viceversa. Ejemplo: Tenemos dos cantidades "A = 42 y B = 16". Con lo cual 42 respecto de 16 supone el 38.09% y 16 sobre 42 supone el 262.5% |
 | confra.zip | 6k | 04-03-07 |  | Continued Fractions Operations There are two functions, in which one will create continued fractions from a number, and the other will take the continued fraction and create the number. If you don't know what a continued fraction is, there is a documentation file included that tells you what it is. Both processes are explained that I use. There is a nice continued fraction for e. |
 | dfact.zip | 1k | 07-11-08 |  | Double Factorial This function computes the double factorial, denoted n!!, where n is an integer. It accepts both positive and negative integers. Since it is a function, it can be used like any of the built-in 89 functions. |
 | dioph.zip | 4k | 09-04-26 |  | Diophante ( équation de ) [ French, prog. in french. ] Résolution complète des équations diophantiennes en SBS ultra-détaillé, i.e tel qu'il faut le rédiger sur une copie. Correspond(ait) au programme de TS spé maths. |
 | div.zip | 1k | 00-04-29 |  | Integer Division This program allows you to do simple integer division (helpful to those C++ programmers out there, too!). |
 | dni.zip | 1k | 00-10-13 |  | D'ni Calculator It is a base 25 RPN calculator. |
 | doublefactorial.zip | 1k | 06-11-14 |  | Double Factorial This program computes double factorial of x, which is like a normal factorial, but -2 in the product instead of -1. |
 | dsum.zip | 1k | 13-09-18 |  | Digit Sum function adds all digits in a number Function that adds are the digits up in a number for example 1993 = 1+9+9+3=22 Useful for numerology and others. Valid input +- integers. Output sum of the input number. 1.Intallation Copy to directory of your choice. 2. Change to the directory you just copied. 3. Execute dsum(1993)=22 Features works with list editor and table editor. |
 | egypt.zip | 13k | 21-10-10 |  | EGYPT Update to Egyptian fraction function. |
 | euclide1.zip | 1k | 99-02-28 |  | Euclid's Algorithm v1.0 It is about the search of PGCD a, b by using the algorithm of Euclide: |
 | euclide2.zip | 1k | 99-04-11 |  | Euclid Algorithm Applies the Euclid algorithm step by step to two numbers. |
 | euclid_r.zip | 2k | 02-02-10 |  | Euclide alogorithme d'euclide |
 | euclid.zip | 2k | 99-11-19 |  | Euclid's Enhanced Algorithm Creates a table, where Euclids Enhanced Algorithm is applied to two numbers. |
 | euler1.zip | 3k | 16-05-29 |  | Project Euler #1 Discover the sum of all multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000, as posed by Project Euler. |
 | fac2.zip | 1k | 11-02-06 |  | Double Factorial !! Find the double factorial of a natural number. |
 | fact.zip | 1k | 03-05-12 |  | FACT 1.1 Large number factorials This example program shows how to break the limitation where calculators have trouble producing factorials for large numbers. Most scientific calculators cannot handle more than 69!=1.711E98 because their displays can only handle two digit exponents. The TI-89 can handle up to 449! by default, because the display shows three digit exponents. This example program can handle up to 94851898540! |
 | fracexpd.zip | 2k | 06-04-12 |  | Fraction Expander Deluxe This has been updated to be extremely small, ported to all TI's, and to be supremely fast. The program prompts you for 3 numbers: A and B from A/B, and C for number of decimal places. Then you watch it perform long division so fast your eyes hurt :) |
 | fracp.zip | 3k | 06-01-07 |  | Fracp fracp(number) or fracp({number, precision}) is a function which calculates fractional approximation of a given number with required precision. If the argument of the function is a number then default precision (6 digits) is used. If the argument of the function is a list then first element of the list represents number and second element precision (1...12). Precision n indicates that the decimal representation of the fraction is exact at least in first n digits. |
 | fractfndr.zip | 1k | 03-12-28 |  | Fraction Finder This program will find an approximate fraction for any decimal you put in, and you specify the decimal place accuracy. What will be returned is the fraction closest to it in integral numbers, accompanied by the accuracy of how close it is the decimal. |
 | function_piofx.zip | 1k | 06-09-26 |  | Functions: Pi of x This is a program that computes the number of prime numbers that are less than a given number, x. It is accurate up to about 75, then it is off about 2 or 3. |
 | function_subfac.zip | 1k | 06-09-26 |  | Functions: Subfactorial This ultra-fast program computes the subfactorial of x. Great for probability. |
 | function_superfac.zip | 1k | 06-09-26 |  | Functions: Superfactorial This ia a fast program that computes the superfactorial of x. |
 | gamma1_0.zip | 1k | 07-11-08 |  | Gamma This function implements the gamma function. It accepts positive and negative numbers, but not complex. Since it is a function, it can be used like any of the built-in 89 functions. |
 | gamma.zip | 2k | 00-04-29 |  | Gamma Function v1.0 It's approximation of gamma function with accuracy 1e-10 even for x<0 |
 | gcd2.zip | 1k | 11-06-02 |  | GCD of Several Numbers Obtain the GCD of several numbers all at once, instead of obtaining the GCD of a measly two numbers. |
 | gcdlcm.zip | 1k | 10-10-15 |  | GCD and LCM Extension The TI-89's gcd() function and lcm() function allow you to find the GCD or LCM of only two integers at a time. Included are custom functions that allow you to find the GCD or LCM of three or four integers. |
 | gcf10.zip | 1k | 03-07-24 |  | GCF Calculate greatest common factor of two numbers. Short and sweet. |
 | gcflcm.zip | 1k | 02-03-01 |  | gcflcm This Program calculates the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two numbers |
 | geomean.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Geometric Mean Finder (REAL ONE) This is the real geometric mean funtcion. I accidently uploaded the wrong file.the other Geometric Mean fileis actualy a point of intersection finder for any two givin lines. |
 | geommean89.zip | 1k | 03-05-12 |  | Geometric Mean Finder Installs functions for finding geometric means. |
 | getdigit89.zip | 1k | 03-05-24 |  | Get Digit (TI-89 Version 2.01) Provides extraction of one of a number's digits. Fixed documentation errors and removed the paths from the zip file. Also available for the TI-83 Plus, but that version is no longer being updated. |
 | golden89.zip | 22k | 06-04-19 |  | Golden Ratio (All TI's & DOS) Each program finds the Golden Ratio and stores it to B. The DOS version simply tells you the Golden Ratio and shows the same math as the TI versions (but MUCH faster). |
 | golden_nook.zip | 215k | 04-03-27 |  | Golden Nook The Golden Nook is a collection of functions, definitions, formulas and examples concerned with the Golden Mean number Phi, the Fibonacci and the Lucas numbers. Definitions, formulas and examples are presented in separate document Golden Mean Formulae. Some formulas in this document are collected from different internet pages, others were find with the assistance of the functions fib(), luc() and gold(). |
 | gold.zip | 7k | 03-10-19 |  | Gold Gold(expression) is a function which tries to find elementary presence of the Golden Mean (number Phi) in the given expression and transforms it in the form where the number Phi is presented with the greek letter Phi. Multiple presence of the number Phi can be detected and presented. |
 | harmonicnumber.zip | 1k | 06-09-26 |  | Harmonic Number This computes the nth harmonic number. Like the harmonic series but summed to n and not infinity. |
 | howto7e.zip | 74k | 12-04-19 |  | HOWTO7e This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, find 1. The SLOPE m of a line given two points on the line. Included are horizontal and vertical lines. |
 | invfact.zip | 2k | 02-11-08 |  | invfact Function invfact(x) is inverse function of the generalized factorial x!. Ver. 1.1: The function is faster and without warnings. |
 | isirr.zip | 1k | 11-01-28 |  | IsIrrational Test whether a value is irrational. |
 | karnaugh2.zip | 20k | 07-01-27 |  | Karnaugh map Given a binary function's truth values in dec. it displays the karnaugh map with Gray codes. |
 | kbdprgms.zip | 1k | 00-10-09 |  | Kbdprgms includes xroot, log(basex), and inverse. These all use the stack for their arguments. THese arent really needed, but they do make things alot faster.... read doc. to see how they work. |
 | kfinder.zip | 1k | 98-11-21 |  | KFinder Finds the proportionality constant for exponential growth and decay problems |
 | lg89.zip | 1k | 03-03-06 |  | Binary Logarithm Function returns the base-2 logarithm of a number |
 | logbase.zip | 2k | 01-12-16 |  | Logbase(base,arg) Function Archive this function and don't ever make a change of base again! |
 | logb.zip | 3k | 07-09-05 |  | Logarithm to the base n [ENGLISH]This function is very simple to use, just type logb(number,base) in HOME to get the logarithm of "number" to the base "base".[SPANISH]Esta función es muy fácil de usar, solo digite logb(número,base) en el HOMEpara obtener el logaritmo de "número" en base "base". |
 | logfind.zip | 1k | 00-04-17 |  | Logarithm Finder This program will approximate a logarithm in any base. Easier than ln(x)/ln(base)! |
 | logster.zip | 1k | 01-02-12 |  | Logster Logster does logarithms to any base, common logs, natural logs, and antilogs all from one convenient gui. |
 | logtools.zip | 1k | 02-11-11 |  | Logarithm Tools This package contains tools to collect logarithmic expression like x*ln(y) to ln(y^x). This program has great accuracy, is very easy to use, and is entirely unique. |
 | log.zip | 1k | 03-03-25 |  | lóg lóg(base,Number), log function that works with any base |
 | longlost.zip | 1k | 07-05-16 |  | LongLost Find twin primes with this simple function; just enter a prime number. Also recognizes composite numbers, five, and primes without a twin. |
 | mac.zip | 12k | 06-01-18 |  | Mac Function mac(argument) searches for near 40 elementary Mathematical Constants which can be find in the results of some definite integrals, infinite sums and in other fields of mathematics (for example pi, pi^2, e, gamma, phi, ln(2)...) and for simple fractions in the given argument. Function mac(argument) tries to present the argument as a numeric expression with one of these constants. |
 | main.average.zip | 1k | 17-11-06 |  | Arithmetic Mean A basic averaging program. Repeatedly asks for a single value. Calculates the mean value of all numbers input so far after each new value. |
 | main.diviseur.89p.zip | 1k | 09-05-12 |  | Divider This programme will find all the dividers to any number you give it. It is also in a friendly user interface. It's a very simple programme so that you can learn from it to. |
 | main.fraction.zip | 12k | 03-03-19 |  | Fraction 89 VERSION 1.2! The function and program in this packeage find a fraction for ANY decimal given a maximum value for the denominator. ex: fraction(pi,10) returns 22/7 See screen shots. NEW: Program that shows current progress as calculations are being performed...check it out!!! |
 | mathem89.zip | 1k | 00-10-01 |  | Mathematica 89 Does math operations on indefinitely long numbers |
 | mathlong10.zip | 3k | 03-07-24 |  | Arbitrary Precision Math This program adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides numbers of ANY length with no loss of precision. No practical use yet, but it's fun. |
 | mcmmcd6.zip | 29k | 14-07-05 |  | gcd and lcm 2 to 6 factors This application uses the gcd and lcm commands TI-89, the application is in Spanish. You can calculate gcd and lcm of 2 factors, 3 factors, 4 factors, 5 factors and 6 factors, but the calculator must be in English. |
 | mersenne.zip | 1k | 02-01-01 |  | Mersenne Number/ Mersenne Prime Checkers Checks to see if a given number is a Mersenne number (one that can be expressed in the form (2^P)-1) or a Mersenne Prime (P must be prime). |
 | modinv.zip | 1k | 00-11-07 |  | Mod Inverse Function that returns the inverse i of x (mod m) such that i*x is congruent to 1 (mod m). Ported from Javascript RSA implementation by Wes Morgan. DO NOT e-mail Ms. Sullivan or Mr. Makmur about this port, they are only listed to give credit where it is due. |
 | mpf.zip | 21k | 06-12-30 |  | Mersenne Prime Finder This is a small program that finds Mersenne Primes as well as Mersenne Numbers. It is fairly fast and very small, about 700 bytes. It is an interesting program. |
 | multifac.zip | 25k | 07-01-07 |  | Multifactorial This is a great small program that computes the k-th factorial (example: 5th factorial of 5 = 5!!!!!) of a specified integer. A must have!!! |
 | mu.zip | 1k | 04-08-24 |  | Moebius Mu This program finds the Moebius mu of a number. See the readme for a complete description |
 | ncalc.zip | 1k | 03-07-23 |  | NCalc 1.2 A basic BASIC calculator program with the 4 basic functions. |
 | numberadder.zip | 1k | 03-05-14 |  | Number Adding Program This program adds all the numbers (you specify the type-evens, odds, or all) from x to y, both of which you input. |
 | number.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Number Theory Utility v1.1 This program will calculate many properties of a positive integer, including the number of integral factors, the number of coprimes less than, the sum of all integral factors, and so on. |
 | primorial.zip | 1k | 06-11-14 |  | Primorial Function This rarely-found odd function computes a weird combination of a product and the prime counting function. |
 | romcalc.zip | 10k | 05-08-19 |  | Roman Calculator Roman Calculator is a program which enables basic arithmetic operations with Roman numerals. It is also a converter from Arabic to Roman numerals and backwards. And it is also a syntax checker for Roman numerals. |
 | rootfind.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 |  | Root Finder I have noticed that the TI-89 cannot find anything higher than square roots for the root index. For a calculator of its computing might, I find this pathetic. That is why I have created a function which finds the root of any number with any root index and displays the answer on the home screen. There is an on-calc help in the catalog. |
 | roots.zip | 3k | 05-06-09 |  | Cube Roots version 2 Finally, a method to find the cuberoot of a number on your calculator! This program uses an algebraic fast and efficient method that is completely different from the last version, making it under 140 bytes and extremely fast! |
 | root.zip | 1k | 04-04-18 |  | Root Solver Have you ever wanted to find ³√4 or another value where the superscript 3 is higher on a TI-89? I have and I was saddened by the fact that a TI-89, a calculator that can factor and do calculus operations, cannot find a root of a number. To solve this with my function, type in root(3,4), and the function will return 2^⅔ or 1.5874. See animated screenshot for more info. |
 | rpn1.zip | 2k | 02-03-03 |  | RPN RPN for TI89. Very confortable. All the most nescessary functions are inclueded. |
 | rpn_25.zip | 20k | 00-01-20 |  | RPN interface v0.91 (French) RPN/Algebraic interface to almost all function of the calculator. |
 | rpn2.zip | 2k | 00-02-28 |  | RPN Enviroment An RPN enviroment closely simulating the HP's. |
 | rpn89.zip | 5k | 00-03-02 |  | RPN-89 v. 0.95b Reverse Polish Notation (like HP calculators). Flexible and easy to use. Try an alternative to the TI-89's usual format that can help you enter complicated equations and expressions faster. This release has bugfixes and additions. |
 | rpne.zip | 72k | 03-04-17 |  | RPNE The program RPNE offers the complete environment for work with about 70 most used mathematical functions and conversions in Reverse Polish Notation. This environment is supported with edit, stack and mode operations. Maximum three keystrokes are required to access any operation. Medium or large fonts can be selected. |
 | rpnform.zip | 1k | 03-12-01 |  | RPN Formatter RPNFORM is a TI-BASIC function that returns the way an expression would be typed into an RPN enabled calculator or program. If you don't understand RPN notation, or just want a quick way to know how to type in a complex expression, theis is the program for you! See readme for more details. |
 | rpnhome.zip | 7k | 00-03-07 |  | RPNhome v1.1 a reverse polish environment which can completely replace your home screen! |
 | rpns.zip | 140k | 04-05-03 |  | rpns The program RPNS() offers fast and simple Reverse Polish Notation environment for near 60 frequently used mathematical functions and conversions. Fourteen of them require only one keystroke and greater part of other functions require only two keystrokes. This environment is supported with basic edit, stack and mode operations. |
 | rpn.zip | 2k | 99-11-21 |  | Reverse Polish Notation This program allow you to use RPN system on your calculator |
 | rsr.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 |  | rsr Reciprocal of sum of reciprocals. Can be used for finding equivalent impedance of any number of impedances in parallel. Impedance values may be complex variables. |
 | sumofsquares.zip | 1k | 03-05-14 |  | Square Sum Program This program will add the squares of all the numbers from x to y, which you input. |
 | sys.zip | 2k | 03-05-31 |  | Systemumrechner für Brüche Der einzige Systemurechner der Brüche (1/7), rationale Zahlen (2.334) und Buchstaben (2A3BF) von jedem System>2 in jedes andere System>2 umrechnen kann. Deutsche Version, der TI89 muss aber auf Englisch eingestellt sein. Braucht die OS Version 2.08. |
 | tau.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | Tau(n) This program wakes in an integer and finds tau of that int. tau is a number-theoretic function. The definition of tau is given a positive in tau(n) denotes the number of positive divisors of n. |
 | tirpn.zip | 11k | 04-06-11 |  | TIRPN for TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium Use the TIRPN89 program. This is a RPN interface written in Basic. Functions include trig, logarithms, number manipulation, and the gamma function. TIRPN89 also handles symbolic integral and derivatives. You will not have to worry about your calculator crashing because TIPRN89 is in Basic, but you'll enjoy the efficiency of RPN entry. |
 | titan68k.zip | 14k | 10-10-01 |  | Titan68k tools Titan68k tools can do an approx. calculation of: n!, x^n, ncr(n,k), a*b, a/b, a+/-b, (x)^(1/n), ln(x), log(x) for results (and in many cases on inputs) with a value that exceeds: +/- 9.99999999999999E+/-999. |
 | unimean.zip | 6k | 03-04-17 |  | Unimean Unimean(list, type) is a function which calculates different means of a given list of real numbers: square, arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and all intermediate means, including arithmetic-geometric mean (AGM). |
 | unitfrac.zip | 1k | 12-06-24 |  | Unit Fraction Decomposition This program decomposes a fraction to its corresponding unit fractions (those with a numerator of 1). Returns a list containing their denominators. |