Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
Donovan Smith
(Web Page)
I am in the concept stages of a program that will be like Windows 1.0 for the TI-89. I can't provide many details right now becuase I am only in the planning stages, but if you have ever used Windows 1.0 (I doubt many of you have) then you will know what I am talking about. (For all you people who have used Windows 3.x: Windows 1.0 is most similar to this version of Windows, although not very similar.) My web site should be up by May 15 and I will provide more details there. I will also routinely post updates here. If you are interested in this project and can provide suggestions, have questions, or just want to give me encouragement (I can go for the encouragement, especially :-) ), please E-mail me at donovansmithsoftware@netzero.net
28 April 2000, 04:30 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
Travis Sinclair
I have recently completed the esentials of my "operating system" for the TI-89 written fully in basic. It currently allows the user to run up to 50 programs (more could easily be added) in up to 5 user defined folders. It also shows the basics, such as total ram size and free ram, as well as archive size and used archive. I am currently working to add little special things such as backgrounds and for a screen saver to turn on after a set amount time without any buttons being pushed. I will also add a couple other things to allow the user to customize the menus and such. One plus is that the entire deal is just one program, no groups (I hate groups)! Also, if the user so decides to remove the program, all the variable are removed. This entire program could be easily released within a few days, but it won't be until I get a link cable.
22 July 2000, 02:48 GMT
Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
Travis Sinclair
OK, for anyone who will actually read this and care. Since my original program my calculator crashed before I bothered to save everything. This turned out to be a good thing since although it's been a long time since the original program, I finally started the project again and my new one is easily 3 times better. Actually when i really think about it the original one really kinda sucked. My new program will run up to 20 programs, both basic and ASM, from (currently) up to 10 different user defined folders. You can add and delete folders, automatically search for invalid folder names and remove them, also add, delete, and run programs all from the push of a button while inside of what is currently called "chooser". I am going to release an early unfinished version today both to get an idea of what people think, and to work out bugs. When some assembly programs are run from chooser everything works fine, and the program runs, but the error message saying that the program could not be found in any of the current folders will pop-up. This doesn't happen with all asm programs are run, and so far I've only encounterd it with tbo68k. Please write to me at the_travis_s@hotmail.com if you have an idea of how to rid of this problem.
21 January 2001, 03:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
Travis Sinclair
Well, this program has been released and can be downloaded from ticalc.org. This is a very basic program, as it was meant to be for that release, but is almost fully functional. I have since released a couple of updated versions (about a month ago, still waiting to get them posted!!!), the first of these two is a zip file with chooser v 1.0 and 1.01, there is altogether little difference between the two, the main change is the menu style. These have some bugs, the most obvious is that the graph link software doesn't send over some charaters, so there is a lot of '?' througout the program. If you download the second zip, which should be out about a week after the first, has a patch to fix these graphics and some other minor little things. My original plan of no groups is alive and kicking in all of these releases, and I plan for it to stay throughout. Of course this program could not function properly without seperate files, so I created a installer to handle the file seperation. I really like this feature for many reasons, but one of the best is it speeds things up. BASIC programs are compiled on the TI the first time they are run, this means that you have to wait for this to happen. With the installer, the programs are compiled while installing, this means the first time you run chooser, you don't have to wait during the compiling. Anyway, right now I'm working on v 2.0, and it's seeming to be pretty cool. I'm implementing many new features, a lot more error checking, and I'm also tying it in with flib and flib2. If you get a chance to try chooser, do it, but when v 2.0 rolls around you have got to try it if you liked v 1.x even a tiny bit.
20 March 2001, 04:01 GMT
better getkey
I'm gonna make a better getkey program in C that will get the keypresses for the 2nd, diamond, shift and alpha modifier keys. I'm new at C though so if anyone wants to help email me (jameswoo11@hotmail.com)
23 August 2000, 01:58 GMT
ASM on-calc compiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dan niezgocki
(Web Page)
I'm creating a ASM oncalc compiler that will actually compile STRs to ASM format!!!
check my page for updates.
30 September 2000, 22:54 GMT
EXPLORE89 ---- A new BASIC shell, thanks to FLIB
sorry for any typos --- im in a hurry...
I've been programming a shell for the 89. It is along with an idea to be able to start up programs with the kbdprgms --- u'll see what im talkin about later.
New (Create a new expression, string, list, matrix, program, or function from EXPLORE89}
*Delete (Any file)
*Copy (Any file)
*Create A Folder
*Clear ID List
Set APD (auto power-down)
^(Un)Protect {like doors}
changing contrast at just about any time in the program
An explorer that will run programs/functions (supports arguments) and ASM (as long as a shell is installed).
It will show expressions, lists, matrices (in pretty print. It has a built-in picture viewer (bare-bone, but it gets the job done), and can launch text, but u will need text viewer.
If i think its really worth it, it wills how all of the getconfg() info.
*All link functions in the var-link
* means it is launched using the var-link, which is opened using a exec code.
^ means it is not implemented yet, if anyone can help me i will be in their debt.
If anyone has suggestions\can help\or can get me a start sequence, please email, and of course all comments are welcome
But since i dont sit down and program (i usually do it when im grounded and sent up to my room, or on long car trips) so i dont when itll be done, but its pretty much done except for the things with the ^, ill need help with that.
Current size -14705 bytes
but i know several *sly* ways to reduce size of the program, (email me if u need me to reduce your source) i also might make a light version, the only difference will be it wont tel you how many arguments are needed, but itll reduce size since i would be able to use the var-link.
what will happen is u will run kbdprgmx()
the screen will be cleared and "Prgm paused.Press enter" will scroll up and down the screen, and the screen will flash. The status line will display "Getkey by Avi is paused press enter"
so the natural instinct will be to press enter.
But if you press ON, you will be taken to a new screen.
It will say
"ERROR-You pressed ON"
"Abort by pressing a button"
A loop will be in progress, but it will display pause instead of busy. So if you press 2nd-alpha-left-and right at the same time, it will launch the explore89 prgm.
I made this for me, so i cud play games in a way so that no1 could find out. This program of course, will be optional. But both programs will need to be secured for the simple fact we dont want any teacher looking at the source by pressing on or going into the program editor, and findin out what this does, so i need to get a hold of a 1.05 AMS to perform the secure (for some reason it dont work with ams 2.03)
send ne comments to the address above
ps sorry for the long post --
ps sorry for the long post --
5 November 2000, 21:52 GMT
Palm OS on the TI-89
(Web Page)
I'm making a Palm-type OS for the TI-89/92+, but I need some assembly and C programmers. This OS will have many of the same features as the Palm, but will differ in the display and input. This OS, like the Palm, is only single-tasking, but will be forward compatible to handle multitasking in future versions.
Some specs I've made for this OS include the following:
* Event-based: event loops, event handlers, and callback functions
* Extensive use of handles for resources, instead of direct pointers
* Common TI-89/92+ keys will be used, such as ESC
* Object hierarchy: each object (controls, dialogs, windows) has a parent object or task. Makes for easy object and group manipulation
* Forward compatibility: allow future expansion, such as multitasking and windowing
I was originally planning to write a windowed and preemptive multitasking operating system, but these seem to be better suited to a calculator. All of the above are open to change if needed. Some are essential and must be worked out first to get the OS running, such as the kernal and interface objects. Others, such as the actual applications, will be added after the kernal is written.
Anyone who is interested in working on this project should reply.
30 November 2000, 20:45 GMT
An BASIC to ASM program
lenn angel
I'd the idea to build a Basic to ASM program under windows. In this program you'll write the basic code in a text control, and then the computer will generate an ASM code.
The program will contain a lot of cool stuff too like keyword in color, help, examples, tool (for making programming basic more easy...)...
What do you think of a program like this ? Is it a good idea ? Thank u for your answer (and comment or idea).
P.S: sorry for the english but I'm french.
3 December 2000, 11:46 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
Jeff Jeff
Heya, I was wondering something...
Would it be possible to store data on a tape by connecting the TI to a tape recorder and by using a program that send data to the link port ?
20 December 2000, 21:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
kog kog
(Web Page)
Hi I am Joey I hope some of you heard Olympia programming group. I am the CEO (Person incharge). We are going to start makeing it possible to have wireless internet. We will start makeing it on March 8, 2001. I hope you will email me and some comments to help me out or email me questions so I can help you out, we don't know how long it will take but I hope it won't take more than three years. :-)
30 January 2001, 00:30 GMT
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