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Number of files 12
Last updated Sunday, 18 February 2007
Total downloads 20,939
Most popular file  Lemmingz - Cave1 with 2,601 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Game Levels
cave1.zip1k01-04-25File is not ratedLemmingz - Cave1
This is a Lemmingz Lempack.
cave2.zip1k01-05-03File is not ratedLemmingz - Cave2
This is a Lemmingz Lempack.
cave3.zip1k01-05-03File is not ratedLemmingz - Cave3
This is a Lemmingz Lempack. Puzzling! Very puzzling!
city1.zip1k01-04-25File is not ratedLemmingz - City1
This is a Lemmingz Lempack
lempackillus.zip1k01-05-16File is not ratedLempack-illusion
My first Lempack
lemzfunpack14.zip1k02-10-23File is not ratedLemmingz Fun Pack 1-4
Includes the original 1-4 levels of the first lemmings for dos.
levels.zip2k02-05-11File is not ratedLemmingLevels
Some levels for lemmings (Ti83, 83+)
mediumdifficulty.zip1k06-11-20File is not ratedLemmings Medium Difficulty
This is a fun challenging lemmings map pack that contains 5 exciting original levles!!
metal1.zip1k01-04-25File is not ratedLemmingz - Metal1
This is a Lemmingz Lempack.
mines.zip2k04-01-08File is not ratedDeep_Mines
Not as much a physical challenge as a mental one. Just what you were waiting for brainiacs.
suipack1.zip3k07-02-18File is not ratedSuicain Lempack #1
This is my first lempack, woohoo. There are five levels, and obviuosly they are all possible. The Solutions are in the readme.txt file at the bottom if needed.
world1.zip3k04-07-11File is not ratedWorld 1
World 1 is the first level I 've made for Lemmingz! It's propably the best level ever created and it's tested over hundred times.;) They are a bit hard (some of them) but all beatable. E-mail me if you have comments, or suggestions (or if you're stuck on a level;) Check out for World 2!

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