Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
(Web Page)
I'm working on learning C so I can convert a game called ThreeSpot that I made in BASIC to C. I would really like help on the making of this.
ThreeSpot is here in the archives if you would like to see it.
There are three peices, one for each player and one neutral. You move around a board that looks a lot like tic-tac-toe and try to either get points or force the other person to get points. It's a lot more fun than it sounds...
15 January 2001, 03:39 GMT
Zelda 89: Attack of the Amoeba
Don't dis it right away just from the name. This is my personal Zelda game that will most likely come out at the end of the summer. It will be programmed in C and will be a sequel to Zelda: Majora's Mask. In this game you discover multiple secret exits out of Hyrule to search through previously unknown lands and dungeouns to try and stop the evil amoeba (which can transform into any shape) on the way you will help townsfolk and gather many new items. Expect a walk around demo as well as an item gathering one before the final version.
24 January 2001, 17:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Noah Mink
Has anybody seen that new 89-BASIC prgm, WALLZ? I've actually played it, I gotta recommend it. It's as good as probably any 2-player ASM game I've seen, download it and c 4 urself. It's original, so u gotta learn it, but its not hard.
27 January 2001, 07:10 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Stephen O'Connor
(Web Page)
Hey, I've been workin on this strategy game for bout a month, and the groundwork is lookin good. It's has 2 main modes: a management type thing with story line; and a battle mode, so the story line has depth (I know, sounds simple) The thing thats really cool is that stages can be up to 200x200 squares with a viewing window of 6x12. Also, the game can hold up to 150 total units. Both of these features dont hurt the game when put to the extreme. Also, there can be possibly up to 100 ships, so far, but i dont think il make that many sprites. If u have any comments, suggestions, or help, email me!
19 February 2001, 06:24 GMT
TI-89 Statagy Game: War At Sea (W.A.S.)
Eric Pasch
I am currently making one of the best strategy games for the 89. It will be Written in Basic. It is a game much like Janesİ Fleet Commandİ. It is called W.A.S. or War At Sea. You have three different types of ships, and one type of jet. Each platform has different weapons, and a limited supply. Each weapon has a certain range. That is all I can really tell you right now. It will probably take at least another month till completion. It is coming along very nicely. Let me know if you think this is a good idea. It will be done sooner if i can get more motivated. also, if you have suggestions, let me know.
3 March 2001, 22:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am surprised how little people use this page. I guess all calculator projects are being developed in secret underground laboratories aren't allowed to be made public huh? I was wondering if anyone was creating any new exceptional programs with Thomas's FAT Engine. An update about my game above: I am learning C as I go and I am bogged down with being Ninth grade so that is why this thing is taking so long. Lets see, if it is March now, then I will probably have some manner of demo out late-May or early-June. If anyone wants to help me then you should e-mail me. I think that that something I will need help with is beta testers (my calc is HW2), calculator GFX artists (if anyone can do this, it will be for a cinema scene situation, so I'll probably fax a picture I need on the calculator), and finally, something that will really help will be e-mails for support, it will really help motivate me knowing someone cares.
*Note: My game is ZeldaAOA.
*Note: Not to disappoint anyone but the cinema scenes are really more like slide shows :P.
Please Comment!
I want to know you're input.
P.S. This _WILL_ get done!
7 March 2001, 04:48 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I am currently working on a rogue-like adventure game for the TI-89. So far I don't have much done, I've just about got the dungeon generation algorithm complete (for those of you who don't know, rogue-like games feature randomly generated dungeons for a unique game play experience each time). I hope to have a 'walk-around' demo up within a couple weeks.
The main reason I wanted to post this was to see if there is much interest in this type of game. If you've never heard of Rogue, Moria, or Angband, do a net search (I highly reccommend a page called Thangorodrim) (and I apologize for not having any URL's for you!). Though these games don't feature high-end graphics or anything terribly advanced, they are fun, large, challenging, addictive RPG's with high replay value. Please let me know if any of you are interested.
10 March 2001, 17:50 GMT
Another Rogue developer?
Hey everyone, Shaun informed me about Christopher Waudby's recent upload called tirogue, an early version of a Rogue-like game. I downloaded it and tried it out, and for an early release it wasn't too bad. Hey it's more than I've got right now! :) So, if any of y'all want to get an idea of the type of gameplay to expect in my game, I suggest you download Chris's game and try it.
I have tossed around the idea of joining Chris and maybe making this Rogue-like project a joint effort, but as my schedule is so full right now I haven't really had time to think too much about it. Chris, if you read this page, why not let me know what you think?
BTW, as of now, my project is 'on hold' until I get caught up on my coursework. Finals are the first week of May, so at the latest I'll pick up coding after that. Of course I'll keep you guys updated! :)
9 April 2001, 15:57 GMT
Sparse matrix code wanted!
I was talking with a colleague of mine a couple days ago about the inefficiencies in my dungeon map storage. We came to the conclusion that a sparse matrix might be the way to go. Now as you all know I've been busy (writing papers about proper software engineering techniques and other boring stuff like that), so...
If anyone out there has some sparse matrix code you'd like to share, please let me know! :) I actually have some C++ source but it's a little primitive...
For those of you who don't know, a sparse matrix is a dynamic data structure that can be used to store matrices (or arrays) with many many indicies but very few "non-null" values. For example, you might have a 100x100 matrix (10,000 locations) but only 4000 of them are being used (the rest are 0 or something). The way it works is that you have a linked list for the rows, including only rows with non-null values. Each node on the row linked list serves as the head for a column linked list which again contains only non-null values. Using this technique you would have at most 4100 nodes (4000 actual values plus the nodes in the row list, if there's a node in every row that's 100) instead of 10,000.
Ok, that's my $0.02 for today. :)
11 April 2001, 20:04 GMT
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