Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Picture Compresor v1.0
Eric Pasch
This isn't a game but It can be used for storing pictures for games and this is the only place enough people read these postings.
I just wanted to take a poll to see what everyone thought of this program I have made. It simply takes a picture, and stores it as a string. It can be up to 50% smaller than a normal picture. It takes about five minutes to compress it, and another five minutes to decompress it. It is written in BASIC and is primarily meant to be used to archive pictures. (Although it is up to you how you use it). Just reply to this message, and let me know what you think. Also let me know If you have any suggestions... Thanks!
15 January 2003, 23:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Stephen Sanders
(Web Page)
I am beginning work on a TI-89 game that will employ the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition engine. I currently only know BASIC. I think this project would be much cooler in ASM.
I am familiar with C and C++. Where can I learn the GNUC variety of the language?
23 January 2003, 18:46 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am working on a very cool, almost all graphical game called Pipes! It's a game where you have 11 kinds of pipes, and must complete the circuit, so to speak. I have just today finished with the actual code, and only one thing remains undone- How to get the calc to know I won the level. My ideas are:
1. Set up each level so that there is only one solution that involves using every piece you are given. Uses a set solution (in form of matrix) to check your solution. Very feasible, but would be a PAIN to make the levels, with only one possible solution.
2. Made a subroutine that checks for each box, and looks for a box attached to it. If there is one, it checks to see if that pipe would fit, and leaving open ends, so to speak would (or would not, I havent decided yet) keep you from completing the level. A bit harder to program, but would be MUCH easier on the level designer(s).
Anyways, also, I may make a program that randomly makes a level and tries all sorts of stuff until it finds a solution, then saves that as a level.
I dont need much programming help, but I would like someone to go over the code to tighten it a bit. But that isnt necessary. What I do need is level designers- NO PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Just use a program I make for you, and you can graphically, using a neat little interface, make levels, and send them to me. E-amil me at ecnarf371@cfl.rr.com if interested.
28 January 2003, 03:18 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am a beginning C programmer (TIGCC) and have started work on my first actual game.
It is to be an RPG of epic proportions! The tales told within the confines of the TI-89 will make you gasp! I will show you-- er... okay, so it probably won't be that great, but I'm going to try nonetheless.
I would very much like to hear your ideas (especially for the storyline) as well as your complaints with other RPGs, so I'll know what to avoid (such as forcing the player to level up constantly.)
Thank you!
29 January 2003, 23:10 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Zack Podany
(Web Page)
Unfortuantely, my 89 just bit the dust. Fortuantely, I still had a recent rom image on my computer so I can work in VTI for debugging. Work on what you ask?
I'm going to be making a Yu-Gi Oh! assistant program, mainly used to keep track of LP and monsters, including any increases/decreases in atk/def.
The main reason for this program is my lack of focus while dueling, focus on field effect cards and the like. Also, some days, even simple math is beyond me.
It will be graphical and I'm thinking of adding a short anim of the show opening as a title screen (this should be interesting).
I can't think of anything else to say about it at the moment. Since my own 89 refuses even to turn on anymore, it may take some time to finish as there will be no rush to use it.
22 February 2003, 19:16 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Trey Davis
(Web Page)
I am working on a clone of "Ballon Fight" for the NES that will be called "Ballon Flight". Its coming along pretty good and I'll put what I have so far on the site soon. Just so you'll, know I'm 15 years old, which(sort of) proves anybody can program(yes, in assembly) for calculators.
22 February 2003, 23:30 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Nicholas Bruno
(Web Page)
I need help. How do u use a program without typing programname() ? there should be an easier way!
19 March 2003, 23:15 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Hello, I've been a Ti-89 user for about a year now.
Just wanted to anounce 2 new games I'm developing for the Ti-89. Harvest Moon (a farming sim), and Diablo (the hack-n'-slash game). They'll both be in Ti-Basic because I'm not good at C yet, and I'm not going to mess with ASM. Anybody else is welcome to try though, cause that would do more justice to the games. If you have any sugestions, post them here or email them to me at:
I also might need some help on making sprites for the two games, if you want to help, contact me at the above address.
Also, a 89 game appeared about a week ago called Midtown Madness, that let you drive around this bland city in cars taken from Grand Theft Auto 2. I emailed the guy saying he should turn it into a full-fledged Grand Theft Auto game. He said he'd be willing to if he had someone help him with things. I'm unavalable, so I told him I would look for some people here to help him. If you're interested, contact him at:
The game looked like it could easily be turned into a very good GTA game, someone please help him out. I would do it myself, but I'd be of no use. I would really like some justice done to this game of his.
20 March 2003, 00:16 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Hey, it's me again. I don't know if you noticed or not,
but I released a Graphic screen saver programmed in C,
called "Random Dots Generator Screen Saver".
I've made a new version that works with another screen saver
called "Life" that I THINK was programed by the TICT group.
Anyway instead of starting Life with the home screen picture,
you can start Life with one of the random pictures made by
"Random Dot Generator Screen Saver". I haven't released
this version to Ticalc.org yet, but if anybody wants to try it out, email me at
Also, you may recall that I would be programming Harvest Moon,
and Diablo for the 89 in Ti-Basic. Well, I've decided
to try them in C instead, for the 89.
By the way, if any of you C\C++\ASM programers out there
feel like programing some other Hand-Held portable, try
programing with the GameBoy\Color\Advance! It's powerfull, has color, has sound, and is recognized by everyone!
And it supports C\C++\ASM programming, I may try putting Harvest Moon and Diablo on the GBA as well.
27 April 2003, 17:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Well, first of all, there are 2 ways to test\play the games you compile for the GBA. You can buy a special blank cartridge and special cord off the net and download the free software, in which you would simply send the compiled programs to the blank gba cartridge.
Or, you could download a free GBA Emulator off the net, and test\play your games on it (sort of like Virtual Ti). On emulators I would recomend
VisualBoy Advance. You can also download illegal pirated GBA games and play them either way, (it's illegal though...). As for the compiler, you can download one off the net at places like www.gbadev.org
You can find GBA specific tutorials on C Programming at www.thepernproject.com
You could also buy a compiler from Nintendo for $3000...but, I doubt you would...
It's kinda hard & confusing to use these homemade compilers cause they are buggy, and you have to mess with makefiles and other crap. Go to yahoo and search for "GameBoy Advance Programming" to find more stuff.
Be forwarned, GBA programming is significantly harder than Calculator programing, I've only managed to make a "hello world" program so far...
11 May 2003, 20:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Oh, I really hope that it uses C++ commands. of course, std::cout <<... is way more annoying then selecting a dialog box, then press 3 buttons to get Text, the put a ", then type. I bought Visual C++ 6.0, can i use that to compile stuff?
BTW: I have many good ideas, but it will be a while before I can code with the best of them. If we all worked together, we could maybe make a pretty good game. Lets try a TI-89 first, unless one of you is pretty good. If its a TI-89 game, I know BASIC very well (check out my 2 games, they are both graphical. Ive made tons but usually quit 1/2 through for various reasons) but I cannot draw well at all. (Also see my games on that issue.) Though I rarely finish the games I start on my own, if we work as a group you can count on me. Contact me at ecnarf371@cfl.rr.com with the subject "TI-89 game" and maybe we can collaborate to make an awesome game!
-Daniel Bishop
15 May 2003, 22:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Well, all that is supported is ASM and C right now. The reason C++ isn't used right now is cause when programing in C++ it's easy to make the program very slow, especially on slower systems like portables (GBA & Ti-89\92+ namely), where as ASM and C run very quickly almost no matter how you code. It's possible to make very fast C++ code for such a system, but it's generally harder. I think one guy is trying to make a compiler that will accept C++ code, but he's got nowhere with it yet. As far as using Visual C++, there is stuff out there to help you to configure VC++ to use GBA librarys and all, but there kinda confusing (at least for me). I haven't gotten them to work, however, I've only messed with it once, and I'm using a free Introductory edition, which could mess something up... If C++ is ever implemented, you can bet that someone will make it possible to use VC++ with it. You might want to consider using this thing called Dragon BASIC. It's compiler that accepts BASIC comands and converts it into C code and then compiles that, making it quite a bit easier to make games. The only problem is it has several limits. 1.the resulting program cannot be over 32KB, otherwise it won't compile (don't know why?) and, 2.The C code it generates is very ineficient. and 3.If you program directly in C, you have a lot more flexibility, and almost no program size limit. You might want to look into that at www.dragonbasic.com
As far as "colaborating", I doubt I'll get off my a** anytime soon. And if I do, I've got a LOT more to learn about C, Ti-89 & GBA programing before I'll be of any help to anybody. I can program in Basic as well as in C, but I'm still pretty much a beginner at both...
15 May 2003, 23:49 GMT
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