Upcoming TI-86 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Game
(Web Page)
I am currently working on a war strategy game for the 86. Follow the URL to see screenshots and find out more.
14 June 2001, 02:00 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
(Web Page)
whats in the works at STINGRAY Studios...
well its been a while (since '99), but i finally went and dug up some old code ive been meaning to post. in one word: Ultima86. i know the '86' is sorta another word... whatever. well, im gonna debug it, so it might be a while... either way, its gonna be ASCII gfx, 4 screen world (birds eye), with caves (platform style), towns in which you can buy and sell, multiple eneimies, you can save your game... etc etc. well, right now you can play it, but theres no way to win, its a bit on the slow side since its one of my older game engines, and there are some minor glitchs in the was the Inn works in the town. all this is will take up about 10K on your 86. nice, huh?
my more recent projects is "ARCS". gorillas meets worms. all you qbasic fans know what im talkin about. this is nice and fast, but only 2 player and right now you cant shoot, althought that code is written, its not intergrated into the game yet. its about 2K.
my latest project, gradius, is lookin good, but i gotta figure out AI and such.
look for my other project, "Astro Fighter" in 86 Basic games...
5 July 2001, 05:03 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
I am planning to make Sonic the Hedgehog and a few other games for the Ti-86(in assembly). Anyone who wants to help or find out about the other games can e-mail me at godreignsinme@juno.com
10 July 2001, 22:34 GMT
Soon coming............ Quake 86
I am working on my Biggest Program ever.......QUake 86!!! I am trying to finish before the end of the Year.
I plan to Make the Game with Monster AI and have a 2 player mode and 2 player Cooperation mode!
The Game Will take up alot of memory But It should be worth it.
20 July 2001, 08:13 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
(Web Page)
Drugwars 4. TI-86 (and possibly 85) assembly. VERY Graphical, possible grayscale, but none shown at the point. Also working on PC software in VB1 Windows(Don't Laugh; I am using this for Win31 compatibility) and should look really good...when done. Currently looks A LOT like the pc version, which is pretty good progress. Too many errors currently in the PC 'ware(used to do VS over TCP or IP connections! and other stuff.) but does play(with MANY bugs!)
28 July 2001, 07:26 GMT
Samurai X version 1
Aramil Moonwhisper
I'm working on a game called Samurai X. It's pretty much done except for a bug that won't let the game work.
As soon as I finish it, I will create a website and post the source code, (I don't have a PC link cable).
If any of you have played Kirby Superstar, and played the Samurai Showdown, you should know what this game is about.
If you are interested let me know. I'd love to hear your ideas for the next version.
12 August 2001, 23:23 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games: "Tyrian 86"
Martin W. Smith
Trent Paczkowski and i are writing a Tyrian Port for the 86. It won't be a direct clone, but pretty close. It's also a long way from being finished. I am looking for the ZMR greyscale routine, it would be a great help.
19 August 2001, 10:45 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
I am currently working on a version of Dance Dance Revolution for the 86 in ASM. The first version should be out soon. Later versions will have comments, evaluation, flavor text, sound, and maybe even grayscale.
3 October 2001, 19:40 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Ok, my friend and I have been working on an RPG for the 86, but we're running into a brick wall with it. It's text-based, has a semi-story line, and a boss to kill. And that's almost it. We have 3 classes, magic, potions, a map, a world, fights, inns, weapon shops...
However, it takes up 14k of memory, and we need to port it into ASM. I've gotten good feedback from friends, so I might consider posting a demo. I can send it if you want to play test it. It'll probably get released as a demo, and stay that way. We're now working on a VB6 version, though I know more people would play the 86 version. Tell me what you think.
27 October 2001, 17:25 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
(Web Page)
Hi, I'm making an assembly game called Goldlust. It's an RPG type game except there's no plot. Rather, it's a high score game. You run around killing monsters and collecting gold (among other helpful items) in an attempt to break the high scores. It's based on a really old computer game called "Rogue". It's a bit better than that game and much more graphical (it was a REALLY old computer game). If you'd like some screenshots in .tiff format, just send me an e-mail. I plan on having 5 different characters to choose from each having their own unique abilities. A warrior, dwarf, elf, cleric, and wizard. There will also be magic spells, armor, weapons, magical potions, magical scrolls, food, traps, magical wands, and magical rings. The player will find these items during the game. There will also be many monsters along with 10 bosses - one for each layer. It should be a pretty good game. I expect to have it done by early February.
4 December 2001, 04:13 GMT
Upcoming : 'R'blade
Chevalier Thibaut
I'm making a Rollerblading game (vert) in asm. By now you can jump, make rotations from 0 to 1080 degrees, with two differents grabs : mute or makio-rocket (call ed makio in the games because the name is too long). The riders can ride fakie too. I've included a scoring system for the tricks with specifications : "sloppy" like in Tony Hawk's pro skater 2 if you don't finish the rotation, "late" if you rotate lately. You can crash if you don't finish your rotation at high speed. You can also do "inverts". Now the program is about 5000 bytes because there are lots of sprites, but i took a lot of time to realize something cool. I'd like to ask some questions of vocabulary to someone that has a knowledge in rollerblading, because i'm french :). Let me your e-mail.
Thanx, Moitib
9 December 2001, 22:44 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Is there anyone who is working on a finished Zelda game for the TI-86? There are so many Zelda games with good graphics and gameplay that would be great if someone would finish them instead of leaving them after about 2 minutes of gameplay are finished. I triead to learn ASM to make on emyself, but I don't understand a word of the instructions.
If anyone knows of a site where someone with little or no computer and calculator programming knowledge could learn to program a graphical RPG please tell me.
21 January 2002, 03:35 GMT
AH-64 Apache Simulation
Aren't you tired of the same ol' 2D games out there? Well, I'm currently making a true - that's right, TRUE - 3D flight simulation game.
The flight model will be, or close to, that of the Apache helicopter. This game will feature up to probably 20 frames per second, with a minimum of 10! I'm not joking! I've developed functions that are capable of rotating three-dimensional points at a rate of about 7500 or more times a second.
Tell me what you think or if you'd like to see screenshots/demos.
22 January 2002, 21:38 GMT
Re: AH-64 Apache Simulation
(Web Page)
Does anybody even read these?! It's been a day already, and nobody has replied to my comment. Maybe it's because it's down here near the end. I could probably write anything here and no one would notice.
Anyway, I've recalculated and refined my approximations, and my program will have a minimum of 8 frames per second, which is somewhat choppy, but that is a worst-case figure.
While I'm here, I'd like to know how many people think this game would be pretty awesome, or at least somewhat cool. Also, I'd like to know if anyone would like a mission (level) editor and what features you'd like to see in this game. Since I'm working within fairly tight constraints with this game (program speed and size), I cannot promise many big features, if any. Last, can someone provide me a name and maybe a title screen for this game so as to capture the essence of this game?
23 January 2002, 19:38 GMT
Re: AH-64 Apache Simulation
I'm currently writing the layout of this game in QBasic. That will allow me to find any design problems and work out the details _before_ I write it in assembly.
So far, I have the physics working almost completely. The things that are missing now are realistic drag and the link between torques (affected by flight controls) and rotational inertia (which affects aircraft attitude). I understand what I need to do, but I just can't seem to get myself to program it. Since this link is missing, I have no way of controlling the aircraft, other than hard-coding a few parameters.
In addition to the physics, I also have a rudimentary 3D system working. It resembles, more or less, 3D games from the 80's. For modern computers, it would be unacceptable, but I think it looks fine for a CALCULATOR. By the way, I'm sharing several functions between the aforementioned physics "engine" and the graphics "engine", as they both involve 3D vectors and such (not that you really care to know this, though).
Also, I haven't done any actual coding for the map system, but I've done somewhat extensive design work on various methods, and I've come up with some good compromises involving data size (smaller is better) and battlefield size (bigger is better). I will be including several different vehicle types, such as main battle tanks, APC's, trucks, infantry, AA's, ships, and possibly (though not likely) other aircraft, each in both friendly and enemy flavours.
That's all I care to write for now. As should be obvious, this game will be more complicated and more realistic than any other "flight sim" available for the TI calcs. I sure hope you all like it as much as I enjoy writing it!
21 June 2002, 01:10 GMT

Re: AH-64 Apache Simulation
Bad news, everyone.
I've been working on apache86 for months now on my notebook computer. I recently dumped WinXP and put slackware Linux on it. I backed up my files to CD-RW before I dumped XP, including apache86, but it wasn't burned correctly (I found that out after installing Linux). Some of the files were fine, so I thought the CD was OK, but the other files were screwed up. Shame on me for not having other backups, right?
I dumped the CD's raw data (cp /dev/cdrom mycd.img) to rescue some of the files, but I could find only a few files in it. That CD is good only as a coaster now.
To make a long story shorter, I lost a few month's worth of work on this. This includes my collection of many assembly routines. I'll need to rewrite many of those include files now.
Fortunately, I have some older copies of a few of the files, but they're several months old, so I would have to clean them up again as I have already done.
It's ironic that I've been debating whether to release this program under the GPL (GNU General Public License) from time to time as I write it, or to take the Microsoft route of "security through obscurity" and hope that no one can understand it if it was disassembled. If it was uploaded and under the GPL, I would still have a semi-current version to start with again. Oh well.
Anywho, I've now learned my lesson this time. As I reconstruct this program (that is, the function sets for it), I'll make plenty of backups and periodically upload versions of it (under the GPL) to ticalc.org. Of course, I don't have to worry very much about Linux crashing on me, but I'll still make copious backups as I go.
Thank you for reading my rambling.
PS. Since it'll be under the GPL, I encourage all to contribute to my program, as I will not be able to maintain it forever. I believe this program could rival all other games.
8 November 2002, 23:14 GMT
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