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Last updated Sunday, 13 August 2006
Total downloads 27,337
Most popular file  Grayscale Programming Package v1.1 with 5,504 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Graphics Programs
flame.zip2k01-06-21File is not ratedFlame
Displays an animated greyscale flame. The flame is generated in real-time and flickers randomly.
gpp11.zip669k03-06-18File is not ratedGrayscale Programming Package v1.1
With this package, grayscale games and programs aree made for the ti83 and the ti83+, compatible with the ION shell. The engine takes use of the interrupt feature of the calculators. The important part of this package is the grayscale include file. This includes all the routines you need, to make grayscale games on your calculator. Think of interrupt routines, sprite routines, key input routines, etc. I tried to make it as simple as possible to use, by making a handy template, but beginner ION programming skills are needed! With the use of a fully functional 'template' directory, you can directly start to code without setting up headers and includes, and assemble it into both a ti83 and a ti83+ version.
langant.zip2k99-10-29File is not ratedLangston's Ant
A mathematical simulation of two virtual ants.
octsos.zip20k02-08-05File is not ratedSounds of Silence
Demo by Octarine
pictview.zip36k00-04-11File is not ratedPictView v1.1
Convert a .BMP or .83I file to a compressed picture and display it on your Ti-83.
sierpin.zip1k99-10-30File is not ratedSierpinski Triangle v1.1
A quick generator of the famous Sierpinski Triangle.
spclip.zip1k02-02-19File is not ratedClip Sprite
Draws an 8x8 sprite with clipping.
spritelb.zip5k05-10-21File is not ratedSprite Lab
Sprite Lab is a tool to make designing sprites easier. You can browse and edit 8x8 sprites on your calculator, as well as save and load them. If you need sprites for your game but your drawing skills are questionable, then please try this program out. The source code is also interesting and thoroughly commented, but please get my permission before using any of it.
stars.zip6k00-06-27File is not ratedStarfield Simulation v1.3
Generates a three-dimensional animated starfield, similar to the Windows screen saver. Features include automatic power down and setup screen.
worldrecord.zip43k06-08-13File is not ratedWorld Record
This is the largest scrolling grayscale picture ever on the TI-83 - 96x1229 pixels, more than 19 screens high. The picture is so large that it would not fit into memory unpacked, instead it is decrunched during the scrolling.

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