Upcoming TI-86 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Max K.
Well today is Wed. the last day of school for week(THANK GOD!!!).Ive been workin on a somewhat graphical game of druggruner its call drugwarz ver1 etc etc.The graphics follow the same type of line as like in Slayer but its a drugwars game i will work on over break and post wen I get back from VT all I really need to do is finish the buy guns feature have an ending and a title screen and get chased by cops. and maybe save game feature. if you think save feture is good then plz email me at me2k@cliffhanger.com or with any other comments
till next time MAX
21 December 2000, 01:34 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Scott Millner
I am 14 years old, im the computer wizz and programmer at school, i am currently working on a StarTrek game and so far is it going well. I have made a Submarine game too that i will post soon.
StarTrek: it will consist of you fending off against the BORG!!!oooo.... and well it will take a small and not so great story line from there. if you want to help me or have any comments email me at scottmillner@hotmail.com
7 February 2001, 21:48 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Marcus McG
I am making a Bingo-like game in basic. It uses about 2,500 bytes and isn't too slow. By the way, to the dude who wanted a card shuffler, I made one that takes about 10-15 seconds and is very small in space (less than seven lines of code). E-mail me if you want (or still care) and see if mines faster or what. And to that other dude who was making that boxes game, I'm gunna try it and the AI shouldn't be hard at all. If you have a certain number of lines already filled on the current box, it will find an empty one. If there are no more, it will find the box with the right number of lines so it will win. Sounds easy enough but algortihms are starting through my head so maybe it will be kinda extensive. I will attempt it though. Have no fear. Goodnight and goodbye.
20 February 2001, 07:02 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
(Web Page)
I am currently developing my second TI86 RPG, Eternal Slash II. I need ideas for the storyline and when it is almost completed, I need someone to beta test it for me. I will give you the credit you deserve if it is helpful to me.
21 February 2001, 18:11 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Marcus McG
OK, I know there are a lot of RPG's out there, but I am now making one for the 86 using screen side-scrolling and the graph screen. Cool stuff so far, and I have the battle "arena" already mostly done for a small testing phase. It has the stats with a health bar and pics will be added later. The health bar I believe is a new one, so there. When I am done, it should be pretty cool. If you have an idea but you don't feel like spending days and days making it into a cool game, e-mail me and i'll consider it, giving you due credit of course.
8 March 2001, 05:59 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Chris Goss
Ha-ha, best game is commin out. I am making a Dragon Ball Z tournament fighting game.
You have the capability of being Vegeta, Goku, Trunks or Piccalo. Its two-player or tagteam. All the characters have different but balanced satistics. It has alot of skill because of the power-up moves such as Keo-Ken and Ultra Sayain.
Everyone has punch and kick. Goku has Kemehameha, Keo-Ken and transport. Vegeta has Final blast, Rapid fire and Big bang. Trunks has Final blast and Ultra Sayain. Piccalo has Special beam cannon and Rapid fire.
You'll be astounded when this game (with about 40 pics) comes out. The realisity is envigorating (I like using big words). I'll try to get it on the web by May 2001. I'll keep u updated!
3 April 2001, 01:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Marcus McG
Hey, I got an idea, why don't you just program this game in ASM and not have to worry about size of pics, I mean gee. Plus, speed is always good when making a game. ASM is perfect for games, and Basic is poo for making fast, cool, graphical games anyway. If ya wanna make a cool game, take my advice, LEARN ASM!
8 April 2001, 07:21 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Patrick Miller
(Web Page)
I have started makeing a new FF 8 game for The TI 86 It is programed in basic so it going to be big I have put a demo movie of it and it should be in the site soon it will be out by August and its called FF 8 the calling still unknow what the game will look like but if any body wants to give me ideas on it do so at comic11111@webtv.net
Patick Miller
11 April 2001, 22:37 GMT
Joseph Dyer
(Web Page)
hey what's up just wanted to let y'all know that the little BASIC game i created called Ghetto Kills 2 should be up soon. In it, you're a brotha with a penchant for capping whitey. it's in BASIC, so it's very randomized, but it's fun and very addictive especially if whitey caps you and you lose. When it goes up, be sure to download it. Peace out.
13 April 2001, 23:23 GMT
problem in programming in BASIC for 86
bob bingerman
(Web Page)
hello everybody. I am a newbie at TI-BASIC programming for the 86, and I need some help on coding. I am working on a galaxian type game in basic, but the movement for my ship isn't working. I was wondering if u guys could check it out and give me a hand. Thanx!
:Lbl A
:If Ans==22
:Goto B
:Lbl B
:If x<0:50->x
:If x>50:0->x
:If y<0:50->y
:If y>50:0->y
:Goto A
23 April 2001, 03:11 GMT
Re: problem in programming in BASIC for 86
Marcus McG
This program sounds fun and all, but I can see your problem. First, you prbably couldn't figure out why a little trail of dots followed your "ship". The answer is in the variable-width font, or the characters the graph screen uses. You'll notice that each letter or number or whatever on the home screen is exactly 6 pixels wide, including the 1-pixel space. On the graph screen, some characters are wider than others, and a space is only 1 pixel wide. When using the carat (^), you'll need three spaces to clear it. Below is what I did to get it to work on my calculator. The semicolons just tell you why I did what I did and have nothing to do with the code itself. There may be a better way to do what you are trying to do, but what I put down works and maybe you could use it to see what you are having trouble with.
:0->xMin:126->xMax ;this should be 0->xMin:126->xMax
:0->Min:62->Max ;this should be 0->yMin:62->yMax
:20->x:20->y ;this starts you out in the upper-
;left corner of the screen? Is
;this what you want?
:Lbl A
:Text(y,x,"^" ;this displays the ship in the begining
:getKy->A ;I would use this because it allows you
:While A==0 ;to disregard when getky==0
:Text(y,x," " ;you need three spaces because each
;space will clear one pixel wide
;of the "ship"
:y+(Ans==34)-(Ans==25)->y ;you had this backwards
:If A==22
:Text(y,x," " ;same as above
:End ;you don't need the whole thing about Lbl B
:If x<0:50->x ;These only seem to scroll the "ship"
:If x>50:0->x ;after 50 pixels, which isn't even half
:If y<0:50->y ;of the screen. You may want to change
:If y>50:0->y ;this.
:Text(y,x,"^ ;DispG is unneeded because Text(
;automatically displays it for you.
:Goto A
I hope that you can see what's going on here and if you can't, then email me and i'll help you some more. By the way, I am now into ASM and my Basic may be a little rusty.
P.S. I think this may have been the second time I sent this, because the Tab key doesn't enter an indent like im used to. If it is the second, please disregard the last one.
25 April 2001, 03:25 GMT
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