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Last updated Saturday, 26 October 2002
Total downloads 86,394
Most popular file  Scorched Earth with 4,776 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-82 BASIC Games
artduel.zip2k00-02-03File is not ratedArtillery Duel
I've updated to avoid the path bug.
artofwar.zip5k98-04-23File is not ratedArt of War
bomb2.zip1k98-04-11File is not ratedBomb
boomboom.zip2k98-04-11File is not ratedBoom Boom
cannon.zip1k98-04-11File is not ratedCannon v1.61
commander1182.zip7k02-02-26File is not ratedCommander v1.1
The long awaited next version of Commander has many improvements. The major bug in v1.0 has been fixed This game is one of very few graphical war games. There are 4 different units, a 9x15 screen, and a built in scenario builder. There are lots of plans for this game to expand its realistic combat. In the future I plan to make this game hex-based and possibly in ASM. Please notify me of any bug or suggestions. Please visit my website at www.mrspyonline.com for more of my great games.
duel2000.zip4k01-05-27File is not ratedDuel 2000 v1.1
A game for one or two players inspired by Artillery Duel on the C64. Version 1.1 has better visible graphics on modern displays.
ga.zip9k99-11-15File is not ratedGround Assault v1.3
Ground Assault (GA 1st Anniversary Edition)
gorilla.zip1k98-04-11File is not ratedGorillas v1.0
howitzer82.zip4k02-02-26File is not ratedHowitzer v1.0
This game is a simple artillary game where the objective is to hit the flag. It has power and angle adjustments along with explosion affects. This is the first verison of the game and is open for suggestions. Please visit my website at www.mrspyonline.com for more of my great games.
kage.zip1k97-09-21File is not ratedKage
The surround and conquer game.
lords.zip11k99-11-15File is not ratedLords v1.2
Lords (GA 1st Anniversary Edition)
maggot.zip3k98-02-24File is not ratedMaggot v1.5
Play worms on one calc...
nuke.zip3k98-07-30File is not ratedNuke 82 v3.1
scorch2.zip4k98-04-11File is not ratedScorched Earth
scorch3.zip3k00-02-09File is not ratedScorch 2.1 Beta
This is the latest game in the field of Tank Combat. This game now has the feature of linking and the ability to play against the computer. Lots of FUN!
scorched.zip1k98-04-11File is not ratedScorched Earth
scorch.zip2k98-04-09File is not ratedScorched Earth
shogun.zip8k98-04-12File is not ratedShogun's Conquest
An epic strategy war game
subwar.zip1k98-04-20File is not ratedSubWar! v1.00
tanks.zip2k98-04-11File is not ratedTanks
tank.zip8k02-10-26File is not ratedThe TANK game
This is a very advanced game for the TI-82. You fire a cannon at an angle and velocity, trying to hit the opposing cannon. There are plenty modes of play (including Human vs. AI), so please try it out! This is one of the best games for the TI-82 in BASIC!
twars9.zip1k98-04-23File is not ratedTank Wars
wargames.zip1k98-04-24File is not ratedWar Games v3.1

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