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Last updated Monday, 10 March 2003
Total downloads 44,747
Most popular file  Final Fantasy X3 with 13,637 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
ffdef.zip6k00-05-07File is not ratedFinal Fantasy: The Defender
A Final Fantasy-like RPG.
ffinthe.zip12k01-09-08File is not ratedFinal Fantasy: In the Beginning v2.1
Final Fantasy: In the Beginning takes you to the beginning journeys of the main character for the Final Fantasy series (I know in FF7 it is Squall, but I don't know if he is the same one in all the games). It is up to you to destroy the boss of an evil tower that came out of the ground. I finally got this game animated, and it looks good. The gameplay is improved and somewhat harder than the previous versions. Unfortunately, this version is almost twice the size(it's 15.4k) from the last version, but it is worth it. Newer versions to come sometime, making a smaller file size, better enemy pics, and some more animations. Please read the readme for more info.
ffx283.zip10k97-09-20File is not ratedFinal Fantasy X2
ffx383.zip11k97-09-20File is not ratedFinal Fantasy X3
finalfantasyme.zip9k03-03-10File is not ratedFinal Fantasy: Magic's End v 0.7
This is version .7 of my Final Fantasy game. Everything now works except magic and items in battle. Please download and email me what you think, because this helps motivate me to make it better.
finalfantasyti.zip6k02-05-12File is not ratedFinal Fantasy TI_ version 1.1
This version is really better than the other, you must downloads it... I know that everyone say that, but you need to downloads this game. It's only for 2 players. See the images.
rpg3.zip3k01-06-03File is not ratedFinal Fantasy: In the Beginning v1.0
This game is completely done as far as I am concerned, but since it is only a text-type fight in this version, newer versions are on their way. It's a pretty self-explanitory game, and when you win you get some cheat codes. See the readme file for more info.

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