Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
(Web Page)
i am making this euchre game for the ti-89. and i need help, LOTS of it. please, if anyone would like to help me, i would appreciate it. i am a pretty basic programmer. i have gotten a little far, but i just need someone to help me out in the places i need. this would be greatly appreciated. my e-mail is gamesandmusic2@cs.com, or viedogamer911@home.com, thanks a bunch if you can help!!
21 March 2001, 22:24 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Recently I got more time to waste looking up information about programming games for my TI-89 and took the time to download/begin using tigcc... I must say it's great because I *hate* assembly but I am an advanced c/c++ programmer so...
I am in the process of making a civ-type game for the TI-89.
I don't expect many difficulties along the way, since I made a C clone of civ for DOS a couple of years ago and still have the source, so this should be relatively fast =)
The only concern I have is how fast the TI-89 will run out of memory, I'd be willing to take any advice from experienced TI-89 programmers about how much memory I should be using.
30 March 2001, 05:17 GMT

I've played the Command to Conquer game recently, and yes this game will be in some ways similar to it, but in other ways different.
The civ game I'm making will include a very large map (an area of anywhere between 16 and 64 times the area of the visible screen). It also should include cities, science, terrain alteration, and diplomacy. For this reason I'm not sure how large the game will be and whether I'll have to dumb it down in any way for the calculator to be able to handle it.. oh well. CTC is centered around the construction of your base, on a map the size of the screen. Combat will be handled differently, in my game it will be like in civ where you move your unit onto an enemy unit and they start beating the crap out of each other, but I will not include hps because of memory considerations. Production is not simply a matter of spending the resources your miners have collected, cities take time to produce improvements and units. If you've played civ and any real time strategy game (such as any of the command -and- conquer, warcraft, or age games), you should be aware of the differences already. Both are fun.
That said, both games are turn based, hopefully my game will be as fun as CTC is (I play it every day when my own unfinished game doesn't give me some kind of new error 1st period), and CTC gave me the idea to use the backspace key to end the turn =P I will probably also use inverted graphics for enemy civs (of which there should be up to 6 + 1 barbarian player), since I can't think of anything better.
CTC pretty much made me interested in trying to install TIGCC again, this time it worked so now I'm on a roll. So thank you Ty Taylor.
7 April 2001, 03:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Errors
(Web Page)
You... must... look... at... the... documentation... It is the TI C programming bible! You can not do ANYTHING correctly without THOROUGHLY examining the manual, can you. This is not big computer C. This is TI C. You need to look at the FAQ especially.
For the NULL problem:
A) NULL == (void *)0;
B) I do not understand why you would want to do this anyway.
C) NULL, H_NULL, HS_NULL, etc. are all typecasted zeros going to handles stacks and other junk. If you want to test to see if something returned NULL you could see if it returned ((void *)0) or you have to search it in a special way with dereferencing operators and a whole bunch of other crud. Try reposting at the webpage above to get answers from experts like Kevin Kofler, Zeljko, Thomas Nussbaumer, Sebatian Reichelt as well as many other guys, I hang out there too you know. I recommend it for answers to help questions since many (some helpful, some not, and some weirdoes) people hang out there ready to give assistance when they can. KronicDeth is probably the non-famous person that helps the most, so ask him especially, and SAY THAT I SENT YOU, that way I earn brownie points.
Some of that was funny, some of that was informative, some of it was stupid, but remember, it is ALL true, I think.
8 April 2001, 07:55 GMT
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