| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Media |
| ion | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Animations (Ion) |
| mirageos | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Animations (MirageOS) |
| tse | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Animations (TSE) |
 | dots.zip | 2k | 11-02-26 | | Dots Dots is a fun particle simulator that will keep you interested for a while. Later versions will include more options and other "substances" besides water. |
 | ep1folder.zip | 2k | 07-02-17 | | Episode 1: The Nuke This basic program is a movie of a battle between "i" and pi. It runs under the program menu or in a shell like mirage. There will hopefully be many more episodes. ENJOY! |
 | evil.zip | 1k | 10-12-04 | | Evil π! The long-feared number has done something else irrational: It has embarked on a quest to conquer the world! Watch its progress on your trust 83+! |
 | face.zip | 1k | 05-05-13 | | A Random Face Generator This program randomly creats faces. There are more than 200 different possible combinations! Can be used as a screensaver or just somehting funny to watch anytime! Be prepared to laugh, some faces are very funny! |
 | fencing.zip | 4k | 08-05-27 | | Fencing This is a Sketchy animation of two stick figures fencing. |
 | kickflip.zip | 4k | 05-06-19 | | Kickfilp this is an animation of a stick figure doing a kickfilp and grinding and other stuff (uses the application sketchy) |
 | nyancat.zip | 6k | 11-10-19 | | Nyancat This is a simple Nyancat animation for your calc written in Axe! |
 | peaceannimation.zip | 1k | 11-10-19 | | Peace Symbol Animation This program is only an animation that I made for the TI-84+. It is on of the coolest animations I have ever made. You really have to see it for yourslef to truly understand this magnificent piece of artwork. |
 | piccolo.zip | 42k | 03-10-06 | | Piccolo vs Frieza A nicely coded animation of Piccolo vs Frieza (form 2). I didn't use TIMM, only QuickTime, Cullen's iStudio, Assembly Studio 8X, and my soon to be beta z80 asm super include (covering 73, CrASH, 83, 83+, and 86 asm simultaneously). Runs with: Asm(prgmPICCOLO |
 | trainmovie.zip | 6k | 04-01-29 | | Train Movie Do you know how many stick figures have been hit by a train this year? |
 | wanderingline.zip | 92k | 13-12-11 | | Wandering Line Animation/Screensaver This program makes an animation to simulate a wandering or scribbling pixel. It can be used for a screensaver, start-up animation, or just for amusement. |