Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Perfect Dark 89
Jason Baronciani
(Web Page)
Well, if anyone really cares, I'm in the process of creating Perfect Dark 89..... So far it's looking really good. It's based on Perfect Dark for the N64 (what else would it be based on???) Anyway goto my site for more info. It's on the 'Projects' page.
28 June 2000, 05:49 GMT
Gundam Wing: Endless Cycle
Well, for those of you who read this page (there are very few) I am making a TI-89 Basic (yes, I said Basic) RPG. It's a whole new story of Gundam Wing from where the movie on it, Endless Waltz, left off.
It will not include battle graphics. Why? The battle system will be sooo complex, and so many things that will be possible to do (like a Timed Attack Addition System) and a bunch of it is already done. I was prompted to make the game because:
I'm tired of BORING RPG's on my CALC!!!
Why try to make a game longer by making Bosses impossible? Not gonna happen here..... storyline galore.
Graphics are horrible!
Why make graphics if they look really, really bad?
Little or No Plot
Plot makes the world go round........ =)
Why make them slow? Why? Take out a few If.. Then's and put in Lbls!! When running a program, it reads through the If Thens even if it doesn't do them anyway!
Well, progress is:
Chapter 1: 25%
Chapter 2: 0%
Chapter 3: 0%
and so on till 8....
Battle System: 50% (surprised me)
I need one little thing.....
Does anyone know how to put pics in Dialog Boxes? My friend says he's done it before, but forgot how!
This game, at finish, will use Archive because of it's massive size.
Projected..... it will be around 300000 bytes!
3 Character Battle
20 Hours to finish, not 20 hours to level up! (I hate Lv. Ups, if you couldn't tell)
Chapter One will be out........ probably in 3 weeks
I need the battle system done first.
30 June 2000, 05:14 GMT
Change of Plans
Dave Havok
Well, I've come to realize that EarthBound would just be too hard to fully create. But I still do plan on making an RPG for the 89, and I've decided on Final Fantasy 3 (6 in Japan). The main reason I decided to stop with EB is the way the graphics are used. I think the sprites in it were actually tilted to create a somewhat 3 dimensional look. And I can't do that. FF3, however, doesn't do that, and the sprites are smaller, too, making it more compatible with something as small as the 89. If I ever decide to make a webpage, I'll put info on it.
2 July 2000, 08:03 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Me and my friend are working on an RPG (the title is undecided). We are about 1/3 of the way done and expect to be finished by late august to early september. It is a fun game with great graphics and gameplay but we are having trouble finding ideas for the plot.
To help with the plot or get a beta version of the game contacat me at mrpotato3@aol.com.
22 July 2000, 09:33 GMT
Perfect Dark 89
Jason Baronciani
(Web Page)
Hey, In case you couldn't tell, I'm creating a 'Perfect Dark' game on the 89. Right now it's in BASIC, but I'll be following it up with an ASM version. The game is based on Perfect Dark for the gameboy. More details on my site. (projects page)
3 August 2000, 22:36 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am currently working on a direct port of the original NES game Dragon Warrior. I have pulled all the graphics and the worldmap directly from the NES rom. At this point all you can do is roam around the worldmap, but it looks great! I will post some screenshots soon so keep checking back. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, questions, want to be a beta tester, or just want to tell me this idea sucks just E-Mail me.
7 August 2000, 20:39 GMT
NeedForSpeed I!!!
dan niezgocki
My friend Alex and I are making NeedForSpeed I in 89 BASIC!!!!
I know, you think this is impossible to achieve past-ASM-speeds.
Not if you have unreleased basic Libs that you programmed.
Remember this isnt JUST BASIC, I'm incuding some ASM too.
If you'd like to contribute to this game email me(email above) or Alex(theboxparticle@aol.com).
I know, I know, you're still thinking 'Hmmm... lemme guess, common sense sold on the black market?'
Watch the archives for the first release.
8 August 2000, 16:59 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
kyle reiser
Ive been working on a few games, but what I want to know is how to port .bmp (or any other image) into .89i files (ti-89 image files) I know people have done it, but I don't know how, if you know please e-mail me: kyle493@aol.com
16 August 2000, 01:53 GMT
dan niezgocki
I'm making a really cool ASM maker program in BASIC
It requires no ASM knowledge at all(just a little BASIC)!!!!
It's a mess now with the SAVE/LOAD stuff and I will release
v1.0 when its staightened out.
...expect a LOT of stuff to come out by me soon...
16 August 2000, 22:56 GMT
S.U.R.G.E. 89 (shadowlord's universal roleplaying game engine)
(Web Page)
Yea yea it's kinda like VERGE, but it isn't.
SURGE is a universal (sorta, more geard to cyber punk, but will be improved on later) roleplaying game engine with a editor.
a single game consists of a campaign data file directory and each individual floor has about a 100-110K datafile. so you can see the one glaring problem with it, you must have access to a GL, but that's not too bad really, so anyways.
I have a link to the site for it as you can see, and i'm trying yo talk BLUECALX AKA Nick D. Into posting a brief news blurb about my page.
Check it out and watch for updates, please read all of the site and give me a reply or an email if you go there.
29 August 2000, 21:48 GMT
The Last Crusade
Dave Havok
Yep. Yet another project. But this time, I really do plan on finishing it. It's a completely original plot, for a change. So, here's the details...
Set in modern day, you assume the role of Dave, who grows sick of hearing religious BS from people. He decides to search for Jesus Christ (literally), so he can kill him and put an end to it. Traveling the world in search of Jesus, he finds some friends along the way, who wish to join him in his quest. Eventually they find Jesus, and, having become very powerful along the way, destroy him. Knowing what will become of them if they stay in the open, they drop out of society. Later, Satan pays them a visit to congratulate them for doing his work. However, fearing for his own well-being he decides to kill them to prevent them from becoming more powerful than they already are. But, they already have more power than Satan, and they destroy him, as well. Realizing that their quest isn't over, they set out to do the thing that will surely end all religion once and for all. So they begin searching for a passage into Heaven, so they can kill God himself. Eventually, they find it, and, waging the unholy war against Heaven, destroy God. And that's it.
(Note: This is in no way intended to offend anyone of any moral conviction. I only want it to be in good humor, and I'll be sure to make that clear throught the course of the game; Lots of jokes, and all that good stuff.)
Game specs:
- Incredibly expansive RPG environment, which, if ever completed, will undoubtably outdo anything ever before seen on any RPG on any calculator.
- Map system to allow travel within, between, and through all parts of modern day Earth.
- Other than that, traditional RPG engine.
Help wanted!
- People more/as fluent in 68k than/as I am (which isn't hard).
- People to make pictures of various contries and continents.
- People to make graphics in general.
E-mail me if interested in helping.
Thanks for listening, if indeed you did. I truly hope to make this everything I said it would be.
1 September 2000, 11:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: The Last Crusade
Dave Havok
Thank you, Jimi. I didn't decide on this plot to say that I hate all religion (because I don't). Of course it expresses some distaste towards it, but that's only a small part of it the actual purpose of the game. I was tired of all the generic fantasy, good versus evil games with 3 seconds of actual plot time. I want to make a game that makes sense (woah). No more "I'm the guy who woke up one morning and found out I had to save the world" crap. You're just a regular, modern day guy who decides to act out the feelings he has. I suppose his motivation is something like, "I know this isn't the answer to the world, and now I'm gonna make sure everyone else knows that they can do without that answer." And by the way, this isn't totally against all that is holy. Keep in mind they kill Satan, as well. Haha.
Anyway, the beginning of school again took away about all of my motivation. But luckily, this helped bring some back, so, I'm off to work on it. Keep it real.
8 September 2000, 01:13 GMT
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