| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Misc.) |
 | duallayr.zip | 1k | 21-09-06 |  | Dual-Layer ASCII RPG Demo (2012) This demo showcases a map engine for potential JRPGs and adventure games utilizing fast graphics and sprites without the help of any ASM/Axe/Grammer library. |
 | 1111.zip | 1k | 21-01-05 |  | 1+1=11 just type anything that equals 2 and it will say 11 and if it doesn't equal 2 it will say the answer |
 | smelligame.zip | 1k | 18-11-23 |  | Early Access-Smelli This is an early access, high quality game with hours of content, stunning graphics, and much depth. |
 | objecttoys.zip | 1k | 17-01-21 |  | Object toys 2017 (3-pack) This is a package of 3 games in which you move around a square point,a line (line dimensions may vary),or a circle. Guaranteed to eliminate boredom anywhere, anytime. Should also run on the CSE and CE. The speed is fast and there are no bugs whatsoever. Simply hit clear when done playing. |
 | acornnet.zip | 8k | 16-08-03 |  | Acorn Internet v1.0 This is a simple ICS (internet connection simulator). It simulates a web browser (currently experimental), an IP phone and an IP SMS console. This will be a sure hit with any calculator enthusiast. Also helps to get through boring math classes and can also be ported to other calculator families. ENJOY!!! |
 | jarvisai.zip | 61k | 15-03-07 |  | Jarvis Artificial Intelligence System This i an artificial intelligence system inspired by Jarvis from iron man. Let the GIFs speak for me! P.S. the password is 1234567890(-).+ email me with your code if you want an alternative pass-code. |
 | batman.zip | 1k | 14-04-25 |  | Batman It will make a batman logo with formulas. it will stock and recall your windows settings and it will use Y7, Y8, Y9 and Y0. In the end it will say "I'M BATMAN" and that's it. |
 | yolo.zip | 1k | 13-12-02 |  | YOLO a program that will write YOLO in big letters on your screen. it will disable the functions and stock your window settings and when it's done it will enable the functions and recall the window settings. it has literally no point. |
 | miscalc.zip | 1k | 13-11-30 |  | Miscalculator Looks like the standard home screen, but it spews inaccurate and random calculations. |
 | cockkill.zip | 1k | 13-11-29 |  | Cockroach Kill Kill the cockroach and make your stick man happy. The funniest game on the market that is bound to make you laugh. Does not need Mirage OS and includes hand drawn images. |
 | internetcalc.zip | 1k | 13-11-12 |  | Internet Calc 0.0.2 This is the updated version of Internet calc. I removed the errors section in the description because I fixed all possible errors that i know of. Now I am starting to work on the computer portion of this program set. If you have bug reports, questions, coments, and errors contact mikhailgromov2013@gmail.com, or alternativelt contact mikhailgromov2013@yahoo.com |
 | slowvirus.zip | 1k | 13-03-12 |  | Slow Virus Progressively makes the calculator slower Exit password = 1748 |
 | magiceightball.zip | 20k | 12-12-07 |  | Magic Eight Ball Want answers in math class or somewhere else? Tired of asking that black ball that gives you answers that don't make sense? Well you picked the right program here! With any question Magic Eight Ball answers it clearly, Yes or No. Its easy to use, Fun to ask question, and clear answers. But just remember... DON'T SHAKE IT! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to email me: sean@solarpropa.com Updated: New answer added. |
 | iqtest.zip | 12k | 12-07-01 |  | IQTest 1.7.2 Ein IQTest. Mehr dazu unten und in der Beschreibung. A IQTest. More on that below and in the description. |
 | catastrophicfailure.zip | 1k | 12-07-01 |  | Catastrophic Failure Sim NOT REAL. Trick your friends. Run it, then enter a problem. Abort it with the ON button. |
 | insult_36.zip | 1k | 11-10-08 |  | Insult It's just a program to make your calculator give out a short note to insult the user by name. |
 | insult.zip | 1k | 11-05-13 |  | Elizabethan Insulter Press Enter to generate an Elizabethan Insult directed at you and/or your closest relatives! Currently contains over 15000 insults. |
 | answer.zip | 1k | 11-05-13 |  | Answer. Your Ti 83 plus will give you a answer for every "yes/no question". It's a very small game, so have fun :-) |
 | qsolvez.zip | 1k | 11-04-01 |  | QSolveZ This is my amazing Quadratic Solver! At less than 400 bytes, this program uses its own input routine and returns the roots to a quadratic equation! *Note: Do not use if you want an actual Quadratic Solver. This is being uploaded 53 minutes before April 1st |
 | welcome.zip | 1k | 11-03-22 |  | NatProg My first program Isn't very much nor useful |
 | magic8ball_jonbush.zip | 1k | 11-03-22 |  | Magic 8 Ball This great Magic 8 Ball program contains all of the responses in a real Magic 8 Ball. It also looks like a Magic 8 Ball. A must have for people who love Magic 8 Balls but can't take them on a plane. |
 | magic8ball_88.zip | 2k | 11-03-01 |  | Magic 8 ball Let's you make tough decisions with either a normal, nice, or mean Magic 8 ball. Also includes instructions and a novelty counter. |
 | nousing.zip | 1k | 11-02-19 |  | FUNNY nonsense Just a funny little program I threw together as I learned BASIC. |
 | errors_36.zip | 1k | 11-01-28 |  | errors This program is a program to use as a joke for your friends. |
 | lovemachine.zip | 1k | 10-03-30 |  | Love Machine It shows probability of finding your love |
 | chuck.zip | 1k | 09-11-20 |  | Chuck The ultimate program for Chuck Norris fans. Once started, it displays "Chuck Norris is watching you" whenever someone tries to solve an equation. This makes a great prank for your friends. |
 | magic8ball.zip | 1k | 09-10-22 |  | Simple Magic 8-Ball This simplistic BASIC 8-ball is built to have all 20 of the usual responses of a Magic 8-ball, while taking up very little space on its own (564B). It is completely text-based and contains no complicated code, as well as being easy to modify. |
 | steveosmagic8ballsimulato.zip | 11k | 09-10-19 |  | Steve-O's Magic 8 Ball Simulator Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present my Magic 8 Ball Simulator written in BASIC. I've included the four answers you'd find in a real Magic 8 Ball, a stunning title screen, and even instructions for the dim-witted! (I'm kidding...) Enjoy! |
 | annoying_program_you_cant.zip | 1k | 09-09-12 |  | Annoying_program_you_cant_stop.zip If you've ever seen Windows Prank's "Timmy" you know how annoying this is. Basically, a really monotonous, long, looping program to help pass the time. |
 | capack.zip | 9k | 09-08-28 |  | CAlifornia eNtertainment pack v2.1 CAlifornia eNtetertainment peck v2.0 with another glitch fixed, even better documentation, and now screenshots |
 | yarnosiandictionary.zip | 1k | 09-08-26 |  | Yarnosian Dictionary A list of words my family has made up over the years, and their definitions |
 | ssbrand.zip | 2k | 09-08-26 |  | Super Smash Bros. Random Character Chooser Chooses random characters for any of the four SSB games. Four, you ask? It includes one I made up. The fourth one includes easter egg characters which won't show unless your really observant and can figure out when to press a certain button. |
 | messup.zip | 1k | 09-07-18 |  | Messup Messup is a small program that messes up the equation result. |
 | amagicbeta.zip | 20k | 09-05-09 |  | AMagic V0.8beta An amazing, detailed, and in-depth magic 8 ball-like program. This release is currently beta and I need you guys to help me! So far there are rigged answers, a non-rigging mode, and one easter egg! |
 | therapist.zip | 1k | 09-03-24 |  | Therapist/Therapy- Eliza Hi! I got the idea for this game from an old DOS therapy game called Eliza. This game is quite interesting and can be hilarious if played with frends! |
 | tihack.zip | 2k | 09-03-14 |  | TI-8x Fake Hack Toy HACK - Recommended for TI-84 (or greater, never tested it on higher calcs) HACKOLD - Recommended for TI-83 (or less, never tried it on older calcs either) The group contains a BASIC program, Pic, and AppVars for the Startup Customization app. When turned on, the program pretends to "hack" the calculator, then the screen flashes. Pressing ON is the only way to stop it. A fun toy. |
 | mash.zip | 1k | 09-02-17 |  | M.A.S.H: Mansion Apartment Shack House The best time wasting game ever. This game is based off of the famous game MASH. This was also my very first game that I ever programmed. you just have to press enter over and over again. the calculator generates your future from your job to your wife to your pet and your method of death. AND MUCH MUCH MORE! It's guaranteed to let you waste time like no one's business. If you want, you can edit the program and add even more future-ific predictions. |
 | speedincv2.zip | 1k | 09-01-18 |  | Fun Joke V2 (False File Destruction) This is a simple "joke" program that will simulate speed increases in the calculator by saying things such as "Overclocking processor .........", and the part of the program that will freak many people out( at least those who are not too calculator knowledgeable people) is when (at the end of the program) the screen will blink rapidly while displaying Error:System files are corrupt, and other things like that. This part will really scare many people into thinking that their calculator has been corrupted. Best results when you give to friends who love their calculator, but do not necessarily realize a trick when they see one. (Also, this program is purely a joke. It will not harm any calculator nor will it actually speed anything up) |
 | dumbquiz.zip | 2k | 08-12-18 |  | The Infamous Dumbquiz This was the first game that I ever made but it is fun nonetheless. I did make the main part of the game but the program SCREEN is an assembly program which I downloaded off of ticalc.org, my favorite site ever! This quiz is challenging and fun but it unfortunately takes up lots of RAM. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any questions, comments, or program ideas or requests email me at mr_p2003@hotmail.com. Enjoy! |
 | santiagochat.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Santiago Chat Chat with Santiago from the famous text RPG! This is a prog similar to iGod, though of course not as advanced. Still, its pretty funny;) |
 | fort2000.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Fortune 2000 A generic fortune telling progam, but with a few extra features. Contains your normal question-answerer, but also a decision maker. Don't know what to do? Enter your choices into the Decision Maker and it will tell you what to do! You will need my subroutines, SquidPackX to run this prog |
 | chatnoob.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Chat Noob v. 0.1 This is my first release of a program called Chat Noob which responds when you talk to it. Only knows a few phrases. |
 | fortunetellers.zip | 1k | 08-11-29 |  | Fortunetellers This is a selection of three very wonderful "fortunetelling" programs! |
 | 1stmmr.zip | 34k | 08-06-12 |  | Mysterious Mind Reader Mysterious Mind Reader is a simple program to amaze people. It takes a while to find out how it works, but you can have alot of fun with this by showing it to your friends and family. |
 | awronganswer.zip | 1k | 08-02-28 |  | WRONG! A great prank for your friends! Put it on their calc and run the program, and it will give them the wrong answer every time! There are no signs of a program running, so they won't know what is going on. The only way to get out is to press [ON] or [2nd][QUIT]. |
 | smiley.zip | 5k | 08-02-14 |  | Smiley Destroyer A stupid stress reliever in which you can fire a variety of weapons at a few weird smiley faces. |
 | magic8b3.zip | 7k | 08-02-12 |  | Magic 8 Ball 3 A rerelease of Magic 8 Ball. An AI that responds to you depending on what you type. |
 | calcstrsrelv.zip | 1k | 08-02-06 |  | Calculator Stress Reliever This calculator stress reliver is similar to to stress reliever for windows. With this program, you have 5 weapons to choose from, in which you can use to smash up your screen. F1-F5 are the weapons. When you are calm, press "CLEAR" to find the cost in monetary damages you've made to your calculator and find your overall final score(Depending on amount of damage done.) |
 | virusstartup2.zip | 13k | 08-01-31 |  | The Start-up Virus: Enter Press Another start-up virus I have created. This virus, when started, forces the victim to press the [Enter] button a certain amount of times before continuing to the main calculator screen. This program has no risk of resetting your RAM on battery removal and can get your victim very annoyed! FUN! |
 | virusstartup.zip | 13k | 08-01-31 |  | The Start-up Virus: Black Screen This program, when started, shades the screen completely black. Another program, OnBlock, is called which blocks the [On] button from the "Err: Break" message, forcing the person to remove their batteries in order to terminate the program. The black screen scares your victim into thinking that something has happened to their calculator. On battery removal, the RAM shouldn't get reset unless the batteries are removed while the screen is getting shaded. A similar program is also included which shows a blank screen with no risk of RAM being reset. TRY IT! |
 | pokebunnti83plus.zip | 1k | 08-01-21 |  | Poke the Bunny Poke the Bunny, now ported to the ti-83+/84+, is the most pointless game in existence, period. Have fun poking the bunny! |
 | dncerdntti83plus.zip | 1k | 08-01-21 |  | Dancing Rodent Dancing Rodent is an extremely fun game where you are able to manipulate a rodent by pressing the buttons. If you like random or hilarious dancing and not-the-best but still cool pixel art then this is exactly your game. Only takes up 1,563 bytes on calc and can be run through mirage os 1.2. Read the read me for detailed instructions. Happy random dancing! updated to include the robot. |
 | calccrash.zip | 1k | 07-12-31 |  | CalcCrash My very first program. Send it to a friend's calc, it provides 3-4 seconds of being startled. Beware, it may end friendships. |
 | destroy.zip | 2k | 07-12-18 |  | Destroy Town Make a town then destryo it in 3 different ways. xlib Reqired. |
 | magic8bl.zip | 6k | 07-12-17 |  | Magic 8 Ball An AI system that responds to you depending on what you type in. Makes extensive use of the InString function. |
 | always42.zip | 19k | 07-12-17 |  | Always42 This program, when run, causes the calculator to always return 42 as the answer. (For those of you who haven't read THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, 42 is (according to Douglas Adams), the answer to the Ultimate Question, of Life, the Universe, and Everything.) The ON break is blocked, so the program must be quit by typing in a set string. The default is "ULT?". More info on how to set your own string is included in the readme. Set this as a startup program on your friend's calcs and confuse them. If you want to be evil, do it right before midterms and finals! |
 | areyoustupid.zip | 1k | 07-12-15 |  | Are you stupid A fun "brain scanner" that tells you what intellect you have. This is my first program so it's not that good. |
 | aichatterbot.zip | 1k | 07-12-14 |  | Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence program I am working on, you can talk to it and it talks back to you, read the readme for a good description, you can sue me if there isn't a better verion on here within 1 week. |
 | famguy.zip | 1k | 07-12-06 |  | FAMGUY This program will ask a series of questions, and based on the answers you provide, will determine which of the family guy character's personalities you have. |
 | timeflyr.zip | 6k | 07-06-09 |  | Time Flyer How patient are you? Can you wait 2 seconds, 20 seconds, or even 5 hours and 30 minuts?!? Watch as the numbers...and you time...decline before your very eyes! This program works best with MirageOS. Have fun! |
 | afl.zip | 1k | 07-03-31 |  | AFL A simulator of the Australian Football League which I made ages ago. |
 | funprogrampack.zip | 1k | 07-03-01 |  | Fun Program Pack Have you ever been called a loser, but couldn't think up of a comeback? Just pull out the Shakespearean Insult Generator and rain insults upon your victim! Has a teacher ever called on you and you didn't know the answer? Just use the Wisdom Generator and sound so smart, you'll blow them away! This pack of programs contains a Shakespearean Insult Generator, a Wisdom Generator, and a useful prime number program. |
 | hitosama.zip | 2k | 06-12-24 |  | Punch Osama Bin Laden 1.0 Ever been angry enough to punch something? Vent your frustrations on the most wanted man in the world! Give him black eyes! Tear his beard! When you're done with that, add more things to the program, whether it be making his scarf fly off or making his eyes bulge! Download today! |
 | eyescanner.zip | 1k | 06-09-09 |  | Eye Scanner Fool all your friends into thinking you have an eye scanner on your calculator! Created with help from Dylan Magruder. |
 | randomstorygeneratorsamgo.zip | 5k | 06-07-17 |  | Random Story Generator This is your generic random story generator. But it truly is better than all of the other ones. Features: - over 30 nouns, verbs, places and adjectives - Save and load feature - You can choose the amount of stories you view - The calculator keeps track of how many stories have been viewed overall. |
 | friend.zip | 1k | 06-05-14 |  | Calc Friend This program is sort of like having a friend, and you can gamble with it too! |
 | encoder8game.zip | 4k | 06-02-04 |  | Encoder Ver. 8 Sort of a game. Put in a phrase (89 different characters supported with included libraries!) and it will make it into a series of symbols, one for each word. Input is a single string with a max of 18 "words" (sets of characters seperated by spaces), but each "word" can be as long as you want. |
 | imivan.zip | 1k | 06-01-27 |  | Instant Message Buddy An artificial intelligence program that you can instant message and it will instant message a response! |
 | fillitin1.zip | 3k | 06-01-07 |  | Fill in the Blank - Volume 1 I'm sure most of you remember playing a game in elementary school, a game where you fill in the blank with a noun or verb to help you understand them, and you would read them and laugh at what you put? If you don't remember, now you can experience it on your calculator! I guarantee it will still be fun in high school, college, and beyond. Four stories are in volume one. Read the readme for more information. |
 | essay.zip | 10k | 05-12-10 |  | Essay Generator Generates "essays" from a list of random words. Comes up with nonsense such as "Fried homeless!" and "You homie bucket." Capitalizes after the randomly thrown in periods and exclamation marks! (To clear the word list store 0 in O and run AMAP, AAMS can be used to add words to the list) |
 | andresanswerbox.zip | 17k | 05-12-10 |  | Andre's Answer Box This program tops the creepshow list of prank programs. It actually gives you the answers to all of your qusetions, and doesn't let you out as easily as you think. Have fun, and sleep tight... |
 | stressreliever.zip | 9k | 05-11-20 |  | Stress Reliever This updated version of Stress Reliever is a Stress Reliever game where u get to use onmicalc fonts as graphics. Just check out the screenshots and you will know what this game is. |
 | warning.zip | 1k | 05-11-19 |  | Warning This program can be used with the Start-Up App to fool your friends that have little experience with graphing calcs. Just set it to run on start up and wait for their reaction. When it runs, it displays the error message, waits 5 seconds then displays the message "All Memory Erased". |
 | andrea.zip | 1k | 05-11-19 |  | Andrea This program is like SimChris, but instead of emulating me, it emulates my friend Andrea. It didn't need to be interactive because it seems like she always says the same things =). Just press enter to see something else she'd probably say to you. |
 | jlazrnos.zip | 1k | 05-11-06 |  | Laser Nose Ever wanted to laser someone's nose? Well, now you can. Shoot the nose and that part will disappear. Press 2nd and do it all over again. |
 | grafstar.zip | 15k | 05-10-21 |  | Basic Stars On Graf Screen A 'new and improved' version of Basic Stars On Home Screen, this program renders the stars on the graph screen (dur!) Hope you like it! Omnicalc required and included. |
 | fortune4.zip | 1k | 05-10-01 |  | Ultimate Fortune Teller V.1.4 Couple the funny fortunes and the Awesomely efective Gui and you have a very good fortune teller! |
 | blonde.zip | 1k | 05-09-27 |  | Blonde game Fun game to play with your blonde friends. Asks if you're a dumb blonde. |
 | cardtrik.zip | 7k | 05-09-26 |  | Cardtrick This is a really cool cardtrick that I programmed when I got bored, It really works, try it! |
 | evildoom.zip | 1k | 05-09-26 |  | The Evil Program Of DOOM!! This is such an evil program/game. Runs in Mirage OS or normally. Find the right button... Confuse your friends. |
 | lrunner.zip | 1k | 05-08-31 |  | Calculator "Virus" Just a basic program to fool your friends. "Called LRUNNER to sound like Load Runner and displays text that says "Quit Playing Games and You've Been Hacked", then displays random symbols like pi. (On an infinite loop though). This was the second "virus" that I made |
 | fortunate.zip | 1k | 05-08-27 |  | Fortune Teller This program tells your future. |
 | makeamouse.zip | 1k | 05-08-27 |  | Make-A-Mouse Choose from a lot of facial features to make your mouse look great!! |
 | shaksper.zip | 2k | 05-08-26 |  | Shaksperean Insult Generator A program that generates an insult at the push of a button, Shaksperean-style. |
 | insult3.zip | 2k | 05-06-10 |  | Random Insult Generator 3.1 A fun program which generates random insults. There can be up to 1,000 different combinations of words which can all be edited by the user in-program (without having to know programming). Now "Mirage OS" compatible (although it is not required). |
 | fishtank.zip | 23k | 05-06-01 |  | FishTank FIXED, Version 1.1: Only one program now, absolutely no slowdown (or program fatigue), list errors fixed, numerous other smaller errors fixed completely. Program is also 300 bytes smaller in total. Note: You need a TI 84+ to play as the clock function is used heavily. This game is not so much a game as it is a simulation. Actually it’s not really a simulation either. What it is is a fish. A fish which you name and maintain that swims around on screen. As enthralling as this sounds, it is actually pretty neat. Every single person who has seen this program actually likes it. They like it a lot. It is simply a fish swimming around, but it is really cute and fun. Just give it a try. Again: You need a TI 84+ to play this “game.” We’ve worked on this program for about 80 hours now (all 5 of us together), which isn’t too much. But we think this program, once you’ve played it, will stay on your calc for a long time. Lastly, this game is compatible with Mirage, which means that you don’t need to use the RAM at all. Plus, all the pics are archived, so this program uses literally about 100 Bytes of RAM, just for the list. Thanks. The APG |
 | ideawork.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Ideawork's -IDEA MACHINE- Idea Machine is a small game that is useful if you are bored with your calculator and you want something to program. It also has a fun random step-by-step naming process. Check it out! |
 | fatalbert.zip | 1k | 05-03-02 |  | Fat Albert Hey hey hey! Your favorite junkyard friend is back! Feed Fat Albert to make him fatter and exercise him to make him smaller but be careful! There really is no gaol in this program but it is fun and funny for boring times in algebra class. |
 | idiot2.zip | 1k | 05-01-28 |  | IDIOT Well this is one of the first programs I made to annoy people. I hope you like it. |
 | selfdest.zip | 1k | 04-12-24 |  | Self Destruct A game that I made due to lack of something to do. It's pretty fun so have fun. |
 | stupiditomiter.zip | 1k | 04-12-03 |  | Stupiditomiter This fun little program calculates the stupidity of the person you aim the calculator at. It also has a second bonus feature. Lots of fun for those bored in school! |
 | prank_22.zip | 1k | 04-12-01 |  | Prank v2.0 The perfect program to send to your friends - if all goes well, they'll have already completed page 3 of te exam before they realize that their calculator just said that 2+2=3. --???-- |
 | kirbydan.zip | 1k | 04-11-25 |  | Kirby Dance Sequence Make Kirby perform his "end of level" dance sequence. Use the y=,window,zoom,trace,and graph buttons to select certain types of moves, and the left right up and down buttons (after one of the y=,window, etc buttons) to perform moves. A great game if your in need of a jig but too shy to do it yourself!! |
 | talk.zip | 1k | 04-11-25 |  | Talk This pretty simple program talks to you, as you answer back. Pretty cool, did it when I was bored. |
 | empire.zip | 6k | 04-11-25 |  | Watch Minimamba Minimamba eat and eat until he die |
 | killman.zip | 5k | 04-11-20 |  | Killman vs. Badguy You know those games that aren't just basic, BASIC RPGs? This isn't one of those games. Instead, Killman vs. Badguy is far closer to an e-book than a game. It doesn't have photorealistic graphics. Heck, it doesn't have ANY graphics. All it is is a funny take on superheroisim. It doesn't take much effort to get it to your calculator, and once it's there, it'll give you a cheap laugh or two. That's all it's for. |
 | eliz_insults.zip | 1k | 04-10-23 |  | Elizabethan Insult Generator This is the classic Elizabethan Insult Generator which is found in JAVA webscripts (e.g. "Elizabethan Insults" on Google) with a combination of 45 x 45 x 45 different types of insults. This was my first biggest project on a calc that I have done. |
 | fmprgm.zip | 1k | 04-10-04 |  | Fortune A fortune telling game with two parts to it! Try it out! |
 | idiot.zip | 2k | 04-09-21 |  | The Idiot Game An amusing game which you have to act like an idiot. |
 | facism.zip | 1k | 04-09-11 |  | Facist Joke! This is just a joke about facists i thought up one day in world history. |
 | binaryjoke.zip | 1k | 04-09-11 |  | Binary Joke! This is just a binary joke I thought up one day in computer class. |
 | lunch.zip | 2k | 04-09-06 |  | Lunch Make messes at school to get Donnie in trouble or hurt, although there is no way to either win or lose |
 | bunnyvirus.zip | 2k | 04-08-26 |  | Bunny Virus 2.1 A "virus" that completely locks down a calculator and forces the user to remove the batteries. |
 | design.zip | 1k | 04-06-15 |  | Design This is a simple program. circles randomly appear and form quite interesting designs |
 | lightnin.zip | 1k | 04-06-02 |  | Lightning 1 in every 700,000 people are struck by lightning. this program calculates if you are to be struck next time there is a chance of rain in your weather forecast. beware...you may not like what the results are. PLEASE DOWNLOAD!!!!! |
 | kumbahya.zip | 1k | 04-05-22 |  | Kum Bah Ya Hilarious depiction of how to get Osama Bin Laden out of action. VERY FUNNY and a little inappropriate. |
 | fun.zip | 1k | 04-05-18 |  | Fake Virus Install This program pretends to install a virus onto your calculator. It doesn't though, but download and give to a friend for some laughs (hopefully). |
 | freeze.zip | 1k | 04-05-18 |  | Freeze A small program that "freezes" your calculator. Download to find out more. |
 | xguess.zip | 1k | 04-05-16 |  | XGUESS This program guesses the number your thinking of! its right every time and doesnt use the old add X to your number and subtract the original number thing. really cool, impresses people. |
 | facemaker.zip | 2k | 04-05-13 |  | Face Maker This is my first program. Basically, you just customize a face, using menus, and then you view and save it. Also includes a guess-the-number game and a Doors game. |
 | lovecalculator.zip | 5k | 04-05-11 |  | Lovecalculator/-barometer This program "calcs" if you fit to someone or you are clever etc. You can change yourself from how many to how many percent you want. |
 | sweet.zip | 1k | 04-05-08 |  | Sweet The word SWEET the moves a bit. Really dull, but it's my first program. |
 | betadanc.zip | 2k | 04-04-27 |  | Dancing Dude An amusing dancing game to keep your attention for a little while. Created by Eric Subach. I strive for quality. Please send feedback. |
 | omega00.zip | 1k | 04-04-09 |  | Emerald Ball V1.2 This an improved version of my future predicting game in that this is my first game to use an expansion pack feature. My expansions will be under the name of EP. It also uses the expansion packs for my friend jordan wimberlys fortune program. Enjoy. |
 | fortunev.2.1.zip | 1k | 04-04-06 |  | Fortune teller v.2.1 and expansion 1 This is the fortune teller I promised to release after enough people downloaded my first one. It is pretty much the same except that there is a new option: EXPANSION! In this option you can access different expansion packs that I will release. This new version of the fortune teller includes EX1, The first expansion pack! I will soon release EX2 if this gets downloaded to 50 people! |
 | omega3.zip | 1k | 04-03-29 |  | fortune this is an updated version because i fixed the quit option and for some reason my first attempt ended up in the miscelanious option instead of the game option like i wanted. also try my time and stuff program |
 | pquest.zip | 4k | 04-03-29 |  | potter quest Lets you enjoy acting like an idiot, without killing braincells. Pretty funny, considering it was written at 1 A.M. |
 | magic3ball.zip | 1k | 04-03-29 |  | Magic 3 Ball When you want your problems solved with insight and wisdom, the best idea is to run away from this program as fast as possible. If, however, you have a sense of humor, the least helpful adviser ever is for you! |
 | funckycalc.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | Funcky Calc This program is like a simple calculator except that it displays a wrong number. The catch: sometimes it displays the right one. The program randomly picks a number and adds that to the number so the answer will be wrong by a different number each time. So far it only will do two numbers each three or less digits and will only compute multiplication, division, addition, and subtracting. |
 | exlovetest83.zip | 2k | 04-03-07 |  | Extreme Lovetest 83 The extreme love tester for the TI83. |
 | lovetesta.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | Original Love tester This is my original love test program. Help from a friend moulder to create a simple program. Chip productions. |
 | exlovetester.zip | 2k | 04-02-16 |  | Extreme Love Tester This program is amazing. It will tell your capability of loving someone else and what your chances with them are. It has what year you will get married. A must have program. One of the best EVER love testers. I haven't seen one better than it so far. Chip productions. |
 | cnlvtest.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | Clean Love Tester The clean love tester. |
 | anykey.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | AnyKey Press any key? Chip productions. |
 | blol.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | LOL This program makes the answers for any math problems be 1 or two higher than the real answer. It can be made to run automaticly when calc turns on. It can easily be shut off (only if you know how) and does no harm to your calculator but is very funny to watch your friends faces when they see that 1+1=3!! |
 | bprank.zip | 2k | 04-02-14 |  | Prank Programs This is a large collection of prank programs. They are all customizeable so you can change them to suit your friends! Not neccesaraly a game...But its fun! |
 | wwsim.zip | 1k | 04-01-31 |  | Wind Waker Simulator This is a nearly perfect emulation of the Wind Waker. You enter notes with the arrow keys and you can even make your own songs. The metronome is about as fast as the one in the game, maybe a little slower. It works great and looks really good so give it a try! |
 | funpack.zip | 4k | 04-01-27 |  | Fun Pack A bunch of programs made for fun. Includes an Intro, ClearAns, Fake Virus (completely harmless), Guess the Number, QuickClean, Percentages, and Reset the Calculator (to bring back the "clean" state before these programs used it. See Readme.txt |
 | howslife.zip | 13k | 04-01-24 |  | HOWS LIFE I ask the question "How's life?", 100 times a day. So, I made a program with the most common respones I get. Download load it for a little entertainment. |
 | goodmorning.zip | 6k | 04-01-17 |  | gmorning just saying "HI" to all those crazy people out there. |
 | afortune.zip | 8k | 04-01-11 |  | A-Fortune My lastest program-A-Race Fortune. It diplays a lucky number and a random fortune. Screenshots are included with the download. |
 | soulmate83.zip | 1k | 04-01-03 |  | The Soulmate Game v1.0 Although it's not really a game, it is very amusing. Put in some names, some number, and answer a few questions, and find out who your soulmate is! (Of course, this can't REALLY tell you who, but it's still pretty fun to mess around with.) |
 | anger_game.zip | 33k | 04-01-03 |  | Anger Game This is a simple game I made during my spare time that is GUARANTEED to make you angry! For more info, see the documentation inside the readme. |
 | bestfakevirus.zip | 1k | 04-01-02 |  | Best Fake Virus Joke Ever This program is brilliantly conceived and concluded. It is disguised as a game called River City Racing. It opens with an impressive screen and then boom. A warning hits you harder than a bullet. Then it goes through a "virus scanning" process until an error comes up. The calc turns off automatically and when you turn it back on it says "You've been Punk'd". Thank you for taking your time on this and please view the screenshots (but they don't show everything). |
 | buffalo.zip | 1k | 03-12-31 |  | Random Buffalo Jokes Generator Randomly displays 16 different buffalo jokes that are stupid, yet somehow funny. |
 | kh.zip | 2k | 03-12-29 |  | HarryPotterNOMORE!!! Do you dislike Harry Potter? I know this might only appeal to some, but it's worth a shot. This is a game where you "kill" Harry Potter. Not actual killing though! |
 | batterylow.zip | 13k | 03-12-28 |  | Fake Battery Low Message This is a BASIC program which shows the dreaded low battery message whenever you turn on your calc! Use this as yet another threat to annoying calculator owners who plague you for your cool game files. (Requires Start-Up Application, included in zip) |
 | emobuddy.zip | 3k | 03-12-22 |  | EmoBuddy a fun program in which an onscreen character resembling a computer makes hilarious faces according to what the user inputs. great for that extremely boring class right before or after lunch |
 | screenfun.zip | 2k | 03-12-22 |  | Screen Fun This is just one of those programs that are fun to make and mess around with but are completely useless otherwise. =P You may check out the code inside to get ideas as well. It's very big because it has a lot of content... I've thought about having it run archived on MirageOs; however, there were some extra bugs to work out if I did, so I just kept it as a normal program. E-mail me @ ezekielvictor@hotmail.com or AIM me @ zekecoasterfreak (if you e-mail me, please include something like "TI-Programs" in the subject line) -Feel Free To Share This Release.. Make Sure To Give Me Credit! |
 | lovetest.zip | 1k | 03-12-08 |  | Love Test This is a program that lets you input information about you and information about that special someone that you,ve always had your eyes on. It will tell you your love compatibility. It is a great program that really works well and is very accurate. If anyone would like for me to create a second version, email me and I would be happy to do so. |
 | gib.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | GIberrish screwy... |
 | wckystng.zip | 1k | 03-12-01 |  | &wacky generates string, recall and watch the fun. |
 | love2.zip | 1k | 03-11-24 |  | Love Calculator V2.0 I have further updtaed my love calculator. This one is better than the old 2.0. |
 | epilepsy.zip | 1k | 03-11-21 |  | Epilepsy very stupid and a waste of time, but look at it anyway |
 | thepsychicball.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 |  | The Psychic Ball The Psychic Ball is a program used to 'predict' the possibility or outcome of a certain yes-or-no question. The author of The Psychic Ball is not responsible for the actions taken by the user. |
 | fortune3.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | fortune teller1 fortune telling program with 20 fortunes and tells you your lucky numbers |
 | quotes.zip | 4k | 03-11-14 |  | Quotes Like good quotes? This program is a work-in-progress. Being v0.3, there will be more updates monthly (or so). Please give it a try and e-mail me what you think. |
 | fortuneteller.zip | 1k | 03-11-07 |  | fortune v1 Tells you your lucky numbers and fortune. 20 different fortunes. |
 | namegame1.0.zip | 1k | 03-11-07 |  | NAMEGAME A little diddy in which the calculator asks you questions and gives you a few stupid answers. |
 | randomdots.zip | 1k | 03-11-03 |  | Random Dots cool dot game...e-mail:joshyb@cox.net aim:jmbois123 thanks layte~ |
 | fakebac.zip | 1k | 03-11-03 |  | BAC test does not actually test your BAC levels, but it it a novelty program that is very easy to modify. |
 | love.zip | 1k | 03-11-03 |  | Love Calculator This is my first program. Please change it if you want. When it gives you a choice between two numbers hit enter. |
 | bomb.zip | 1k | 03-10-28 |  | Mike B. is the Bomb It is a cool program |
 | insult83.zip | 1k | 03-10-27 |  | Insult 1.0 Original game to attack 2.0. insult people no one likes. |
 | bomb_54.zip | 1k | 03-10-27 |  | Bomb!! A Bomb!! No, It's just a prank I made in my spare time. |
 | zer0w1ng.zip | 1k | 03-10-23 |  | AYBABTU (zer0w1ng.zip) Zerowing opening script for The 'popular' sega/genesis game. (c) 2101 |
 | korn.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 |  | Making fun of Korn Its just a short program I made to make fun of Korn. If you have any program ideas send them to me and I'll do the best I can do. |
 | chargsho.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 |  | The Orbital Laser Cannon of Doom... A neat movie program that always is different. There are 4 main things that can happen and one loops back. View and enjoy. |
 | apmadlibsdemo.zip | 25k | 03-10-13 |  | Austin Powers Mad Libs Demo True to the pad! One level in the demo. |
 | lovecalc2.zip | 1k | 03-10-05 |  | Love Calculator just a simple program that tells you how compatible you are with someone |
 | wronganswer.zip | 4k | 03-09-21 |  | Wrong Answer Gives whatever the answer is plus one, perfect prank! This program is really 3 programs all the size of varibles (and names at end of Program list), with the startup varible included so you can send it all to your victim (watch out, or it'll be your start up) |
 | aprogcalleduh.zip | 1k | 03-09-01 |  | Uh A very funny prog. I made. This is my first Prog. I have made. I think that it is pretty good and very funny for my first try. It only takes up 1942 of mem so give it a try. My friends thought it was good. |
 | scrptr.zip | 4k | 03-08-26 |  | Random Scripture Generator This program generates random scripture-sounding sentences. |
 | sbaitso3.zip | 10k | 03-08-03 |  | Doctor Sbaitso For TI-83 Plus! Remember the good ol' days when there was Windows 3.1, Dos 4.0, and Doctor Sbaitso was our only way of entertainment? Well, now you can bring a piece of those days back, with Doctor Sbaitso for TI-83 Plus! If you have no clue what I'm talking about, Doctor Sbaitso was a program included free with the old Sound Blaster Cards. Sbaitso was a digital psychiatrist who had a text-to-speech opperator. You could make him say things, get him really ticked off, and even tell him your problems. Now, with the magic of TI-83 Plus Basic, inStr, and my imagination, I have recreated Doctor Sbaitso. Check out http://www.doctorsbaitso.cjb.net for my Doctor Sbaitso for Windows Project. Enjoy :) |
 | movstar.zip | 2k | 03-07-17 |  | The Moving Star This is one of the many programs I wrote in the middle of my Math 12 Summer School class just because I was interested in what I could do (and especially because I was bored). I have no idea why I wrote this... I think it was because I wanted to see if I could make a dot move anywhere on its own. Originally, I wrote this program in a way that it would go in an inifinite loop. However, after an accidental crash and a RAMClear, I figured that I should maybe let the user decide if they want it to be infinite or not;). |
 | leet.zip | 1k | 03-07-17 |  | Learn L337 5P34K I made this for all the ignorrant people out there, too lazy to learn another language, now you can learn a new language in less than a day, if you can read. |
 | screeng.zip | 2k | 03-07-04 |  | Screen Generator Design a custom wallpaper for you TI or a text one. |
 | everloader.zip | 1k | 03-07-01 |  | the everloading program this program just loops showing that it is doing stuff but it really does nothing but sit there and loop, give it to a friend tell them to install it and watch them wait... |
 | indy500.zip | 2k | 03-06-18 |  | Trick Indy500! Download this wonderful fake Indy500 (for both the regular 83+ and SE), and scare the crap out of your friends (if you still have any after they see this). If you enjoy this, there are more files available from http://myownlittlworld.tripod.com (click the NLabs link at the bottom of the page) |
 | cows.zip | 1k | 03-06-14 |  | The Amazing Cow Program I can't really explain it without giving it away. Just follow the directions. Very funny. Try it out on all your friends. |
 | ticam.zip | 1k | 03-05-30 |  | TI camera oh, uh, I found a SECRET camera inside the calculator that you can only use with this program. be sure to show all your friends! |
 | realai.zip | 1k | 03-05-30 |  | REAL artificial intellengence amazing! you thought you'd have to wait years for computers that can actually learn and interact (cough) but but its here now! you gotta try this! |
 | screen.zip | 1k | 03-05-29 |  | Solomon's Digital Weirdness look at the screenshot and it tells you all (maybe not: its a weird program that puts 1 and 0's on your screen randomly.) |
 | die.zip | 1k | 03-05-24 |  | Die countdown clock this program will figure out when you will die and countdown precisly! |
 | style.zip | 1k | 03-05-16 |  | Style Tells you what kind of style you should have, very detailed. |
 | haha.zip | 1k | 03-05-07 |  | Haha Virus Probably the lamest program yet. Just a fake, yet, if, it was real, devastating virus. |
 | courage.zip | 2k | 03-05-05 |  | Courage the Cowardly Dog Random Quote Generator The title says it all...what...why are you still staring at me? It randomly generates quotes from the show Courage the Cowardly Dog |
 | superfrog.zip | 1k | 03-05-04 |  | SuperFrog SuperFrog- the frog with all the answers! |
 | chatbot83p.zip | 1k | 03-04-30 |  | ChatBot v1.1 [Customizable Version] This program allows the user to chat with an artificial intelligence entity built into the program. It can carry on a basic conversation, and can be easily trained to say phrases other than those preprogrammed into it. Keep watching for updates with a more expansive vocabulary. |
 | deadcalc.zip | 1k | 03-04-26 |  | deadcalc funny and clears ram |
 | fortunecookie.zip | 2k | 03-04-20 |  | Fortune Cookie Very cool program. some quotes............. Taydawg-"Very cool program. Neat graphics" Over 10 different sayings. Lucky numbers. Small but cool program. Different pictures. Real Chinese! |
 | thewave.zip | 2k | 03-04-18 |  | The Wave! A cool screensaver like effect! |
 | doof.zip | 1k | 03-04-15 |  | Doof this program asks if you are a doof. if you say no then it says "yes you are" and asks again. it will keep looping until you admit that you are, in fact, a doof. when you finally admit it then it will say "i thought so" and end the program |
 | fortune2.zip | 1k | 03-04-13 |  | Fortune Teller You type in your name and it tells you your fortune. Simple yes? |
 | nerdism83p.zip | 1k | 03-04-07 |  | Nerdism Factor v1.0 Find your nerdism factor! Enter the number of programming languages that you know, the number of calculating devices you have (computers, PDAs, graphing calculators), and the number of years you have been programming; it will give you your nerdism factor. |
 | sorting2.zip | 2k | 03-04-03 |  | Sorting Hat Thing I saw a Harry Potter sorting hat game on this site not long ago and (though I hate anything Harry Potter) hoped to use the source code to make a personality test. However, the questions and everything turned out to be just a front. So I fixed it. It's kinda dumb but have fun anyway. By the way I don't think I locked it but I'm not sure. Oh yeah, and it's fully Mirage compatible. |
 | justkidding.zip | 13k | 03-04-01 |  | Just Kidding A program I made to trick people that I gave games to and then turned the calc off to let them see their calc countdown to self-destruction. It was quite a joy to see their reaction and almost hard to hold a straight face for only 10 secs. Now that I just realized I releasing it on April Fool's Day, it seems too fitting. I can almost guarantee you will have as much fun as I did. All that is required to make this work is install the application (Start-Up), the group, and ungroup the group. After it's turned off, the next time it turns on it will "self-destruct." It does run everytime its turned on so you probably want to delete the app and the program or at least disable these. It was orginally made on my TI-83+SE so the timing is set almost exactly (by exact I mean as close as I can for a TI-83+SE in BASIC) for it and not for the regular TI-83+, a bit slower for it since its processor is slower. |
 | prank.zip | 1k | 03-03-27 |  | Prank! Final version This is the final version of my prank program. I have added more buttons to press, and now i am going to work full time on my resident evil game. |
 | trekdoor.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | TrekDoor A StarTrek Turbolift Door! See it open and close (use Enter) but don't play with it too much, cuz you might break it! and Tuvok's gonna get you! |
 | bong.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Bong A Dot bouncing around reflecting on the borders of your TI's screen :P |
 | badcalc.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Bad Calculator A calculator that is very annoying and funny! |
 | scpseal83p.zip | 1k | 03-03-13 |  | ScreenPals v1.0 - Seal This program will make a seal walk around your screen, etc. Can be used as a screensaver; press any key to exit. |
 | bullfrog83p.zip | 2k | 03-03-13 |  | Bullfrog! (The dumb joke) See the documentation. It's a port of the 82 version. |
 | basiclaughs.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | TI-83+ Laughs This program does nothing except makes the user laugh. |
 | scpcat_83p.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | ScreenPals v1.0 - Cat This program will make a cat walk around your screen, etc. Can be used as a screensaver; press any key to exit. |
 | lowbatt.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | Low batt sim Display the text of low batteries |
 | joke.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | VIRUS joke this program is a mean way to freeze your friends calc. asmbally prgmSHUTDOWN must be unarchived to work. READ THE README BEFORE USING |
 | jackup.zip | 1k | 03-03-04 |  | Jack up Program This file fills your memory up with useless junk files, only meant as a prank, comes with antidote files which deletes the junk files for you. |
 | tenchivirus83p.zip | 1k | 03-01-01 |  | Tenchi`s Virus Want to fool you friend into thinking that you have given them a virus? Well, this is the program to pull off the prank. First, Transfer this program into their Calculator HD, then load the program and run the program as if its any program. As it begins, it will show 'booting sequence' screen which is similar to most installer beginning. After it reach 100%, the program will display an installer screen will pretends to install files into the calculator. After that, it will automatically load itself, and then takes you to a blank screen. |
 | lucktest.8xp | 2k | 02-11-20 |  | luck test this is a luck test i was bored so i made this program |
 | game_virus.zip | 1k | 02-11-12 |  | Games This is a virus for you to put on your friends calculator. It creates numerous files which take forever to delete. |
 | youare.8xg | 1k | 02-11-11 |  | youare tell me what you think |
 | redrabit.zip | 1k | 02-10-26 |  | The Red Rabbit a fake virus for those annoying kids that stael your calc. written in basic so ON still stops program. WORK IN BOTH MIRAGE AND REGULAR PRGM MENU. is small, and has some pretty cool graphics |
 | douluvme.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Match Maker This is the second program I have made. It's pretty simple, you type in two people's names and the calculator tells you the percentage of a chance they have together. **WARNING: this is sooooooo not for real... any damage done will absolutely not be attributed to me. |
 | crystal.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Crystal Ball This is basically just a beginner program I made messing around in math class. It's pretty decent, organized and such, and I think you may enjoy it. It tells you about your personality and stuff. |
 | ducks.zip | 1k | 02-10-17 |  | Its Raining Ducks! Well it started as a joke in school... now I made a program, i is a VERY funny comic thing... also I would use it for a basic programmers group skill test... email me if interested! |
 | virus.zip | 1k | 02-10-12 |  | Virus this isn't really a viruse, just a program i made that is kinda funny |
 | virus83p.zip | 18k | 02-10-12 |  | Fake "Virus" This program is a very real looking program, it downloads a file, installs it, then executes it. The pictures speak for themselves. The only way to exit the program is the enter the special code that is in the readme. |
 | macmachine.zip | 1k | 02-08-02 |  | Mac machine This is a program where you can play around with an atm machine. |
 | albhedtr.zip | 4k | 02-07-29 |  | Al Bhed Translator Ever play Final Fantasy X and would like to know what the Al Bhed are saying? Translate to and from Al Bhed and English. Use it to create messages to send to your friends or help learn it yourself! Works fast! Final Version |
 | dropball.zip | 1k | 02-07-23 |  | Drop-Ball This is a very creative game! Create lines in picture 9 and drop a ball down them! Works as a screensaver also! |
 | majordamage.zip | 7k | 02-07-22 |  | Major Damage a cute little prankish game. |
 | vender.zip | 3k | 02-06-04 |  | The Vending Machine!!! Vender made by me. Read text. Enjoy! |
 | confused.zip | 2k | 02-05-27 |  | Confused This program is REALLY good and you've got to try it. |
 | hal2002.zip | 1k | 02-04-23 |  | Hal2002 This is something that i did because i was bored |
 | joker.zip | 1k | 02-03-21 |  | Joker v1.0 A stress-relieving program where your calculator laughs at you |
 | virus_10.zip | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | Fake Virus Program Fake virus that deletes your RAM and causes the calculator to go into a nuclear meltdown =) Press the "," or "on" key to exit the program |
 | cosby.8xp | 1k | 02-02-22 |  | South Parks' Bill Cosby I made one of the greatest quotes from south park |
 | moo2.8xp | 1k | 02-02-22 |  | Moo 2 More K-R-A-Z-Y moo-ish situations! |
 | moo.8xp | 1k | 02-02-22 |  | Moo! Moo! What would YOU do if you met a cow? |
 | piguy.zip | 1k | 02-02-21 |  | PIGUY A very funny prog if you are looking for a laugh you must download this! |
 | man.8xp | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | MAN (a talking man) This is a very little program that you type in a sentence and it draws a picture of a man and then he talks by moving his mouth (kinda dumb after 2 or so sentences) |
 | magiqbox.zip | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | MagiqBox A magic 4x4 square that tells you what number you are thinking of. |
 | pokepoke.8xp | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | Poke-Poke! Watch as at your command, a guy pokes an other one! Great laugh when bored at class! |
 | luvtest.zip | 1k | 02-01-01 |  | TheLoveTester This is a great game. It tells you if you are in love or if you just think you are. It's small on your archive, and fun to play! Test it on your friends! |
 | eightbal.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | EightBal Great Game!! |
 | nerd.8xp | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | The Nerd Calculator A simple program that says if youre a nerd or not, like the love clculator (made by my brother) |
 | snap.8xp | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Snap! You watch Bob and Fern play snap. Wow. Can you feel the excitement? |
 | sage.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Sage Ask the wise and knowing sage for an answer to your yes or know answer. |
 | swatch.zip | 1k | 01-12-15 |  | stopwatch its a stopwatch it tells time from point a to point b |
 | mrt.zip | 1k | 01-08-05 |  | Mr. T Chat This is a Basic Text parser to talk to Mr. T |
 | errors.zip | 1k | 01-06-08 |  | Errors This is an extremely funny program! Download it! |
 | batt.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Batt This is really quite a stupid little program I made. Its only purpose is as a joke, or possibly a security device. It displays in exactness the low battery message that the Ti 83 plus gives. |
 | fortune.zip | 3k | 01-06-01 |  | Forune Teller A simple program based on those paper fortune teller things that kids make. |
 | ti83.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | Battery Change This program was made origionally as a prank to play on my friends. You can use it for whatever. |
 | you.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | YOU It is a BASIC Personaltiy test. It's very simple to operate. It's my first program so please download and tell me what you think of it. my email is in the Readme file. |
 | bob.zip | 3k | 01-05-31 |  | Meet Bob This program is definitely, well, how do I put this, stupid. It is a good way to brighten up your day, though. This is not one of my best games, so dont make fun of me too bad when you play it. P.S. you can rename him |
 | upup.zip | 1k | 01-04-25 |  | Upup A fun and addicting game full of laughs and surprises. |
 | god.zip | 3k | 01-03-25 |  | God A little encounter with God, by Tony Carfang. Say the right things, and you will find out the meaning of life. Say something wrong, and face the consequences. Enjoy |
 | mess_up.zip | 1k | 01-03-08 |  | Screw Up Your Classmates This program is great for those times that you just want people to fail.........This program looks exactly like the homescreen, so your classmates won't know that its actually a program! It will take each answer OVER 20 and add it by 1. For example: If they enter in "5+5" it will equal 10. But, if they enter in "30+30" it will equal 61. |
 | timed.zip | 1k | 01-03-08 |  | James Bond's Watch [ Timer ] James Bond's Watch. It's just a Timer =p |
 | moe.zip | 2k | 01-03-08 |  | Moe This program shows some coversations between Bart Simpson, and Moe. You know like when he calls the tavern. It took me a while to produce this, and I hope you will at least download it, and give it a try. |
 | magie1.zip | 1k | 01-02-22 |  | Magie! A Magic trick that can guest your Number. |
 | jokes.zip | 1k | 01-02-22 |  | Jokes Some Jokes in french.. |
 | whoami.zip | 1k | 01-02-20 |  | Who Am I? A Little "Guest Who I Am" Joke. -- It may be not what you think >=) |
 | jokes_31.zip | 1k | 00-12-30 |  | Jokes Some pretty funny joke I have collected, REALLY FUNNY!!! |
 | luv.zip | 1k | 00-12-26 |  | Luv This is a game where you answer questions and you find out how lovable you are. |
 | stckdeth.zip | 3k | 00-12-17 |  | Stick Death For all you stick death fans, here is one for ya. The first ever animated stick death. Enjoy. |
 | note.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Note Type in something, hand your calculator to someone else and start a conversation! Easier than paper becuase nothing is left behind for someone else to read. 2nd game I made. Check out Insults! Got suggestions? E-mail me below. |
 | move.zip | 1k | 00-10-24 |  | Move v1.2 You can move around in a room and interact with your surroundings. (i.e. look at a playstation, run Ion, etc...) |
 | breath.zip | 1k | 00-10-01 |  | Breathilizer This comedy game tests how much alcohol you've had. (Even if you haven't had a drink in your life) |
 | mindread.zip | 1k | 00-09-28 |  | Mind Reader A cool math trick that tells the number you thought of. |
 | life.zip | 1k | 00-09-26 |  | Life v3.0 Life v.3.0 is a simple, but cool program that tells you how old you are in days. |
 | fire.zip | 2k | 00-09-17 |  | Fire! v2.0 "Fire" is a prog. that is basically a Stress Reliever where you get to shoot a laser at someone you are really angry at! But watch out, if you miss, that person hits you in the face! |
 | cybrant.zip | 1k | 00-09-14 |  | CyberAnt Pro prgm were you pick number of ants and watch them dig! its a cool prgm to tinker with, easy to manipulate...read .txt for more info! |
 | coolmetr.zip | 1k | 00-09-10 |  | COOL-O-Meter Tells you how cool (or not cool) you are on a scale from 1 to 10 |
 | pikakill.zip | 1k | 00-08-19 |  | Pikachu Killer Like pikachu? of coure not! Kill it! |
 | luvcalc2.zip | 1k | 00-08-12 |  | The Love Calculator II The sequel to the hit 'The Love Calculator' (at least it was a hit at my school!) |
 | luvcalc.zip | 1k | 00-08-12 |  | The Love Calculator This is a fun little program... Gee, I wonder what it does! |
 | lovecalc.zip | 3k | 00-08-11 |  | LoveCalc Update of the LoveCalc i released earleir |
 | cyberant.zip | 1k | 00-06-23 |  | CyberAnt Watch the little pixel ant dig his way around your screen |
 | wordpad83p.zip | 1k | 00-06-15 |  | Smart Wordpad This program keeps putting out the next letter of "I am an idiot" no mater what button (as long as the button isn't on/off) you press. A really good practical joke to play on your friends and enemies. (based on a computer program) |
 | fortune_07.zip | 1k | 00-06-08 |  | Fortune Teller v1.0 Turn your calculator into a miniature fortune teller. It takes up just 450 bytes, too. |
 | aboutyou.zip | 1k | 00-05-29 |  | Personality Quiz This is a funny personality quiz that summarizes your personality after answering some simple questions! Very cool, try it on your friends! |
 | idiot_85.zip | 1k | 00-05-01 |  | The Idiot Program The infamous idiot program! Guaranteed to keep an idiot busy for hours! |
 | wa.zip | 1k | 00-03-15 |  | Wrong Answer v1.0 For Those times when you want someone to fail... |
 | cookie.zip | 2k | 00-03-13 |  | Fortune Cookie Randomly displays a humorous quote about aspects of life. Small, and funny. |
 | pokemon02.zip | 1k | 00-02-08 |  | PokeMono You Kill pokemon! If you are getting TIRED of pokemon, just take out some of that stress by either Shooting it, Kicking it, Smashing it, ect..........HAVE FUN! |