Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
I'm writing a program (86CalcZip) that will allow you to compress a file and store it as a string. It'll appear in the TI-86 Misc. programs. So far, it only allows you one file per string, but I plan to include support for multiple-file archives and self-extracting archives (to use a winzip term). Does someone have a good RLE routine that I could use?
9 February 2003, 16:38 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
I'm writing a "pretty print" program for the TI-86 (assembly, of course) that will be posted in the math section. I've just got to finish the drawing routine and key lookup table, then I'll be done. Unfortunately, it's so complicated that debugging will be just about impossible with me doing it alone. If anyone is interested in helping me with debugging, please contact me at straney@umbi.umd.edu.
14 May 2003, 02:30 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
I'm writing a debug monitor program. You call it with a small routine in your code (consider it as a breakpoint) and it'll display the contents of af, bc, de, and hl. That's all it shows so far, but I plan to have it display all other registers (i, r, ix, iy, all shadow), any chosen OPX, and another user-selectable memory location. It will also allow you to edit all of these before returning to the program.
5 June 2003, 22:52 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
Steven Z
I have completed a program that will crash a ti-86 calculator when loaded. And it is in BASIC!!!!
12 June 2003, 18:04 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
Steven Z
Again it is in BASIC.
Here is one version of it. Where Eq>St is the code for changing an equation to a string, and St>Eq is the opposite.
The program will be running for as long as the battery is working, and pulling out the battery regardless of whether you have a backup battery will cause all the data to be erased.
There is another one that will not do anything, or it seems, then when user do anything on the home screen, the calc crash. But it is not working as well and I don't have a link to back up the calculator.
18 June 2003, 02:01 GMT
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