| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83 BASIC Math Programs |
 | advmathe.zip | 8k | 03-04-10 |  | Advanced Math Program v1.02 A very useful program, specifically made for students who are studying Mathematical Methods or equivalent. Excellent Graphical User Interface but you are going to need a lot of memory on your calc to run it...^_^ |
 | advmath.zip | 10k | 00-09-17 |  | Advanced Math v1.0 Advanced Math version 1.0 is a math program with the following math rules: Logarithm, Power of, Differentiate, Integrate, Sin/Cos-rules, Sin/cos/tan-rules. No input!! Only the rules are plotted in the graph screen! Watch my screenshots at the file information. |
 | allequat.zip | 2k | 04-10-23 |  | Allequations This is my first program for solving Geometric, Trigometric, quadratic, and logarithmic equations. Also, it does basic conversions between the metric and imperial systems. It helped me and I hope it can help some of you! |
 | allform.zip | 1k | 97-11-22 |  | AllForm for the TI-83 A collection of several math formulas includes the laws of sine and cosine |
 | aplus.zip | 1k | 00-08-14 |  | A+ Math Totaly Overhauled for the new school year. So far it solves quadratics, and has the OPTION TO SHOW WORK!. It also can solve several various graphing functions, and areas. Future versions will have volume, solving systems, radical simplying, trajectory, and a index of 100s of useful formulas |
 | assist2.zip | 4k | 00-11-13 |  | Wiskunde Assistent v1.0 Dutch program for math |
 | assist.zip | 4k | 00-01-09 |  | TI-Assistant v0.6 The simplest, most complete, and most informative mathematical assistant program for your calculator. New features include: Solve for logarithms (including logarithms that aren't base 10), Solve for any standard equation. Other Features include: Solve for roots of Quadratics and Cubics. Solve mulitple equations with Distance, Velocity, Acceleration, and Time. Synthetically divide polynomials up to the fifth power. Vector addition up to four vectors complete with resultant X, Y, and vector with angle. Solve for basic linear equations with any combination of slope and/or one or two points. Quickly and accurately solve for distance between two points and midpoint, complete with easy and quick graph. Solve for the modulus of a complex number, complete with graph. |
 | delta.zip | 4k | 00-08-19 |  | Delta v9.42 Program for the maths 068-436 course of Québec (in French) : Quadratic formula, trigonometry, etc. |
 | dipmaths.zip | 2k | 03-09-17 |  | Dipmaths The ultimate maths solver that also shows the working. From calculus to geometry to all equation solvers. This program is the best for you and saves a lot of time. |
 | formla1.zip | 85k | 02-10-12 |  | Formulas, version 1 Uses: Triangles, Recs. Squs., Parallelograms, Trapezoids, Cicrs., SArea: Rec. Prisim, Cubes |
 | formspro.zip | 16k | 02-03-28 |  | FormsPro v1.46: Math Class Just Got A Whole Lot Easier! Forms Pro is the most in-depth and comprehensive math program ever. (This may get kind of long, so for a quick overview, just read the last two words). With 87+ formulas, and 45+ options, it undoubtedly the best math program ever. Forms Pro contains everything from the in-depth QUADRATIC FORMULA, to a 2-5 VARUABLE EQUATION SOLVER all in nice neat pretty order. Forms Pro also contains just about every AREA, LATERAL AREA, SURFACE AREA, VOLUME and PERIMETER formulas that their are. Forms Pro also contains many helpful triangle formulas such as the SSS,SAS,SAA,SSA and ASA. Also solves for any side of the PYTHAGOREAN THEROM. Forms Pro has a very neat SLOPES EQUATION for just about everything. Also Included is a very good X=GRAPHER that solves for all X= equations. Forms Pro also has some very helpful conversions, like STANDARD->SLOPE, and SLOPE->STANDARD. Forms Pro also has many more than that, but it also has EXTERA OPPTIONS, and a very nice section for editing almost all parts of the graph screen. And did I mention that it is all in one program, so you don't need to worry about a whole bunch of files. All this and much, much more in a program that is (needless to say) Simply Amazing. |
 | formula2.zip | 1k | 00-05-20 |  | Formula Maths formulae |
 | formulad.zip | 6k | 99-12-25 |  | Formulad v1.71 An extensive, yet compact collection of high school formulas and shortcuts |
 | formulas2000.zip | 10k | 00-06-26 |  | Formulas 2000 v4.01 The only math program that truly delivers. |
 | formulas2.zip | 1k | 99-11-21 |  | Formulas Algebra & Geometry Formulas |
 | formulas3.zip | 2k | 00-01-09 |  | Formulas Pro v1.0 This program have lots of formulas built in the program so that you can fine different aspect of geometric figures easily. |
 | formulas.zip | 1k | 98-07-28 |  | Formulas v1.1 Contains solvers for any Geometry student who wants to cheat. |
 | formulax2001.zip | 3k | 01-12-16 |  | Formulax 2001 (Dutch Math Program) Dit programma is ideaal voor de 2e Fase Student. |
 | formula.zip | 2k | 98-10-11 |  | Formula v1.5 basic high school math programs, and some extras |
 | hggmath.zip | 9k | 01-06-13 |  | HGG's Math Program v2.0 for TI83 The new version of my program. Contains functions like quadratic equation, triangle solver, linear and non linear system solver, distance formula factors primfactors, vectors and more. Many answers are given in exact value form and reduced squawroots form. Easy to use menu and labeled input and output of data. |
 | mastermath.zip | 1k | 03-04-20 |  | MasterMath This program is a combination of 5 math programs: Angles, Area, Quadratic Equations, Surface Area, and Volumes. Overall helpful in all of these areas. Enjoy! |
 | mathdlx.zip | 3k | 98-08-29 |  | Super Math Solver *Deluxe* v3.1 Solves simple tedious tasks quickly. |
 | mathfunc.zip | 4k | 00-11-23 |  | Math Func v6.01 This is just like the other Math Funcs, has the needed programs for the math classes of Geometry, Algebra, Trig and Calculus. This new version adds two new functions for Calculus, the functions are Euler. One function will pause after each calculation while the other will go until the calculations are complete. |
 | mathmenu.zip | 1k | 02-02-19 |  | Math Menu Math Menu is a multi-purpose application that I built during math. I hated the Quadratic Formula, so I developed a menu driven tool to guide me through math problems. |
 | mathpack.zip | 2k | 02-03-16 |  | MathPack Transformations of shapes, linear equations, and triangle side/angle finding programs are all included. See ReadMe for details |
 | mathprocompact2.zip | 1k | 07-08-21 |  | MathProC - Maths Programs Compact V2.7.08 Final release of MathProC version 2 for anyone who wants it. A program covering a few areas of maths, including quadratics, trigonometry, sectors, segments and periodic phenomena. The compact version of the program does not include any of the drawings used in the full version. Also compatible with TI-83. |
 | mathprocompact.zip | 3k | 07-03-28 |  | MathProC - Maths Programs Compact A program covering a few areas of maths, including quadratics, trigonometry, sectors, segments, periodic phenomena, complex numbers, derivatives, matrices, probability and trig identities. Compact version does not include unit circles or diagrams. |
 | mathspak.zip | 2k | 00-10-07 |  | Maths Pak Very powerful maths functions. Solve eq, change base of a number (Base between 2 to 36!!), solve trinome. |
 | maths.zip | 8k | 00-08-20 |  | Mathématiques v1.0 (French) Une compilation de programmes tel que le theoreme de pythagore, solveur d'équations et bien d'autres!!! |
 | mathwiz.zip | 8k | 00-04-11 |  | Mathwiz v2.3 Every postulate and theorem in the accelerated geometry textbook plus five math-solvers |
 | math.zip | 1k | 00-10-26 |  | Math All I made this program while in Algebra 1. It helped me out on a lot of tests. It has just about everything. |
 | mfbv.zip | 2k | 00-10-11 |  | Math Func Beta v5.04 This has the most used functions for the math classes of Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry. The best function of the program is that it can solve sides and angles of a triangle. |
 | mwpro.zip | 9k | 00-12-10 |  | Math Wiz Pro v2.0 Several algebra and geometry time savers |
 | omatic83.zip | 2k | 02-11-28 |  | O-Matic 83 Recurs-O-Matic, Matrix-O-Matic, and Line-O-Matic, all stuck together in one happy archive for your pleasure. |
 | robk.zip | 8k | 04-09-16 |  | Robk Math and Science v4.02 A comprehensive math program geared to Algebra 2 through Calculus. Specifically it is focused on the IB curriculum, but highly useful in other areas. (To give you an idea, it did every single problem on IB math methods paper 1 and showed the work) All solvers have instructions inside the program, and most show the work that you should have done. There are about 50 solvers total. The program takes up exactly 20k of memory and cleans up totally after itself. There is also an extensive stoichiometry section for use in chemistry, which also shows the correct unit analysis as work to be copied down. |
 | sat2mathdojo83.zip | 4k | 02-06-02 |  | SAT II Math Dojo 83 Dojo Productions presents... yet another amazing math program by T.D.! Here are the features (BTW if you couldn't figure it out, this program was made for use on the SAT II MATH Level IIC Test, so the topics are a bit random): Linear Functions; Quadratic Functions (a good quad. formula section); Sectors (Deg. and Rad. as in [MLT³]); Trig - csc/sec/cot, Law of cos, Law of sin, Half Angle, Double Angle, Pythagorean Identities, Sum and Difference, Negatives, Cofunction; Conics - circle, ellipse, hyperbola, parabola; DeMoivre's Theorem; Binomial Expansion; Probability; Sequences and Series; Vectors; Determinants; and Geometry - triangle, rhombus, cylinder, cone, and sphere. Get this program today!!! |
 | softmath.zip | 1k | 98-10-11 |  | Soft Math v0.8 Beta Soft Math is a great program to help you with formulas that you can t remember and it also solves them.. even though it is only in it s beta stage there is more comeing to it |
 | statpace.zip | 522k | 11-12-20 |  | STATPACe PUT YOUR PENCILS DOWN! With this collection of 18 programs you may not need a pencil (except to write down results) in your INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS class. |
 | suprmath.zip | 3k | 98-02-14 |  | Super Math Deluxe 4.5 (AShell83 Compatible) A must have for any math student; all-in-one math program. |
 | tihelp.zip | 6k | 05-04-18 |  | TI-Help TI-Help is a program that contains a very long sort of information about math on the 12grade. Totaly in portuguese, witch is very hard to find. TI-Help é um programa que contém um conteudo muito vasto sobre a disciplina de matemática do 12ano. Está totalmente em português o que é muito difícil de arranjar. |
 | tlsg.zip | 3k | 98-02-23 |  | The Lazy Students Guide Semester 1 Has many programs and notes for Trig and Chemistry. |
 | ultimate.zip | 21k | 03-09-07 |  | Ultimate V2.3 This is a program that has a large amount of features. It can factorise equasions with its Factoriser (By Wei Yun Mak), do a large amount of trigonometric funtions, it solves many graphing problems like completing the square, finding the lenght and midpoint of a line, the quadratic formula, and can do polynomial long division. Version 2.3 allows you to access another program without even quiting Ultimate. Check it out |
 | ultimath.zip | 7k | 99-07-13 |  | Ultimath A very powerful math program, with many features. |
 | zgreat.zip | 1k | 04-09-18 |  | ZGREAT This is for Math 536 students. I spent about 4 hours on this... Well you pretty much put in two functions, either quads or linears or both. But they have to be simple. e-mail me if there is anything wrong with it and ill try and fix it. |