File Archives
Click a filename to download that file.Click a folder name to view files in that folder.Click for file information. Icon legend: File with screen shots File with animated screen shots File with reviews Featured programs
| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-85 Assembly Graphics Programs |  | | 3k | 97-06-22 |  | Grayscale Mapping Example 1.0 for Usgard 0.95 |  | | 910k | 07-07-26 |  | Convert multiple images to a slideshow Converts images in multiple formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png ...) to two slideshows (one compressed and one uncompressed) viewable on a TI-85 calculator using Usgard. |  | | 41k | 05-02-11 |  | Super Saiya-jin Rage Several parts have been recoded for dual compilation on more than 1 platform. You can choose from Goku, SSJ Goku 3, Vegeta, SSJ Goku (GT), SSJ Adult Gohan, Frieza (hiddden), Majin Buu (hidden), Trunks, Eric Cartman (hidden), Raditz and finally, Gotenks. This has many updates for the ports. None of them crash when trying a difficulty level other than 1. Also, plz email me if you have feedback. |