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Click a filename to download that file.Click a folder name to view files in that folder.Click for file information. Icon legend: File with screen shots File with animated screen shots File with reviews Featured programs
| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Flash Misc. Programs |  | | 31k | 05-05-20 |  | A0MATH v1.2 A0MATH v1.2 and A0CHEM v1.2 Contains 2 programs (A0MATH and A0CHEM) -------------------------------------------- Trig Solver - Enter given data (any combo of 3 angles to 3 sides) and, if possible, this program will give you the other angles/sides. FOIL/Factor - IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Factor or Foil almost anything after entering the equation. Many options including: graphing answer and decimal answer. Poly. Multiply - multiply any polynomials to any degree. Enter the degree, then the polynomials. It could not be more easy. Statistics - Enter values and it spits out everything you need to know. It shows quartiles, outliers, and everything else (I mean everything)! Cramer's Rule - SHOWS WORK!! Enter equations and the work and asnwer is given. SqRt Simplify - Simplify any root to its most reduced form. IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Probability - Notes on probability. Fraction Reducer - Reduces large fractions fast! IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Synthetic Division - IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Enter the greatest exp. Then enter the coef. It goes to work and answers the problem showing you the setup, work, and answer when it is done. Chemistry Light Equations - Wav to Energy to Freq and much more. IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! Periodic Table - Gives you notes about the different properties (i = increase, d = decrease). It also gives you the electron configuration of every element (the best out there). You can enter the atomic number, the symbol, or the name to get alll the info you need. Gas Laws/Partial Pressure - Shows you all the work to find any variable in boyles, combined, and ideal gas laws. It also gives you notes on every other gas law and the relationships between variables. It also has a partial pressure solver and a unit converter so you can use almost any standard unit of pressure, volume, and temperature. IT SHOWS ALL OF THE WORK! |  | | 10k | 07-09-08 |  | AcT 2.0 This Program is actually an update to AcT. It stores AcT as an Application instead of a Program, allowing you to have 16 more Kb of free ram to use. This app includes distance formula, Pythagorean threom, quadratic formula, system of equations solver, triangle(area, sides, and angles) solver, number theory(factorial, lcm, gcd, perm., comb., prime factors),formulas and graphs for Algebra, Geometry, Sequences, Trig, and Pre-Calc. It also has a conversions submenu to find conversions (ex. 1ft.->12inches) and much more. |  | | 38k | 04-06-04 |  | ADDicting Games Pack 2 The second edition of the series of games designed specifically for people who get ADD (read: bored) during school and want some games to play to keep them from going insane in the membrane. They are all very easy to play, quick, and stimulating. The second edition includes 4 new games, including Smack the Jock, Mars Sim 2 SE, Crap Jack, and Emobuddy, packaged together with your old favorites in one handy APP, plus 7 trance-inducing screensavers for when you have nothing better to do than sit around and stare at a calculator screen. Have fun curing your ADD! |  | | 40k | 05-08-27 |  | Adventure Quest 1.2.8 All right here it is .... Adventure Quest V1.2 (nothing related to the Adventure Quest. This is an RPG style basic game. contains different player levels, different enemies, quests,bounties,pets,pet mini-games, "link cable battle" compatable is now here. If you download please tell me your thoughts,oppinions,Bug-related comments and anything else exept spam. Sorry for the delay .... BTW: Before playing for the first time please run the Setup Calc option. Cheers, Cya round, Jazz |  | | 51k | 05-06-17 |  | The Ultimate Algebra II and Geometry Collection!! ***NOTE: The Area/Volume bug is fixed.***This is a must download. This program has over 60 functions, including: unknowns, quadratic, radical simplifier (any root), inequality graphing, logarithms of any base, multiplying and dividing polynomials, finding all roots of a polynomial, factoring any degree polynomial, sequences and series, binomial expansion, 70! and up, graphing with X=, conics, i^x, sectors/arcs, pythagorean, geometric means, circumfrence, area/volume, distance formula, polygon functions, and many more!! As an added bonus, all answers in the geometry program are in simplified radical form. In addition to that, the alebra II section has the best absolute value inequality solver out there. Also this basic program was compiled into an application!! (thanks to Martin Warmer's Basic Builder App Creator). |  | | 40k | 04-01-05 |  | Perfect! Alg/Trig (basicbuilder) This is a great program that combines many math and science programs(3) and subprograms(22). This has a good GUI and is pretty fast considering the size of the programs. It's 34K of uncompressed data all in one app! It is just what someone need to get through school with ease... |  | | 27k | 05-03-02 |  | Amerika Online v1.5 Special Edition Optimized Now uses only 2 strings(Str2 for all screen names and e-mails and Str0 for "loading") and includes a smarter password checker(quicker for short passwords). Amerika Online version 1.5 (Special Edition Optimized) is a complete revision of AKL 1.5. It can be used on TI-83+ or TI-83+SE and possibly a TI-84+. It still has many of the same features yet is faster and more fun to play with. This new version includes: +Special Edition Only (Faster and Saves Memory) +10 Character Password Support +Mail Support (112 Characters Per E-mail, 3 E-mails)(Auto shorten if too long) +Virtually No Memory Overflow Errors (Provided all RAM is available) +Lower Memory Usage (Over 5196 Bytes Scrapped & Variables Deleted at APP Completion) +Smoother Overall Running +Changed Credits Screen +Added ability to quit from almost anywhere using [CLEAR] +Application Completely Revised For Optimization +Faster GUI Loading +Faster Sign On +Faster Install |  | | 25k | 06-03-11 |  | An RPG! This is the story of a guy named Eric. Although it's not much of a story... Converted to app form with Basicbuilder. |  | | 65k | 11-05-29 |  | The Ultimate Calculus Collection!!! This is a must download. This program has over 60 functions, including: trig functions, expression simplification, limits, derivatives of functions, implict differentiation, tangent finder, function explorer, all roots to an equation, RAM, 1st fundamental theorem of calculus, trapazoidal/simpson's rule, average value theorem, slope field, euler's method, improved euler's method, runge kutta method, area between two curves, rotational volume/surface area, arc length, hyperbolic functions, partial fractions, taylor series, parametric functions, polar functions, and many more! As an added bonus, all answers are in exact form. Also this basic program was compiled into an application! (thanks to Martin Warmer's BasicBuilder App Creator). |  | | 768k | 08-06-12 |  | AP Statistics All-In-One Done Easy About to take the AP Statistics Exam and/or course? Then this is a must use for you! VERY USER-FRIENDLY!!!!!!!! This is not a program, rather it is a Flash Application. Thus it saves your RAM from being messed with. This application with show all the work, draw all the needed drawing, check all conditions, make the necessary statements with inference and others, and much much more! Play with it and find out. I also put in a NoteFolio file with most of the important notes. I do NOT suggest using notes on any AP Exam; if you are caught with notes, then you "may", which means you will, lose credit for EVERY AP Exam you have ever taken and will be unable to take any future AP Exams! But the App is not so much of a danger on the exam. I used it when I took the exam and did not get caught. Actually I sent it to everyone in my class and every one used it and nobody got in trouble. This should be completely bug-free, but if not please leave me a comment. |  | | 55k | 04-01-23 |  | Perfect! ATrig This is a great program that combines many math and science programs(6) and subprograms(66). This has a good GUI and is pretty fast considering the size of the programs. It's 70K of uncompressed data all in one app! It is just what someone need to get through school with ease...(3 apps) |  | | 12k | 04-04-16 |  | PrgmTool -Is an app that: installs ION v1.6 Scans for corrupted prgms Lets you delete,(unArchive),(unLock) prgms And shows system Information KAT PRODUCTIONS: |  | | 18k | 05-03-14 |  | BdK RPG Just a simple RPG, featuring 8 enemies, 5 quests and some minigames |  | | 4k | 12-03-11 |  | Binary Clock V1.0 Binary Clock is a simple application for TI-84+ calculators that displays your calculators set time in a binary fashion. Unlike existing binary clocks for the TI-84+, this one uses the "powers of two" system instead of the "true binary" system. This is the same display scheme that most binary clock on the market use, as it is easier and faster to read than the "true binary" system. It will NOT run on a TI-83+, as it needs the getTime function, and the TI-83+ lacks the ability to keep time. For more information, read the Readme.txt file. |  | | 91k | 05-03-02 |  | Black Eagle Shell 3.1 SE with Pheonix Phire XP Black Eagle Shell is now paired with Pheonix Phire XP in one Application. Pheonix Phire XP is a utility and program manager. Read the readme(s) for more information. Black Eagle Shell Security Edition includes Password Support. Also, it includes: a new default GUI, 3 other GUIs, a new Black Eagle GUI, and documentation on how to make your own GUIs, as well as the ability to show the amount of ROM free. Black Eagle Shell allows you to Archive, Unarchive, Lock, Unlock, Run, or Delete programs on your calculator. Black Eagle Shell can Hibernate, Turn off your calc, Compile ASM programs, it has a screen saver, Info screen, it can run external GUIs in RAM or ROM, show the amount of free RAM and ROM, Enable/Disable Lowercase, Toggle the run indicator, and inverse text. It features awesome graphics and Graphical User Interfaces. Black Eagle Shell is one of the, if not the, best BASIC shell so far. It is up to you to decide. What makes it so much better is that it has the ability to tell you wether the programs are archived or locked and has so many useful features. Most BASIC shells don't have this. I am confident that it will give any other BASIC shell a run for its money. Check out the screen shots. (It cannot run Ion programs or Mirage OS programs. Read the readme for more info.) |  | | 87k | 05-01-01 |  | Black Eagle Shell v3.0 Security Edition Security Edition includes all new Password Support. Also, it includes: a new default GUI, 3 other GUIs, a new Black Eagle GUI, and documentation on how to make your own GUIs, as well as the ability to show the amount of ROM free. Black Eagle Shell allows you to Archive, Unarchive, Lock, Unlock, Run, or Delete programs on your calculator. Black Eagle Shell can Hibernate, Turn off your calc, Compile ASM programs, it has a screen saver, Info screen, it can run external GUIs in RAM or ROM, show the amount of free RAM and ROM, Enable/Disable Lowercase, Toggle the run indicator, and inverse text. It features awesome graphics and Graphical User Interfaces. Black Eagle Shell is one of the, if not the, best BASIC shell so far. It is up to you to decide. What makes it so much better is that it has the ability to tell you wether the programs are archived or locked and has so many useful features. Most BASIC shells don't have this. I am confident that it will give any other BASIC shell a run for its money. Check out the screen shots. (It cannot run Ion programs or Mirage OS programs. Read the readme for more info.) |  | | 12k | 05-06-01 |  | Black OS This Application is basically the same exact thing as BE Shell v3.1 SE-XP with Pat Stone's Black Eagle Shell Except I just renamed the app and changed the menu headers. NOTE:YOU WILL NEED List BES and BES1 in ram to run it as well as Str1-9 depending on the string created by BES And PPXP. It is unessecary to make these strings/lists as BES will create them. Questions? Send to SPS inc as in the contact about part of Phoenix Phire XP. ENJOY. |  | | 490k | 11-02-01 |  | CelNav A collection of useful utilities for learning celestial navigation. Includes perpetual almanac for sun, moon, navigational stars, and planets. Functions include: - Sunrise/set data for any date and location - Direct calculation of fix - Sumner method - Sight planning aid - Sextant sight averaging algorithm - Latitude by Polaris - Refraction and dip correction |  | | 4k | 09-10-25 |  | CHAT (SIMPLE) PT->Este chat simples para ti 83plus/84 usa o cabo de ligação (usb/cabo antigo) para enviar e receber mensagens. quando pede pelo ID 1/2 deve escolher 1 numa calc e 2 noutra calc.O mesmo id nao pode ser nas duas calculadoras. ENG->This is a simple chat for TI83 plus/84. you need a link cable. when it asks for ID 1/2 you should give a diferent id in each calc the id can be 1 or 2. !!English and Portuguese version!! |  | | 25k | 06-07-07 |  | ChemGod v1.1 This is a program that will solve all of your high school Chemistry problems. It can display the important laws and solve equations (for any variable) on: Naming rules, Polyatomic ions, Gas Laws, Heat and Enthalpy, and much more. |  | | 12k | 05-03-02 |  | ChrisseneZ Gamepack 1 This is a collection of my greatest games. Includes Battleship, Drag Racer, The Gussing Game, High Low, and Texas Hold'em |  | | 4k | 08-03-25 |  | Classical Ciphers This app has a bunch of classical ciphers in it. i dont know what the use of this app is, but it encrypts and decrypts information quickly |  | | 1k | 09-10-17 |  | CLEAN MY CALC This simple program cleans up all variables (A,B,C...),strings (Str1,Str2...) and clears the drawn Este programa simples limpa as variaveis (A,B,C..) e todas as "cadeias" (Cad1,Cad2,Cad3...) e limpa tambem o grafico |  | | 37k | 10-03-22 |  | COOLIROS OS A mini operating system built with ti-basic and converted to app format with basic builder. includes games, screensaver and password protect |  | | 37k | 10-03-22 |  | COOLIROS OS full version full version in app format. includes a lot of screensavers and games |  | | 247k | 22-01-21 |  | CRYPTOR CRYPTOR is the new password manager for your handheld. Save your passwords on your calculator when you don't have access to your computer. Your passwords for login credentials for websites and other services are encrypted, so it is harder for other users (Noobs) to find out what they are. This is the first type of program that actually encrypts passwords. Be sure to read the ReadMe.pdf in ./CRYPTOR! |  | | 2k | 07-11-08 |  | Days between Dates dbd2() is a Days between Dates program that beats the calculator at its own game! Whereas the calculator can only find the number of days between dates ranging from 1950 to 2049, this program can find the number between ANY DATE (-inf to +inf). It still uses the Gregorian Calendar, and its still just as fast! |  | | 8k | 08-12-14 |  | Element Study Element Study is a program that gives you a test over All of the element's symbols in the Periodic Table. It has 9 Levels (each level is the a period on the Periodic Table except for levels 8-9 which are the elements at the very bottom 2 rows).This program indicates if you are correct or wrong. If you are wrong it will display the correct answer, and at the end of each level it gives you your score and your total score of the test.Enjoy!(Please also read the Readme) (Fixed error) |  | | 1k | 09-10-25 |  | Fake Calc Fake calc gives wrong reults to any calculation ex: 5+2=40 |  | | 14k | 04-09-03 |  | Ferrari Racer 3 - Lerum Edition This is the third game in the Ferrari Racer series, and it is the first one that is actually fun to play.Has six levels + two secret ones. Also, If you live in Lerum, in Sweden, you might find the tracks quite amuzing, since their names are spoofs of well know places in Lerum. :) |  | | 20k | 04-12-21 |  | FracCalc 1.0 FracCalc is a program that allows you to input expressions using fractions and will return the answer in both fraction and decimal form. This program has been created and tested on a TI-84+ SE only, if you have a different calculator and this program works (or if it doesnt!) please send me an e-mail. |  | | 35k | 04-12-14 |  | FuOS This version works. Includes fully functional OS with a nice GUI. Also included is a math program to help those in Algebra 2. |  | | 9k | 05-03-14 |  | Gamepack Contains all my games except BdK RPG. Games are: Dice, Doom24K, Golf, Reaction and TreasureHunt |  | | 22k | 04-07-24 |  | 124 Geometry Formulas This is a math application that consists of 124 built-in geometry formulas to make calculating area, perimeter, volume, surface area, angles, sine, cosine, tangent, distance, slope, midpoint, and more, faster and easier than ever! This program can turn a 2-minute problem into a 5-second problem. For example, one of the formulas allows you to find the volume of a sphere just by stating the length of the radius. One you do that, it automatically calculates it for you, in less than a second! Another function lets you input the measure of an angle, and it will instantly state its sine, cosine, tangent, complement, supplement, and opposite! Also, unlike most geometry programs, this allows you to use multiple formulas to get the same answer. Download this program, and see just how quick and easy geometry can be! |  | | 2k | 04-12-06 |  | GraphX GraphX is an Inverse Function Graphing utility for the TI-83+ series. This program allows you to graph for X=, the inverse of standard Y= functions. The equation in the screenshots below are X=Y^2, X=Sin(Y), X=tan(Y), and both Y=sin(X) and X=Sin(Y). |  | | 3k | 07-11-08 |  | Identify: Identity Protection Identify is a program for ensuring the safety of your calculator. If you lost your calc, someone should be able to run this program and find out how to contact you in order to return it to you. To change the information displayed on this program, press [APPS] while the program is running. |  | | 3k | 08-01-31 |  | Instant Messanger v1 This is an Instant Messanger for the ti-84 plus. I intend for this to be the easiest to use IM for ti-calcs ever. Features include usernames, a time display, seperate screens to display messages sent and received, and automatic message receive. Enjoy, but please don't use in class! :) |  | | 4k | 07-12-15 |  | Kinematics Pack For all you struggling Physics students, we have a solution! Kinematics Pack will soon become your best friend, when you learn that kinematics solutions are only a couple clicks away. This includes eight different kinematics setups, each with multiple solutions to any and every part of the problem. |  | | 3k | 08-05-27 |  | line this will turn your graph screen into lines (read the readme) |  | | 122k | 07-05-16 |  | Linux Top Hat Linux top hat, the worlds first open source Linux for the Ti-83+, also customizable so, you choose what programs go in! And since it's Open source, you can make your own version, and send it to Me, and if enough people help, this could be the ultimate program!, also contains user name and password encryption, a clock for 84+ users, supports up to 3 users, and contains TEXT MODE, for those of you low on ram! Plus the text editor (optional) and allows you to run ion games with the plasma plug in! |  | | 58k | 04-06-15 |  | Math Application Math (APP). This is about 40 KB of programs compressed into a 16KB application. |  | | 5k | 07-08-21 |  | Mathbook - App This is actually an application made with Basicbuilder as a result of my paranoia. In anycase it has area formulas, surface area formulas, line formulas, volume formulas, random things I found pertaining to geometry, a normal interface and a collection of Misc. things I made in my spare time. This a program chiefly for basic Geometry as that was what I made it for. ~ Godentine (Which is me) |  | | 10k | 07-09-08 |  | MathPack v2.0 This program has a lot to offer. It can do a lot of things. It can find acceleration, sine for the angle of your choice, cosine for the angle of your choice, tangent for the angle of your choice, and evaluate the quadratic formula by graphing, showing the table, adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing the roots, finding the roots themselves, find the discriminant, find the # and type of roots, and find the vertex. In this updated version, it also allows the user to input the equation in one of three forms: standard, vertex, or factored mode; it also finds the focus and directrix of the parabola. It can find a recursive sum, find the sum of a series (infinite or finite geometric and finite arithmetic), tell you the units of a particular measurement (like force), find sides of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem (special as well as general), find the factorial of a # (without the factorial function), find the greatest number of intersections a certain # of lines can have, solve radical equations, solve logarithmic equations, find a side of a regular hexagon given the area, find the area of a hexagon given its side, compute a # to a fractional exponent, perform synthetic division, and calculate an apothem. It can also calculate your BMI, find horizontal and vertical asymptotes, compute mechanical advantage, and inform the user upon the matter of levers. In this updated version, the quadratic solver is more user-friendly. User-friendly and simplicity- truly math reloaded. So get it today!! |  | | 35k | 03-12-22 |  | MPack Collection of four basic games by Maarten Derickx. The app contains Worms0,MDRacer,MDRacer2 and MazeRace and has assembly enhancements on some parts of the games. |  | | 6k | 20-10-15 |  | Oxiti-Pak 1 This App comes with 4 Programs: Sonic TI-Blast V1.2.3, BMIcalc, A picture viewer, and a short e-book. |  | | 3k | 21-02-10 |  | OXIPAK2 OXIPAK 2 is the second installation in the OXIPAK collection of software. It includes various programs that have been scattered between file archive sites, as well as a VERY early Pre-Alpha version of Jungalia. |  | | 15k | 05-06-02 |  | Phoenix Xp OS Phoenix Phire Xp is a cool little program utility. IT can display Info about the calculator, Turn run indic on and off, enable and disable lowercase, and turn inversed text on and off. It can run basic programs, and lastly it can display info about the author. |  | | 13k | 07-10-11 |  | TI-PhoneBook v3.0 This is one sweet phone book! You can add, delete, and even search through your contacts. |  | | 30k | 09-06-06 |  | Pixel Tester V1(H&V)(App Version) This is a simple to use program that tells you the pixels in a horizontal or vertical line of pixels on a picture which is generally helpful if you quickly need to find pixel coordinates when programing. This is also the app version (accessible through APPs section) which means no archiving has to be done in order to use. Read the Readme for more information, future updates, and examples. Also, see the pictures below to see an example of the horizontal feature. |  | | 34k | 06-12-24 |  | Pong Pack A flash app of pong! This is a shell-less app for the TI 83 plus that has multiple types of Pong games that run fast and with great graphics. I will add more variations on the game and a high score system in the days to come. |  | | 9k | 05-05-01 |  | Program This is a simple program that is like a very bad OS. It is mostly menus but does lead to programs. |  | | 50k | 07-06-09 |  | Pug Art: App Ed. The App version of Pug Art (83+/84+ BASIC graphics programs) |  | | 6k | 07-03-06 |  | Q OS v2.0.83 This is a version of Q OS for the TI-83 based on Q OS v2.0.84. The difference is the absence of the clock, screensaver, and all timer-related functions (auto-quit and auto-return to main screen). Owners of TI-84+ s are recomended to use Q OS v2.0.84. |  | | 6k | 07-03-06 |  | Q OS v2.0.84 Q OS is a graphical shell for TI-84+/SE. It includes several features such as animation (optional), a screensaver (optional),a splash screen (optional), as well as a built in clock, free memory display, battery life indicator, inverse screen (optional), and "Melt", as well as turning off automatically after fie minutes so that the calculator can power down automatically from the home screen. I has a file menu, and can archive/unarchive, lock/unlock, and delete files.It was written in BASIC and converted using Basicbuilder (hence the large size, I had to add unused stuff in just to make it meet the size requirement). I used several ASM subroutines written by others. As far as I know, this is OK, however, if you are the author of one of them (ZBASIC, PTOOLS, MELT, VARASM, ONBLOCK(Ithink I forgot to document that one)), then contact me and I will remove it, or acknowledge you in some way by your request (aside from the listing of ASM progs used on the about screen.). If it is too slow for you, disable animation and splash screen. If you find a bug, contact me and I will try to fix it. |  | | 5k | 09-10-26 |  | READ NUMBERS/LE NUMEROS This program reads any number 0-9999 Este programa le qualquer numero entre 0-9999 !!!English AND Portuguese Version!!! |  | | 16k | 08-02-04 |  | School Guide 1.0 School Guide 1.0 is what I hope to be a very useful application for anyone in school. This version includes a gradebook, assignment book, notebook, and a report card function. The included subjects are the six basic courses: English, Foreign Language, History, Math, Religion, and Science. Automatic install opens all necessary strings, lists, and pic slots, and saves (archives) all data at program exit. Here is a quick rundown of the features: Gradebook Function- Store grades (percent) for each subject, and view later to view percentage along with letter grade, or change grade by .1%, up or down. Assignment book- write homework and view later along with a "done?" option to insert "DONE!" for the previous assignment. All homework can be viewed quickly with the assignments function. Notebook- Write notes, view notes, add notes, erase notes, etc. Report Card- Once grades have been inserted, this displays all % grades, pass or fail, and GPA for regular courses or Honors courses. Report Cards can be saved as pics in four different slots, one for each quarter. Well, now that you know how it woks, try it out! |  | | 6k | 07-10-11 |  | Steinz Analog Clock 2 Steinz Clock is an Analog-style clock that uses the calculator clock to display the real time. It includes an innovative "Around the Clock" blinking seconds display. This version is now in Application form! |  | | 41k | 07-04-14 |  | Sudoku v 1.2 Sudoku, the most popular puzzle game on your calc. Features 50 levels, two difficulties, and make-your-own level. Runs extremely smoothly. Update: Cursor Wrapping added, bugs fixed. |  | | 3k | 11-03-01 |  | Super App This app (called Super App) contains two things, Games and Formulas. It contains 3 games. Blackjack, Number Guessing Game, and Anti-Snake. It also contains 4 formulas, Quadratic, Distance, Midpoint, and Slope. Enjoy! |  | | 25k | 08-04-14 |  | SYMBOLS 3.3 This program contains any symbol for the TI calc you could ask for! A comprehensive grid gives you quick and easy access to different categories of characters. Once you find the desired symbol from the grid, select it, and recall Ans or Str1. |  | | 3k | 07-12-15 |  | Text to String This program searches every line of the graph for text, and stores any text it finds into a string. |  | | 60k | 05-03-25 |  | Theta-5 App v1 A BasicBuilder Application. A shell with cool features. Screenshots included in .zip file |  | | 24k | 05-04-18 |  | The Ultimate Math Tool v.1 This is the ultimate math program. Trig Solver - Solve for diff. angles and sides, just enter the given and it solves for the rest! FOIL/Factor - SHOWS WORK!! Factor or Foil almost anything, plus there are many more options including a new graphing and discriminant mode. Polynomial Multiply - multiply any polynomials to any degree. Statistics - Enter values and it spits out everything you need to know, I mean everything; min, max, mean, median, Standarn deviation, upper quartile, lower quartile, interquartile range, outlier vaules, and all outliers. Cramer's Rule - SHOWS WORK!! You know what it does. SqRt Simplify - Simplify any root! Probability - Notes on probability. Fraction Reducer - Reduces large fractions fast! Version 1 is the newest release so download fast. This is the perfect program for an honors algebra/trig class. Updates will occur often. |  | | 4k | 07-10-11 |  | TI-Schedule Beta 1.5 This program is the first release of TI-Schedule, an extensive program for creating and applying user-defined time schedules for realtime use. In other words, it tells you how many minutes you have until the next bell/alarm goes off. It can be used for school, the work place, and even personalized schedules for daily activities like taking medication. |  | | 17k | 08-08-24 |  | TI-School Planner 2.1 TI-School Planner 2.1 is what I hope to be a very useful application for anyone in school. This version is an upgrade from my previous School Guide 1.0, and is primarily designed to organize school subjects, assignments, grades, and notes. It includes a gradebook, assignment book, notebook, and a report card function; along with my newest function, a HOMEWORK LINK, which allows you to send homework back and forth via I/O or USB port between other calculators! The included subjects are the six basic courses: English, Foreign Language, History, Math, Religion, and Science. Automatic install opens all necessary strings, lists, and pic slots, and saves (archives) all data at program exit. Here is a quick rundown of the features: Gradebook Function- Store grades (percent) for each subject, and view later for percentages along with letter grades. Assignment book- write homework and view later. All homework can be viewed quickly with the assignments function. Notebook- Write notes, view notes, add notes, erase notes, etc. Report Card- Once grades have been inserted, this displays all % grades, pass or fail, and GPA for regular or Honors courses. Report Cards can be saved as pics in four different slots, one for each quarter. Have a great year! |  | | 154k | 08-06-12 |  | TrigPrgm by Kyle An app with a whole bunch of programs that I made myself. A series solver, a quadratic formula that will display simplified radicals, an ambiguous case solver, a binomial expander, Linear Variation, 3x3 system solver, and a distance from a point to a line finder. This is only version 1 so look for updates and feel free to email me with suggestions for updates. |  | | 181k | 04-09-13 |  | Waves MX v3.1 Waves MX is Flash Application that was designed as a portable entertainment system. This program has many advanced capabilities, such as playing specially-formatted .WAV (sound) files, complete managing of data and programs, a built-in game shell for running and managing programs, an easy-to-use powerful Graphics Studio, and much more. The graphical user interface is well integrated and very easy to use; Check it out for yourself! This is the finalized version of Waves MX, and the software to convert your own .wav files to calculator programs is included. New to v3.1 is the all new Waves APM, which replaces the 2 older program managers in place as a much more powerful and easy to use program. |  | | 12k | 05-06-17 |  | Xodus XP This App Xodus XP is just an application compiled by basicbuilder and if you know and like the Xodus XP programs you will like this, and from what i know of it is pretty well bug free. any discovered bugs that never fix after rerunning it. Contact me at |  | | 2k | 09-10-17 |  | FAKE XP INSTALL THIS IS NOT WINDOWS XP FOR YOU CALC!! This program will show a fake Windows XP install .Format .Copy Files .Boot Xp The TEXT is in Portuguese. |