Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
The best and easiest way to make sound programs is to get Calcmod 83+ and the songs that go with the zip file. THis can be found on this site. Calcmod can play music with stereo surround sound! Its the best thing yet for calc music. Look at the source code and readme files. They tell you how to write music. If anyone knows an easier way to get good music (MIDI format) on a calculator, please e-mail me.
13 January 2002, 22:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
Is there such thing as sound programs for the 83+. Please tell me more.
I'm at Bear_den04@hotmail.
20 February 2002, 16:55 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
Robert Sterling
Anyone have any ideas on how (if possible..) to wire a speaker while using the new TI Keyboard???
Hehe, the 83+ needs more data ports :D
15 April 2003, 02:06 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
When constructing a sound card for the TI calculators, remember to ground your connections. Otherwise, you will send feedback into you data port, and possibly short it out.
13 June 2003, 20:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
dan dan
Now I hate my town even more since I found out how stupid the people at radioshack here are... "I need an 1/8 inch to 2.5mm converter" (being in a hurry not thinking about the metric/inch crap) clerk-"thats the same thing" ... my fist stopped right in front of his face. Anyway- it's not supposed to put out signal, and as long as you have a lot of extra broken crap around the house you shouldn't have to buy anything. I took a 2.5mm jack, split it, and hooked it up to a 3.5mm port I got off an old radio, which had resistors left on it. Now I can get sound out of both speakers, use dif headphones, and it saved about $5-10 (resistors, port, jack, etc.). Anything can be modded with old parts, a hammer, solder, and ingenuity.
20 May 2005, 03:09 GMT
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