| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83 Assembly Source |
 | 12x12.zip | 53k | 01-06-27 |  | 12x12 Graphic Routines Some simple 12x12 pixel tile and sprite routines that used packed sprites, includes a simple editor. |
 | asmrout1.zip | 6k | 01-02-20 |  | ASM Routines Set 1 This zipfile exists 3 different assembly subroutines. They can be used and modified freely. Look at the screenshots! |
 | asmrout2.zip | 2k | 01-02-20 |  | ASM Routines Set 2 This zipfile exists of 2 different assembly subroutines. They can be used and modified freely. |
 | asr.zip | 3k | 00-10-15 |  | Advanced Screen Routines Gives BASIC programmers easy access to many advanced screen routines that are impossible in BASIC. This lets you do things such as invert the screen (instantly), or save the screen without using a picture or taking up any memory at all. If you are doing any graphical BASIC programming, this program will be VERY useful. |
 | basicapi.zip | 1k | 00-03-26 |  | Basic Enhancer TI-83 Basic Enhancer |
 | basicosgetkey.zip | 3k | 03-08-10 |  | Keyboard Routines These 3 programs allow you to read any key from the keyboard. You do NOT need a keyboard to use one of them. |
 | bell.zip | 28k | 12-05-05 |  | Bell link library The Bell link library is a tool for assembly programmers that eases the development of multiplayer games through the link port. It was created several years ago but I have only recently recovered it. The manual can also be found online at http://bell.timendus.com/ |
 | bintobcd.zip | 2k | 02-07-26 |  | Binary to String Two routines that format integer numbers to ascii strings that are printable using _puts or _vputs. |
 | bitfunctions.zip | 3k | 06-12-24 |  | Doublewide masked/unmasked sprite routine Includes bitshift.inc, my include file for 16-bit bitshifting for all three 16-bit registers, boolean.inc, which contains routines for running a bitwise boolean on hl with de or bc, and doublesprite.inc, which contains my routine for displaying a 16-bit sprite (the usual size is 8-bit) on the screen. The routine is in XOR logic, but can be changed to AND, or OR logic. Refer to readme.txt for info on input registers for the sprite routine. Now also includes doublemaskedsprite.inc, which is my sprite routine for a 16-bit masked sprite. I've also updated to old sprite routine to be much faster, and doesn't use IY, and i made some of the bitshifting routines faster. |
 | blacken.zip | 3k | 01-07-09 |  | Blacken v1.0 A nice looking routine to clear your screen to full black. |
 | brkpoint.asm | 1k | 98-10-23 |  | Power Debugging with Breakpoints This utility allows breakpoints in debugging source, a feature not found in most emulators. It is VERY useful It allows you to stop the source from running, and watch variables or trace step by step from a specified point in source code. |
 | crz1spriteroutine.zip | 1k | 04-02-17 |  | And-or-xor spriteroutine See for yourself |
 | db4spaze.asm | 7k | 97-07-03 |  | Spzlogo and Sprites for Spazesrc.z80 |
 | drawline.zip | 1k | 02-05-27 |  | The Fastest DrawLine Routine This is the fastest way to draw pixel-accurate lines on the TI-83 (or any other Z80 calculator). Its speed is higher than that of any of the other similar routines. |
 | fastcirc_83.zip | 3k | 04-01-20 |  | FastCircle TI-83 Bresenham's circle algorithm. MUCH faster that the TI-OS routines. |
 | font.zip | 7k | 04-08-23 |  | Custom 4x5 Font Routine Prints a custom 4x5 font zero-terminated string to gBuf (with char-wrapping and invalid char check) ASCII chars 32-126, basically anything you can type on a keyboard :). 127 is used for an invalid character, or a solid block. |
 | getkd.z80 | 1k | 02-07-26 |  | Direct Input Routines that make direct input for games simple and fast. |
 | getscreen.z80 | 2k | 98-08-31 |  | Screen Grab Routine |
 | gninput.asm | 1k | 98-07-25 |  | Getting Numeric Input |
 | gray83.zip | 29k | 99-08-18 |  | Gray83 v1.0 An all in one Grayscale library for the TI-83 that includes double buffering, sprite clipping, and compressed pictures. |
 | gsinput.asm | 1k | 98-07-25 |  | Getting String Input |
 | heapsort.zip | 4k | 06-04-15 |  | HeapSort for the Z80 An implementation of the famous HeapSort sorting algorithm in Z80 assembly language. |
 | inputxt.zip | 11k | 07-06-09 |  | Routine inputxt Cette routine permet d'entrer et de sauvegarder une chaîne de caractères. This routine allows you to write and store a string. |
 | ionmenu.zip | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | Ion Menu Routine A nice and easy calobratable Ion Menu Routine! |
 | linedraw.zip | 6k | 01-06-21 |  | LineDraw A fast line-drawing routine and a line-clipping routine. You can draw a line between any two points on the screen. The clipping routine lets you draw lines that are partially off-screen. |
 | linktutorial.txt | 8k | 01-05-03 |  | Link Routine This is a link routine for the ti83. It explains how the link port works and how to use it. It also explains how to synchronise and send bytes. It is tested on the ti83 but should also work on TI-8X. |
 | linktutorial.zip | 6k | 02-01-14 |  | Link tutorial After releasing some multiplayer games on the TI-83 (+) are more programmers interested in making multiplayer games. I made this Link tutorial so more multiplayer link games will be developped. It handles the link port, byte sending, receiving, synchronising and quitting during lost connections. |
 | math32.inc | 8k | 98-08-28 |  | 32-bit Math Routines for the Z80 |
 | mbus.zip | 44k | 99-11-19 |  | MBus v0.99 Multimaster network and I2C driver routines for TI-83 |
 | nimput.zip | 1k | 04-06-16 |  | Numerical Input This routine gets a numerical number entered from the calculator user and stores it in any defined rom location. At the current time it is the only routine for the 83+ in existance. It is some 200 bytes and is very easy to use. |
 | putscreen.z80 | 2k | 98-08-31 |  | Screen Copy Routine |
 | random.zip | 2k | 00-09-05 |  | Random Numbers Generator Routine A small yet powerful routine that generates a random integer in op1 given the upper and the lower bound and the wanted sign. |
 | scalespr.zip | 12k | 01-06-21 |  | Scaled Sprite Routines Two sprite routines which allow you to draw sprites at a fraction of their stored size. The sprites may be drawn with a scale factor anywhere from 0.4 to 100% -- so sprites can only be scaled down, not enlarged. |
 | shftgrnd.zip | 11k | 03-05-27 |  | ShiftGround 1.1 A graphical routine that allows to apply a 16*16 texture on a ground and to "bend" it. Demo program included for Ti83 (Venus 2.3) and Ti-83+(SE) (ION). This update is a slight optimization and the demo program has the right header for Venus 2.3 now. |
 | spandxor.z80 | 5k | 00-09-14 |  | Sprite AND XOR routine A new (and IMHO better) sprite routine that supports bitmasking and 4 pixel states. Demo file is located in /ti83/asm/misc programs. Every line of code commented and explained. |
 | spandxor.zip | 5k | 00-09-14 |  | Sprite AND XOR demo This is an example application that uses my new AND XOR sprite routine with bit masking. Extended documentation is included, so you can use this routine in your programs as well. |
 | sprdemo.z80 | 11k | 98-01-15 |  | Sprite83: Sprite Example 2 v1.0 |
 | sprite2.zip | 6k | 01-07-09 |  | sprite.asm v1.2 A compilation of some nifty sprite routines. |
 | spriteroutine.txt | 3k | 03-06-30 |  | And Or Xor Spriteroutine This routine puts an 8x8 sprite at a given location in the graphbuffer. If the location is chosen so, that the sprite cannot fully be put on the screen, then the edges are cut off instead of wrapped to another line. Also, it has the option to 'and', 'or' or 'xor' it to the buffer. This routine is used right when the x-position isn't lower than -7 or higher than 95 and the y-position isn't lower than -7 or higher than 63. |
 | sprite.z80 | 8k | 98-01-15 |  | Sprite83: Sprite Example 1 v1.0 Sprite83: Sprite Example 1 v1.0 |
 | sprite.zip | 2k | 99-05-01 |  | Pluto Sprite 1642 Clock MAX Sprite Routine |
 | sprxor16.zip | 1k | 03-11-08 |  | SPRXOR16 v1.0 This is a port of SPRXOR, Movax's XOR sprite routine for 8x8 icons, to make it capable of handling 16x16 icons and sprites. It is optimized and 100% stable. |
 | sprxor.z80 | 3k | 98-01-15 |  | Sprite83: Sprite xor Routine 1.0 |
 | spr.z80 | 5k | 98-01-15 |  | Sprite83: Sprite Draw & Sprite Clear Routines 1.0 |
 | trurand.zip | 2k | 99-06-28 |  | TruRand True random number generator code for cut-and-paste purposes. |
 | vputsc.z80 | 2k | 98-10-11 |  | Put String Centered Routine v1.0 Centered vputs routine |
 | vputsreg.zip | 1k | 00-09-17 |  | VPutsReg Display the contents of register A or HL as decimal on the graphical screen. Very fast and small. |
 | vrle.zip | 13k | 07-03-13 |  | Décompression VRLE Ces routines servent à décompresser des images encodées en VRLE dans la mémoire graphique. Compatibles pour 83 & 83+. Traduction de la routine idoine pour TI 86. This routine decompresses VRLE coded pictures in graph buffer. Compatibility with TI 83 & 83+. Translation of Levi Lansing TI 86 routine. |
 | xordemo.z80 | 9k | 98-01-15 |  | Sprite83: Sprite xor Example 1.0 |
 | xprospr.zip | 1k | 01-03-27 |  | Xprospr v1.0 A very small and fast sprite routine. 33% smaller than Movax's SPRXOR! |
 | zmouse.zip | 3k | 99-05-02 |  | ZMouse Sprite Routine v1.1 Mouse Sprite Routine that is very well-made! |