Upcoming TI-89 Games
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your input please?
rogan hanson
Im worken on a tactcal rpg.if your wondering what i mean, think of saga frontier 2 duels (not tactics ogre)
but i need some help with the artwork
so when i finish some of the battle engine ill up load it and you can tell me what u think
9 May 2003, 15:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Camilo Rodríguez
I'm working on a Dangerous Dave clon for the TI-89. I'll upload a Demo with the first level soon.
25 May 2003, 06:45 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Olivier Sangala
(Web Page)
Hi, I'm a programmer and I released Midtown Madness 1.0.
I'm actually turning it into a GTA-like game.
I need people to help me doing these things :
- Town TileMaps
- Missions
You don't need to know a lot about programming.
If you are interested, just contact me.
27 May 2003, 20:12 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Hello, I'm the guy who said he would release Diablo and Harvest Moon for the Ti-89...
Well, I lied...
I've decided to focus all of my efforts into GBA programming, because of obvious reasons...
I will however, eventually release Diablo on the GBA, but Harvest Moon has been canceled alltogether, because it is allready under development by Natsume for the GBA (and their's will be vastly better than mine...lol)...
That doesn't mean though, that I won't be playing the Ti-89 in math though...
30 May 2003, 21:10 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Malcolm Smith
(Web Page)
I'm working on a 3D singleplayer game for the TI-68ks (TI-89, TI-92+, and Voyage 200) using the FAT Engine called Oblivion. I'm more than half done with the project, and it has 25 levels right now (some small and some huge). It takes up about 215k of archive mem, just for reference.
I'm also considering making a 3D (futuristic) racing game for the TI-89. I've been modifying Sebastian Reichelt's AutoMatix engine, and have sped it up quite a bit. For this project, I could really use user input on things such as a title, ship graphics, and general suggestions or comments.
For info, screenshots, forums, and comment threads on both games, see my link. ( http://trgenius.free.fr , "Oblivion" and "Extreme Racing")
11 June 2003, 07:42 GMT
New OS
(Web Page)
I know this isn't a post about a game, but it has everything to do with games. I'm making a new OS for the 89 (a real one, not any of that shell stuff!). I would love your input on the matter. Click on the URL above.
30 June 2003, 06:06 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Sean Muron
(Web Page)
'Ello. I've made various unreleased BASIC games, and I've finally decided to make something with C. I plan to make a graphical RPG, and keep it very low key. I've failed to get projects off the ground, and I know exactly why. Too many game makers set unreasonably large expectations for their games, and fail. So, all I plan this game to have yet is a map, some battles, a save system, and a stupid boss to beat up. Heck, maybe I'll add in some sort of stupid quest, like "Find the mystical spoon." If I can get that done, I'll release it and see what people thing, and continue from there.
No matter what, even if it doesn't get finished, I'll submit the source code. Sounds like a good plan?
3 August 2003, 18:16 GMT
Ender's Game!!!
George Wellman
I'm working on a grphical, turn-based strategy game based on Ender's Game, the famous sf novel. It will be in Basic for 83, 83+, and 89. However, progress is going slowly for the 89, because the only member of my programming group who has an 89 is also the least experienced. Therefore I am having to do most of the work on VTI, and I have little experience with the 89. Check the 83+ upcoming programs section for more info.
13 August 2003, 00:06 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
John M
Someone really should make a version of "EarthBound" for 89, or even Super Metroid. Both would be 2 of the greatest things to ever make it to 89
27 August 2003, 01:19 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
John M
If someone could pull off making EarthBound or Super Metroid for TI-89, it would absolutely be the most amazing thing, and probably one of the best 89 games of all time. Think it can be done?
27 August 2003, 01:25 GMT

Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Ben Cherry
Ive just begun work on a Metroid game for the 68k, and im using TIGCC. I hope to get it done, and dont plan on quitting. However, i will need some help to get it done. I'm not asking anyone to write it for me, but i do need help with things like how to keep the program small, how to manage large numbers of different enemies, and plenty more stuff. So if anyone could help, please email me at littlebighair@hotmail.com, or use the same address for MSN Messenger, im also available on AIM, my sn is litbigh. Thanks.
30 November 2003, 05:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Ben Cherry
My Super Metroid game is coming along pretty well. It will include running, jumping, flipping, morphing, and everything else samus can do in Super Metroid. Additionally it will have power beam, charge beam, maybe more beams, missiles, super missiles, hopefully a lot of enemies. The engine is nearing completion, and then i will just need to design the levels and program the enemies. Look for a beta version in a few weeks for ti89/92+/v200. Also, i do not use a 92+ or v200, so it would just be graphics in the top left corner, unless someone volunteers to correctly port the graphics of the game for me.
4 December 2003, 00:08 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
John M
If someone could pull off making EarthBound or Super Metroid for TI-89, it would absolutely be the most amazing thing, and probably one of the best 89 games of all time. Think it can be done?
27 August 2003, 01:25 GMT
W Hibdon
I use tigcc, as most of you probally do, to program. However, I am not that expirenced with the graphics part of programming with C. I know only how to use the sprite functions. I would really appericiate it if someone out there could help me get a grasp on the other ways to use graphics in C.
-Thanks W-
12 October 2003, 23:43 GMT

Re: Graphics
Malcolm Smith
(Web Page)
I'd say that the library ExtGraph is a great resource for faster sprite routines, plus almost everything else you need for graphics with TIGCC. It includes sprite, line, screen copy, draw/fill rectangle, invert rectangle, floodfill, and more. It also includes good documentation and source code, so it's easy to learn how the functions work (except the ones in ASM, but you could also pick up some of that after a while if you don't know it).
Besides all that stuff, you just have to figure out what exactly you will need to do with graphics for the project you are trying to complete. For example, FAT uses scaling columns of textures to accomplish raycasting... to do Mode7 (like Mario Kart) you have to draw pixel-by-pixel and use some of the fast pixel access macros in ExtGraph. Many racing games/projects (AutoMatix, the SkyRacer/Baballe/Plane Jump games) are based almost all on horizontal lines.
I hope that's helpful, if not you could email me, or even better ask questions at http://pub26.ezboard.com /ftichessteamhqfrm5 (remove spaces).
26 November 2003, 19:01 GMT
Upcoming RPG for TI-89
Alex Willingham
The TI-89 is in need of ASM RPGs, so I took it upon myself to program one. Expected release is about a month, being as I'm working on it non-stop. I don't program ASM, but am using C, which is arguably as powerful, being as it compiles into ASM. I'll keep everyone updated and include screen shots as I go.
20 October 2003, 23:41 GMT
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