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Last updated Tuesday, 13 July 2004
Total downloads 8,137
Most popular file  10 Levels - Dynamic MegaMazes3k3 with 2,120 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Games
defuse.zip1k03-03-10File is not ratedDefuse
This is just a game to defuse the bomb, it has 5 different levels to choose from. I may make a game just like this with many more features that cost a dollar, but that will be a couple week project. Have fun playing it!
fwcity.zip1k04-07-13File is not ratedFake Wall City (Maze Runner V2.00 and V2.10)
Fake Wall City - a maze of fake walls for Maze Runner V2.00 and V2.10.
iwcity.zip1k04-07-13File is not ratedInvisible Wall City (Maze Runner V2.00 and V2.10)
Invisible Wall City - a maze of invisible walls for Maze Runner V2.00 and 2.10.
maze3k3_levels.zip3k03-06-18File is not rated10 Levels - Dynamic MegaMazes3k3
Here's 10 levels. They're named will1 - will10, to avoid confusion. These were made to show that external levels are VERY easy to make, and that they're best distributed here, on ticalc.org.
sample.zip1k04-07-13File is not ratedSample Maze (Maze Runner V2.00 and V2.10)
Sample Maze - an example of a multiple-screen maze for Maze Runner V2.00 and V2.10.

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