| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade) |
 | climberv2.1.zip | 5k | 03-08-10 |  | CLIMBER v2.1 Its the beloved game of Ball climber coming in for its second installment. CLimber v2.1 has so much more features then the original. These features include faster speed, better graphics, fixed bugs, more advanced scoring, better gameplay, 4 difficulty settings, and graphical menus. The object of Climber is to climb the ever falling balls. As they stack higher it becomes harder to avoid the falling balls, and hard to jump amongst them. If you are hit with a ball you lose. Made by Bryan Thomas. Only from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe!! PLease visit our site at http://www.outerlimit.tk !!! |
 | climber.zip | 1k | 02-09-30 |  | Rock Climber Climber is extremly strategic. Rocks are falling out of the sky, as they pile up, you must gradually climb them.If you are hit you die! Its very addictive and even has its in ranking and point system. Have fun! only from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe. www.freewebs.com/outerlimit |
 | dk.zip | 5k | 98-01-19 |  | Donkey Kong 83 v2.2 Remake of the Nintendo arcade classic Donkey Kong |
 | dungeon2.zip | 4k | 00-07-14 |  | Dungeon v1 Mario type game for 83 |
 | falldown83.zip | 1k | 03-01-01 |  | Falldown v3.0 Based upon the original assembly version of Falldown. In this game, you have to the guide the ball using left and right to the bottom of the screen by going through the holes in the walls. If you can't 'falldown', then the game is over. |
 | falldown.zip | 1k | 01-01-06 |  | Falldown Basically like the assembly version except without the graphics. Includes a teacher key that saves and exits the game. Compatible with most assembly shells. Very fast. |
 | falling.zip | 2k | 00-06-13 |  | Falling v1.2 If you like FallDown but don't have a link to your computer, this is the game for you. Try to avoid hitting the spikes as you fall toward them. Source is included. |
 | fallup83.zip | 1k | 03-01-01 |  | Fallup v3.0 Based upon the original assembly version of Fallup. In this game, you have to the guide the ball using left and right to the top of the screen by going through the holes in the walls. If you can't 'fallup', then the game is over. |
 | fencejumper83.zip | 1k | 07-03-31 |  | Fence Jumper In this simple and fun game, you control a crazy teenager who's hopping fences. You can pause, control how far you jump, and brag to your friends once you beat their highscore! And, best of all, you can enjoy great graphical effects while doing it. |
 | fle.zip | 1k | 01-05-30 |  | Fall Left This game is like Fall Down only you fall left. |
 | gravitycave.zip | 1k | 06-10-28 |  | Gravity Cave This is BASIC version of Cave, but with a twist--you, instead of the vertical thrusters, now control the gravity!!! Probably the best basic Cave, around, seeing as there aren't any other good ones here. Excellent graphics, runs exceptionally fast, high score and a menu that inverts your selection. Have fun! |
 | hotdog.zip | 1k | 00-09-17 |  | Hotdog You are being chased by a small hotdog, and must jump over trash cans. |
 | jumparen.zip | 1k | 98-01-10 |  | Jumparen A small platform game. Have fun |
 | kong.zip | 1k | 97-07-25 |  | Donkey Kong (Aurora Compatible) Donkey Kong |
 | lander3.zip | 1k | 97-12-31 |  | Lunar Lander 3.0 Lunar landing game |
 | lunarlan.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 |  | Lunar Lander Land on a randomly generated landscape before you run out fuel!! Incredible options including fuel amount, gravitational pull, and ship type!! Quite the cool game. Created a few weeks ago so there may be a few bugs. |
 | lunar.zip | 3k | 99-12-19 |  | Lunar Lander 3.5B Sorry about version 3.5, I don't have a Graph Link so I had to type it up and I made some mistakes but this version should work and I added some new terrain and a practice level !!! |
 | luna.zip | 2k | 01-04-29 |  | Luna Lunar mission game (graphic-mode memory-saving version, in spanish) |
 | mario.zip | 2k | 00-10-24 |  | Mario v0.5 This is the graphical game of mario on the graph screen. It takes up about 8k. It is only the first level of the game though. Since just the first level is 8k and it took me forever to make this will probably be the only level. Feel free to try to make your own levels. |
 | marsland.zip | 5k | 01-05-14 |  | Mars Lander Same concept as the popular Lunar Lander. Contains 4 levels, awesome graphics, and 3 difficulty settings. |
 | megaman1_83.zip | 1k | 03-05-14 |  | MeGaMan v2.0 Part 1 This is the first part of the completely recoded MeGaMan series, in which you are a superhero battling a variety of enemies to reach the boss and save the world. In the first part, you must kill a guardian to get past it and advance to the second part. Look for Part 2 and Part 3, as well as the complete trilogy package. |
 | megaman2_83.zip | 1k | 03-05-15 |  | MeGaMan v2.0 Part 2 This is the second part of the completely recoded MeGaMan series, in which you are a superhero battling a variety of enemies to reach the boss and save the world. In the second part, you must defeat three separate enemies in a factory; each enemy starts out with full health, but your health losses persist from enemy to enemy. Awesome graphics; check it out! |
 | megaman3_83.zip | 1k | 03-05-15 |  | MeGaMan v2.0 Part 3 This is the third part of the completely recoded MeGaMan series, in which you are a superhero battling a variety of enemies to reach the boss and save the world. In the third part, you must defeat the boss of the game: a two-headed robot that has double your firepower. Check it out! |
 | megaman83.zip | 3k | 03-05-15 |  | MeGaMan v2.0 Complete Package This is the complete recoded MeGaMan series, a trilogy in which you must battle various enemies and bosses to reach the end. In the first part, you must defeat a guardian and get past him to the second level. In the second part, you are pitted against three enemies in a factory; once you defeat each of them you proceed to the boss. The third part is the boss, a two-headed robot with double your firepower. Defeat it to win the game! Excellent graphics engine; check it out! |
 | mm2000.zip | 7k | 00-07-28 |  | Megaman 2000 v.13 The new version of Mega Man 2000! It's about 3k smaller, has better graphics, faster gameplay, and looks nicer. Don't expect too much, as the only working level is Flash Man. |
 | mm6prev.zip | 7k | 00-12-17 |  | Preview: Mega Man 6 The cinematic preview of Mega Man 6 for the TI-83(+) calculators. |
 | mm83.zip | 8k | 97-10-25 |  | Mega Man 83 |
 | war22.zip | 3k | 00-07-11 |  | War2 Basicoderz presents:An extremely fast (7FPS!!!), arcade-type, side scroller where you try to bomb enemies while avoiding oncoming missles. |
 | war.zip | 4k | 00-05-09 |  | War Side-scrolls at over 6fps. I SiCoDecould get 7, but 6 is plenty. One small bug. Levels, might be too hard or too easy, I didn't plan it very well. |