Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Update on Dark Vengence
(Web Page)
I may not need you pics after all. I've decided to scrap a super graphical RPG and work on a better engine and playing experience. My battle engine, if it goes as planned, will be a turned-base engine with a 13 by 5 playing field. You take turns moving, attacking, or using items. Your weapons will have various ranges (i.e. melee-1 square range, short-2 to 4 square range, long-5 or more square range) from which they can be used and accuracy will decrease over a longer distance, so you can't destroy the enemy from you starting row. There will be obstructions on the field (rocks, trees, etc.) that will stop attacks. To escape, you'll have to be in the back row of your side, making you truly "retreat". If this sounds interesting, email me at LordHam@excite.com. I do better if I know people actually care.
2 November 2000, 23:23 GMT
Wanna learn C?
dan niezgocki
(Web Page)
Yo all ya programmers!
I've got myself a little spare time to release a few things to help ya!
Im a ASM programmer learning C++/C now, I'll be releasing FULLY commented examples quite often, Including how to do really advanced dialogs etc.
Im assuming the SDK TI released attacted a few people, Its in C though, SO, I'll be taking care of that, I help ya with both RAM apps and FLASH apps by releasing MANY examples and documentation.
If you like this idea, email me please, I dont want to waste the little time I have.
-Dan Niezgocki
-2000 NizzyWare Productions
21 November 2000, 18:05 GMT
Ryan Hildebrandt
In my opinion, BASIC Games are a waste of time. They are large, slow, and they clutter up your var-link folder bigtime.
Before I swore off BASIC Games, I downloaded an RPG which I really loved. The problem was there were in excess of 100 files for this one game! It took forever to transfer to my calc, and made it hard to find anything in my var-link folder.
My point is that there are a lot of good BASIC games for the TI89 (take SimCity for example), but these games would be much better as ASM games. One simple compact file, easy to transfer, manage, and archive.
I would like to encourage all you BASIC programmers out there to learn either ASM or C and continue programing in that language. Games should not be programed in BASIC, which is meant for small, one file programs useful in Math and Science, they should be programed in a language built for games.
Ryan Hildebrandt
10 December 2000, 04:03 GMT
Luke Haywas
(Web Page)
Don't punish BASIC -- it's not meant for games. I, of course, am a good TIGCC programmer.
Unlike most of the other people here who merely talk (trying to claim ideas so nobody else does them) I am actually working on something really really cool. It's going to be called DEMON SEED, and your first words upon running this little progie will be "holy cow!" and after that you will speak no more, you'll just play this addicting game 24/7 until your calc batteries die at which point you'll sprint to the store to buy some more. I'm saying this game will totally blow you away, and in fact the engineering of it is about 75% done already. The rough work and fine tuning will take several more months though. Expect a beta around June 2001; try to control your drooling until then.
I'm not gonna tell you guys anything else about this game because that will ruin the surprise.
12 December 2000, 08:59 GMT
Triple Triad 89!
Triple Triad anyone? Yes, that's right....the famous game from Final Fantasy 8 is now coming to your calculator, w/ many game rules that you haven't seen before....Plus all the normal ones too.
Game Rules:
Traditional (Cards from the orignal FF8 set only)
Random (Will take some time =)
Min Level
Max Level
And every single one on TripleTriadOnline....click the link under my name to go get it!(didn't work: site is at www.tripletriadonline.com)
This is gonna be easy for the fact that the game system (The card playing part) is already done. Game Rules and Card Select screens need to be added, w/ a bit of story and other stuff. So, I'd say....1 Nice Christmas Present for the TI-89......
Gtb, Level 3 Administrator For TripleTriadOnline
13 December 2000, 00:21 GMT

Re: Re: Triple Triad 89!
It makes me glad knowing someone cares =)
Yes, the game is already in two player mode (being the fact that that's easier to do, but it's two players on one calc, I'll add in the link trans later, that's no biggee) but the art....it's impossible w/ the space I have to use. Just totally impossible, plus, it would take up a bunch of mem I'm using to make up the cards and the game rules already (those need a little speed up when you use a lot of 'em). But, I have all my friends addicted to it, and they're all goin' to get TTO to see what the real thing is like at:
So......So far, there is the following:
Game Rules:
Cards: (Not too many, doesn't take much time though)
Aeris (a TTO Special Card)
Billy (a TTO Special Card)
BabyJester (a TTO Special Card)
AtomSplit (a TTO Special Card)
Sephiroth (a TTO Special Card)
RedXIII (a TTO Special Card)
KOTR (a TTO Special Card)
those are the L10's......there's one more, can't remember.....
Griever (a TTO Special Card)
AerisLives (a TTO Special Card)
Meteo (a TTO Special Card)
Geez....that was a lot to type....
there's also a screenshot option after the games so that you can view the results anytime!
Gtb, Level 3 Admin for TTO
16 December 2000, 18:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Triple Triad 89!
So far, so good on Chocobo World. Triple Triad will be loaded along w/ it, I'm working on both of those at the same time. For anyone that wants to help me w/ a special project I'm starting (and you should be able to guess from my other two) just e-mail me. It's gonna be a long and hard task, but I already know an easy way to get the Menu Systems (all of them) done. Even the hardest one, the first one.
Without Futher Ado....
I present my major project (that WILL get done).....
Final Fantasy 8
Yes, I know that I can't do all of it..... and the storyline may change too. But guess what? The GF's will be there, junction, drawing, attacks, limits, Magic, Card, the whole freakin' 9 yards..... and I can do it too.
Attention Artists: Make me some graphics! Please! Pictures of the characters! (But put them in uh....I don't know, just so I can fit three in on the far right) I'm gonna need major help to pull this off, but I know I can do it. If you want it done by April, hell, you better e-mail me.
And for all those who think I'm crazy:
I haven't even really posted anything up here because I just haven't felt like it.
1 January 2001, 04:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Michael Sokolsky
Several months ago I started writing a Scorched Earth type-game for the TI-89 in BASIC, after noticing an appalling lack of similar games for the 89. There are some basic tank shoots other tank with a gun again and again, but nothing fancy. After a lot of work on it I decided to port it to assembly, and am working on that right now. I'm not really sure what all i should include in the game, like which weapons and weather the dirt should fall or not (like in Worms) - any ideas?
4 January 2001, 05:33 GMT

Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
A looooooooong time ago I attempted making a very simple scorch game for TI-83 (maybe 82...). All it had were simple missiles, two landscapes, and it was just you vs. one computer tank. (I know it sounds pretty lame, but come on, it was in Basic!) :) Anyhow, to be honest, the biggest problem I had was with the computer AI. That may have been because I was inexperienced at the time, or maybe because I just didn't have a good algorithm. I still have the source code, as I said it's in Basic and it's pretty arcane, but if you really wanna see it just let me know.
Oh yeah, and just to let you know, I would LOVE to see this game when you finish! I miss Scorch... :)
12 March 2001, 16:04 GMT
prequil to FF IV (II in north america)
hey, i'v just started working on a ff4 prequil. I have finished the player grafics, 1/8th of the monsters ( i already have 5) and the system to display the walkabout maps. I am going to implement every calling spell allong with 1/2 or 1/3 of the game's magic. If anyone has any suggestions on story or battle systems please e-mail me. Oh, and shoud i use 8x8 or 12x12 tiles for the walkabout?? 12x12 loads much faster and looks better. thnx BigDog
7 January 2001, 06:30 GMT
3Demon Eliminator
Donovan Smith
(Web Page)
I am in the begining stages of a program I have been meaning to write for many months. 3Demon Eliminator is based on the idea of a fun 3D first-person PacMan game made in 1983 called 3-Demon. But rather than just cloning this game, I'm going to use the basic theme of this game (get all the dots on a level to advance to the next, and while avoiding ghosts/demons) and turn it into a first-person shooter of sorts. Rather than eating the demons as is standard in most PacMan games, you can shoot them with a laser gun (I might change this). Also, you'll be able to pick up charms or powerups (this is common in many PacMan games). Both of the above features were lacking in the original 3-Demon game. The real challenge, though, it to make the 3D graphics as fast as possible, and keep the game size small. Any suggestions are welcome at donovansmith@qwest.net. My web site won't have any info on this until I actually get a prelimary demo done. This will take a while to do, but it's a game that I would really like to have and I haven't found a game like it yet. Btw, I'm using TIGCC to program it.
12 January 2001, 02:31 GMT
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