Upcoming TI-89 Games
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New Tetris version - and I need help (89)
I am working on a new Tetris game called TetriSix. This will be my first assembly program and therefore I will need help. I will probably program for Doors.
In normal Tetris, all the peices are made out of 4 blocks. I have expanded that theme and all my peices will be 4, 5, or 6 blocks. It should be a lot more challenging and a change off Tetris.
If you're interested in helping, please contact me.
ICQ 51433283
AIM buypie
23 October 1999, 04:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Dane B
(Web Page)
I'm planning on creating an ASM version of HicQuest. Go to my site for any details.
24 October 1999, 08:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
smanx9 smanx9
I am working on GTA on the 89. So far I only have the title screen. I also would like some program ideas so if you got a game you would like one the 89 i might make it if it interests me. Please Email me if you want to tell me ideas.
16 November 1999, 05:27 GMT
Pocket Monsters 89 - Anime artists wanted
(Web Page)
Due to the recent popularity of Pokémon, Monster Rancher, and other similar games, I have decided to begin programming one. My reason being, although those titles were extremely fun, I found them lacking in certain areas. Pokémon, for example, is a little simplistic for the avid gamer. It would be much more interesting with certain features such as the ability to breed, train, and alter. I'm looking to create something of a hybrid between Pokémon, Monster Rancher, and Tamagotchi. One possibility is that the monsters will demonstrate traits based on some sort of mock and obviously simplified genetic coding. If you have ideas, are in support of the game and would like to see my game come into fruition, or consider yourself to be an accomplished calculator artist (preferrably of anime style) please contact me.
21 November 1999, 01:47 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Stephen Overton
I think someone should port some great 83 games to the 89 like Pacman, Subhunt, etc. There needs to be a good Pacman game for the 89.
18 December 1999, 17:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
(Web Page)
I think all the really great games are for the 83+, but they could be way better on the 89.I am making a version of Lotus Turbo Challenge for the 89.Mine is called Lamborghini American Challenge and has Lamborghini NOS Racing(I wonder how may copyrights I just broke).It has a lot more options like nitrous systems,police,several tracks,weather,police(did I mention this before?),bonuses,money to buy extra gear like a police band radio,fix needed repairs,etc.I have one track ready, is awesome, but hesitant to release as a demo.If anyone wants this demo just email me.A lot of this stuff is already implemented, just can't use it on the first track.
14 April 2001, 03:36 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I just got my 89 and am starting work on a few games. I just needed to know if there is a way to access Custom menu items in Basic for user input. If you don't understand what I mean, let me know so I can explain it better.
30 December 1999, 22:26 GMT

Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Hi, I just wanted to carify something.
You can make custom menu's.
What you need to do is:
1. While you're in a program, hit F2, 7
2. In between custom and end custom hit F3, ->, 7
3. Put a title name in quotes
3. If all you want is a title, you need to add a comma after it and store it as a less than 8 character variable
4. If not, hit enter, F3, ->, 8
5. Put an item in quotes (it will appear under your title
6. Add a comma and store your item as a variable
7. Return to step 3 until your done
Title "Hello"
Item "H",h
Item "e",e
Item "l",l
Item "l",l2
Item "o",o
8. Run the program you just wrote
9. Now, on your calculator home screen, press 2nd, custom (custom is over the home button)
10. It will display a tab at the top called Hello
11. If you hit F1, it will display this:
1. H
2. e
3. l
4. l
5. o
Hope this helps
12 October 2002, 23:42 GMT
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