| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-80 BASIC Files |
 | art.zip | 8k | 04-03-03 |  | Point Art Maker These programs, for the TI-73 -- V200, graphically show many random patterns. |
 | axes80.zip | 1k | 22-11-17 |  | AXESON & AXESOFF Explains how to enter the AXESOFF & AXESON tokens so you can start with a blank graph when drawing & then get your axes back for graphing. |
 | blinky80.zip | 1k | 02-01-01 |  | Blinky Robot Animation v1.080 This program is an animation of a "Blinky" robot. The Blinky robot is a project that students in the advanced Engineering class at my school. Everybody likes the robot, but don't want to pay $7.95 to get one. To solve the problem, I wrote this prog. Enjoy! |
 | chansey.zip | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | Chansey a very good picture and it really moves. IT'S REALLY WORTH DOWNLOADING IT |
 | diamonds80.80p | 1k | 99-10-01 |  | Diamonds 80 v1.0 Draws diamonds on your TI-80! Port from TI-86. Documentation included. |
 | flag80.zip | 1k | 17-07-27 |  | American Flag This program draws an American flag on your TI-80's graph screen. An excellent starting point for learning about TI BASIC's shading, line, and point commands. |
 | graphix.zip | 2k | 00-06-06 |  | GRPAHIX v1.0F Update on Graphix b1 |
 | kaleid.80 | 1k | 98-05-07 |  | Kaleidoscope v1.0 |
 | pixel.80 | 1k | 02-07-26 |  | Moving Pixels BASIC 80 You can move pixels around the LCD screen! |
 | pixelart89.zip | 3k | 03-05-18 |  | Pixel Art Maker This package of programs for all TI's draws neat desings. There's a program for every TI included. |
 | scrollsaver.zip | 1k | 03-02-04 |  | ScrollSaver This scrolling screensaver is very simple and uses the calculator's automatic scrolling ability to make it move. Feel free to alter the patern. |
 | ti80paint.zip | 1k | 01-05-27 |  | TI-80 Paint This is a small and simple paint program for the TI-80. It's nothing fancy, but it does have a graphical user interface (GUI) :) . |
 | tree.80 | 1k | 98-05-07 |  | Tree Fractal v1.0 |
 | triangle.zip | 5k | 03-07-17 |  | TI Triangle Drawer Made for every TI, this draws a full screen triangle on the graph. |
 | tunnel89.zip | 7k | 03-05-31 |  | TI Tunnel Drawer This works like a function on the 89-V200. On the 73-86 you simply input a number, and a tunnel of that depth will be drawn. On the 89-V200 the format looks like this: 'tunnel(x)' where x is the depth you want. This has been made for ALL TI's |