Upcoming TI-89 Games
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New RPG for TI-89!
I have yet to even start it, but I really want it done or well into development by the end of Summer. I can do the coding, but any help is appreciated. (This is my first graphical game, but I am using some material from many very good games) I need someone to draw some sprites, and I need a story. I could make the story, but it would probably end up with Squirrels taking over the world. So, I need an assistant programmer, an artist, and a storyboard maker. If you would like to help in any other way, or have some suggestions, please feel free to do so. I really want to make this game good, so the more feedback, the better.
16 May 2002, 03:49 GMT
Ditsy Elephant
(Web Page)
I said a long time ago that I was working on and was almost done with a card game called Ditsy Elephant, or DE for short. Well, our group, Legacy Calcware, decided to take a little hiatus from programming until we got out of this school year. Well, we have now and I was having way to many problems, so I got rid of the whole source and have started over. It's well under way and better than before. It'll be out sometime next week, I promise. Guarantee it. Ciao!
After that is done, I'm going to make a game as much as possible like Dead or Alive 3 for the Xbox. It should be neat.
13 June 2002, 01:24 GMT

Re: Ditsy Elephant
(Web Page)
The final version is complete and being tested, sadly even before the beta version has come out at ticalc.org. So, expect the final version to be out sometime next week, and in the meantime, wait for the beta. The graphics are improved in the final and a few minor bugs are fixed. No calcs crashed with the beta.
Another note on DOA89, it won't be DOA89, but a fighting game by another name. DOA3 is too complex to attempt to remake in any way for the 89. But, it will still be cool, and will come out after Dog Fight 89.
If you want more info on DE, it will be at the link under my name sometime soon.
26 June 2002, 22:25 GMT
(Web Page)
I'm now working on a new project since my trials ( and errors ) with DE are over. It's called Dogfight. It'll be for both 89s and 92+s ( which I suppose also means V200s ). If you need a description, it'll be like Tankers with jets. It will have differential scrolling for backgrounds (the term paralax is also used for that ), up to 7 AI enemies, link play with that number of enemies, homing missiles... 360° ( intervals of 45° ^_^ ) of action. Large playing field with good background graphics and moving clouds. Tons of bullets to dodge. Just wait.
10 July 2002, 21:29 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Jeremiah Llewellyn
Hi. I am new to the TI community and I just wanted to say NICE place!
Anyway, please respond to this if this sounds interesting.
I am making a game called Chakra II.
This game will have a storyline (A fairly good one at that)
A unique weapons creation system, involving elements, secondary elements, and accessories.
You can travel places such as Alaska, Britian, etc.
and communicate with people there.
minigames, including memorization, endurance tests
(How long can your thumbs hold out???)
Test taking, etc.
Tons of factors involving what will happen to you.
An Item list, useable in combat.
Link cable support.
Fairly cool looking effects with text.
(Try putting this in:
For x,1,51
Output 1,x,"Chakra II"
Output 1,x-6," "
Output 12,x-24,"Jeremiah Llewellyn"
Output 75-x,1,"<R2002 Mosquiton Projects>"
Output 83+x,1," "
Output 1,50,"Chakra II"
Output 12,26,"Jeremiah Llewellyn"
Output 25,1,"<R2002 Mosquiton Projects>
Output 60,1,"sold_out_99504.tripod.com"
For x,1,25
Output 50+x,1," "
Output 50-x,1," "
I hope to hear from you!
30 September 2002, 23:04 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am working on two giant games in BASIC
Mechcommander mock
and Age of Kings/Civilization mix
I already have over 40 Mechs available.
The AOK/Civ mock will be multiplayer
with over 40 unit types.
I hope you will enjoy them both.
16 October 2002, 18:05 GMT
Doors OS
I have Hardware version 2.00 and AMS ver. 2.05 . I try running doors and it freezes on me. I try using HW2, and it says it's not a certain version... Can anyone help me? I'm new to the 89 world, and I need help!
22 October 2002, 14:17 GMT
Mega Man 89
I've been working for about a week now on my Mega Man game. I've actually been planning it for as long as I've had my 89, and when I saw how well Mega Man was on my friend's 86, I was determined to create a superior game for the 89. At this point in development, Mega Man can run, jump, and slide (and any combination thereof). I'm going to work on the shooting engine next.
My plan is this:
-Use of ALL sprites in the animations of ALL objects
-Decent speed (unlike the 86 game)
-EVERY boss from all the NES games
-Different files for each level (won't take all your space)
-ALL (or at least most) of the actual baddies from the games
...basicly everything the 86 game has, and more.
I would love any input on this. If you want anything specific in the game, ask before I'm too far ;)
27 October 2002, 04:05 GMT

Update II
(Web Page)
Okay, sorry about the extreme delay of this post. I've had some problems with my ISP, so I haven't been able to use the internet in quite a while, but I'm still working on it. Currently, I have the title screen, loading engine, and basic input engines finished (along with all Megaman sprites). I've been working on the background display engine for a while now. It's a little different than what I expected to have to do, but that's alright. It's still coming along fine considering the amount of free time I have :)
As for the website, I would be able to make a Geocities site for it, but really hadn't thought about it. I will try to get something up. Check the URL on this post.
Comments/questions? Hey, just tell me!
9 January 2003, 14:38 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I have made a version of Simon, the game where you see a pattern then must duplicate the pattern. It appears to be bug free, but I need testers. Please contact me if you want to test at Ecnarf371@cfl.rr.com. I am specifically looking for people who know programming well enough to help tighten the code, or anything like that. I will post this version (1.0) online, but until it is up, please contact me if you wish to Beta Test.
29 October 2002, 00:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Michael Kruskal
Im currently working on StarFox 89. Im writing this in C and when it is done it will be a 1 level game similiar to StarFox89(3d scrolling game, similiar sprites) with a level editor so people can make their own levels. Im doing pretty good so far thanks to David Coz's 3D tutorial but if anyone can help me with greyscale textures, and ways to increase speed that would be great. I will post again when I have a demo completed. my email address is moko8799@yahoo.com if anyone wants to see the source so far or wants something... umm yea... bye!
8 November 2002, 04:51 GMT
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