Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Inpyo Hong
(Web Page)
Hi, I am currently developing a game (that is similar to Worm/Scorch). The code is in TIBASIC format.. (would later try to change to ASM).
I have uploaded some screen shots, which can be found on a document page I uploaded (link above).
Right now.. about 70-80% done (not fully playable yet)
Can anyone please tell me where I can start with Assembly Language coding..? The game is getting slower every time I add more codes in. (currently over 15k)
27 April 2001, 11:01 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Chris Monosmith
What I'm doing is working on a mock basic raycasting engine, where walls come up at 90-degree angles, sort-of. You can only see six spaces back so far. I also have some other things people can use in or around programs in basic, that **some poeple don't know about. Many poeple do, though. Oh well, whatever helps.
**some would be inexperienced poeple, and I know a lot.
If you need to know about it, e-mail me.
6 May 2001, 23:45 GMT
Demo Released!!
I put this down here so that it would be noticed quicker. You can now try out a demo version! It is called "Link's Adventures" (Title may change).
I know I am going to get a flood of e-mails soon;)
Arrows move
Diamond raises shield
Save/Load are not implemented yet, at least not in the demo.
Push Diamond to exit dialogue of other characters.
9 May 2001, 15:59 GMT
Start programming group
(Web Page)
I have a whole bunch of incomplete games on my computer and I do not wish to just delete them, so if anyone is interested in helping me finish them-email me.All are coded in C except for one tunnel game(ooohh great, another tunnel game.....) in ASM.I have a tunnel game, a slots game, a racing game,others.I have been to busy with preparing to graduate and am not able to fully complete them myself.I would still like to program in my spare time, so if you would like to help, email me and will get started.
14 May 2001, 00:50 GMT
Virtuty's Quest: Search for the Choas Sone
Having entered the third year of development, I would like to say that I am almost fully ready to release a 3-area demo version of the game, "Virtuty's Quest: Search for the Chaos Stone." What makes my game so unique is the engine, which is a basic based and high graphic layering interface. The story is based on the Zelda story line, but takes much later in time. The run time for the loading of graphics is low considering the amount of graphics present. If any one is interested in using my engine, I will be releasing the final engine in a month (the cut scenes still have some tweaking, and the fight interface still needs to be connected to the game, due to not having all the monsters finished). I would like to have my engine be publicized, considering that I have been in the dark for so long. I have not published many of my programs, which I believe to be high quality.
Foxfire, Inc.
25 May 2001, 02:43 GMT

Re: Lots of Zelda games, at least, it seems that way.
Ah, but you write Zelda clones in c. Although I have not seen your Zelda, I have seen the one for 89 calcs that is writen in basic. :) Mine takes place far in the future of Eluryh (Hyrule spelled backward), and is also written in basic, but the engine, not my game, is what I am trying to emphisize. I have worked on perfecting it for 2.5 years (I just made the cutscenes avlible last month), and will have a fully opperational fighing link probably by the end of summer.
I would like to see your game. Would you posably like to see mine?
Foxfire, inc.
31 May 2001, 04:52 GMT

Re: Re: Lots of Zelda games, at least, it seems that way.
Maybe, so far I have never heard of any Zelda clones in Basic. I do know of the following:
Zelda 89 Journey to a New World V0.03 beta (Language: ASM)
Zelda 89 A Hero's Beginning (Language: C)
Zelda - Quest to be a Hylian *The one I am working on* (Language: C) AKA Link's Adventure.
Link's Adventure will be (I think) the first in a series, the second being Attack of the Amoeba.
So, if you included the two basic ones you say, there would be five. :) The beta I have right now is so much better than the one on ticalc. The one I have has enemies, an AI, save slots (they aren't FULLY done), and so much more. BTW, if you want a beta, make a post at pub69.ezboard.com/brpgteam10138, go to "Beta Tests: bug reports" click on "Apply Here" and then make a post according to the criteria.
31 May 2001, 23:22 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Malcolm Smith
(Web Page)
Something I think the 89 is really lacking is platform games with weapons. There are many versions of "jumping" games like Mario, but there's only one side-scroller with weapons that I know of (ASM): The Next Dimension. This doesn't work on newer AMS versions. I think a game like Duke Nukem would be very cool, but I wouldn't know how to program it in ASM/C. If anyone would be willing to take on this task (or is currently making a game like this), let me know, and I'd really appreciate it. I would also like to make graphics for this game if it is/will be in production, so email me.
Malcolm Smith
AIM: TRgenius
8 June 2001, 16:02 GMT
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