Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
simon zack
NEW 3D ENGINE!!! currently, wireframe is succesful, and a cube can run up to 90fps on a TI89 ti. First person view (can rotate up, down, left, right, and go in that direction forwards/backwards) I'm gonna post it soon. And, hidden surface with grayscale is under development. email me for screenshots, etc. simonzack@gmail.com
18 November 2007, 10:18 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
Im Working on Punisher X-Treme for the Ti-89. It's the Sequel to the KCHS Punisher for the Ti-85. If you want to see it's progress, Go to my site and select the "Projects" Link
17 August 1999, 23:39 GMT

Drag racing, n e one?
Mitchell Polifka
(Web Page)
I know most of u out there in programming land are geeks, and won't care about what I have to say. I am not, however. I am into cars, especially imports, and I made a drag racing game in BASIC.
My dilemma is this: BASIC sux for programming! I have the prog broken into thousands of little subroutines, and still, my E.T counter runs at like 1/1000000000000000000th of real time. (by the way, I have NO idea what that number is). I need help! Can ANYONE teach me C or ASM for TI-89's? Also, if anyone wants to help me work on it, e-mail me or go to my website. Thanx in advance, and I pose a question that only true import lovers will have n e idea about: Got Rice?
14 April 2002, 04:28 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Mr. Tee
Hey...Im a nuub at an 89...as in, I previously had an 83, but I just got an 89...I know C++, so i really want to start programming in C. Where do I goto to get to that? Is it just in the normal program editor?
17 March 2008, 20:44 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Hello, I have a quick question.
I am making a game in C for the ti 89 using TIGCC and VirtualTI. It has grayscale in it, and seems to be working fine in that regard. But I'm using a ROM image from my friend's old Ti-89 (no broken) and I think it is HW1 or HW2.
I have been working on this game for a little while, and am thinking of buying a Ti-89 Titanium (what's the point of programming for a platform you don't own?) I believe the one I am going to get is probably gonna be HW4 (what I've heard is the newest hardware version) and was wondering simply this: do HW4 ti89 titaniums support NON-FLICKERY 4-level grayscale? I've heard they don't support 7-level, but I'm truly hoping I don't have to buy a crappy old HW1 from ebay to avoid the dreadful flicker.
So... does HW4 support it?
6 September 2010, 23:46 GMT
Monster Seeds
Jeff Brazill
(Web Page)
Monster Seeds for the TI-89. It is a spoof of Monster Rancher® for the PSX. It will have everything that the PSX game has. A new version of it will be released at my website in the next week or so, so go and check the site to see it its out and too see a full discription for the game.
11 September 1999, 00:51 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am currently working on a Yahtzee game for the TI-89. I am writing it completely in 68k assembly language. So far, on 9-28-99, it will display the dice with different numbers but that is it. This is my first 68k program so I am learning as I go. I expect to have it realeased around November 99.
29 September 1999, 02:59 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Kevin McCollum
(Web Page)
I am currently working on a Zelda/FF7 type game but it will be way better. Your are going to be able to use combo spells to make an ulamate spell vs that ememy. There is a computer version of this game, that my friends are working on. Right now, sents I have not seen the whole game, I'm only working on the help menu. W/ the stats of each charactor. There are 9 main characters; good guys. and tons of enemys. By the way this will be writen in ASM coding. which Im am learning as i go. Sents I already know ASM coding for the 83 & 86 It shouldn't be that hard. right? If anyone would like to help me. Like make some sprites or something like that. I would apriciate it. I hope to have it done by End Summer 2000. Its that sweet. There will be beta versions too, don't worry.
8 October 1999, 03:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
adam chard
(Web Page)
I am currently working on a RPG tenatively titled Dragon Tamer. It works like final fantasy tactics where you learn new abilities from points gained in battle. It'll have a story mode where you build your dragon, and a 2-player battle mode where you can fight a friends dragon with a link. Should be finished end of october to middle november.
Following that will (hopefully) be Final Fantasy Tactics 89!
11 October 1999, 20:37 GMT
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