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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
aagame2.zip3k04-06-17File is not ratedaagame 2
this is the second edition of aagame. it is more of a game than a story though. use the graph keys to attach and such. go through each level at least once and finally fight the boss please email me with comments of if any thing is wrong with the game
aagame.zip2k04-04-09File is not ratedAAGAME
this is a funny game. u are edgar and u go on an adventure to a castle. AAGAME 2 is coming soon
aarpg0.4.zip1k04-02-09File is not ratedInsane RPG
very basic rpg in early stages fast paced battleing with updates coming soon!
abdome.zip18k04-07-03File rated 2.30AB-Dome (Battle Dome) V. 0.798
This game incorporates a cool battle interface with a text type adventure. With over 15 chars to battle, Your own pet that you can create, name, train, raise, and battle with, This game is guaranteed to be a hit. Also, buy upgrades and train your pet through several mini-games. Since this is version 0.798 and not 1 or 2 it is considered to be a demo. Also, THERE ARE 3 SAVE SLOTS. This allows for you, your brother, and your grandma to all have your own save slots. Please visit the above link to visit our site. Email me or goto my board at groups.yahoo.com/groups/ticalcprogrammers/ to help with any of A-games current projects. PLEASE REVIEW
acepart1_2.zip7k04-10-20File is not rated008 Operation KFC Part 1 v2.0
Upgrade for Ace1: Operation KFC A spy is sent to spy on In and Out Burger, but he is lost. Guide him past enemies adn traps to his goal. Fail and die a sad painful death. More animation, more graphics. Not to mention a longer game.
acepart1.zip8k04-10-07File is not ratedACE1: Operation KFC
Finally it's finished! Operation KFC, an adventure game, is a story of a spy sent to spy on In and Out Burger. Help him make the right choices or get killed by enemy soldiers and traps. Part 1 of the game. Part 2 coming soon!!!
adventure.zip7k03-06-02File is not ratedAdventure
This is a fairly simple RPG type game. It's all in text, but not menu based...you'll see. You just go around fighting monsters doing small quests etc. It's moderately long depending on how much you play it, and I'm working on ideas for the next version(s), so be looking out.
adventur.zip1k11-02-24File is not ratedZombies v1
first game
advquest.zip33k05-08-13File is not ratedAdventure Quest V 1.2.7
All right here it is .... Adventure Quest V1.2 (nothing related to the battleon.com Adventure Quest. This is an RPG style basic game. contains different player levels, different enemies, quests,bounties,pets,pet mini-games, "link cable battle" compatable in about a week. Untill then if you download please tell me your thoughts,oppinions,Bug-related comments and anything else exept spam. BTW: Before playing for the first time please run the Setup Calc option. Cheers, Cya round, Jazz
aegis.zip5k04-04-09File is not ratedAegis Arboes
A fully functional RPG with saving, loading, and multiplayer.
al2.zip1k02-09-07File is not ratedAl's Treetop Tavern 2
My first use of the "Menu" function. A new version of my first game
al3.zip1k02-09-07File is not ratedAl's Treetop Tavern 3
Same game, but with multiple menus and multiple outcomes.
alotr.zip2k04-03-08File is not ratedALOTR: Part 1
This is part of my new launch of many games about lord of the rings. Coming soon 2d graphics with asm for the rest of fellowship of the ring.
al.zip1k02-09-07File is not ratedAl's Treetop Tavern
My first game. An RPG which discourages underage drinking.
aodold.zip21k03-10-05File is not ratedAge Of Darkness
First game I ever created. MUD like system (ALL TEXT) with map and blinking cursor locator.
aprt409.zip3k01-05-31File is not ratedApartment 409
Apartment 409 is probably one of the best text adventures ever made for the calculator. It has quirky fun, many items to use and find, mutliple hints, keys, and other items to find to progress into the game. Good Luck!
archmage.zip1k00-11-07File is not ratedMage Arena
Z SYSTEMS program#1 ///Fight in the Mage Arena to become the Archmage of Power. No animation, but it's acheived a high rating in our sources.
arenav2.0.zip4k03-03-09File is not ratedArena V.2.0
Arena is a game where you must fight to gain cash and experience points.There are over 20 different items and neverending game play. Included is a save and load feature which allows you to save your progress. VERY FUN! PLEEZE DOWNLOAD :-)
arena.zip1k02-02-16File is not ratedThe Arena: Deathmatch
This is a hardcore RPG for the calc. Not much in the way of graphics but very fun anyways. This is one of my first games so don't hesitate to contact me if it has any bugs. I gaurauntee that you will enjoy this game.
arms.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedArms Dealer v1.3
New mission. I will try to get more creative in Arms Dealer v1.4.
assasinx.zip1k03-11-22File is not ratedAssasin X
Assasin/Spy game --First of Three (so far)-- MirageOS execution capable
assault3.zip15k05-12-11File is not ratedAssault 3
A text adventure where you are the Americans and you have to defeat the Germans in a battle for the world. You have to build up an army and research the upgrades and defeat them. The program includes a savegame and loadgame feature that looks like a real computer. The size is about 18099 bytes. Awesome game!
athief.zip4k02-08-09File is not ratedAThief
AThief is a game similar to Dope Wars and Beer Hunter. The object is to steal as much money as possible in 31 days from the mini mart, the local pimp, the bank, the federal reserve, the white house, and Bill Gates.
atreyu.zip10k03-08-24File is not ratedTower of Atreyu v2.0 [Final]
A long, adventurous RPG for the TI-83 Plus. It's pretty cool. Fight with text monsters.
attempt.zip19k08-09-17File is not ratedATTEMPT - RPG
ATTEMPT Is An RPG For The TI-83/84 Plus Calculators. You Can Highest Level You Can Reach Is 10. This Game Has An Auto Save Feature. There Are Four Classes And Four Races To Choose From. Each Class And Race Does Different Things. There Is A Total Of Three Quests, And Free play Is Available After Quests Are Completed. There is Also Three Different Types Of Monsters To Battle, And They Get Harder As You Level Up. For More Information And Instructions, View the README included.
ax2.zip3k03-12-01File is not ratedAssassin X 2
The second of my assassin games. Many new features including a scoring system! Check for AX3 soon!
ax3.zip4k03-12-01File is not ratedAssassin X 3
3rd Assassin X game. Try 1&2 before 3
baker.zip9k02-09-09File is not ratedLegends of Doug: The Year of Baker
In this fun RPG style game you must find and defeat the evil Doug.
bandquest.zip4k03-05-24File is not ratedNick Goulden's Band Quest Ultimate
Based on the game by Nick Goulden, work to become the best musician in the world. Features four vehicles, six instruments, and sixteen audiences in four locations.
bandt.zip2k01-06-12File is not ratedBand Quest: T.V.
An update from the previous version. I added a save feature and an options menu. have fun!!!
band.zip5k02-04-22File is not ratedBand Quest
A fun game in which the object is to become the best saxophonist in the world!
bankrob123.zip1k04-01-02File is not ratedBank Robber
A texted based game, were you run around and rob banks. Lot at the readme for more info.
bankrob.zip3k02-07-03File is not ratedBankrobber
You are a bankrobber. You rob banks to stay alive.
barnyardquest2.zip2k01-12-16File is not ratedBarn Yard Quest 2
Same as the ti-83 version.
basicoregon.zip2k03-03-10File is not ratedOregon Trail
This is a lite version of the original PC game Oregon Trail. It lacks the graphics and some of the features, but it is relatively the same if you like RPG games. Please use, study, and modify this program for your own needs. See the README for more information.
bb.zip1k01-04-04File is not ratedBond Attack:The sequel...
Bond is out for revenge, you must help him destroy the Terrorists
bearhunt.zip1k03-01-30File is not ratedBearhunt
This is a very fun bearhunt text game in which you decide what you want to do and other things.
beat.zip3k05-03-29File is not ratedBeat Up
This is a text-based program where you go around beating people up. Choose from a list of people, or insert a name of your choice.
b.e.castlewood.zip14k07-12-06File is not ratedCastlewood
Castlewood, by Bovina Entertainment is a text-based adventure. You have been transported to two beautiful islands, each with their own puzzles and mysteries, trying to find the device to get you back home. Throughout your adventure, you will explore the island, the castle, a pyramid, an intricate cave system, and more. Many difficulties stand in your way in this incredibly detailed game, as you try to make it back home...
beowulffinal.zip9k04-04-01File is not ratedFinalBeoWulf 2.8 RPG
Beowulf RPG (r) is an RPG based on the epic poem Beowulf. You keep training until you eventually decide to face Grendel. During the game, there are much more fun stuff you can do that I do not want to spoil.
bigrig.zip1k01-08-05File is not ratedBig Rig
An old DOS game. Not too hard really, I just missed the DOS game, so i made it on my calculator.
bike.zip1k02-06-19File is not ratedBike
This is a bike game that i made. It is all menu based, but is still pretty fun. You can ride, manual, view your points/bails, save and load up to three files, and look at a dumb pic of a dumb bike. The pic is extremely stupid, it's just an added feature. I enjoy playing this game and hope you will to...
biofight.zip3k09-12-23File is not ratedBioFight
A BASIC RPG. My first game. Pleae email me what you think.
bob2.zip1k02-10-25File is not ratedBob
help this guy lose some weight
bondgame.zip2k03-03-06File is not ratedBond Game
A spy game that is really adictive!!!!!
bored.zip2k03-03-06File is not ratedBORED
A story of a boy/girl who is bored. Help them find stuff to do but don't get grounded. This game has multiple endings that can happen. Good for when you are bored in Math class.
bovine.zip3k03-05-22File is not ratedBovine Quest
This Game Is Sweet!!!!!! It's Hillarious!!!!!! You have to see it to Believe it!!!!!!
btmadv.zip16k06-12-24File is not ratedBilly the Monkey's Adventure
One day at the zoo, Billy the Monkey's keepers forgot to lock up his cage! Seeing the opportunity to leave the zoo and return to his home in the Congo, Billy the Monkey escapes and sets out on an adventure to get back to his home. MirageOS Compatable.
burger.zip1k02-04-30File is not ratedBurger Version 2.0
This is a nice german program called Burger. You are the owner of a burger bistro (is it called like this in english????). You have to sell burgers and to buy ingredients. When you are out of money you will have to take a credit from the bank. You can save the game and load it at any time. CHECK IT OUT!!!!!
businesstech.zip1k03-04-11File is not ratedTechno Mania Business Dude!
An interesting program in which you attempt to make as much money as possible (COOL) by buying and selling the latest technology! Includes a couple surpises...
busstop1.zip12k04-03-28File is not ratedThe Epic Bus Stop Adventure
This game is about my daily school life. If you can go through the day without getting hurt or in trouble you will win and get a surprise. The instructions are built into the game. Enjoy. Email me at: mslabs_services@earthlink.net
cabby.zip1k04-04-01File is not ratedCabby 1.30
Cabby 1.30 is (finally) out! No more "You got 10000 dollars!" without actually getting the prize. Also fixes a gas filling bug, as well as a bug that allowed you to drive zero miles for twenty dollars.
calculatortrader.zip7k04-04-27File is not ratedGraphing Calculator RPG
TIGC stands for Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator. In this RPG, you are a calculator trader whose father was a company CEO. Your father was killed by a crime ring boss. To avenge him, you must earn as much money as you can trading calculators, and then using the money to train up and defeat the boss. On the way, you will encounter banks to rob, polices to kill, deals to strike, and much more. Good luck.
candywars.zip3k02-10-24File is not ratedCandyWars
The Game Of Buying And Selling Candy
candywar.zip3k07-05-16File is not ratedCandy Wars
You can buy and sell different candies, take out loans, pay debts, lie to teachers, etc. Anyway, just download it and tell me what you think...
captainatomicdemo.zip2k04-01-30File is not ratedCaptain Atomic (demo)
This is a demo of my new game Captain Atomic, obviously. You move around with the arrow keys, hit 2nd to view stats and ALPHA to save (unless you're in battle). Unlike my previous games, this one actually has graphics worked into the main gameplay. Enjoy!
carsalesman.zip5k02-11-13File is not ratedCarsalesman v2.1
Carsalesman v2.1 is the update to Carsalesman. It now includes a save feature and is redesigned a little. The object of the game is to buy and sell cars to pay off your debt and earn as much cash as possible in 30 days. email me at program83p@yahoo.com with any bugs or questions.
casino.8xp1k03-03-08File is not ratedcasino
AAASTUDIOS- text based casino RPG. Only one casino game is available, but there are other things to do. Good for playing a few times and deleting. Small file size.
casketmanlite.zip6k04-06-15File is not ratedCasketman Lite
In Casketman, you take the role of an everyday college student as he goes through his dangerous day, going to school, his part time job, the mall,the airport, and a graveyard. You must help him get through his day without being killed. It is hard to beat the game.
castleadv.zip4k05-03-09File is not ratedCastle Adventure v1b
A good old-fashioned text adventure game.
cavequest.zip5k06-08-20File is not ratedQuest
A text-Based game that is filled with comedy and adventure. A must for all TI owners.
cglemonade.zip3k04-02-19File is not ratedLemonade Stand
This is a game in which you buy supplies to put in your lemonade and then sell it to make more money than you started out with. It is pretty much a clone of the popular online games:Lemonade Tycoon on shockwave, and Lemonade Stand on coolmath4kids. This is a really great and challenging game to pass the time. If you have any suggestions please e-mail me at the address in the readme file for this game. Another great production of C-Games!
cha0s.zip26k09-10-31File is not ratedCHA0S
CHA0S is a text based RPG in which you are a student at CU Boulder during an alien invasion of earth. It falls to you to choose whether to save humankind by infiltrating the aliens mothership, working with the army, or joining the underground resistance, or joining the aliens to enialate humanity. Complete with auto-saving and protected by the GNU general public license, CHA0S is a game that will have you glued to your calculator for hours to come. CHA0S is the first installment in the CHA0S series. It does not conclude the CHA0S storyline: there is much more to come. So, expect more games in the near future. Choose your destiny and plunge into the CHA0S that has engulfed our earth!
chapter1_v0.9.zip1k08-02-28File is not ratedChapter 1 V0.9
Chapter 1 is a simple text based sci fi game. You can battle enemies and buy upgrades or even play the lottery. JACKPOT! either way i'm looking for feedback so I can make a much improved version 1.
cheeseq.zip5k00-12-10File is not ratedCheese Quest
Menu-based RPG with a couple mini-games.
choadv1.zip8k03-12-28File is not ratedCho Adv I
A text-based RPG, part of a series of three in development. In the first part of the saga, you must save the world from corrupt lawyers and the evil Judge who seeks nothing but his own gain.
choice123.zip7k10-04-19File is not ratedChoice, Choice 2, and Choice 3
A choose-your-own-adventure game based off of the Ti-83+ game Choose. Over 30 mins of play (if your good, MORE if you are a slow reader)! NOW UPDATED!!! WORKS BETTER THEN EVER! If you liked it, please join our facebook group for updates on new games. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=101825463188649&ref=ts
choose12.zip7k10-03-29File is not ratedChoose and Choose 2
Choose is a choose-your-own-adventure game that contains outrageous deaths. Great to pass 10 minutes in class. Contains CHOOSE and the sequel CHOOSE2. Rated M for some harsh violence. Website: http://choosegame.wikispaces.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=101825463188649&ref=ts
chooseit.zip3k10-04-29File is not ratedChoose It
A game made by the makers of Choose. This game can be very funny and random at times, for it includes a magic flute and an epic puppy battle! Sorry for the bad grammar, but please DOWNLOAD! It will amuse you and your friends for weeks.
chspolad.zip2k03-12-07File is not ratedCHEESE POLAND!
this is my first real game...long text game with no purpose...but it's interesting and uses the forest scene from cheesequest. enjoy!! RUNESCAPE.COM RULES
cityquest.zip6k02-09-05File is not ratedCityquest
You have to get a BAC of 200. Then you can fight the strongest person in the game. Get all the Vehicles and Weapons.
cnt1.zip1k00-06-27File is not ratedCNT: Mission 1
The first mission of my new game CNT: Crisis Negotiation Team
cnt2.zip3k00-10-05File is not ratedCNT: Mission 2
CNT: Mission 2 has the new format of CNT. I'll do a complete makeover of CNT: Mission 1 to make it like Mission 2. cntreadme1.txt has the prologue to the first mission. Future missions will have more choices and more suprise.
coolzombiegame.zip2k13-05-22File is not ratedCool Zombie Game
A text-based RPG for the TI-83/TI-84 Family. Current version 1.6.1. Fight your way throuh a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. Collect apples to heal yourself and gold to spend on gun upgrades. Save up for the Nuke and obliterate the zombies! Once the Nuke is detonated, a special secret is unlocked in City 3... Simple to play and easy to master! More updates coming soon, please download, rate, and comment!!
cop2.zip1k03-05-25File is not ratedCop 2
Be a cop in this game which has evolved from countless previous versions of lesser quality. Catch criminals as simple as a shoplifter or as dangerous as a felon! Buy ammo for your weapon or heal yourself from a previous battle with evil! A save game feature has been implemented.
copquest.zip2k04-05-27File is not ratedCop Quest
This is a cool little game where you are a cop and you must defeat the Kingpin of the mobs with twist along the way. If you enjoy this game look for its sequel Mob Quest
cop.zip1k00-07-27File is not ratedCop
Catch criminals and eat donuts very fun!
cowquest.zip1k02-05-13File is not ratedCowquest
This is a game in which you must eat all of the world's cows by earning money by fighting people/things and searching their corpses for money. There are three different locations you can look for people/things to fight, a place to eat cow, and a trading post to upgrade your weapon and vehicle.
cowtipping83p.zip1k02-06-01File is not ratedCowtipping
You are an amatuer cow tipper and you want to become one of the best. You do this by using tools and getting tips from Farmer Jon.
criminal.zip4k04-03-17File is not ratedCriminal v2.1
A menu based game where you try to make as much money as you can. really fun and addicting. this is only the first version in the series.a few added features from the second version. you can now have a complete install or just install the data in the the empty slots or overwrite certial games.
csimiami.zip6k10-05-26File is not ratedCSI MIAMI
A text based CSI Miami adventure. Short but fun. Tests your field knowledge. Parts 1-4. Yeah I know it sucks but during the summer, i will practice ASM programming, and maybe have a FPS (First Person Shooter) shootout minigame.
curse.zip10k04-04-09File is not ratedCurse of Demons
A non-graphical game of certain doom that's sort of like an RPG. You must cast spells to keep all the demons liking you. If one doesn't like you enough you will die. You must also feed yourself or you will starve. It's not the greatest game, but may be interesting for some.
cw.zip6k02-07-15File is not ratedCandy Wars
A new version of DW, but with candy. More teacher friendly, and more fun!
darkfuturebeta.zip2k05-03-13File is not ratedDark-Future Beta
A text based game from an online text based game. I want to make it in asm so it would alot better but i dont know how to program in asm. If any one can help me email me jeremifrantz@msn.com thx
darkland.zip8k00-04-21File is not ratedDarkland v2.0
datesim.zip5k05-07-10File is not ratedDateSim v.1.0
You, like the author of this game, are a nerd. Unfortunately, you've fallen in love with Helen and decide to take her to the prom. However, it seems like a long shot, something that would never happen. But hey, we all have rotten love lifes right? So try to make your artificial love life the best it can be, in my latest text-RPG, DateSim v.1.0. It's not just any ordinary BASIC program. I consider this to be one of my best BASIC works. Give it a try, give romance a try, and give DateSim v.1.0 a try, one of the better-written BASIC games.
date.zip1k04-05-08File is not ratedDate
Standard text-based RPG game. You go around meeting girls and stuff. *WARNING* Contains MATURE content
dbs2.zip1k11-03-29File is not ratedDBS2
DBS2 is the aptly-named sequel to DBS. I've made several changes, including, but not limited to: 2 weapons (shotgun + crossbow), menu-driven interface, dynamic health, a mining minigame where you could earn money or special upgrades, and a vastly improved training system with two different options, plus other things. And another program that ports your DBS file over to DBS2.
dbs.zip1k11-03-06File is not ratedDBS 1.5
This is a heavily updated version of the old DBS. The combat code now factors both skill and upgrade status into your damage factor, enemies drop loot based on their health, and upgrades now cost 25pi. Other changes: Saves your data "Finisher" system allows you to keep fighting after you die, then respawn with the initial stats Added tons of cheats, accessible by typing cos(-3) Mirage OS compatible
deadline83p.zip1k02-06-01File is not ratedDeadline 83+
You are upset the mafia, you have to do a job for them or else! Ported from the TI-82 game by me!
decidepart1.zip5k12-09-14File is not ratedDecide Part 1
It's pretty BASIC. All you have to do is choose a menu option and when there is text or a picture, press enter. Based off of the game Choose by Tristan Sirrico/xXEpicxXXxFailXx. Look it up too. I hope you enjoy....
desertisland.zip3k21-03-03File is not ratedDesert Island
You are shipwrecked onto a desert island. Collect items, find treasure, and escape the man-eating natives inhabiting the island, to eventually return home. This is a Text/Menu-based RPG. Enjoy this fun game for Ti-83/84 Plus. I have only tested this on ti-84 plus. Commands are simple. If there is a menu, then select your choice. If there is a pause, press enter. ***NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SLOW PROGRAM. IF IT ISN'T DOING ANYTHING, THEN IT IS BECAUSE OF A PAUSE, NOT BECAUSE OF IT THINKING. PRESS ENTER TO GET OUT OF THE PAUSE.***
destiny.zip4k10-11-15File is not ratedA Game of Destiny
In this game, you do nothing but what you were meant to do. Fulfill your Destiny. --- Text/Menu based adventure game, written by Trent Wingfield.
diablo.zip1k00-09-22File is not ratedDiablo83X
This game is a lot like the computer game. This is the demo version. 5 dungeons, Market, and Townsquare. Saving capabilities.
dodcalc.zip13k04-12-13File is not ratedDungeons of Doom
Dungeons of Doom is a text-based adventure game. The object is to find a key and exit door of a 99 room, monster-infested dungeon that is randomly created each time you play. Features a save/load feature for coming back to your game. *NEW*-Now includes a "lite" version of the game that creates a smaller dungeon and uses less memory. Created by: Team 77 Software (Team77.Ipfox.com)
doomsday.8xp1k03-03-15File is not ratedDoms Day
Its my first game so it has soe bugs in it but if you like comedyyoull love this game check it out!
dragonquest.zip6k04-05-09File is not ratedDragon Quest
My first game every. It is not completely done yet but i like what i have so far. Try it out.
dragons.zip1k04-03-17File is not ratedDragonQuest
A text based RPG except now when you fight even if you and your oppenent go below zero whoever has more health will win.
drckstr.8xp4k02-08-02File is not ratedDorkestra Rockstar
One of my first games. so its not that great. its a text based game. its mostly for bored math kids.
d_theta_d2expansionpackti.zip11k09-08-26File is not ratedD_theta_D2 Expansion Pack (TI-83+ Version)
Expansion Pack for D_theta_D2 (You do not need the original game to run this, it comes with an updated/bug fixed version of the original game along with the expansion.)
d_theta_d2ti83plus.zip10k09-05-30File is not ratedD_theta_D2(TI83Plus)
Text-Based RPG for the TI-83 and up. Massive sequel to D_theta_D. Auto-saves/loads all game files. Includes a town, a marketplace, detailed character status pages, character customization, stats, weapons, armor, items, exp, gold, levels, ranks, skills, status effects, an in-depth battle system, quests, multiple areas to explore and more.
d_theta_d3.zip12k09-12-10File is not ratedD_theta_D3
The third and final epic installment in the D_theta_D trilogy. Massive text-based RPG worth countless hours of play time. Has all features of the other games plus much, much more! There is no need to play the previous games prior to this one as they are unrelated. If you only wish to play one, this is that game.
d_theta_d.zip5k09-03-11File is not ratedD_theta_D
Text-Based RPG for the TI-83 and up. Auto-saves/loads all game files. Includes a town, a shop, in-depth character status pages, HP/MP, exp, gold, levels, ranks, skills, status effects, multiple areas to explore and more.
ducttape.zip1k01-04-18File is not ratedDuct Tape
A game where you kill duct tape for money and buy more health and weapons. CONTAINS A SAVE FEATURE, A PICTURE, AND A CHEAT CODE. RIGHT BEFORE THE PIC POPS UP PRESS THE RIGHT ARROW FOR 50 BUCKS!!!!!
duelistv1.0.zip1k04-05-08File is not ratedDuelist v1.0
This is a text game where you battle random opponents and develop your fighter. Major revisions are in the works to fix formulas and saving data.
duke3d.zip7k04-09-08File rated 2.54Duke Nukem 3D
This is an updated version to version 1.5!! this fixes a bug where the pig cops and octabrains cannot be killed! Please download this update and read about the upcoming Duke Nukem 83+ in ASM with GRAPHICS!
dungeons.zip3k11-05-24File is not ratedJoe's Dungeons
Joe's "Dungeons" is an rpg-like game in which you fight your way through an endless series of randomly generated dungeons. This is my first upload, so feedback would be appreciated.
dzmath.zip2k00-12-26File is not ratedMath
My first math program
earth.zip3k05-04-18File is not ratedTI-Earth v. 1.1 unbugged
This version is completely unbugged. Run it from MirageOS, please. TI-Earth is based on the original turn-based empire game by Swirve called Earth 2025. In TI-Earth, you also build an empire. Although I cannot generate thousands of other empires also fighting for dominance, with a link cable, a friend, and a two TI-83+'s, you can have a live battle (live battle feature is tested without a link cable since I only have one calculator, so it might be unstable). You can also choose different scenario modes to play in which you try to reach different goals, such as to get as much food as you can. Although it is text-based, this is even better than some of my better games, such as the Beowulf RPG series and the Calculator Trader RPG. It is THE BASIC turn-based empire game, and no other program beats it in that. So have fun, and a single scenario should entertain you for at least three hours.
editerforunicratt.zip1k02-07-07File is not ratedEditer for UNICRATT
Lets you choose and create your own levels!
ednarbrichtaus.zip12k12-06-17File is not ratedEdnar bricht aus 1.4.1
Ein Spiel, in dem man einen Mann aus einem Gefängnis heraussteuern muss. Mehr dazu unten und in der Beschreibung. A game where you must drive a man out of a prison. More on this below in the description.
edsuper.zip2k99-12-24File is not ratedED Super Edition
A neat game where you have to fight things and get rats to stay alive!
elmosqst.zip3k04-04-09File is not ratedElmos quest
A very popular game i made and relesed in school. Your elmo and your objective is to kill grover . this one is pretty good but elmosquest2 will come out soon pleaz dont edit this program it took me 3 science classes to make it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
emerald.zip10k03-04-24File is not ratedEmerald Fire
A dragon is terrorizing the country. As a High Knight of the King, your job is to rid the kingdom of this threat. This Text-Based RPG is one of the best of it's kind. Many added features include new saving as a List, a smaller size, only 1 program, and many more. Many special features have been added, you even get something when you beat the Green Dragon itself. Have fun with it!
emoman.zip4k02-07-22File is not ratedEmoman
You want to become emo, you do this buying clothes, music, and getting tattoos.
emotrilogy.zip7k03-03-08File is not ratedThe Emoman Trilogy
This is the complete trilogy of all of the Emoman games. It includes Emoman, Ghettoman, and punkman. It also includes a special bonus!!!!
enquest1.zip6k08-11-29File is not ratedEnergy Quest 1.4
Energy Quest is a text-based RPG with 5 classes, 5 weapons for each class, 7 types of armor, 3 potions, and an inn! The object of the game is to defeat the dragon who is invading the kingdom.
eqlot.zip2k00-11-13File is not ratedEQ presents Lance of Time Part 1
This is another game by EQ. It is an exhilarating rpg. Your mission is to defeat enemys while traveling from town to town.
equest1.0.zip3k03-11-18File is not ratedEternal Quest V1.0
This is a very addicting game where you battle various monsters to increase your stats, and be strong enough to battle the boss, Lord Loki. Has a shop and a save/load function. VERY COOL FORMAT!!!
eqwrldcq.zip5k00-11-13File is not ratedWorld Conquest by EQ
This is another great game by eq. You are a warlord. Your mission is to take over other countries and capture the earth. This is another great challenge from EQ.
erth2025.zip3k05-10-16File is not ratedTI Earth: 2025 v2.0
This game is a text-based game that is based off of a game from swirve.com. The game is Earth: 2025. This is only the first version of the game so be on the look out for an update soon. This is one of my first games, so if there are any errors please e-mail me and I will try to solve them.
escape_59.zip53k10-05-28File is not ratedEscape the Mansion (2008)
This is one of the more advanced RPGs for the TI-83 Plus series. Read the text on the screen, and type directly what you'd like to do. For example, if you want to get the cup on the table, type GET CUP, then press ENTER. Try to escape the mansion, but don't get caught!
escapetxtba2.zip6k05-11-05File is not ratedEscapeTXTBA2
This is the sequel to ESCAPETXTBA.
escapetxtba.zip3k05-11-05File is not ratedEscapeTXTBA
this is the hilarious text-based adventure game in which you escape from jail. this is my first program, but all my friends loved it.
escape.zip7k04-04-09File is not ratedThe Great Escape
Your in prison you have 30 days to escape, or its to the chair. Start Riots, fight with prisoners, bribe guards, buy weaponry, and "make" your own money. PLEASE READ THE HELP FILE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT ALL THE ACTIONS DO!!!!
ethans_quest.zip9k03-04-24File is not ratedEthan's Quest 1.2
this is an update to ethan's quest 1.0 there is now new places new weapons and new vehicles
everqst.zip3k03-10-23File is not ratedEverquest
small update got rid of the password protection (sorry about that) email me vincent288@jun.com for more info
everythingornothing.zip1k04-02-09File is not ratedEverything or Nothing
Everything or Nothing is the calculator version of the new James Bond videogame coming out February 17, 2004. Download Now! Made by Carl Daru!
evrquest.8xg10k01-12-15File is not ratedEverQuest v.8
This is a working program that has 1 working zone but everything else works as far as I know. Email me at vincent288@juno.com with suggestions and improvements
excape2.zip3k02-05-27File is not ratedExcape2
This is a preview of a game I am working on. If you like it check the read me for my E-mail and I will send the finished product to you when I am done.
expedition.zip4k09-03-24File is not ratedThe Expedition
Here is a humorous text-based adventure. There isn't really any definite goal; only ways to win or lose. Try it!
explorereh.zip1k21-02-16File is not ratedExplorerEH V1.1
So, you've found Emerald Hill. What you do there is for you to decide. This is a simple text adventure game done in TI-BASIC. It is compatible with MirageOS and DoorsCS.
ez2beat.zip2k04-04-09File is not ratedThe easiest rpg to beat
Always have rpgs that you can't beat or grow tired of? Well this is the rpg for you with its simple programing, the game is very easy to beat, and you can now brag to your friends that you beat an rpg.
fable83.zip1k10-08-14File is not ratedFable 83
A simple text based RPG based on the X-Box 360 game Fable II.
fable.zip7k09-10-13File is not ratedFable: Game 2 of the Travel saga
Game 2 is a lot like Game one, except with more weapons, armor, magic, and a cliffhanger ending. It also includes three saved game slots.
fallout.zip2k02-02-10File is not ratedFallout
Fallout is a shorter RPG game where you are a member of the bomb squad, and you have been sent to shut down a nuclear reactor that has been set off. You have to go through 4 levels and collect the password to shut down the reactor. It's fun!!!
fantasymechs.zip3k01-05-31File is not ratedFantasy Mechs
Fantasy mechs is a game like mech warrior and mechcommander.
fastfoodmuchlunch.zip1k02-10-15File is not ratedMuch Lunch v. 1.0
Try to successfully work your way up to owning ten Much Lunch franchises! Much Lunch is a major competitor to McDonald's and Wendy's, etc., so you have to make sure that you can attract customers by modifying prices and hiring/firing employees and selling burgers.
fatcamp.zip3k02-04-12File is not ratedFat Camp
A fun and amusing game where you help a fat peron through a "fat camp". Make him lose weight through exercise, diets, and other methods.
fatmike2returnoftheflab.zip2k03-08-26File is not ratedFat Mike 2: Return of the Flab
Instructions are included. You, as Fat Mike, must fight to gather enough money, health and weapons as you can to defeat Mr. Mabey and his slimming machine. This is my best game yet, so give it to everyone!!!
f.e.a.rtibeta.zip2k09-10-19File is not ratedF.E.A.R Beta
This is F.E.A.R for ti 84+ it is worth a download this version does not include pictures but the next one will
fear.zip24k04-10-07File is not ratedFearomone DEMO
Unique adventure game DEMO
fighter.8xp1k03-03-07File is not ratedFighter FUN GAME
this is a text based fighting game against the computer. It is actually pretty hard. There is also a time limit
fighter.zip4k03-08-26File is not ratedCrowvania: Fighter
A roleplaying game for the TI-83+. Fairly stat-heavy and very challenging! Multiple endings!!
firelight.zip3k04-06-04File is not ratedFirelight
Firelight is Matt Dubois' first game. In it you have to save the world from the evil sorcerer. It is menu based. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Send feedback to the email address in the read-me.
fitev10.zip7k07-09-05File is not ratedFite v.1.0
The first release of my basic rpg game. This can be addicting, but there are no graphics, because they make gameplay very slow. Please download and tell me what you think.
flightoftime.zip11k04-06-21File is not ratedFlight of Time
Beware RPG lovers! (and other folks too) The game you have been waiting for (whether you knew it or not) has finally arrived... and it's in BASIC! 6 unique classes (2 hidden)and races, dozens of weapons of different types (features ammunition management), unique magical items, tons of enemies and much more in a complete world filled with sidequests and unique enemies. But beware your calc's wrath when you upload this Gigantic 22k file that's going to fill your RAM! Also be noticed that this game is non-graphical. Feedback is appreciated. Sorry for the long text, enjoy!
foodwars.zip2k05-03-02File is not ratedFood Wars
The object of food wars is to get through 30 days of food buying, selling, and stealing, in 6 different cities to try to get as much money as you can. But watch out, because there are store owners that don't want their food taken, and they will catch you and get you in deep trouble. Steal food sparingly, and try to keep up your profits by buying food at low prices and selling it at high prices.
foodwar.zip4k01-02-07File is not ratedFood Wars
A game of food hoding
fredgame.zip11k06-04-24File is not ratedFredgame
Fredgame is based on or a parody of Jc's Bobgame series. Just try to keep Fred alive! There are three endings you can get. Try for the good one!
freedom.zip1k01-04-04File is not ratedFreedom
Text game about a war between the Soviets and Allies. First game I wrote.
g4.zip24k06-05-11File is not ratedG4:Hoenn Regoin!
This game will take you through the ENTIRE region of hoenn from the world of pokemon in text. It will also poke fun at it at every turn. A load of laughs! NOTE: To play, first run "G4BEGIN"
game.zip1k10-10-01File is not ratedGAME
text based interactive fiction similar to zork complete with parser. (infocom) freeware. work in progress.
garbageman.zip6k17-11-16File is not ratedGarbage Man
The 2009 classic that defined a generation is now available for all to play! Become a garbage man in this thrilling text-based adventure featuring infuriating one-mistake-and-you-die gameplay that will keep you coming back for more, at least for about 30 minutes. There might even be a sequel?! It may take up most of your RAM when unarchived, but don't let that fool you into thinking it has any replay value! Compatible with the built-in program function or MirageOS.
getout.zip1k03-10-13File is not ratedGet out of Class
This is a game about getting out of teachers class
gold.zip1k01-01-22File is not ratedRainbow 6 Gold
Thank You for downloading my Rainbow 6 game over 1000 times. As a special thanks I have made this "Gold" version of the game.
granatu.zip6k03-06-02File is not ratedGranatu
Choose a character and explore the city of Granatu in this RPG game.
gta34.zip1k03-10-26File is not ratedGTA 3 Vice City
GTA 3 Vice City, AUSOME GAME! upgrade 2.0 censored thankyou ti staff! joshyb@cox.net aim: jmbois123 many more programs and tutorials e-mail me! * calc.org * ticalc.org
gta.zip5k00-03-04File is not ratedGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto For the TI-83+
gwbattle.zip4k00-11-07File is not ratedGundam Wing Battler v1.4
The greatest Gundam Wing game to grace a calculator thus far.......right now, it is in it's beta stages, but there are 4 moblie suits you can choose from. There are 12 enemies in all, and it is EXTREMELY HARD. There will be a 2 Player Battle system later, but for now, try this! by Gtb
gwm.zip7k00-10-20File is not ratedGundam Wing Mercenary Plus v1.0
This should be the first Gundam Wing RPG on the Internet. There are 11 enemies and 5 bosses to fight. You can choose between 15 mobile suits, 27 weapons, and 12 shields. You can also choose to work with 2 organizations or just go solo. There are 3 endings in this game, and each is over one hour of play. This version for 83Plus is 2KB smaller than the 83 Version, it is lacking an opening to the game and a help menu.
halo2cairostation.zip4k09-10-15File is not ratedHalo 2 Cairo station v2.10
this is halo 2 cairo station i am making the whole halo 2 and 3 games with images and text it is worth a download is vey fun i am still working on it tell me any bugs or errors this version i have typed up on the calculator by hand peice by piece i have added images and also a end scene to add to the storyline i am making the first 2 levels as well
halo2outskirts.zip1k09-10-14File is not ratedHalo 2 OutSkirts Beta
this is halo 2 OutSkirts i am making the whole halo 2 and 3 games with images and text it is worth a download is vey fun i am still working on it tell me any bugs or errors
halo3arrival.zip1k09-10-19File is not ratedHalo 3 Arrival Beta
This is halo 3 arrival for ti 84+ it is worth a download this version does not include pictures
halo_text_based.zip6k04-09-18File rated 4.80Halo Text based
This is a pretty cool game to play. It takes up a lot of space, but you can still have other games in archive and still play it. It is a text based Halo, with weapons/vehicles, pictures(takes up 0,2,3,4,5,6), two cheat codes, and on hard last level. It is a tough one to beat.
happyday.zip12k01-12-15File is not ratedHappyDay (rereleased)
Happyday is a text based game where you can decide to do whatever the choices will allow for in your podunk little Alaskan town (not that I have anything against Alaskans). Its funny, its sick, and will probably deleted within 24 hrs of download, due to extreme madnness in not being able to get to the end of this damn fine game.
heroadve.8xp4k03-04-28File is not ratedHero Adventure version 1.57 build 0.0
This is worth the download, although it doesnt have any graphix(to come later) it has a neat story line, the game is not finished but at least you can see if you can survive far enough to make it to where i havent finished
hicquest3.zip52k05-10-23File is not ratedHic Quest III: FINAL
This is the Final Edition to the Hic Quest series. Although many new characters, monsters and features have been added, for example a bug free 2-Player mode, the game retains its originality and charm.
hitman2.zip3k03-08-17File is not ratedHitman 2.0
This is the second version of my assasination game. This game gives the enemy a varying awareness level. The idea of the game is to kill all of the people assigned.
hl2textgame.zip1k05-03-02File is not ratedhl2textgame
This is a very incomplete ALPHA version of a text adventure loosely based on Half-Life 2. The final version will also include a text based version of the HL mod half-quake. I probably don't have permission to use the half-life name or half-quake name, so if someone bugs me about it, I'll change it. This game is meant to be comical. There is no schedule for future releases except for sometime in the future. If you have questions or comments, feel free to email me at: bryn_rac@stribmail.com This had better not show up on any mailing lists! Everything was made by ME, rac. aka Bryn McIntyre Do whatever you want with this file, I don't care as long as proper credit is given. All coding is 100% original.
hoseman1.zip2k04-11-04File is not ratedHoseman & Son Episode 1
A text based adventure much like StarWars!
houseriddle.zip1k11-02-27File is not ratedHouse Riddle
You are trapped in a strange house and have to escape through a maze of doors. Based off of a riddle popular among my friends.
hunter1.5.zip6k09-05-20File is not ratedHunter v 1.5
his is a fun BASIC text RPG, but more in depth than *pick your choice and see if you die*. You actually can buy/sell weapons, ammo, and other items and hunt to get cash. Explore 3 different worlds, and even take a quick journey in space. Features over 10 different characters and 9 different weapons, as well as a little Easter Egg you uncover once you win.
ilogical.zip1k03-05-24File is not ratedilogical
my first game! short but fun.
internetadventure.zip2k16-05-05File is not ratedInternet Adventure
This small program takes you on a hilarious adventure through the greatest thing humanity has created: The Internet. So have fun!
iudicium.zip7k01-03-08File is not ratedIudicium v1.0
Text RPG. Destroy Mordoch with 2 spells and many different cloaks and weapons.
javaquest.zip5k00-06-06File is not ratedJava Quest v1.0
You buy, sell, and grow java (coffee)
jboxman.zip1k00-06-27File is not ratedJBoxman
JBoxman is a boxing game where you improve your boxer on your way up to the top, at the same time your opponants gets harder and harder to beat
jrnyrun.zip1k03-07-16File is not ratedJourney Demo
A basic text adventure for the TI-83 +, I made this while on vacation in South Padre, The full version should be out in a couple of months.
junc_v2.0f.zip5k03-03-14File is not ratedJunC
JunC is a text-based RPG about a journey to find a mysterious form of magic. This game uses an innovative interface allowing you to play Gameboy-style, only taking your hands from that position to enter your name in the beginning. The menus use the Y= thru GRAPH keys and the pauses have been replaced so that you can use either 2nd or ENTER.
keldfolc.zip6k02-03-28File is not ratedKeldfolc
Keldfolc is a menu based game with quite a few monsters to battle, and a very VERY easy levelup program, (because you can buy your stats too, lol) final battle should be working.
kingsquestadventure.zip12k17-11-06File is not ratedKing's Quest
Titled after the classic computer game, this text puzzle adventure takes you across the kingdom to slay a dragon. QUEST is the executed program with the level to be played also accessible. (Includes programs QUEST, QUEST1, QUEST2, QUEST3, QUEST4, and QUEST5, along with a title screen, Pic3.)
labquest.zip2k10-10-15File is not ratedLabQuest
A simple funny little adventure where you explore a mysteeerious deserted laboratory. Teaches some lab safety too so you have a reason to play it in class!
labrynth.zip15k05-10-01File is not ratedLabrynth
This Game is most likely the most random game you have ever seen. You are a person in a labrynth that must escape almost entierly by luck, and a little bit of common scence. An action-adventure game that has no action or adventure in it what-so-ever. Yeah, that's right. Your mom. Uh huh, that's what I thought. Oh yeah, the game. Right, so it's insane like anime hair. That's right, this game defies all lawas of physics. Except for Newton's Third Law. Yeah, that's pretty constant with this thing. Beware though, in the beginning it's eh but as the game progresses I really got crazy! Ok, uh, special thanks to The Archduke for putting this thing on the internet and special thanks to my pet hamster for not existing. If I had a pet hamster I may have gotten to pre-occupied with it to finish this thing.
lakesohc.zip7k05-08-06File is not ratedLake Sohcahtoa: Campground of Horrors
From the makers of the Amulet of Yendor Trilogy comes this incredible new menu-based adventure game. You must fight your way through seven days of summer camp and avoid injury at all cost! How will you stack up against the pros? -Encounter the mighty Bigfoot! -Explore dangerous caverns! -Attempt to pick up chicks! -Escape the outhouse dungeons!
lavalord.zip3k05-05-07File is not ratedLava Lords
A simple text based RPG, kinda fun includes character storage and trainer.
legends.zip3k03-08-04File is not ratedLegends
Go through the woods, sea, and even graveyards to face death on his death spree. You are the only one that can stop them!
lemonade2.zip10k03-11-03File is not ratedLemonade
This is a game where you have a lemonade stand and try to make as much money as you can selling lemonade. It is awesome. you can sell for as many days as you want and weather and other factors affect your sale. A very impressive BASIC game. great for car rides or boring classes!
lemonadegame.zip7k05-06-23File is not ratedLemonade Stand
The classic Lemonade Stand game for the calculator. Build your business up and see how much money you can make in 30 days.
lemonadestandbeta.zip1k04-04-01File is not ratedLemonade Stand Beta
Your parents give you 50 bucks to start your own lemonade stand. Use the time wisely, and try to earn as much money as possible before summer vacation is over. This is only a beta, so if you find any mistakes, PLEASE send an email to me.
lemonadestand.zip1k04-04-06File is not rated100 days of Lemonade Stand
To teach your finance and to alleviate boredom, your parents have given you 50 bucks to start your own lemonade stand! Buy the sugar, ice, cups, and (of course) lemons you need, decide the proper proportion you want between the three items. Then sell your lemonades and make as much money as you can!
lemonade.zip10k09-11-25File is not ratedLemon Ade Stand
This is not complete, but it is playable. The idea came from a Lemonade Stand game I played when I was younger.
lerpg_1_1.zip14k09-02-06File is not ratedLower Earth RPG v1.1
Play as one of four different classes and fight against a variety of different monsters in the world of Lower Earth. Buy weapons, armor, and spells to help you level up and advance your quest.
lhdemo1.zip1k01-09-09File is not ratedLost Hope (Demo 1)
Demo of my new game, Lost Hope... It's Text-based for now. Not much interaction, just an intro. Read the .txt file before playing for some important infomation.
lifegame.zip1k04-02-17File is not ratedLife Game
A text based game where you can go to Fast food restraunts and work at a big business plus more options.
lifeofpeter.zip3k09-08-02File is not ratedLife Of Peter
A family-friendly text-based game where you play a teen named Peter who must make it through a Saturday without screwing up, being embarrassed, or being hurt. This game has a huge amount of menus, so there are lots of ways to lose. Good luck choosing the right paths!
lockeroom.zip4k99-11-18File is not ratedRumble in the Locker Room
Become head of the room by taking on others and buying and selling cheatsheets.
lord.zip16k04-10-04File is not ratedLegend of the Red Dragon
The game is based off of Seth Able's Legend of the Red Dragon if any of you can remember back to the days of BBS ^_^ I'm pretty sure that i worked out all of the bugs, but if you find a problem, please let me know about it and i will fix it asap. Also, feel free to tell me what you think of it. Happy gaming...
luigismansionrpg.zip3k11-04-20File is not ratedLuigi's Mansion RPG v2.2
I updated Luigi's Mansion RPG so now the game runs completely off a custom list, and uses no variables or matrices! The great game play is still the same, where you have to defeat a total of 50 boos and the King Boo in order to save Mario and get your mansion back! All of this great game play and the program is only 200 bytes larger! If you want a great RPG game based on a wonderful Nintendo classic at a small size, then Luigi's Mansion RPG is for you! If you have any questions about this game, then you can either check the Read Me or Email me on my site given address! Once you play the game please rate and review to give me some feedback! Thanks!
madday.zip1k99-10-31File is not ratedMad Day v1.2
Mad Day is a simple basic text game. It is an abnormal day at school where every class you have is messed up!
magequest.zip2k03-09-16File is not ratedMage Quest
My first RPG. Very short but fun. I am currently making a graphic version.
masterrpg.zip24k06-05-25File is not ratedMaster RPG
An adventurous RPG that is filled with 10 different enemys, 5 weapons, 5 shields, and a more extremely efficient saving/uploading system for easy loading of characters! Now with graphic menus.
matrix83.zip1k03-10-27File is not ratedMatrix 1.0
Matrix-based game. Make the right choices while running from agents.
matrix.zip1k03-10-28File is not ratedMatrix!
Enter the matrix...exciting rpg..even has the rolling screen. I need help developing a longer game(full) so that it has pictures and bullets if you want to help.. e-mail me: Joshyb@cox.net or aim: jmbois123 thanks!
merchant.zip2k04-03-09File is not ratedMerchant - A Commodity Game
It's finally here!!! I don't know if anyone was anticipating its release, but here it is. You buy and sell items to become the most successful merchant ever known! It may sound weird, but this game is great fun for people who have the patience and give it some time. Look for Armies coming VERY VERY I PROMISE YOU VERY SOON!
merc.zip1k00-03-22File is not ratedMercenaries Beta
minersfolly.zip4k02-05-12File is not ratedMiner's Folly version 1.0
Miner's Folly is a text game where you build a mine and try to make as much money as possible. There is no "win", so it never ends. Two versions are included: the "small" and "big" versions. MirageOS compatible. Future versions will add more options and saving capability.
mission.zip3k00-09-17File is not ratedMission Impossible
Just what the name says
monday.zip10k03-08-03File is not ratedMonday+
Yet another version of that popular text game! Now, it's for the TI-83+ and is compatible with Mirage OS.
money2.zip5k09-10-13File is not ratedWorker V2.1
A very addicting game where you make money, study, get better jobs, buy houses, gamble, and much more.
moneyscheme.8xg6k03-05-04File is not ratedMoney Scheme
This is a fun game where you start with $100 and you try to get one million. You get money thru a wide variety of functions like Drugwars style buying and selling, Bank Robbing, Fighting, and Betting. With three save files this is an awesome that took me forever to make so I hope you enjoy it! You can Use any of my programming for this game however you want, just email me if you do.
mr_fat.zip20k01-03-14File is not ratedMr. Fat's Life
The adventures of Mr fat! You are a really humongeus person and you have to try and survive one day of being blubbery, disgusting and hungry.
mrmark.zip4k99-09-30File is not ratedMr. Mark
A strange game where you always die in some strange way.
mtg.zip2k03-12-28File is not ratedMagic The Gathering BETA
It's been a long road of programming, but here is a BETA Version of Magic The Gathering Game. It's only about 1/2 done, so if anyone can finish it, email it back to me for finishing touches. Enjoy!
mxracer.8xp5k01-12-22File is not ratedMx Racer
A great Text Game! Where you buy and sell bikes to compete in Motocross and Freestyle Motocross.
mygame.zip4k10-01-09File is not ratedGamer:Uprising... with PASSWORDS!!!
Yes, this is my game of Gamer, but this time, you get a password at the end of each level.
natspazz.zip1k02-05-21File is not ratedNot Another School Game!
This is the real life adventure of what YOU go through everyday. If there is another file with this same description ingnore it. That was a test game but this is the real full version!! Everything you would want!! There will be updates!
neorpg.zip5k03-03-06File is not ratedNeoRPG
Game where you rescue Princess Omnishu by fighting guards, DarkS*ar, and whatnot! Great barttle engine....:( First true RPG I made)
nerdwars83p.zip2k02-03-21File is not ratedNerdWars v1.0
A Drugwars clone in which you go to different nerd hangouts and sell nerd goods, like pocket protectors and yogurt. This game is written by a proud nerd for nerds everywhere!
nukewar.zip2k01-03-08File is not ratedNuke War v1.0
In the game, you make warheads (two different kinds) and missiles and launch them against a VERY cunning and hard computer. This game is awesome and a sure fire TI-EPIC
oregon2x.zip15k04-04-06File is not ratedOregon Trail X v2.0
Very similar to the computer game, OregonX includes hunting (decent for a BASIC game), meeting with Indians, crossing rivers, forts, food, health, random findings and disasters, injuries/diseases, and a "List of Legends." You can also set the pace and rations for your wagon, and can change them at any time throughout the game. In addition, you can enter your own names for your wagon members once you have proven yourself worthy by beating the game. OregonX has been tested extensively and has been proven to be bug-free. The game is large (18K) but it can be archived when not in use. Much improved from previous versions, and infinitely better than the other Oregon Trail games I've seen on ticalc.org -- seriously not even comparable. Please e-mail me and tell me what you thought of the game at pshyft@mail.com. UPDATE: All bugs fixed.
pencak_silat.zip3k04-02-09File is not ratedPencak Silat
A kung fu text game that is like the old Bonus.com favorite. Enjoy!!
pics.zip5k04-08-12File is not ratedHouse adventure
A great...graphical, menu based game. Can u catch the burgalr in your house? Email me about any errors. I am workign on a sequal.
piggy.zip4k01-05-14File is not ratedPiggy Pie
Coolest text adventure game you've ever seen. Your a pig trying to steal enough feed to buy a new stable off of a goat. Find feed, eat feed, get in barnyard fights, find awesome weapons, new tools which allow access to different places, and all sorts of cool stuff.
pizzasdemo.zip1k04-04-15File is not ratedPizza Stand DEMO
Run your very own pizza stand with this innovative game!
platinum.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedRainbow 6 Platinum
As a special thanks for downloading my Rainbow 6 game over 2000 times I have made this special "Platinum" edition.
pocketquest.zip2k05-11-20File is not ratedPocket Quest
Pocket Quest is a new step forward in RPGs. It's innovative gameplay will take you to new levels of enjoyment in your quest to save the world. Pocket Quest Features: 50 Locations! 50 Interactions! 100 Weapons! 20 playable Races! 20 Playable classes!
prankday.zip5k16-02-20File is not ratedUrChoice: Prank Day Dev. Build 132
This is an RPG-text-adventure game where its April Fools Day and you get a call from your friend who asks, "Thinking of doing any pranks?". You can choose to do the airhorn+seat prank, put a thumbtack on the teacher's seat, put a funny picture on the world map, or not do one at all. And when the pressure's on you can choose to blame your friend, take the blame, or keep quiet. This is a game all about choice.
psycho2.zip4k00-09-23File is not ratedPsycho v2.0
The sequel to the COOLEST game in the world, Psycho. A text-based shoot 'em up.
psycho3.zip4k00-09-28File is not ratedPsycho v3.0
I LOVE this game! Text-based shoot 'em up. Very, very fun. Includes, like, 8 levels (I don't really remember how many...), 36 guys on each level, and a ton of other fun fun stuff.
psycho.zip3k00-09-23File is not ratedPsycho
Text-based shoot em up, lots of fun. First program I ever made, and it's good!
pyrate.zip10k06-03-26File is not ratedPyrate v. 2.0
Play as a pyrate and get some gold. Quite fun, but repetitive after a while. Worth a try.
q4z.zip5k02-05-11File is not ratedQuest 4 Zero
A fun RPG game. I found it very addicting. My friend, Gareth Smith, made it. Give him all the credit.
qq2demo.zip4k11-12-03File is not ratedQuesting Quest 2 Demo
Questing Quest 2 is an RPG/Text Adventure game written in TI-Basic for TI-83 and TI-84 calculators. Take the journey of a lifetime in a fantasy world full of wit and whimsy! Featuring "impressive" dialogue, a "good" battle system, and an "open" world, find out for yourself why Questing Quest 2 has been called "Skyrim for calculators."
quest2.zip5k03-03-09File is not ratedQuest2: The Mage Saga
This is an RPG programmed in 83+ Basic. It's long and well developed and should provide you with lots of fun and playing time (Alex spend whole summer working on this game). The game takes around 16k of mem on the calculator. The game is text based and plays similarily to drugwars games. The menus and other graphics are very fast and responsive. Check readme for more info.
questforglorydragonslayer.zip10k17-11-23File is not ratedQuest for Glory - Dragonslayer
This game may share the title with a 90s adventure game, but this is a little different. This text adventure game takes you through an adventure in the land of Avudor. Why? Play and you'll see.
questfull.zip2k04-09-16File is not ratedquest all
this is the full game of quest but its not nearly done its an awesome text based rpg. send ideas or bug fixes to efichell_kamsc@yahoo.com your ideas will be seriously consided pls send weapon or enemy ideas to me
questls.zip4k00-03-12File is not ratedQuest of the Long Sword v1.0
Amass health and power in the quest to acquire the Long Sword. Completely text-based with easy gameplay, it bears resemblance to online MUDs.
questor.zip4k06-03-14File is not ratedQuestor
A LARGE branch of the "Member" strand of the CalcWorld series. Less fighting, less buying, but ALOT more Questing. Also Text Based. (In Basic) I'd prefer if changes to this program were NOT made, but free circulation is OK.
questrpg.zip6k06-11-20File is not ratedQuestRPG
A generic RPG. 20 different enemies, 4 bosses, 3 classes, 24 different class-specific items, 4 special abilities that affect your characters game, a save game feature, and more. Download and ungroup the file, then run QUESTRPG to start.
quest.zip2k11-10-15File is not ratedDragon Lord's quest
I made this game, and everyone liked it, so now you can too!
rainbow6.zip1k00-12-26File is not ratedRainbow 6
This is part I of a Rainbow 6 triology, II and III are currently being made.
rampage.zip24k03-10-19File is not ratedRampage! v1.0.3
You are Derek Foresaken, an average guy with a job as a janitor at an office in the city, an OK car, and a wife with a baby on the way. One day you got involved in a really bad car accident with your wife. At the hospital, the receptionist wouldn't let you get a doctor because you don't have insurance even though your wife is dying in the waiting room. Your wife dies... along with your baby. Your car is smashed beyond repair. You think to yourself that things could not possibly get any worse. At home, you spend days grieving over your loss but you neglected to call in to your job. You get fired. You have lost your job, your car and your life. That was the last straw. Revenge is on your mind. "Damn that hospital. Damn that job. Damn that school that got me that horrible job." So all that you have left is $100 in your pocket, a shack to live in, some clothes on your back and... a pistol. What to do, what to do... Rampage is my first RPG-type text&menu-based game I have ever written... I think that it's really good [considering it's a first try]. I have implemented ALOT of different variables into this game (You can probably tell what I mean by that by the size of the game file alone). I spent about 2 months working on this game (not exaggerating)... so please try it.
randomrpg1.zip6k12-02-27File is not ratedRandom Rpg
I made this when I was bored. It was better than I thought, so I uploaded it.
relitzer.zip9k03-10-06File is not ratedRelitzer's Quest v1.0
This is the first version in my third game release (I didn't put them here cause they have already been done). It's a text-based RPG, and I think it's pretty good so far. Please download and tell me what you think.
reloaded.zip19k08-01-16File is not ratedBilly the Monkey's Adventure RELOADED
One day at the zoo, Billy the Monkey's keepers forgot to lock up his cage! Seeing the opportunity to leave the zoo and return to his home in the Congo, Billy the Monkey escapes and sets out on an adventure to get back to his home.
rentacop.zip3k01-09-08File is not ratedRent-A-Cop v2.4a
This update is the last, which fixes a few bugs with the betting game. Also uses lowercase now and parts of the code were re-written for faster speed. This is a RPG where you take the role as a Rent-A-Cop and fight gangs to find the druglord. Along with that, you may pick up items dropped in battle and use them for upgrading weapons. Also incldes a side-game to help earn life points and get cigarettes. If you liked Drug Wars, this game is even betttter!
rescuem.zip2k03-11-21File is not ratedRun-Away/Rescue Mission!!!
Great and easy to play menu based game where you have to save hostages from a base! After you do so, you must GET YOURSELF OUT(of course). Then, your last objective is to go save your fellow allies that were captured during the process. Great game to play. It is also easy to master.
richman.zip3k00-02-19File is not ratedRichman
a mostly text base game that gives you many options to make money.
rlock.zip1k00-09-08File is not ratedRadiation Lock
You are trapped in a powerplant and the only way to escape is to activate a shorted out control panel before you die of radiation poisioning.
rntcop1.zip3k01-05-31File is not ratedRent-A-Cop v2.0
I finally found the original! A very good platform RPG with different areas and a final boss. Must see!
roadtrip.zip14k03-10-23File is not ratedROADTRIP
Get points by goofing off on a car trip but don't crash or get caught by the police!
robowar.8xp1k01-12-16File is not ratedRobo War 1.0 Demo
You were sent from planet XENTRON to destroy earth because the humans progressed too far too fast. Battle robots, people, turrets, and ships. The first level is included. The Full release will be multiplayer, co-op or deathmatch, and have many levels.
rocks.8xp2k03-03-10File is not ratedrockcollecting4seniors
the bossest text rpg in the history of forever!
rockstar.zip1k00-12-26File is not ratedRockstar
You are trying to become a big rock star.
roguespr.zip6k04-08-10File is not ratedRogue Spear (version 1.1)
OK now, I am now a better programmer, and I decided to make a better Rogue Spear. LIke the original, it is easy (too easy, in fact, the original you could only win because it was just some pics). This one is a text game, but a short one. I'll try to make it longer one day. This still uses a lot of pics (useless really, but add some effect. So tell me what you think of it, and give me suggestions. I'm still learning, you know.
rogue.zip11k02-10-25File is not ratedRogue
***UPDATED***(NOW MIRAGEOS COMPATIBLE!!!) ROGUE, an RPG for the TI-83 plus. Finally, a quality rpg with TONS of weapons,armor, and spells, a great story, and a simple yet innovative battle system. This is truly quality basic programming.
rovellonv1.2.zip2k04-03-28File is not ratedrovellon v1.2
Rovellon is a text-based RPG for the TI-83+. You're free to do what you want: -Fight 6 different enemies -Upgradeable armour and weapons (5) -Gamble option and slavery! -Save/Load function The code is basic and you're free to edit as you like. Have fun!
rpg2.zip1k02-01-15File is not ratedRPG
A short and simple rpg game, complete with monsters and bosses.
rpg4.zip7k08-02-28File is not ratedRPG - Vorrock's Kingdom
RPG is a texted-based rpg game. There are several weapons and some potions, 3 different levels, and a boss. Great for killing time and having fun. Also has good stat tracker, keeps track of everything from gold, weapons, weapon equiped, and potions to kills and deaths. FEATURES *MirageOS Compatable *Progress Saved
rpg9000.zip10k02-11-23File is not ratedRPG9000
It is the second game of my RPG series more to come and a lot better to
rpgquest.zip2k06-04-24File is not ratedRPG Quest v0.02
RPG game that surpasses many. It uses a unique formula for battling. It even has Level Points which can raise your stats, so every time you play is unique! This game has a total of 8 different enemies to fight. 6 Battle (Training) enemies, 1 Story enemies, and 1 Ultimate Secret enemy. To fight the Ultimate Secret enemy, you must read the password to fight him in the RPGQuest.txt file. This game also features no level caps!
rpg.zip10k00-04-04File is not ratedNighthawk's Revenge
ruler.zip1k03-11-07File is not ratedRuler
This is the first game that I made and Ihave made acouple better ones. You go to war to get more people, then collect taxes from them. You use the money to buy more land. I thought I should send this one out to people, so here it is... Ruler. (this is a game, not and anactual ruler.) Tip: only buy land in increments of 1,2,3... Feel free to edit in anyway, as long as you send me a copy so I osuld try it out! :)
runecalcv1.0.zip11k07-12-06File is not ratedRuneCalc v1.0
This is a game based of the gaame runescape Jagex Ltd. This game is very fun, and not too big!
runscape.zip1k07-12-16File is not ratedRunscape
This is a text based rpg I am making. this isn't complete, so download it and email me with suggestions. (this is my first BASIC game)
saftshop.zip1k03-06-03File is not ratedWCG TI-Saftshop 1.0
salesman.zip1k02-02-10File is not ratedSalesman V.1.0
This is my very first TI claculator game. It is fun and doesn't take a long time. You seoll products to make $1000 in 100 turns. Good Luck!!!
santiago.zip4k08-11-30File is not ratedSantiago v.2.2
Play as Santiago the puffball in this heelarioos text RPG! Features actual plots; no retarded deaths that don't make sense (well sort of...)
school3.zip7k02-03-11File is not ratedSchool v1.5
School is a (text-based) game where your school, Kemps Landing, has been overtaken by the evil twinky-eating Mrs. Maull and her cronies. You must take back the school and defeat Mrs. Maull no matter what... This is a great program to help learn BASIC, because it uses a lot of it's commands. Also, if this game recieves a wide popularity, I will convert it into a graphical asm RPG.
school.8xp1k03-03-07File is not ratedSchool
fun game where you try to be the most popular kid in school and get 150 popularity. If you get zero popularity or zero health your done. If you get too many refferals you are also done. You beat up geeks girls teachers bullys and preps. FUN GAME!!
school_rpg_cheat.zip1k02-05-14File is not ratedSchool RPG Cheat Program
This program enables 1 billion dollars in the classic & original BASIC RPG, School.
sclife.zip1k06-12-10File is not ratedStarcraft Life
A text based game that is based on starcraft. Pretty addicting. This is the first game I have ever made.
selcone.zip1k11-05-14File is not ratedSelcoNe RPG
This is my first official RPG and I think it came out quite well. There are 3 chapters so far and there will eventually be more when I update it. There are bonuses to unlock if you beat all the chapters, but exiting the program will erase you progress. BE CAREFUL. Also on the screens wil scrolling words, you can press any buttun to get out but you may have to wait a while.
sequelrpg2.zip13k03-03-08File is not ratedRpg2
This is the sequel to my first RPG. I made a lot of changes and now you can grow levels by gaining experience. This is A LOT better than my first one. I barely knew how to program when I made that. (heh heh...)
simb4.zip2k14-07-14File is not ratedSimBusiness 4.8
SimBusiness 4 by Tom Jason (aka SirLagsalott). Run your own game store! Face disasters and crises and become a monopoly! To be updated to 4.9 soon. Size: 5448 bytes.
skillscape2.zip11k04-01-27File is not ratedSkillScape 2 "The Sequel"
Slay 5 enemies and buy 7 different items to help you out! This is the sequel to the great text game SkillScape. Undergoing "beta" if you will so many updates to come in the next week.
skillscape.zip3k04-01-24File is not ratedSkillScape
SkillScape! An extremely fun text game where you must try to slaughter men, purify zombies, and slay dragons. Along the way you'll need to visit the SHOP to buy some hefty items. This update features a "save" feature and some other small fixes. Enjoy!
skoolday.zip1k02-01-15File is not ratedSchool Day
Become the most popular kid in school.
slpquest.zip2k01-12-22File is not ratedSleep Quest
A genre-defining quest
smallrpgeng.zip2k03-04-06File is not ratedSmall RPG v1.3 English
It is a tiny RPG (1.7k) where you have to kill your opponent with various weapons. You have potions too. Very addictive, and it doesn't use Strings or Pics, so it couldn't be more simple to understand. Source code is included in the zip file, so you can write it yourself if you don't have the link cable. Full documentation is included, that's why the zip file is big. Works fine with Ti-83 and Ti-83 +. Currently on v.1.3. And now in English.
smallrpg.zip3k03-03-10File is not ratedSmall RPG v1.3 (Portuguese)
It is a tiny RPG (1.7k) where you have to kill your opponent with various weapons. You have potions too. Very addictive, and it doesn't use Strings or Pics, so it couldn't be more simple to understand. Source code is included in the zip file, so you can write it yourself if you don't have the link cable. Full documentation and screenshots are included, that's why the zip file is big. Works fine with Ti-83 and Ti-83 +. Currently on v.1.3.
smud0.3.zip7k09-03-15File is not ratedSMUD 0.3
A simple text game I made to kill time. For more info about this game and edit/altering this game, please see readme.txt file
spy.zip2k05-10-19File is not ratedSuper Spy
This menu-based Spy game involves electric fences, experimental zombies,and a face-off with 50 guards. very fun, very difficult.
starc.zip2k01-03-17File is not ratedStarCraft v5.0
A Simplified game of StarCraft
starshipcommander.zip6k17-11-06File is not ratedStarship Commander
Explore the galaxy in this text-based adventure. Includes unashamed references to Star Trek.
starwars1.zip2k03-09-16File is not ratedStar Wars
huge, but maybe in the near future i could modify it to make it smaller.
stpit.zip2k02-04-12File is not ratedPit Fight: Bout for Freedom v2.7
Alot like the DBZ Mystic Quest game, uses same engine. (Be nice it's my first game ever!) It's a text-only game about a great warrior who was taken as a slave to fight in "The Pits". May have a couple bugs or two, Mirage compatible.
survival.zip7k05-06-17File is not ratedSchool Survival
A great simulator of a school day, although it is a bit unrealistic. If you want to play the expansion pack (coming soon) then get this TODAY. Otherwise, get this anyway.
swrdbeta.8xp9k03-06-18File is not ratedsword master beta version
This game is different than most calc games because it requires not only luck but skill aswell. You are a swordsman you go and fight monsters and they give you gold and experience. the gold is used for leveling up your sword and healing yourself at the inn. the experience is used to level up so you become stronger. this is only a BETA version look forward to downloading the full version in about a month on www.ticalc.org 6/17/03
talhaquest.zip5k04-12-26File is not ratedTalhe Quest
a funny menu based adventure game its pretty short cause its my first game. You are talha ramzan and you have to get out of paris hilton's mansion. its pretty short but download it ad email me comments
tb_rpg.zip1k03-06-16File is not ratedText based RPG
This is my first real attempt at a program and is a fairly simple text based RPG. You can choose from three races, and six classes, that will effect your stats. You can fight five different levels of monsters. Buy health, attack, defence, and magic. The magic is useable in battle with five different types. Please give this a try and tell me what you like/dislike about it. Thanks a ton. :Update, I added intelegence to the game, giving the magic system a little more depth as well a character choice a little more depth:
terrors.zip8k14-05-10File is not ratedTerrors V1.2
This game is somewhat text-based, but support for basic pixel graphics may be coming soon. This game includes features such as a tournament, the ability to buy new weapons and HP, a fighting system, and much more! The screenshot shows the game's title screen working and centered on a TI-84+CSE, but there's an option at the beginning to center it on the TI-83+ and up calculators. If you are having trouble with downloading or running any of the programs or subprograms, you can find the individual programs and documentation here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h4ruxl1obyjs2qn/AAAJGwiLEfaxheRSuNsz-mUQa
texts.zip1k00-09-28File is not ratedText: small version
A smaller version of the full version of text. They're both pretty tiny...but this one's smaller. So shut up :P
theft.8xp5k02-11-12File is not ratedTheft
This game was made by Steve Baker any other title is not the real one. In this game you can rob stores and do other things. This is a text basic game but it is still very fun. For more programs and games contact me at SB45243@aol.com Enjoy!!!!
thehermanator3.6.zip5k05-03-02File is not ratedThe Hermanator Rise of the Intruments v3.6
"The Hermanator" is CJMS' orchestra conductor, Mr. Herman. Sorry, but I could not finish the game during winter break, because my computer was messed up and my sister cleared my RAM while I was working on it. This is a basic program that can run on MirageOS, so have fun! Email me at "leefan@verizonmail.com" SUBJECT: The Hermanator
theisland.zip19k09-04-07File is not ratedThe Island v. 2.1
This is a RPG game where you are stuck on an island and you have to get $5,000 by fighting animals and collecting their money. Once you have the money you can buy a plane ticket that will take you home.
thematrix83p.zip1k03-11-21File is not ratedEnter THe Matrix
stupid story/game thing i made during my spare time. enjoy
theosculator.zip6k06-11-20File is not ratedOsculator
Text based game where the Osculator (you) tries to kill Joe without getting killed yourself.
thydnman.zip3k09-02-17File is not ratedThy Dungeonman 1
GET YE FLASK! The famous Homestarrunner.com Text Adventure game, now in your pocket. It contains every command, and is an near perfect copy of the original game. This game has pretty sloppy programming, due to it being started when I had nearly no programming skill and I never really got around to cleaning up this code yet. There's also many unfinished loops, but it's hardly noticeable in this game.
ti84earthbound.zip4k19-11-12File is not ratedEarthbound 84
This game is a text-based rpg that has various elements from the popular Nintendo game Earthbound. This game is still in development, and I do plan to add more elements to the game such as "DLC" and more weapons and mabye a healing system. But currently you can fight, buy things, and check your stats. PLEASE read the README file, theres really inportant info in it and stuff.;) Thanks for downloading, and sorry theres no screenshots i don't know how to do that.
ticity.zip25k07-09-09File is not ratedTI-City
This is an all text RPG that uses a 'real time' gaming engine. Meaning, this simply does not display text and then pause. It is always running, awaiting for your next move. This also has a Graphical Input Interface that was designed and built by me. This is version 0.06, giving more rooms to investigate, plus you can now battle enemies on the beta battle system. There are 5 random enemies to attack, plus one mini boss you have to defeat before you can enter the actual city. I believe I added 6-7 new commands, and changed the actual Graphical Input Interface to fit within the walking screen. Also new in this file is a map with blinkin cursor, so you know where you are at. Please download and let me know what you think. If you find bugs, please let me know on my forums or at my email.
tiomerta.zip22k06-10-15File is not ratedTIOmerta 1.0 final
Have you ever played Omerta? Big chance that you like it. This game looks a (veeeeeeery) little bit like it. Even if you don't know Omerta, or you even hate it, it's a nice timewaster for your boring math classes. This project has started to increase my TIBasic scripting experience, but I'm releasing the game seriously now.
tiquest.zip1k00-10-24File is not ratedTIquest
As a TI-83plus, you are searching for the legendary TI-1 graphing calculator. fight your way through HP calculators and obtain your goal.
tmte.zip2k00-06-27File is not ratedTokimeki Memoril TE Beta v1.0
You will love this game(or what's in it anyway). Very Funny! Beta.
town.zip59k04-02-21File is not ratedThe Town
In this text RPG, there is no goal. When you wash up by a small, coastal town, you need to balance your energy, hunger, and more. You can also prove your fighting skills in the arena. Just please read the readme file first! This is the updated version! NOTE: The screenshot with "energy" rather than "tiredness" is the most recent.
tradempire.zip4k07-07-26File is not ratedTradEmpire
The object of TradEmpire is to earn money by buying and selling items while traveling from city to city. Special features include adjustable text speed, turning the instructions on and off, and two customizable save slots. Copyright of Us Games Mini.
tradgedyipubbeta.zip1k08-01-15File is not ratedTradgedy I - Beta1
This is a text-based adventure for TI-83/84 Plus calculators. Made ENTIRELY on a calculator in the middle of Math class.
travel.zip2k09-10-11File is not ratedTravel:Game 1 of the Travel saga
A menu-based navigation game. Fight monsters, find a home, and try not to die. The sequel, Fable, is finished and I'm working on the third game, World. The games get progressively better.
trip.zip1k00-03-13File is not ratedTrip
A choose your own adventue game where you get to travel to various places in the world
unicratt.zip3k02-07-07File is not ratedUNICRATT
You are the head of a UN tactical team. Rescue some prisoners and put the mobsters back in their place.
uplink.zip1k02-05-30File is not ratedUplink
A text game based on the hacking game Uplink, by Introversion, only my second game so don't expect much.
utopia_calc.zip3k06-02-02File is not ratedUtopia Calc - Age of Reason (2)
I've added more menus to this version, including the Enemy Race select screen, to make it easier than constantly remembering race details off the top of your head, also, on top of this I have added racial modifiers to the formula ((couldn't have done it without the menus)), which means Human offense specs = 6 instead of 5... That began to be a pain when I was getting things wrong. Ok, good luck
voom.zip2k01-05-03File is not ratedVoom
This is a text-based car racing, selling, and buying game.
wankie.zip3k00-09-23File is not ratedWankie The Warrior
Probably the most buggy game I've ever written, though I don't really know. I never debugged it. Some people love it, some people hated it. I'm leaning toward hating it, actually, but you might like it. Try it out.
war1.5.zip2k04-01-12File is not ratedWar 1.5
Just like the original War, exept this time with saving! You can even use your old army in this game with my upcoming sequel: War 2!
warrior2basic.zip17k07-12-25File is not ratedUltimateWarrior2
A lengthy text RPG. No ungrouping required, just unzip, transfer and play. MirageOs compatible. 8 dungeons with the option of custom dungeons, over 100 monsters, 11 bosses, 7 weapons and armor, 3 different character classes, and 30 unique skills included. Have fun!
warrior.zip7k04-05-27File is not ratedWarrior v3.0
This is a text based RPG. Have fun, and when you reach Level 21, see if you can vanquish the fianl boss.
wartd.zip3k04-08-03File is not ratedWarCraft Tower Defense
This game is based off of the Tower Defense scenarios in WarCraft 3. The object of the game is to build towers to prevent enemies (with increasing HP) from reaching the other side. The number of enemies and their HP is randomized (depending on the level number), so it is a new experience every time--Perfect for enduring long hours of Physics class (which was when I wrote it). Included are 3 files: wartd (the game), wartdlv (the level algorithm) and wartdt (the towers). All of these you may edit (documentation is also included to help you make your own towers), but please give me the credit for the original programming.
wartown_eng.zip4k10-07-19File is not ratedWARTOWN_ENG
Really funny game a friend and me made (mostly at school). Just try it out and give feedback (I'd appreciate it). English translation by me. !!!!PLEASE READ 'readme.txt' for all info!!!!
wartown_ger.zip4k10-07-19File is not ratedWARTOWN_GER
Deutsche Version von "WARTOWN (english)". Bitte bei "WARTOWN (english)" Beschreibung lesen.
wartribe.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedWartribes
You are the leader of an African tribe fighting for its land against an invading tribe..
websvr.zip6k05-09-05File is not ratedWeb Saver
The second RPG style game by Nick. A bit longer and big for just a text program. But very fun and funny!
wildjagt_german.zip1k22-07-09File is not ratedWildJagt
The game ist german!!! / Das Spiel ist duetsch! In dem Spiel bist du ein Jäger und musst Tiere jagen. P.S.:Ich bin anfänger im programmieren.
winowars.zip2k02-10-14File is not ratedWino Wars
Wino Wars is the sequel to Hobo Wars. You are a wino, and you try and kill as many people as you can, who dont give you money that is.
worldofbumfight.zip2k08-08-11File is not ratedWorld of Bumfight
This game is a text based RPG, right now at this state it's just the core of the game. Yet, it's quite complicated with many alghorithms - have took much time to make it balanced and so that each of the stats make a difference. In later versions there are other things that I plan to implement, such as a grid which generates itself as you walk through the map. More spells, and the ablility to chose spells for yourself.
wpayg.zip1k02-09-07File is not ratedwpayg
wumpus.zip2k07-01-27File is not ratedHunt the Wumpus
A TI-83/84 port of the very old and addicting game, Hunt the Wumpus!
wwiii.zip7k09-05-28File is not ratedWorld War III (2007)
Navigate through the menus as you try to survive the third world war, but watch out for hidden traps. NOTE: The bug in the original program is gone now!
xenon.zip8k10-10-12File is not ratedXenon
This is the first levels of a battle based text adventure, I got tired of it and no i am not going to finish it. This is something I did like 2 years ago in 6th grade. It doesnt even have a save file or anything so you have to enter a about 20 charachter password whenever you start a new level. Im not going to reccommend this program to you, but maybe someone will like it, and since I already had it i may as well post it. I bet there are worse programs out there though. Ungroup and unarchive all the subprograms (ones that end in something other than a number) and Xenon, (the first level.)
xeon.zip1k01-02-14File is not ratedXeon v3.0
Kill the bad guy, get the girl. Its a classic, and a must download. Look for updates!
xmen.zip14k01-01-22File is not ratedKevin's X-Men
This includes four versions of my never previously released Kevin's X-Men, a fighting game that can either be played in tournament mode or just plain old fight mode, depending on which version you play
xsquadzip.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedX-Squad
This game is fun to be so very simplistic. It does include a little strategy, which can easily be overlooked. Although this game isn't great, will provide a little fun. Visit http://mikeymonkey.freeservers.com
y00o.zip4k04-03-17File is not ratedY00O
A text-based game made by Dawg Calculator Games for the TI-83 Plus. Over 50 ways to die. It will be sure to test your patience. Fun, long, and similar to Monday.
yzo.zip1k11-08-21File is not ratedYZO
a level game
zantre.zip2k03-03-10File is not ratedZantre
Fun, fast-paced, and expansive PRG featuring multiple character classes and weapons.
zelda.zip5k03-01-01File is not ratedZelda, The Legend of
The Legend of Zelda: and the strange dimension is the ultimate zelda game ever created for a calculator. It uses a revolutionary battle system an has many different weapons to choose from. Ifyou love zelda you should download this game and check out the ultimate zelda site ever, www.zeldaworlds.shorturl.com
zot.zip13k00-05-17File is not ratedThe Orb of ZOT
Search through the seven diffrent dungeon levels filled with 30+ diffrent monsters to find the magical orb. Choose from 7 diffrent characters and recruit the rest. Learn 20+ diffrent spells and abilities.
zt1.zip28k06-07-06File is not ratedZombie Terminator
This is a simple text-based game in which you must save the world from evil zombies!!! What makes it worse is that the Zombies have tried to take over the phone lines, sending thousands of people annoying advertisements, that always come during dinner! Stop Them!!!
zzrpg.zip2k07-11-08File is not ratedgaryyo textrpg
try it out run aarpg from home

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