| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Source |
 | extract.zip | 6k | 12-07-15 |  | Extract TIOS List Elements Given a list and the integer length of that list as a TIOS argument, this function will read the individual elements of that list and will re-push them to the stack as integers. |
 | fracpull.zip | 4k | 12-07-09 |  | Fraction Extraction from Expression Stack Code to extract fractions from expression stack, and how to perform common manipulations (e.g. removing integer part, reducing the fractional part, pushing the resulting (simplified) version to the stack). |
 | no_val.zip | 3k | 12-07-08 |  | No Return Value (Error Reporting) This code shows how to allow a program to return no value, even when [#define RETURN_VALUE] is defined. This method of returning errors is similar to, for example, typing "ln()" on the TI-OS. An error message pops up, but nothing is returned to the home screen. This routine allows for clean error reporting to the user. |
 | longceil.zip | 2k | 12-07-08 |  | Ceiling Function for Long Long Data Types This source code provides a method to take the ceiling value of a fraction (p/q) where p and/or q are of long long data type. Provides a solution for the '__floatdibf' error in TIGCC, where long long cannot be converted into float (Version 0.96b8). |
 | modpower.zip | 5k | 12-07-08 |  | Modulus of Large Integers Testing code for performing modulus operations on very large integers (VLI). |
 | dynamic.zip | 7k | 10-12-12 |  | TIGCC Dynamic Array This program enables you to dynamically allocate an array. This is useful when you don't know ahead of time how long the array should be. Code is thoroughly commented. |
 | sdynamic.zip | 5k | 10-12-12 |  | TIGCC Dynamic String (2D) Array This program enables you to dynamically allocate a two-dimensional array, essentially a matrix. This is useful when you need to dynamically create an array that uses strings. |
 | apd180.zip | 24k | 07-07-26 |  | apd180 Set the automatic power down (apd) time to 180 seconds (3 minutes). Can increase the life of batteries. |
 | polygons.zip | 21k | 07-01-27 |  | Polygons This is a demo program for the drawing of wireframe polygons and 3D models. It will draw, scale, and rotate polygons and models with arbitrary numbers of vertices. Works on 89, 92+, and V200. |
 | drawline.zip | 3k | 06-09-08 |  | Fastest line-drawing routine This is the fastest line-drawing routine for the TI-68k calculators, AFAIK. It uses the Bresenham line algorithm, and it can draw lines at an average speed of about 225,000 pixels/sec. It can draw Black, White, and XOR lines. Thanks to Samuel Stearley for some speed optimizations. |
 | findpxlroutine.zip | 1k | 03-10-30 |  | Find Pixel routine Couldn't be easier to use. This program takes the TI-BASIC coordinates of x and y, plugged into d5 and d6, and returns the byte and the pixel offset in a0 and d5! All you have to do to turn that pixel on the screen is bchg.b d5,(a0). Nifty, easy, fast! |
 | sqrtroutine.zip | 1k | 03-10-30 |  | Fast Square root routine This program just iterates the formula for number N, and root M, with M set to N/2, M=.5(M+N/M) which converges rather quickly on the sqare root. Useful for raycasting, or anything involving the distance formula. |
 | i2croutines.zip | 3k | 03-03-09 |  | I2C routines 2.0 FINAL This is the final version of my I2C routines. Bugs have been eliminated from the temp. sensor version. The I2C routines here are complete....but the memory expander code is not. |
 | rle_decomp.zip | 62k | 02-10-24 |  | RLE Decompression Routine for TIGCC (Plug n' Play Easy) Help 4 You...To convert any pic you want for your TI, first find a picture, then resize it to your TI's screen size (160x100 for 89, 240x128 for 92+ and V200). Then use iStudio, which can be found at (guess) www.ticalc.org/pub/win/ to convert the pics to RLE compressed files, with 4 level greyscale. Then use a text editor, preferably one w/ a 'Replace All' funcion, to change all the 'dc.b' or '.db' to commas and all the '$' to '0x'. Then copy, paste, and adjust the code into the '.h' examples I've given. Make sure the unneeded parts are commented out, so that the version will be made for your TI only, It can't compile more than one version at a time with the code i put together (modified from the TI-Chess source). Then compile the project with TIGCC. If you want to make movie clips, a tutorial form example will be made soon :) Will White, will_white25@hotmail.com |
 | cliptri.zip | 3k | 02-10-15 |  | Fast Clipped Triangle Routine The title is pretty much self explanatory, but basically this routine has been optimized for size and speed. The code takes just under 1.2k on your calculator. Especially useful for programmers interested in creating a hidden surface 3D engine. |
 | hrzntl89.zip | 1k | 02-09-27 |  | Clipped Horizontal Line Routine This routine draws a clipped horizontal line very fast (about 8 times faster than most horizontal line routines you'll find). Especially useful for routines such as polygon fillers. |
 | line89.zip | 1k | 02-09-27 |  | Clipped Line 89 This is a routine that will draw a clipped line on your calculator screen fast. A must have for many assembly programs! |
 | md4sum.zip | 3k | 02-02-16 |  | MD4Sum Does the process described by RFC 1320 |
 | ngetdelay.zip | 3k | 01-08-10 |  | ngetdelay v1.2:Fixed it to work now(oops).ITs the first of my average joe C routines.This allows you to use the power of _rowread with out knowing exactly what to do. |
 | tse.zip | 34k | 01-02-08 |  | TIGCC Sprite Extensions v0.50 (Preview) If you are a C programmer and you are not pleased with the speed and the comfort of the TIGCCLIB sprite routines then have a look on the preview version of the TSE (TIGCC Sprites Extensions). |
 | rle.asm | 3k | 01-02-04 |  | RLE This is a tutorial/code for the use of rle decompression. |
 | menu.zip | 3k | 01-01-29 |  | Menu Routine An extremely basic menu routine for an opening to a C based game. Perfect for beginers to look at, easy to understand and shows how some of the most basic commands (including sprites) are applied and used. |
 | onkey.zip | 3k | 00-10-28 |  | OnKeyExpress TSR by Dave Watson OnKeyExpress TSR by Dave Watson: Press ON instead of 2nd-ON to turn off calc. |
 | i2c.zip | 4k | 00-07-02 |  | I2C Temp. Sensor/General Routines I2C Temp. sensor/general routines for accessing any I2C device with some changes |
 | i2cdriver.zip | 3k | 00-06-26 |  | I2C Driver I2C Driver for the link port of the ti-89 & 92+ calcs |
 | template.zip | 1k | 00-04-26 |  | Template! Just a simple template for creating asm files, its what i use and contains all the basics. test for keys pressed, has a program speed thing already in it. makes work a bit quicker. thought it might help some newbies :-D most of source is commented... |
 | stopint.asm | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | Stop Interrupt How to stop interupt. |
 | putsprite.asm | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | PutSprite How to draw a sprite with Doorsos |
 | createwritefile.asm | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | Create and Write file Create and write in files in assembly |
 | createfolder.asm | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | Create Folder How create a folder in assembly. |
 | scroll.asm | 2k | 99-08-10 |  | Fast Scrolling Routine Routines for scrolling the visible portion of video memory |
 | mpixel.asm | 1k | 99-06-30 |  | Mpixel Findpixel routine. |
 | bignum.asm | 1k | 99-03-03 |  | Big Number Arithmetic Library v0.0 Beta |
 | inputstr.asm | 2k | 98-11-21 |  | Input String Routine |