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Last updated Saturday, 8 June 2002
Total downloads 21,154
Most popular file  Gamecube - Mario with 3,326 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Animations, Videos
accident.zip9k02-06-08TIMM Video - Accident (e-mail for other versions)
A funny TIMM video in grayscale of what businessmen get up to during their day. Check out my other stuff also.
cmvid.zip9k00-10-20TIMM video-A.wavde
Video of Coconut Monkey-PC Gamer
dirtjump.zip12k02-05-27Dirt Jumping Superman
Here is a movie of a guy doing a superman over a jump on a dual slalom bike
globe.zip7k00-12-10Turning Globe Video
This is a video of a spinning globe that was made using TIMM.
mario.zip16k00-10-09Gamecube - Mario
This is a preview of the Nintendo© Gamecube with Mario dancing.
nhl.zip17k00-10-10NHL Hockey
A goal by Peter Forsberg.
pokemon.zip11k00-10-09Gamecube - Pokemon
This is a preview of the Nintendo© Gamecube with a Pokemon character dancing. (Extra credit goes to the person who can guess who it is.)
strwrs2.zip5k01-05-19Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Video
This is a clip from the Ice Planet Hoth battle scene in The Empire Strikes Back.
ugachaka.zip10k00-10-09Dancing Baby Movie
A movie made with TItanium MultiMedia (TIMM) from the famous dancing baby video clip. Baby dances for 10 seconds. Requires AShell or SOS to run.

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