Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
I don't think makeing sound programs is very practical because only a select few have the hardware on their calculator nessesary for sounds. I think programmers should use their efforts elsewhere.
29 April 2000, 18:54 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
(Web Page)
I am currently working on NAPSTER 83 for the TI-83 Plus. It will play music, have your music stored in a list, and you will be able to send and recieve music. Should be done in a few weeks. Pictures not yet available. Visit website for more information. Thanks. Email me @ OaSiS3003@Yahoo.com for questions or anything.
22 January 2001, 00:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Sound Programs
Making sound can only be done in asm.
To do this it is easy:
All you need to do is change the status of the link port. To make it high:
ld a,D0HD1H
out (BPORT),a
to make it low:
ld a,D0LD1L
out (BPORT),a
To make a sound, you make the link port high then low for the duration of the beep.
To change pitch, you loop the code making it high then the code making it low.
Stereo sound is a bit more tricky (ok, I don't know how!)
Have a look at some code to get a better idea!
Or, for Basic users, use one of those sound libs.
(I wrote one but it is really naff.)
9 May 2002, 12:26 GMT
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