Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Final Fantasy
Brandon Laatch
I am making a FF engine that will be like the SNES Final Fantasys. Unlike all the other FF claims on this page, I already know ASM and this program is allready under development. There will be differant viecles including Chocobles, an Airship, a boat and more!! There will be a demo as soon as I fix this nasty error that I have right now.
E-mail or post questions, comments, concerns, ideas, or insane ramblings.
26 February 2000, 00:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Adam Hoss
I am currently working on a Magic: the Gathering game for the TI-89. It will be done in March 2000. This is my companies(ASL Productions) first game. We are going to make a web site soon- www.asl.homepage.com.
28 February 2000, 02:19 GMT
Gangsters 89
(Web Page)
Im am currently working on a text-based basic clone of Gangsters (PC) for the 89. If you think you would play the game (which is currently around 17562 in size) please email me and tell me. Or just email me and give me suggestions etc.
29 February 2000, 06:30 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
(Web Page)
Hi, I'm creating an RPG for the TI-89 and would like the input of as many
people as possible as I am developing it. You can find my demo, among other
things, at the web page listed above. Right now I have a nearly
fully functional world map program (You just can't go into the places that I
haven't completed). You can also wander around and between rooms/floors in
the caves and towers, although half of the towers have yet to be created
beyond the intitial room. Email me with comments, suggestions, and anything
else you can think of at mrspathi@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Mr Spathi
7 March 2000, 05:06 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
(Web Page)
I am creating a Nibbles like game in TI-89 BASIC. Don't say it can't be done, either because Sicode has made Nibbles Arcade for the TI-83 (Being a former 83 owner, I know how difficult that must have been to not make it incredibly slow). I am also working on an RPG like game called Virtual Gang. I originally wrote this on the 83, and am porting it to the 89. Any sugestions for either (Nibbles is almost done)? Mail them to me.
21 March 2000, 05:09 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am working on an Oregon Trail type game for the 89 in basic. It will be my first game with good graphics and will have most of the options that Mecc's Oregon Trail 3 has. Unfortunately, this will take a very long time because I can only program in my spare time but if anybody has any ideas, email me.
25 March 2000, 04:29 GMT

no more...
(Web Page)
well i never got any ideas so i guess nobody wanted this game... o well it's just as well since my math teacher erased my calc's memory before i had a chance to back up the program [it was about 1/2 done too... :-(] anyway, because that game was no longer in existance, i started working on my other [and the best that I have done so far] game. in total, this rpg ended up being over 10k, and has animations, sub games, the ability to save two games [with a nice little saving/loading thing, took a while to make but enhances the game a lot.], a high score feature, and much more. it took a whole semester of algebra 2 classes to make, but in the end it was worth it [i had a whole other semester of boring classes to sit through.]. I am trying to post it here at ticalc.org, but they never put it up after I send it [i have tried four times over the past 6 months]. anyway, the game is completely done and there are no bugs in it that have been found over that past 6 months of testing [playing in school when boredom strikes] and it can be found at www.angelfire.com/pa/trmj/calc/ until it gets posted here.
18 January 2001, 01:12 GMT
Rpg Maker 89
I am making an RPG Maker for the 89 it will be similar to the RPG95 for the computer. It will be Done in asm(i am learning as i go). I have basic tile/sprite drawing already done and i will soon convert it to 4 colors instead of 2 colors.
26 March 2000, 22:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
ryan ruert
(Web Page)
We are making Goldeneye for the TI-89, it will be almost an identical game to the N64 version. It will be in asm with smooth, greyscale, graphics from our Silicon89 Graphics Team(C). We should have info on our site soon.
16 April 2000, 20:49 GMT
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