Upcoming TI-89 Games
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The Matrix
Link Hyrule
I'm writing this game in Basic for the TI-89. I am using Angelo's (of Angelo3D) Text Scroller as well as Cynsoft's instructions on how to do grayscale graphics in basic, on the ti-89.
The Game will start how the movie did. You will have the same decisions as Neo, However, the diffrence is that everything will not end up perfect.
Starting from the beginning, if you give your bud the wrong disk, you won't see the white rabbit, and be able to follow them. (you won't die, but it would be pointless to try and continue).
In the Middle, Tank will tell you the instructions once, and quick(they'll be a combanation of things Neo did too escape, but won't be in the same order neo did them(they'll be randomized)), if you do not remember them, and take a wrong turn, the Smiths will catch you.
Near the end, if you stop the bullets to early, they won't ever stop(you have only 1 attempt). If you stopped them too late, they kill you.
I have the Game Started, and have begun work on some of the graphics(which will not be external files, when the full version comes), however, I am not the best graphics drawer in the world.
If anyone would like to make me a title screen, draw the rabbit, people, or whatever, as long as I can use it in the game, it would be highly appreciated.
if your wondering about the Grayscale in Basic, go to the the Misc basic 89 programs page here at ticalc.org
Link Hyrule
Heroine by Day
Calculator Programmer on his days off
19 April 2000, 01:21 GMT
A strategy game for the 89
Called star viper IV... what began in 1996 as a paper and pen game one day at summer camp took off... I have made it a big hit at my school on paper and pen, and since half of my school (about 30% actuallly) has ti-89's i thought what the heck, i'll make my game as a calc game...
The game is a turn based game in which players make a base and improve it, explore thier galaxy, and conquer thier opponents... one of the factors that makes this game origional is that the players can design thier capital ships from scratch.. i will send in some screen shots soon enough. My combat beta is "ALMOST" done. give me till the end of April.
20 April 2000, 19:57 GMT
A G E O F E M P I R E S 89
ryan ruert
(Web Page)
Yet another game out by Digital Edge. We are making this with smooth greyscale graphics created by our graphics artists', the SILCON89 GRAPHICS TEAM (C). It will be identical to the pc game! Visit our page!
22 April 2000, 17:56 GMT
Lotus Turbo Challenge for the TI-89
Sebastian Reichelt
I'm working on a Lotus Turbo Challenge port to the TI-89. I am doing all the programming myself, without the original source for the 83 or 86 (I don't need it). It's going to be really fast; I already tested some stuff. I'm making it in grayscale for TI-GCC. I already made the source for rendering the road and for getting the positions and sizes for the other cars (yes, other cars; it's going to be exactly like the PC version, except that I might enable eigth players to play on it - 4 on 2 calculators, once I can get a second calculator to test with, or do it with VTI.)
Anyone who wants to contribute to this: I still need a fast C function that draws horizontal lines into a buffer (type LCD_BUFFER). I also need something to scale sprites exactly to a certain factor, which has to work for bigger sizes than the original, too. Please email me at SebastianR@gmx.de immediately if you have something.
For the lines, here's exactly what I need: Fill one byte from position x to position y with ones, like 00111100, if x=2 and y=5. All the rest is easy. The srites might be easy, too. I made a TI-GCC IDE (not posted yet, but uploaded!!!) In a later version, I might make it create sprite header files from bitmaps. That's going to be really easy to use.
I am going to make this project an open source one. So everyone contributing to it will eventually get something back. But it's going to be summer until it comes out.
26 April 2000, 03:21 GMT
The Living Dead
The Living Dead
By Wes R.
A 3D style game where you are called in by the U.S. army to exterminate a deadly plague of zombies that have taken over the town. All because of a government mishap.
I need a good TI-82 <-> TI-89 programmer
I need help on porting my TI-82 Doom 2000 engine to the TI-89.
4 May 2000, 22:39 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Ryan Guerry
Does anybody remember that Disney game Coaster? Well I used to play it all the time, so I've decided to port it to the 89. It's more like a design and test program than a game, but it's very fun. So far I plan for it to be in grayscale and true 3d. It shouldn't be hard; the 3d images are all wire frame. I need help in writing a 3d engine, does anybody know a site that describes a wireframe 3d engine? I think this might be the first game of its type for a calculator. I hope it lives up to my expectations.
9 May 2000, 05:34 GMT
Run 21 for the TI89
I am making Run21 for the TI-89 is basic using the flib library...it should be coming out in the ticalc archivs soon...it is just like megatouch version in the arcades..
email me at jbneighbors@cs.com for questions or comments
12 May 2000, 03:26 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Casey Turner
i just wanted to let people know i've currently started StarWars for 89 its going to be in ti-basic. I need someone to help me draw some of the pictures like a title screen,pics of the characters,and places. Contact me if interested.
23 May 2000, 02:43 GMT
Gangwars 89
Josh Salisbury
For all of you that have seen my 83 version of Gangwars, liked it, and have a ti-89: get ready for this! The gang management system is completely different: you can only have 5 members other than yourself, and each member now has stats such as health and exp. You have an actual city to wander: visit different places like a biker bar and a convenience store to challenge different people! Like the original, this game will be written entirely in basic and currently consists of about 140 files. Every part of this game has graphics! There is a map for every building and a sprite for every character! And if you thought the fight engine in the original was cool, wait till you see this one! Enemy gang AI and intuitive battle tactics!
Send feedback to zhay@hotmail.com
27 May 2000, 21:55 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Michael Vincent
(Web Page)
I am working on Who Wants To Be A Billionaire for the 89. It is similar to the game on TV, only there are no lifelines and the questions continue to a billion dollars. The questions are extremely challenging. I seriously doubt that a team of five people with an encyclopedia and/or dictionary could beat the program.
31 May 2000, 15:46 GMT
EarthBound 89
Dave Havok
Hey everyone. I've been more or less a closet programmer until now, but that's mostly because I've been busy learning 68k asm. As the subject obviously suggests, I have a clone of EarthBound for the SNES in the works, with an appreciable amount of it done. The problem is... I don't know how to do grayscale. And for this project, I know grayscale is pretty much a necessity. I downloaded that Graphics Studio with great joy and hopes that I might be able to get away without needing to actually learn grayscale, but when I tried putting a simple sprite (as a test) into the program, I realized I had no idea how to implement the sprite into it. So if anyone could, out of kindness and charity, possibly make a sample program of how to implement grayscale into a program for me, I can't even say how grateful I'd be. Thanks.
6 June 2000, 03:18 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
My band of calc nerds and I are building a game based
on the game 'Dystopia', for the PC. I've never heard
of it, but my partner Jake, who in fact helped design
the version for the PC, is having me design the graphics
engine for the one on the 89. So far, we have a working
graphics converter ( looks like Zelda for the G.B.) and
a fight engine ( looks like something from Final F. )
and we have a functioning builder, for making tiles, which
are used in the game, and making levels, which unlike
others, are not randomized. Anyways, when I'm done with
our website, I'll post the address up on this page.
Stay Tuned
- Wayne Smith
Underground Industries
11 June 2000, 03:31 GMT
RTS(real time strategy)
Jimi Mudgett
I have currently been working on a gave called "Destin Control" this is an rts. It is somewhat similar to "Half-Life" for PC. It starts off like this. You are appointed by the president to go and protect the personel at this secret operations place. But what seems to have been an easy mission, suddenly becomes a disaster. Thats all I whant to tell for now.
I need some ideas on some things. The level that I am currently working on is. You are thrown in jail by the "human-aliens" you have to pull a box up to the door then shoot the box(The boxes are explosive). The door blows open.....and thats it after that is up to my imagination. It is currently writen in Basic. As soon as I can get tiGCC to install then it will be writen in C. Now I bet you are thinking "Basic, that crap is slow" well its not slow except when it has to build a sector but then it stores as a picture! Expect to see this in a few months! If anyone has any questions or coments or you whant to help. Then e-mail me at MudMuffinMidge@yahoo.com. Thank you!
12 June 2000, 08:30 GMT
EarthBound 89 Update (As if anyone really cared)
Dave Havok
Well, first of all, I'd like to thank some people, particularly MasterVegand (for his grayscale help), Rusty Wagner (for some of his asm files), and Josh Cunningham (you may not know 68k, but you helped me figure out a LOT, thanks a ton). But anyway... I'll post the first EB89 demo at TICalc in a week or two. But what I really wanted to ask was if anyone would be interested in helping me with EB89. Particularly people who are good with graphics. I myself am skilled in making graphics, but EarthBound uses such a wide variety of them that making every one of them myself would just be too much. Also, I still need some help with collision detection and better scrolling in tilemaps. Those, along with a few more minor things. If you would like to help with any of those things, or possibly something else,just e-mail me at tpowers@rocketmail.com. Thanks.
19 June 2000, 08:25 GMT

Dave Havok
C'mon guys, I seriously need some help with this. I spent about 10 HOURS from afternoon to early, early morning the next day just finishing the main character's BEDROOM. (How many different tiles did it have? 65!) I can't make all these graphics by myself and keep my sanity. I'll make it an easier task for anyone who wants to help. I have all the tiles drawn out in Graphics Studio, so I just need the tile binaries drawn. I did up to 20 of the 63 by myself until I had to plead with anyone who reads this for help. I considered quitting, but, no, not after 10 hours straight of designing graphics. So, please, PLEASE, SOMEONE offer to help me! If you decide to help, get Graphics Studio (here at ticalc in Windows Utilities) if you don't already have it, e-mail me at tpowers@rocketmail.com, and I'll send you the gst file with all the tiles I made, and tell you what tiles I still need done. Well, thanks, bye.
26 June 2000, 03:54 GMT
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