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Last updated Sunday, 3 November 2013
Total downloads 132,356
Most popular file  Bomberman v1.0 with 32,852 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Games
asteroidsfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Asteroids)
chasingfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
fightingfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Fighting)
platformfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Platform)
pongfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Pong, Pinball)
racingfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Racing)
reflexfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Reflex)
shooterfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Shooters)
snakefolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Snake)
tunnelfolder TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Tunnel)
aptg.zip2k97-08-05File is not ratedA Plane & Tank Game 1.3 (Aurora Compatible)
A Plane & Tank Game 1.3
barricade.zip1k03-01-01File is not ratedBarricade
A massive amount of asteroids have been detected heading for Earth. A barricade has been put into place to intercept the asteroids, but you must maintain it by quickly replacing broken sections. If the barricade fails the earth is lost! This game is very fast paced and extremely entertaining . It also has great graphics. You will become addicted to this game right from the start. The game keeps score so you can compete with friends or try to beat your personal best. This game is worth the download ! Only from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe !! Need help programming? Or do you just like to talk about Calculators ?? Then goto www.OuterLimit.tk for a complete message board and game downloads !!!
basejump.zip1k00-11-13File is not ratedBasejump
Jump out of a plain and hit the black lines, but do not fall to hard!
bbaway83.zip1k03-12-22File is not ratedBBAway v2.0
In this addictive all-graphical game, you must rescue your crew that has been captured by aliens. You must destroy their defenses to free your crew without crashing. Fast-paced yet small; Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
boink.zip1k97-12-31File is not ratedBoink
bombase.zip1k99-02-23File is not ratedBombBase! v1.0
bomber2.zip4k00-10-09File is not ratedBomberman v1.0
The new unbugged version!
bombrman.zip4k97-12-31File is not ratedBomberman Beta
Bomberman game for the 83
bonk20.zip28k97-10-25File is not ratedBonk! 2.0 (with Level Editor)
brckyard.zip1k98-01-16File is not ratedBrickyard 400
btetris83.zip275k13-11-03File is not ratedBasic Tetris
This is my version of Tetris that was originally made on the color 84+ Silver Edition and back ported to the 83 and 83+. This was a fun experiment on how I would make a Tetris game in BASIC and expand my abilities as a programmer.
buildpig.zip1k01-04-04File is not ratedBuilding Pig
Save yourself from the wolf (Note this game contains some asm files)
bungee.zip5k00-04-14File is not ratedBungee Jumping v2.5
Bungee Jumping v2.5 - special thanks to z3fx for the use of his program Dez3c.
erapongbeta.zip7k11-11-17File is not ratedEra-Pong V 1.5 (Beta) for Era-Systems
This is the update for the first app I made. Thank you for all people who downloaded it and dont forget :THIS IS AN APP FOR ERA-SYSTEMS, THE OPERATING SYSTEM SHELL! YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL IT BEFORE YOU CAN PLAY!!! It is just the beta version (still) and it could still contain some bugs. If you found one report me please :-) Short Description: You must do that the ball doesnt go over your boarder and that it goes over the other players boarder! New Features: - Multiplayer is now working!!! Play over the cable (which should be with your calculator) against an other human player!!! It is a little slower and its buggy but Im working on it. - New Intro (because the old intro needs too much memory to start)
erapong.zip2k11-11-12File is not ratedEra-Pong V 1.4 for Era-Systems
This is the first App for Era-Systems. Its Pong! You mustdo that the ball doesnt go over your boarder and that it goes over the other players boarder! This App only works with Era-Systems V 2.11 (or later).
fr0gger83.zip1k02-07-26File is not ratedFrogger!!!
FROGGER is a port of the 82 frogger game I made. It's kinda boring, since it's in BASIC, but oh well.
frogger83.zip4k03-05-27File is not ratedFrogger v2.0
This is a fast, neat version of the classic Frogger. Ten difficulty levels! Version 2.0 now contains the calculator file, three lives, and a more advanced graphic engine. Check out the screenshots!
frogger.zip3k00-03-03File is not ratedFrogger
Frogger is the classic arcade hit brought to you in an incredible 4 f.p.s. where the entire screen scrolls!!! This is a very addictive game, with 10 levels and good gameplay.
marinbsc.zip1k01-02-04File is not ratedMarin
The basic version of Marin
mech83.zip8k98-01-25File is not ratedMech Warrior 83
Mech Warrior for the calc
rsroll.zip1k00-06-27File is not ratedRSROLL
Only a beta engine. it uses those ideas of sicode about strings.
stars.zip3k09-04-03File is not ratedStars
Simple but fun game: get the stars, avoid traps and springs. Only 1675 bytes!
toadder.zip1k98-03-15File is not ratedToadder 1.1
Frogger clone

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