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Number of files 14
Last updated Saturday, 24 January 2004
Total downloads 51,126
Most popular file  Bar Fight with 8,795 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
arena.zip4k00-10-13File is not ratedArena v1.11
A game of RPG combat (Updated again)
attack.zip2k00-08-20File is not ratedAttack v1.3
Yet Another Update: Updated intro, it looks much better now! Fixed it so the opponent does not walk into you.(That took alot of work because I hadn't worked with it in so long I couldn't figure out my own programing.)
barfight.zip1k98-01-01File is not ratedBar Fight
Text fight game
battle2.zip7k00-03-03File is not ratedBattle II v1.4
The evil Baron Mordon has attacked the King and you must fight your way to him in order to bring justice for his treachery.
battle3.zip1k00-11-24File is not ratedBattle v1.0
Demo of a rpg-style battle
battle8.zip2k03-07-17File is not ratedBattle
Kill your opponent. Not graphic but fun.
fnlfight.zip3k09-09-04File is not ratedFinal Fight
Final Fight is another BASIC RPG. It's rather undescribable. You'll have to play it to see what I mean.
gfighter.zip3k99-10-04File is not ratedGhetto Fighter v2.0
A text fighting game.
mbattlef.zip11k04-01-24File is not ratedBattle
This program is one of my first menu based games ever. So, its pretty bad.
monster2.zip5k03-04-07File is not ratedMonster_Battle2
This is the second Monster Battle. Contains new features like Save/Load in the middle of a battle, battle through whole tournaments, and more attacks.
monster_battle.zip38k03-03-05File is not ratedMonster Battle
Game you play as Lei Haru, with his monster, Kazakari, to train and wait for a tournament. You fight in tournament. Has save and load feature.
monster.zip6k02-03-08File is not ratedMonster
An nice RPG.You have to battle with monsters to become stronger.
rpg2.zip11k00-10-20File is not ratedThe Role Playing Game
Fight creatures, earn $$$
rpgfight.zip2k00-11-07File is not ratedRpgFight v1.0
This is a graphical-text turn based fighting game with HP, AP, and MP. You can start a new game or continue your old since there are some pretty long battles =]
southprk.zip10k00-06-16File is not ratedSouth Park
South Park - A game of fighting in the style of an good RPG game. Including some cool pictures I made myself of the characters!

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