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Last updated Monday, 17 July 2017
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Most popular file  3dMaze with 11,609 downloads.

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3dmaze_07.zip11k01-03-14File is not rated3D Maze Maker and Viewer
There is no long description, other than the one in the readme.txt file.
3dmaze1.zip14k01-01-14File is not rated3D-MAZE
Yeah, right. Another one of those 3d mazes, but this one has quite nice graphics. Level Editor included.
3dmaze.zip5k99-11-21File is not rated3dMaze
A Graphical Maze That You Can 'Walk' Through. Also Randomizes Its Own Mazes.
brainmaze2.zip42k05-07-16File is not ratedMaze
Based on Enchanted Eel's BrainMaze, my version is a really fast maze game with bombs, two kinds of propulsion arrows, special one-way bars, on-calc help file, and a complete level editor included in a one-file program. Since the concept was Enchanted Eel's, however, I give him about half credit.
brainmaze.zip7k06-12-10File is not ratedBrainmazes 1.4
An improved version of Brainmazes. This is a game where you have to overcome obstacles in order to get your "mover" into the finish diamond, in the least possible time. Much faster file loading and saving. Smaller file sizes. Also fixed a few domain errors. Planning to incorporate the Minotaur feature in next version.
connectmaze.zip2k17-07-17File is not ratedConnect Maze
Weave through the chaos as you create your own path in an effort to join together boxes in the correct order. Activate your prefrontal cortex with this game inspired by the Nintendo DS game "Brain Age."
dedale.zip12k06-05-30File is not rateddédale
Dedale is 3D maze game, where you must find keys for pass to the next level. Whith this program, you can create your own labyrinth and move in it!
escape.zip3k00-05-27File is not ratedEscape v1.0
This is a puzzle game in which you have to find your way out of a maze while a monster is chasing you at twice your speed. The catch? He follows certain rules while you can move wherever you want. This is the same game as MINOTAUR, but ZERO percent copied. My version has cooler graphics, a better interface, no bugs, and is much more user friendly. Have fun, I have never beaten it.
labyr.zip6k00-09-26File is not ratedLabyr
a short labyr using flib (in the pakage) and don't work with french patch
laby.zip6k01-09-09File is not ratedLabyrinthe
Un petit jeu de labyrinthe avec ennemis et differentes armes...
maze3d.zip5k02-03-11File is not ratedMaze3D v1.04
This is a randomly generated 3D maze. You must find the exit. HUGE levels...
maze3k3.zip8k03-06-10File is not ratedDynamic MegaMazes 3003
I fixed an editor bug that happened when trying to load an external level. Send this to your TI using TI Graphlink software or recieve it from somebody else. In the game you navigate through a maze. You have 3 built in mazes, an editor, and can load saved levels of any name. A special feature, very rarely seen in TI games, is dynamic levels with flawless collision detection...simply, the level shifts itself around and you can't cheat that system. Based off teh genious work of PathAI, but not using a single line of it's code. The editor can load from any saved level and has 10 save/load slots built in, whereas it can only save to these 10 slots. To rename a level use: Rename maze#,new_name, where maze# is maze1-maze10 and new_name can be any name/word up to 8 letters long. Presing ENTER places or removes a wall, ESC exits the edtior and asks where to save the level. Archived levels are supported during loading, but not when saving. Hopefully this provides you with hours of fun. I get trapped in my own levels :-) THIS GAME RULES!!!!!!!! You can now start editing a randomly drawn maze as well.
maze89.zip7k99-05-27File is not ratedMaze89 v2.0
Maze89 v2.0 is a vastly upgraded version of Maze89 1.5 The display is now bitmapped instead of calligraphic, and levels are over three times as large as in previous versions.
maze_and_editor.zip57k08-09-16File is not ratedMaze and Editor
This is a game that I originally made on the Ti-83+ a while back. In it, you control a line and navigate through a path to try to finish first. It comes with an on-calc level editor, ten player high score lists for every level, hard and easy difficulty levels, and up to 999 save slots. Have fun!
mazegame.zip4k08-09-16File is not ratedMaze
This is a good maze game that I designed. Basically, you use the arrow keys to move around, or second-arrow to move in a direction until you reach the edge of the screen or a wall, and when you reach the edge of the screen at an opening and press towards it, it moves over to the map next screen over. Also, if you hit enter, it shows you which screen you're on.
mazerunr.zip6k04-07-13File is not ratedMaze Runner V2.10
Maze Runner is a simple maze game for your TI-89. What's new in this release: Updated the maze format; provided a converter to update older mazes. Removed the installer and optimized for speed.
maze.zip5k00-05-09File is not ratedMaze v2.1
Just Like the last maze game but this time with a cheat pause button. Use F1 to pause and redirect the line. Even more addicting. YOU'VE GOTTA DOWNLOAD THIS! By Aaron Ligon.
minotaur.zip4k99-11-21File is not ratedMinotaur
You (Theseus) are placed opposite the Minotaur in a simple maze. You must get to the exit before the Minotaur eats you - the twist is that the Minotaur gets twice as many moves as you do, but he has to follow some simple rules. Somewhat addictive game. I haven't solved it, and would be interested if anyone finds a solution.
path.zip3k01-12-16File is not ratedPath
A puzzle-type game where you find a path from the starting point to teh ending point only traveling in diretions dictated by arrows. Sound complicated? If you d/l it and run it, you'll understand in 10 seconds.

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