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Number of files 18
Last updated Saturday, 30 May 2020
Total downloads 124,464
Most popular file  D. JacKaL's Kaleidoscope with 8,146 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-81 BASIC Files
art.zip8k04-03-03File is not ratedPoint Art Maker
These programs, for the TI-73 -- V200, graphically show many random patterns.
bounce.811k98-04-28File is not ratedBouncer! (screen saver)
Screen Saver
cars.811k99-03-04File is not ratedMoving Car
dj.811k98-03-29File is not ratedD. JacKaL's Intro
dots.811k98-03-29File is not ratedRandom Dots Generator
This program is a random dot generator
draw2.811k97-06-22File is not ratedImproved Drawing Program
draw.812k97-07-24File is not ratedDrawing Program and Drawpic Command
jefatun.811k00-10-10File is not ratedJefa Tunnel
Tunnel graphics.
kaleido.811k98-03-29File is not ratedD. JacKaL's Kaleidoscope
lines2.811k98-03-29File is not ratedRandom Lines Generator
This program is a random line generator
lines.811k98-03-29File is not ratedLines (screen saver)
nice.811k00-11-24File is not ratedNice Graphics
Nice Graphics by Bengt & Jefa
pattern.811k00-06-03File is not ratedRandom Pattern Creator
A smal but cool Screen-Saver.
patternbasedonnumber.zip1k20-05-30File is not ratedNumber Based Pattern
This makes a random pattern. The higher number, the longer it takes.
pixel.811k02-07-26File is not ratedMoving Pixels BASIC 81
You can move pixels around the LCD screen!
pixelart89.zip3k03-05-18File is not ratedPixel Art Maker
This package of programs for all TI's draws neat desings. There's a program for every TI included.
rain.811k00-11-24File is not ratedRain
A cloud with rain.
screen.811k98-10-13File is not ratedSimple Screen Saver v1.0
smile.811k98-04-18File is not ratedSmile
stars.811k98-03-29File is not ratedStars (screen saver)
triangle.zip5k03-07-17File is not ratedTI Triangle Drawer
Made for every TI, this draws a full screen triangle on the graph.
truegrid86.zip5k03-06-19File is not ratedTrue Grid Drawer
This program is useless... Made for the every TI.
tunnel89.zip7k03-05-31File is not ratedTI Tunnel Drawer
This works like a function on the 89-V200. On the 73-86 you simply input a number, and a tunnel of that depth will be drawn. On the 89-V200 the format looks like this: 'tunnel(x)' where x is the depth you want. This has been made for ALL TI's

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