Upcoming TI-86 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Marcus McG
I need to know what the max. refresh rate of the screen is for the 86. I attempted to make an ASM program (of course) that would tell me this, but it didn't seem to work. I made it change the screen buffer area thing (port 0) and then read bit 1 on port 3. If it was clear, it would say that. Otherwise, it would say it was good to go. I then used different delay lengths in between the time it changed the screen area and the time it read port 3. I noticed that this didn't work. It seemed that bit 1 on port 3 had nothing to do with whether or not it was in the middle of refreshing the screen. In fact, the answer it gave depended on whether the interrupts were on. I would really like to know because the bast grayscale can be made if this information is known. If you know what I need, please tell me, or if you know something that I don't, please tell me. Thank you.
1 May 2001, 05:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
If you read previously i was coming out with "Dark Wolf" That as been canceled due to the fact my teacher deleted. I know, i know, it was dumb to not have backed it up. However i will be redoing a game simular to it. I don't want to reprogram the same storyline and same interface so i will redo the whole thing. consequently i need storyline ideas. you can post it or Email me at JeffALund@yahoo.com
8 May 2001, 23:41 GMT
BASIC grayscale anyone?
Marcus McG
I have just made an ASM program that takes 2 regular pics and turns them into a grayscale pic for a number of seconds (given by real variable "TIMER"). If you want the details, go to the upcoming graphics programs page. This could be used by BASIC programmers in title screens and whatnot. By the way, you can do stuff in the background while this program runs (like setting up variables), so that makes it even cooler.
15 May 2001, 03:46 GMT
Some Game For 86 and 83+
I am designing a game for ti86. I've gotten most of the plot, and it reminds me alot of Zelda for N64. Basically, you go around from city to city collecting items and weopons along the way, using them to defeat any "bad guys" that cross your path. You can save up to 3 games and have the option of having them password protected for security. There are a multitude of weopons, mostly blade type, and as you progress, you can learn to cast different types of spells dependant upon your experience. There's only one minor setback, and that is that I don't have an 86 yet, but I should be getting one soon, so I will be able to start on it then. I do have an 83+ and don't think that learning to program an 86 should be too difficult. If anyone has a possible name for this game, either post it here or email me at robobob03@hotmail.com. Also, if anyone has any ideas that could made this game be even sweeter, post those too. Thanx!
16 May 2001, 22:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Some Game For 86 and 83+
(Web Page)
So you don't want your savegames to be deleted?
Well, ever thought about this?
"You can't delete what you can't see."
If you are going to store data in a list, you could make that list invisible! On the TI-83 is that done quite easily.
Example: you store your data in list "SAVE". Then, you replace the "S" in "SAVE" with a space (so the name would be " AVE"). This way, the calc won't display the list, it can't be deleted, but it's still there. (It works with the TI-83, so I think it would also work with the 86, please correct me if I'm wrong)
It's quite easy to create an Assembly program wich can hide and unhide a list. Unfortunately, I only know 83 assembly so I can only give you this idea, but maybe someone else could create a prog like that.
The unhide program has to look if list " AVE" (the s is replaced by a space because the list was already hidden hidden) exists. If not, it has to create list "SAVE". If the list did exist, it has to replace the space with a "S".
The hide program has to replace the "S" with a space.
Then, in your main program, it would look like this:
:store the data in list SAVE
This way, nobody will mess with the savegame (unless they unhide it)
This is just an idea, maybe someone else has a better idea.
Anyway, good luck with your game!
2 June 2001, 22:10 GMT
roguelike game
I have been tring to do a roguelike game in basic for quite a while. It will be called Cangband(calculator angband). I think it will work pretty well and not be too incredibly slow. However i am not sure how do two things:
1)a random level generator (which i may just skip for now)
2)Line of sight
If any one has any ideas on how to do these things i would apprectiate it alot.
23 May 2001, 21:59 GMT
Re: roguelike game
Marcus McG
SO..... calculator intelligence is getting you down, huh? Well, I was helping this other kid with a roguelike game, and it was my job to make a random level generator. However, with my current knowledge of ASM random numbers, I found it rather difficult. There are 2 things, first, ASM may be a lot faster but it is a lot more complex and it likes to do things in a very precise manner, which doing random things just doesn't fit in, and two, BASIC may be very slow but it would be a tad easier to make a level generator. You would need to give it random numbers for the coordinates of rooms and whatnot and random numbers for the size or the rooms. Then you would need to make sure that there is a hallway and whatever you want. Line of sight isn't very hard either. You need to give it your location and I assume you can only move left,right,up, and down, so just tell it to do:
If (xposition)-A==(whatever see-through value is):Then
::Show this location::
If (xposition)+A==(whatever see-through value is):Then
::Show this location::
And if you are looking for something like battles where you want to know if the other guy is blocked, so the same thing but dont show the location, just move the arrow or whatever.
That's what I have to say about that.
24 May 2001, 04:56 GMT
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