Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am currently working on a TI-89 version of Pokemon Gold/Silver. It will be an exact copy. However, I have one question: would people out there like the ability to breed one-of-a-kind pokemon like Celebi and Raikou? Please send your suggestions to NexusGames2001@aol.com
17 April 2001, 22:07 GMT
Zelda: Attack of the Amoeba --PAUSED--
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, the Zelda game that I have been working on recently has been paused, I will still work on it, but another project has came to me, that is more important than my last one. I will be working as part of a team (doing the coding and storyline) on a new rpg (ff or zelda-like, it has not been decided). After the excellant program we will put out, I will refocus my energies on Zelda AOTA.
That is all for now, expect updates under this thread. :)
18 April 2001, 18:40 GMT

Another Update!
Version 0.20 has been copleted. Yay! This is going pretty fast too, since both me and Alkher are working on it. I am now going to post the done/to be done just so everyone knows the progress amount, sort of. This is all straight out of the docs for the game:
"To be done:
$dungeons handling, ->Alpha (0.25 ?)
$all sprites with animations, ->Alpha (0.30 ?)
$IA (also = battle mode), ->Beta (0.60 ?)
$inventory, ->Beta (0.70 ?)
$Saves/Loads, ->Beta (0.80 ?)
$text font & display with many choices to speak with NPC (not only 2 choices),->Beta (0.90 ?)
$after that, quests handling and I think version 1.00 is reached.
For now:
Fixed bugs:
-Link facing up: layer effect.
-Link pushing animation.
-Link's animations slower.
-Fixed a bug which erased other game's static variables(the highscores)(I know about it only on my calc for this moment)
-Improved menu(slower).
-You can talk to people!
-Main Pushing Engine Done!"
The "people" are really enemies that say, "What a nice Day!" And some of the enemies you can push around. I am currently working on the AI, and Alkher is currently working on moving diagonally.
That is all for now.
(You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye!)
23 April 2001, 16:23 GMT

Guess What, IT'S AN UPDATE!!!
Yes, this is an EXTREMELY MAJOR series of updates. First of all, we have a zelda engine that I believe to be faster than Zelda89b (around 50 FPS!!!) Here's the stuff that is new.
Animated Tiles
new tiles: house, tree, rupees, and moles
moles will chase you, and even turn around to face you!
Any comments are welcome. BTW, you can also post if you want screenshots or a demo version. Unfortunately I cannot GUARANTEE that you will get them, but I will try my hardest if you ask.:)
1 May 2001, 20:46 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Jason Roelofs
I am working on a rather large RPG written in C. It is called Labyrinth. I am at the beginning stages of the game, still working on the maps. If there is anything special you would like in the game, mention it and I will tell you what I think.
24 April 2001, 19:36 GMT
Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
One thing I liked about Final Fantasy 7 and 8 (I haven't played 9 yet... I know I'm a sinner but I've been busy!) was the non-focus on constantly buying new weapons and armor. Of course, that was because you had other ways of enhancing your characters (and even though everyone dissed it, I thought the junction system was pretty cool). However, one bad thing about FF8 was that magic was really most useful for building your characters, not for casting...
I think that if someone could try to find a middle ground here, a system that would allow character enhancement without having to go buying a bunch of stuff, and also have more useful magic, that would be awesome! It would allow more focus on the gameplay and the story.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put all this on your shoulders! Nor am I saying that all my ideas are perfect. However, it's something that all us RPG programmers should think about... :)
Oh, and by the way, even if you had a big list of weapons and armor and stuff and you were planning on making it that way... I'm still looking forward to your game! :) I was just offering my opinion. :)
1 May 2001, 15:38 GMT

Re: I agree
The fact that you've never played Final Fantasy surprises me, but don't worry, I won't dis you about it! And I agree that we need a separate RPG board. :)
Since you haven't played FF8, let me give you a brief rundown of the junction system that everyone seemed to hate so much and I really don't understand why... You have these guardian forces (GF's) that you junction to your characters. This allows them to use special abilities, boost their attributes, and enhance your attributes with magic. For example, you can junction cure magic to your HP and your HP will increase. Or you can junction sleep magic to your attack, and when you hit enemies they will (sometimes) fall asleep! I think this is what most people disliked: magic is drawn from enemies (not learned with increasing level), and everyone can use magic if they have a GF junctioned to them. Also, you can summon a GF and it will attack your enemies for you!
A neat idea, but what can we come up with that's similar to this without the minor flaws in the magic system (and without ripping it off completely)? Maybe I should forget the whole rogue-like project and focus on this problem? Perhaps then, a few of us could work together to create...
Ahem, sorry, I got a little carried away again! :)
4 May 2001, 19:05 GMT
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