Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
We are in the process of developing a graphical OS for the calculator. We hope for it to be the best out there. More information at our website which will be up in about 5 days. If you are interested there is a link on our site that will take you to a sign-up form to join the Panther Programming Team. Oh yeah almost forgot it will be in C and we are learning as I go so it could take awhile to put this out, but we are not going to give up on it.
One last thing right now our webpage is at a slow place we will change that later.
Panther Programming Team
16 March 2001, 04:09 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
I am trying to get the DOORS TEAM and other good ASM programmers to help me make WINDOWS if you would like to help email me and ill send you a basic screenshot prgm and the readme.
some of the features are
-user name
-log out
-integrated basic prgms
-integrated ASM prgms
-teacher mode
-home screen
and many others i need suggestions and help!!!!!
31 March 2001, 10:45 GMT

eric canton
Well, I can't do ASM language YET, but I'm good at C, and my team, pi_delta_pi, is very good at C. I (the CEO) am currently learning ASM, so don't expect anything Assembly yet, cuz I hear its hard to learn, but if you think of C as ASM, like the calculator, then here's help!!
6 April 2003, 04:56 GMT
New Godelizer from TI.ARC
Stephen Compall
(Web Page)
Say you have a large file to transfer, but you have extremely limited bandwidth. Perhaps you have to read the code to the recipient. Now, reading the entire document and having the other type it out can be very time-consuming.
Godel used a system of prime powers to encode any amount of data as one large number. The capabilities of the TI89 to hold large numbers make the heavy-calculation program practical. In theory, it is truly possible to compress a 10GB complex file into a kb or so. I see this as a very practical way to store ebooks and other large text documents, like BASIC programs, in very large volume.
Check the website, http://start.at/ti.arc for more details (if you can find any, because I may have moved on!!)
Stephen Compall
TI.ARC - introducing GhettoSTAT:check the website!
19 April 2001, 16:02 GMT
QWERTY keyboard for TI-89
(Web Page)
I have a really surrealistic comment that could be interesting for some crazy programmer. Have you noticed that if you place your ti-89 with the screen in your right and the ON, STO, EE... 2nd key in the front, you find three rows of ten keys (including F1, F2, F3), the same keys you need for a QWERTY keyboard. Of course you will not be able to use numbers... but who cares? :-))
Mail me if you have any comment more interesting that " you have just said a nonsense". I actually know it.
9 May 2001, 23:25 GMT
I have begun work on porting Unix to TI-89. I am basically cloning Unix 7th edition which is availible for a free licence at http://www.sco.com/offers/ under 'Ancient Unix'. If you are interested, please E-mail me at cypher666@qnet.com. I would like to assemble a team to help me with this, as I am busy with another project, and don't have much time.
9 August 2001, 08:44 GMT
Translation Program
(Web Page)
A couple days ago I was in my Spanish class and I was thinking "I really don't want to have to look in a dictionary every time I don't know a word." So I said "I'll make a program!"
But seriously, I'm about halfway through with the coding of my language translator. It will support up to 4 separate language<->language files for a total of 4 dictionaries on calc at once! These files will be in the TI text file format for easy editing for a while (until I get my editor up and running), so you can just type in the words and use it. I think I think the program is very good and you can customize the dictionary files or create a new language if you really wanted to.
All I have left to do is impliment the dictionary file reading and put in a few touch-ups. Also, if someone is willing to make a bare-bones dictionary file for English<->some non-Spanish non-French language, please email me and I will give you credit in my program.
If anyone has any suggestions either, please email me.
21 December 2001, 14:50 GMT
Picture Compressor v1.0
Eric Pasch
I just wanted to take a poll to see what everyone thought of this program I have made. It simply takes a picture, and stores it as a string. It can be up to 50% smaller than a normal picture. It takes about five minutes to compress it, and another five minutes to decompress it. It is written in BASIC and is primarily meant to be used to archive pictures. (Although it is up to you how you use it). Just reply to this message, and let me know what you think. Also let me know If you have any suggestions... Thanks!
15 January 2003, 23:35 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
eric canton
I'm now developing an OS for the 89. Note:This is not a shell or explorer like Doors OS, etc. I'm putting in grayscale graphics, and having many built in apps to help with homework, classwork, etc. This may sound dumb, but it will improve the way to do math funtions, as well as expand on the current functions. It will also include several games that range from little math games to games that are just plain fun.
It will be called Ultimate OS. Original, I know.
I'm hoping to have a beta version out in a month or two.
Look for it on a site i'll post the address of later
27 March 2003, 03:08 GMT
eric canton
I'm currently building a clock program in C that runs on AMS version 2.00 or higher. Although one of these is included in AMS v 2.08, this one can work on all versions over 2.00, as well as I'll alow it to be run for use on your own programs. This is one of the first programs to be released by the programming group
pi_delta_pi. Look on page 3 of messages on misc. program updates for info on an OS by pi_delta_pi.
If you would like to be part of this group, e-mail me (I'm the CEO) at: cantodj@key-net.net. Also, I'm hoping to get a site that posts info on our progects.
6 April 2003, 04:19 GMT
pi_delta_pi's first OS!
eric canton
Hey everybody! Well, the first time I posted a message on this site, it ended up on the last page, which, no offense to ticalc, is rarely looked at. If this is on the last page AGAIN, which I hope to God it is not, just ignore this, since you'll probably see the other message. Thanks for paying attention to the last page, and if you would like to be a part of pi_delta_pi (on the calculator this is in greek), e-mail me at: cantodj@key-net.net. I'll add you to the team, as well as the credits on our OS. NOTE: If you become an inpolite pain, to put it breifly, I'll eliminate you from the team. Also: Some programming experience in C, ASM, or BASIC language to join. If I start getting alot of members, I'll want a sample of your work.
6 April 2003, 04:31 GMT
eric canton
(Web Page)
This is an update on ULTIMATE OS, as the title implies.
ULTIMATE OS was in the debugging stages, until I read a reply on ULTIMATE OS and got a assignment book type program. While I was finding that, I found another ausome program in the sea of archives, a pie chart maker. Now excuse me if i'm making an award winner out of a re-make, but I havent seen anything like this before. So now I have two more programs to work into an OS thats being debugged, oh joy.
Here's a list of the current functions of ULTIMATE OS:
-power on/off
-password system(anyone know where I can get a really good one, I made this during a boring 6th period today, so its in BASIC);
-surface area finder
-area finder
-one-variable algebra solver
-black jack
-chess(from ti chess team)
-pie graph(working in right now)
-assignment notebook(working in right now)
-about section
-exit screen
anyone have ideas? send them to me at: pi17ultimate@incamail.com
(free and open to anyone over the age of 14)its in the URL link.
9 April 2003, 00:55 GMT
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