| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Games |
 | pyramid89.zip | 53k | 17-11-23 |  | Pyramid Solitaire 89 Need a way to pass some time without straining your brain too much... then give Pyramid Solitaire a try. In Pyramid Solitaire you need to match one or two cards whose combined value equals 13 in order to remove them from the pyramid of cards. The game is over when you remove all cards from the pyramid or when you expend your draw pile rotation attempts. |
 | solitairesuite.zip | 60k | 12-04-25 |  | Solitaire Suite Solitaire Suite features a variety of versions of solitaire with custom or preset rules for each version, along with an undo buffer that can store an entire games worth of moves. It also offers a wealth of customizable options giving you complete control over the look and feel of the game. Check out the screen shots and readme |
 | ttt.zip | 22k | 10-09-20 |  | Tic Tac Toe This is my first calculator game, and is a simple game of Tic Tac Toe against the calculator. Documentation and source (in C) is included. |
 | solitaire.zip | 103k | 10-05-12 |  | Solitaire The classic Solitaire found on all windows computers. This game looks just like the original, and has many features like custom card graphics, undo, and more. Check out the screenshots and redadme. TITANIUM COMPATIBLE |
 | uno.zip | 57k | 10-01-05 |  | Uno v1.1 The classic card game! Play with up to 8 players, with any combination of human and computer players (multiple human players uses the pass-the-calc method. Link play not supported). A variety of changeable custom rules to choose from. Thanks to Nick Bray for the suggestion of adding letters to the cards to identify color. |
 | tripletriad68k.zip | 1107k | 09-12-21 |  | Triple Triad 68K ENGLISH : This game wants to be an adaptation of the famous game 'Triple Triad' which is the great card game of the PSX game Final Fantasy VIII. Your goal is to collect all the 110 cards by fighting against the other players. You will earn some money after a victory, in order to buy other cards or special items... Some cards are much hard to have than other, you can buy them (but it is expensive) but there is a special thing to do in the game and you would get these cards without buy them!! You can level up after severals victories. After that, you will be able to fight against other players. FRANCAIS : Ce jeu se veut etre l'adaptation du fameux jeu 'Triple Triad' qui est le super jeu de cartes present dans le jeu PSX Final Fantasy VIII. Votre but est de collecter les 110 cartes, en combattant contre les autres joueurs. Vous gagnerez de l'argent apres une victoire afin d'acheter des nouvelles cartes ou de objets speciaux... Certaines cartes sont plus durs a obtenir que d'autres, vous pouvez les acheter (mais c'est cher) mais il a une chose speciale a faire dans le jeu et vous obtiendrez ces cartes sans les acheter !! Vous pouvez augmenter de niveau apres plusieurs victoires. apres ca, vous pourrait combattre d'autres joueurs. |
 | pentago.zip | 42k | 08-12-15 |  | Pentago A nice little Pentago game for the 89 (titanium). As far as I know, the first one for any calculator. There is 1 or 2 players (although, the AI's a joke. It just (pseudo) randomly plays the game). Enjoy! |
 | calcchu.zip | 179k | 07-09-08 |  | CalcChu This is CalcChu v1.00, a two-player linked game based on "ChuChu Rocket!" It is a simple and addictive game. Cats and mice roam the game board, following predictable paths. The goal is to place arrows in order to direct mice to your goal and cats to your opponent's goal. |
 | checkers.zip | 14k | 06-12-30 |  | Checkers 68k 1.1 Complete checkers game for the TI-89 and TI-92+. Features 2 player support on calculator and via link play, and play against the computer AI. Grayscale with full instructions. Also features state saving support. |
 | kalah.zip | 29k | 06-11-13 |  | Kalah 1.5 Kalah is played on a board with two rows of 6 holes and two stores, called 'kalahah'. The game ends whenever a move leaves no counters on one player's side, in which case the other player captures all remaining counters. The player who collects the most counters is the winner. |
 | saf.zip | 51k | 06-05-25 |  | Seventeen and Four What is Seventeen and Four??? Seventeen and Four is almost like BlackJack! There are just some differences between the main-rules. The AI of the game isn't stupid, so be warned for losing much of money ;) This file includes three files for TI-89, TI-92PLUS and Voyage 200! |
 | classstruggle.zip | 7k | 05-10-01 |  | Class Struggle A great way to pass the time. Four players struggle over their positions in society with the lowest paying tribute to the rich. Try to take the lead and get rid of your opponents in this gorgeous, fully-animated card game for the TI-89. |
 | freecell_np.zip | 120k | 05-07-23 |  | FreeCell v.94 This is the classic game of FreeCell made for the 68k calcs. It has the ability to move stacks (if it's legal), automatic movement to the ace piles, a final card hopping animation, game saving, redeal, and teacher keys. It warns you when an illegal move is attempted also. It is compatable with the TI-89 Titanium. |
 | obsidio.zip | 60k | 05-05-20 |  | Obsidio 1.0 This is a new board game I invented in which you must sieze control of the area by leading enforcements into your choice of many pegs on a board. So far, this is the prerelease, so it is missing a few things, like the tutorial and the AI. However, if you want to become the first Obsidio World Champion, you might as well start practicing early! |
 | bob_demineur.zip | 9k | 05-01-28 |  | demineur Un petit jeu simple et connu grâce à windows mais qui fait parfois passer le temps... |
 | morpion89.zip | 65k | 05-01-11 |  | War-morpion Un jeu de morpion avec des missils... A morpion game with missils... |
 | bkgm.zip | 35k | 04-12-21 |  | BackGammon 1.0 A beta adaptation of the famous game BackGammon! |
 | monoply.zip | 191k | 04-12-21 |  | Monoply A revolutionary new game featuring cutting-edge technologies including SmartStart, a Battery Saving Structure, and Advanced Graphics. The gameplay is very simple and easy to use and graphics add to the overall appeal. This game is very similar to Monopoly with only a few changes. I have spent the last 1.5 YEARS on it and hope you enjoy! |
 | tichess.zip | 821k | 04-10-10 |  | TI-Chess v4.11 TI-Chess is a full featured chess game for the TI89/TI-92p/V200 (read the included readme.txt file for its features and history.txt for what's new). This is the full distribution. v4.11 adds TI-89 Titanium compatibility. |
 | vtttt.zip | 4k | 04-10-07 |  | Very Tiny Tic Tac Toe A 1kiB Tic Tac Toe game with a perfect AI. |
 | gnutigo.zip | 51k | 04-09-03 |  | Gnu TI Go This is a port of the computer game gnugo. Go is an ancient chinese board game with simple rules but very complex strategy. It could be considered the "chess of asia". This program is released under the GPL and all I have done is uploaded it to this site. |
 | morpion.zip | 18k | 04-08-19 |  | Morpion v1.1 Le célèbre jeu de morpion, jouable sur la meme calculette ou en link... |
 | battleship.zip | 21k | 04-08-12 |  | battel ship 89 this is battleship for the ti-89 it has grayscale a 2 player mode,a 2 player link mode, and an ai one player mode. the link mode has not worked for me whith VTI and the ai is real dumb so it needs work. |
 | mahjongg.zip | 107k | 04-07-18 |  | TI-Mahjongg Solitaire v1.20 TI-Mahjongg Solitaire is a clone of the well-known Mahjongg Solitaire game for the TI89/TI92p/V200, where you have to clean the complete board by removing pairs of matching stones. If someone haven't played this game on the PC, press F5 within the game to get some instructions [NOSTUB program/TIGCC sourcecode included] v1.20 is compiled with TIGCC 0.95 Beta 12, adding optimizations and TI-89 Titanium compatibility. |
 | timewaste.zip | 105k | 04-07-18 |  | TI-TimeWaste 0.81 BETA (A Five-in-a-Row Solitaire Game) TI-TimeWaste for the TI89/TI92p/V200 is a five in a row solitaire game. The goal of the game is to make horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines of at least 5 identical pieces. Whenever you form a line, all the pieces in the line will disappear and you will get points. To make a move, tap the piece you want to move and then tap the desired destination. The piece can be moved to any empty place reachable by a series of horizontal and vertical steps. Each time you make a move that does not produce a line, 3 new pieces will appear. v0.81 is compiled with TIGCC 0.95 Beta 12, adding optimizations and TI-89 Titanium compatibility. |
 | ticon45.zip | 104k | 04-07-18 |  | TI-Con45 v1.41 TI-Con45 is a clone of the well-known Connect-4 game for the TI89/TI92p/V200, where you have to connect a specific number of pieces horizontally, vertically or diagonally to win the game. The original gameplay is extended to use different board sizes and different numbers of pieces to connect (Connect-4/Connect-5). The built-in AI is VERY sophisticated and uses an approach similar to the one used in TI-Chess (AlphaBeta-Searching) [NOSTUB program/full C source code included] v1.41 is compiled with TIGCC 0.95 Beta 12, adding optimizations and TI-89 Titanium compatibility. |
 | tictac.zip | 89k | 04-07-06 |  | TicTacToe 1.3 TicTacToe is a fairly simple game, where the goal is to get a number of pawns in a row before your opponent does on a board. By simply clicking on the square you want to place your pawn, you make your move. As long as nobody won and the board isn't full yet you will be able to make other moves. |
 | yahtzee.zip | 65k | 04-07-06 |  | Yahtzee 1.4 Yahtzee is a dice game. The object of the game is to maximize your total score. The score is determined by a different rule for each category choosed for each round; The game ends once all 13 categories have been scored. |
 | memory.zip | 66k | 04-07-06 |  | Memory 1.2 Memory is a game where the aim is to find pairs. When the game begins, all counters lie with their backs facing the player. On the front of the counters there are different characters and the player seek to turn counters with the same character. The game ends when all pairs are discovered. |
 | crazy8.zip | 72k | 04-07-06 |  | Crazy Eights 1.2 Crazy Eights is a card game for two or more players, in which the object is to get rid of the cards in your hand onto a discard pile by matching the number or suit of the previous discard. |
 | cruel.zip | 68k | 04-06-01 |  | Cruel v1.1 Cruel is a simple solitarie game. It is a port of the the windows 3.11 game cruel. This game is simple to play, but very hard to master. Cruel is very addictive. It will keep your attention for many math classes. |
 | bingo.zip | 6k | 04-04-27 |  | Bingo v1.02 (for the 89) The ultimate Bingo game for the 89! Features random card generation using the same criteria as real Bingo cards! Excellent for playing in class with your friends :) Have fun! |
 | blob.zip | 6k | 04-04-27 |  | Blob2 - Beat this dynamic AI Did you think you're smarter than a calculator? Try to beat this self-learning dynamic AI in a scenario and your name will end up on the Master Blobbers webpage!!! The game is similar to Othello. Read more in the documentation. Huge AI improvement from Blob to Blob2. Filesize is now reduced by 36% |
 | dots4asm.zip | 2k | 04-04-09 |  | dots 4 the dots game, like connect the dots, make boxes.. yeah that one. This is the newest of the dots games, also needs some work though. |
 | cavalier.zip | 73k | 04-04-09 |  | Cavalier 1.0 GPL A demo program of an algorithm where a Chess horseman tries to go over all the squares of the board of an arbitrary size, and each square only once. |
 | othelloii.zip | 215k | 04-04-06 |  | Othello II v2.53 GPL A famous strategy game for the Ti-89 with a excellent AI, nice graphics and many nifty functions. |
 | de.zip | 106k | 04-03-17 |  | Ditsy Elephant - FINAL Due to a few changes and some problems I noticed, as well as a problem I didn't notice from the last upload, I'm releasing this again with the fixes. No real visible changes. DE is still the game where you have to play your hand of 13 before the 3 little strict cpu players do. Simple and fun. Source is still included just hard to read. |
 | plinko.zip | 74k | 04-03-16 |  | Plinko The acclaimed Price is Right game has now been brought to your Calculator! Basically, you play a series of pricing games to win as many Plinko chips as you can and then drop those chips down a peg-like Plinko board to win various amounts of $money$. Includes a High scores table and 25 pricing items. |
 | asmyatzee.zip | 33k | 04-03-07 |  | yatzee this is yatzee a game that has been around for ever where you role dice and add their values in diffrent ways to get your score. |
 | solitare89.zip | 28k | 04-03-07 |  | Solitare 89 2.4.2 This is the latest update of Solitare 2.4. Sorry it took me so long. I meant to upload version 2.4.1, but never got around to it. I've been working on other games. Check out http://www.angelfire.com/oh4/werty/casino.html for more info. |
 | quarridor.zip | 30k | 04-02-03 |  | Quarridor version 0.3.2 beta The classic board game of math compititions now compacted onto your calculator! Features gray-scale graphics, link play, fast rule checking routines, and more. Now upgraded to BETA stage. Currently artificial intellengence is not implemented, so you'll have to find a friend/enemy or two. |
 | mrdata.zip | 16k | 04-01-28 |  | Mr. Data 0.91 (maintenence update) An implementation of the NES game "Spot". Documentation updated. |
 | tictactoe.zip | 17k | 04-01-23 |  | Tic Tac Toe v 1.1 A game of tic-tac-toe written with TIGCC. Fixed a few small bugs and added a small feature. Currently 2-player only, unless you have a split personality, i guess you could play against yourself... http://oragestudio.free.fr |
 | poker.zip | 16k | 04-01-08 |  | Poker v0.8 A draw poker game written for the Ti-89 in C. It has support for four players, each of which can be humans or handled by the AI. (Multiplayer works with the "pass-the-calc" system) Other options include the setting of the ante and calling of wild cards. A complete betting system has been implemented, as well as virtual deck that is automatically shuffled. This game has been tested successfully on HW1 & HW2, both AMS and PedROM 0.8b. |
 | tmaster.zip | 27k | 03-08-26 |  | Tetra Master This is an adaptation of the card game of Tetra Master in Final Fantasy 9. Available in French and English. TI89/92+/V200 Compatible. |
 | connectx.zip | 11k | 03-03-28 |  | Connect X New version of Connect 4, with a twist! You can drop your piece from the top, the bottom, left, or right sides. This makes the game a lot more strategic, and a lot more fun. Source included :) |
 | connect4.zip | 11k | 03-03-23 |  | Connect4 A simple connect 4 grayscale game. Fun to play and good for beginners to look at. Source included :) |
 | freecell.zip | 11k | 02-11-22 |  | FreeCell v3.0 Freecell The Card Game version 3.0 |
 | memory2.zip | 41k | 02-11-16 |  | TI-Memory v1.10 I don't think I have to say much about TI-Memory for the TI89/TI92p/V200. Almost everyone should have played this game at least in his early childhood [NOSTUB program/TIGCC sourcecode included] |
 | poker89.zip | 16k | 02-07-22 |  | vpoker89 This is a Great Poker program still in the making. Features an Interupt run game timer and save/load game functions. Good graphics for a 2 colour game. Packed with lots of functions, and written completly in 'C' run son AMS 2.00 and higher on al HW versions. Complete source for TIGCC v.98 B18 included. If you can help me with the problems documented int the Program under various options, i will include in the credits and be very graetful. |
 | yahtzee2.zip | 5k | 02-06-19 |  | Yahtzee V1.0 This is the classic Yahtzee game Programmed. |
 | cmemory.zip | 6k | 02-03-15 |  | Memory The simple game of memory for the Ti. |
 | cbattleship.zip | 7k | 02-03-11 |  | Battleship This is the game of Battleship, for the calculator, |
 | pegs.zip | 11k | 01-12-22 |  | Pegs A simple but interesting "jump the pegs" game. |
 | pat2.zip | 43k | 01-12-22 |  | Patience II Second release of my solitaires suit. Now it has nine games, some options, bugfixes, etc. |
 | yahtzeev1.zip | 4k | 01-12-16 |  | Yahtzee v 1.000000 yahtzee is a dice rolling game where you hold and roll dice to get specific dice combinations to score points...vary fast programed in C only 7000 bytes |
 | solit.zip | 9k | 01-12-16 |  | Solitaire (french) Un petit jeu de solitaire avec 7 plateaux de jeu différents, moins de 5 Ko sur la TI. De plus, les sources C sont disponibles et commentées en français. |
 | banchi.zip | 43k | 01-12-16 |  | Banchi v0.98 A Chinese game meaning "half chess." A A fun and somewhat addicting game. |
 | tic.zip | 11k | 01-12-15 |  | Tic A solitaire game |
 | yam.zip | 22k | 01-09-30 |  | Yam89C Un yam en français et en C. Toutes les sources sont disponibles dans le zip |
 | ttt68k.zip | 6k | 01-07-16 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe 68k A clone of the common Tic-Tac-Toe game. Features link play, single calc 2 player support, and 1 player vs. computer AI support. The graphics aren't bad either. Works on all AMS versions and both calcs, and you can play link between two different calcs (TI-89 and TI-92+, or 2 of the same) |
 | pat.zip | 35k | 01-05-03 |  | Patience A collection of five of the most popular patience games combined with a nice and familiar GUI. |
 | yahtzee1.zip | 14k | 01-03-27 |  | Yahtzee This is the game of yahtzee, duh |
 | subhunt.zip | 9k | 01-01-14 |  | Sub Hunt v1.2 SUB HUNT is a game in which you are a boat, hunting enemy subs. This game should work on all AMS and hardware versions, and it does not require a kernal to be installed. New in this version, scoring corrections. |
 | peg_game.zip | 6k | 00-09-17 |  | Peg Game The game with the golf tees that you play at cracker barrel tigcc |
 | creversi.zip | 12k | 00-06-30 |  | CReversi v1.6 Famous Othello/Reversi board game (release 1.6), written in C language (source included). Compatible with all AMS versions and both HW releases. |
 | othello2.zip | 4k | 99-12-31 |  | Othello89 Two player Othello/Reversi game |
 | blackjack.zip | 7k | 99-07-13 |  | BlackJack 89 Grayscale blackjack game! |