Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am working on Wipeout-89 in BASIC. It is really becoming difficult and I could use a hand. E-mail me at kinchu89@hotmail.comif you are interested. Thanx=)
17 October 2001, 02:17 GMT
Phoenix PLatinum Saver 1.02 build 7
Hi everybody.
You probably all like phoenix platinum, some i will soon be releasing a program that lets you save and load for phoenix platinum. Im not sure how i could upload my program or whatever, but if anyone knows, please email so i can upload it. The program is in BASIC and is based strongly on file manipulation.
7 November 2001, 04:08 GMT
andrew sanchez
I have a real challenge for all of you... if someone can make a decent tony hawk pro skater game that looks good then you would have the best skill in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 November 2001, 00:25 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
(Web Page)
Ender's Game version 0.20 b will be available to download at the URL above sometime today. Please check it out!
23 November 2001, 22:16 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Michael Lerma
i'm currently making a cool skating game for the ti-89, it's written in basic. i might post it on ticalc but it's not finshed yet. it has a total of 10 moves, including grinds, grabs, and manuals. i'm also looking for some help in speeding it up and turning it to an asm game. if anyone is interested in helping me, or wants a copy of the game, just email me: mrfilipinoboy12@yahoo.com
6 December 2001, 02:08 GMT
new card game
(Web Page)
Hi everybody. I just wanted to let everybody know that I'm working on a card game called Ditsy Elephant. Ever heard of it? Not may people that I know have. Not only am I letting you know that I'm programming it, but I also have a question. I can make the computer play one way, but it's probably not as efficient as it should be. If anybody knows any way to make a respectably good AI for a card game ( if you don't know the rules, ask me ), please contact me. I would greatly appreciate this. Thank you.
30 December 2001, 16:38 GMT
Puzzle Fighter Baku Baku
I noticed a lack of games like baku baku and puzzle fighter for calculators, so i decided to fix it. I have the engine running w/o any fancy graphics or scoring. It's in grayscale and was written in C. If there is any support for this title, or any suggestions, reply or email me.
4 January 2002, 05:39 GMT
Thomas Nussbaumer
(Web Page)
Thomas Nussbaumer just told me that he is too busy to do any more stuff for TIs :(. He was barely able to get out the new version of the TIGCC tools suite. So, I and any of my group members who wish to help are going to try to use his current version of the FAT engine to develop a 3D game of sorts, possibly a first-person action shooter type, sometime in the future. If that doesn't work, we'll try to make our own raycaster, if we can muster the skill and will power neccessary. If there is anyone else out there who knows how to use the engine and wishes to help, please contact me and let me know. Thanks a lot.
17 January 2002, 17:55 GMT

GREG engine
(Web Page)
Hey all. I guess I was a little too... too something... when I guessed the release date of my raycasting engine ( now has a name: GREG, which stands for Generic Raycasting EnGine... it really has nothing to do with fixed angle texturing, so I left that part out... ) for at most last week. There are several reasons, like that I spent too much time working with future level compatibility problems, but really I think I was just lazy, and too busy with relatives coming over, and I'm sorry. But now that everybody's gone ( and that I'm using TIGCC v0.93, if that'll help any ), I should be able to get much more work done. To speed up the process, I might be leaving out the mini map. I'll have to see how my wall display algorithms or routines or whatevers work to decide if it is going to be a big deal. Now, it may be a little time still, but it'll definately be out before the end of the month.
After I finish the beta, I will finish my previous game, Ditsy Elephant, the card game. Sorry if anyone wanted that before, but I got a little caried away on the raycasing engine.
Now, back to GREG. The last thing I have to say is a warning. DO NOT think this is going to be a big beautiful super-efficient, really small, totally cool engine with sweet graphics. Don't diss me if it's a little slow, big, un-advanced, or has bad/mediocre graphics. I'm trying my best based on what I know. I'm not exactly the best C programmer, but I hope this experience will help me learn, and I'll make it much better later on.
6 February 2002, 21:38 GMT

Re: GREG engine
(Web Page)
Hey. I've been working on this for a while now, and I know I haven't really done much, but I've made a decision. I am going to finish this beta, but I'm not going to do any further work on it after that. Several factors are contributing to this decision, but the main reason is that I'm just not having any fun with this project. I keeping hitting too many problems, and it's too much like work rather than fun to program. It's hard to make a raycasting engine, even for experienced programmers, which I'm not, so I will, if I decide to continue at all, have to wait a long time until I gain some experience and learn more about the language and the processor. It's too hard for me, and no fun, so I'm stopping. Anyone who wants the source after the beta is done can e-mail me for it.
19 February 2002, 01:11 GMT

(Web Page)
*sigh. Here we go again...
Well don't I just suck? I've had to cancel so many programs already, and I've had my 89 for what? 2 years! I haven't really been keeping track of my limitations very well. I realize now that it was pretty stupid of me to attempt this project, so I have to cancel. I don't even WANT to finish the beta now, because all the spirit and energy I had about doing this when I started is gone. A raycasting engine, one that is in any way good, is way out of my league. I'll keep the source for a while in case some inspiration and ideas come to me, and anyone who wants to take a look can see it. Finishing the beta would take me a long time, because I just found several problems with the way I was doing things, and all that stuff... it's hopeless.
So, since I'll soon be over the dispair of my dead friend GREG, I'm setting my sights on a much more reachable goal. I'm going to make a fighting game. I've actually been working on it all the times I've gotten too bored to work on GREG, so I have a little bit done already.
I'm sorry about all the GREG hype, but I really thought I could pull off even a cheap one, but no. I've wasted space on this site a lot. Well, this SHOULD be the last time.
23 February 2002, 21:24 GMT
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