Upcoming TI-86 Games
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TI-86 BASIC Battle Ship
I have been working on Battle Ship for 86-BASIC and am almost ready to put it in the archives. It is two player only, requiring 2 TI-86s and a linking cable. Look for it soon!
Check out my other games:
Connect 4, Droids, Wheel Of Fortune, Yahtzee, Hangman, Jacks or Better Poker.
22 May 2000, 19:28 GMT
Spades (the first ever for the calc., I think)
I am currently working on a Spades game for the ti-86 in basic. I know this seems impossible considering all that the game has to test for. Im not yet sure how fast it will be (probably very slow) and it will be one player against 3 comp. players. I have been looking at the code for almost every basic card game to see if I can combine techniques to make the fastest shuffler and a better way of cycling through and displaying the cards. I dont expect it out very soon but if I can finish it then I can use the code to make a Hearts game as well.
5 June 2000, 22:40 GMT
Final Fantasy Tactics
I am currently working on Final Fantasy Tactics for the 86. I know a good deal of asm programming so that's not the problem. I am really really bad at graphics. So if anyone has the time to help me out with this part it will be greatly appreciated. Just
e-mail me.
20 June 2000, 10:20 GMT
alejandro wagmister
Alf here,
I am a basic programmer who has written several programs for the 86. Including Mathwhiz 1.0 and 2.0, and an upcoming 3.0. Check it out in upcoming 86 math programs. I'm making a program called newton, which I remember from when I was in the fifth grade. It involved a random number, 3 digits long. The class would start out by guessing a completely random 3 digit number. For every number in the right place, the teacher would write an E, meaning Einstein. For every
number correct but in the wrong place, he would write a C for Con, and for every wrong number, he would write an N for Newton. In fact, it's alot like mastermind. Say if the number was 482, and someone guess 243, I could write CNC. They have ten guesses to get it right. So anyways, that's the program I'm making.
2 July 2000, 08:17 GMT
Pinball (and a working one at that)
Levi Lansing
(Web Page)
The long awaited 1st completed pinball game (at least long awaited by me) is trying to plunge on me. I thought I could finish it by now (as I said in TIGCM last month) but many problems have arose. However, I will not give up and know I can do it... eventually. I have slowed down a good bit waiting for a really good idea to sprout to fix my problems, but I don't think it's comming anymore and I'll have to work with what I've got. Pinball is comming eventually and it's looking great so far so be paitent! The secret to a good game is time and effort... the effort I have, but the time I am lacking.
17 July 2000, 08:34 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Ben Presley
I am currently making a James Bond 007 game.
It is text based unfortunately because I only know BASIC. But the goal is to fight other bond characters (Odd Job, Jaws, etc.) to gain enough experience to go and kill Trevelyan. It is fairly similar to HicQuest. The characters in the game range through all of the Bond movies. If anybody has any ideas or suggestions on how to make the game better you can give me an email at bpresley321@yahoo.com.
I don't exactly know when I will be done. I am probably about 50% done.
If anybody has any ideas or suggestions on how to make the game better you can give me an email at bpresley321@yahoo.com.
18 September 2000, 23:48 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
J DeFeo
(Web Page)
I am working on an RPG (finnaly) for the 86. Its called Labyrinth, and i tried making it in basic, but it was too slow, so i am starting it in asm. It will be huge, have lots of graphichs, and maybe even sound.
29 September 2000, 17:09 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Adam Hintz
I have a question for any good TI 86 assembly or basic programmers. They would also have to be good at porting. I have contacted Fryed Software about them porting their Ff7 game for the TI 89 onto the 86. They said that most of the things wouldn't be able to be done in basic and that is all they know how to do. But they said if I could find someone else to do the port that it would be okay. So is anyone interested in making the ff7 port onto the 86. It could be in basic or assembly, whatever you can do it in. Send an email to fryed software and tell me about it too.
2 October 2000, 01:21 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Adam Hintz
Is there anyone out there who is working on anymore mario updates or games for the 86? The one by Ben Mickle is the best one i've seen for the 86 but is there going to be any updates for that one?
2 October 2000, 01:24 GMT
Triple Triad 86
I'm 14 yrs old... and I'm gonna do it.
Triple Triad on the TI-86
I love FF8 and TT, and I've had plenty of experience with the game... I was an admin for Triple Triad Online.
Don't let my age fool you; I'm a very competent programmer
After my first night of work (I just stopped for the night), I've got all the cards fitting into 3K and a BASIC program that deals you a hand.
I'm gonna try and make it end up with 1 and 2 player support (I have a flowsheet for the TT AI) and maybe(if I learn it) Link support.
It'll take me a bit, but it's coming.
2 October 2000, 05:57 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games and Utilities
(Web Page)
I am done with a TI-86 Calc <-> Calc Link-Testing Programs. I need some beta testers for this software, so if you have a TI-86 (preferably 2 to link together), a link cable (calc<->calc) and a graph-link (CPU<->Calc), e-mail me: pg0rd0n@xoommail.com, and Iwill send you a BETA Version of my program. If you need the graph-link software, include this request in yopur email. THANX
5 October 2000, 04:27 GMT
Upcoming TI-86 Assembly Game: "Spotz!"
Thrawnshadow Software
(Web Page)
Hey-lo all! This is Kevin Kelley, of Thrawnshadow Software! Our first TI-86 release is upcoming!!!
Spotz! is a board game with a 8x14 board.
The first version will support only 2 players and 1 calc.
Each player will get one playing piece, on opposite sides of the board. Then, they will take turn placing pieces. Depending on the pieces around it, moves can capture enemy pieces, lose pieces to the enemy, ect.
Visit KEVINKELLEY.HOMEPAGE.COM for more info!!
10 October 2000, 20:34 GMT
I Need Program Codes to Teach Me Basic For a TI-86
I would appreciate anybody sending me program codes for a TI-86 in Basic. I am learning the language and any assistance would greatly be appreciated. Send any information to inluv4@email.com or inluv4@xoommail.com. Any responses will be returned with credit of work and a thank you.
13 October 2000, 19:28 GMT
A cool little joke
I have made this new joke to put on people's calculator. i need to make it thru the graph link software so i can make it write protected. it makes it so that after you play a game so many times or run a program so many times a silly little program runs. i pulled it on a friend of mine and she laughed after i showed her how to stop it. to stop it all you do is hit on and then you quit. well thats all for now. please contact me at grimreaper_52@hotmail.com
19 October 2000, 03:32 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Right now I am working on a fantasy baseball game which will simulate games on the calculator, allow you to simulate games with your friend's teams over a link cable, and allow you to trade players with the calc teams and with your friends.
If anyone is interested in helping me with this, please e-mail me and we'll talk.
1 November 2000, 15:36 GMT
Backgammon and other games
Matt Craig
I am currently working on backgammon, but will be working on other classic games, like hearts, spades, cribbage....and they'll all be in basic. I really know very little about creating AI's for games, so if anyone can help....it would be greatly appreciated.
6 November 2000, 22:54 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
I am planning on making a C&C game for the 86. I have the AI figured out, and all that I really need is a good way to print variable size GS sprites and a way to store the levels. The way that I am thinking of doing the levels is an external asm prog, but that would make them(and the saves) really big(~5000 eachfor a 50*50).
17 November 2000, 15:30 GMT

Re: Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Marcus McG
Hey, If you are making this CC game in basic, or if you are even still making it, all you have to do is make a tilemap. I have only begun to experiment with tilemaps but from what I see they are the coolest things ever. You tell it all the sprites you want and then the tilemap itself tells where on the screen you want to put it. This format can easlily put 10 or more screens in the space of 1 pic. You sshould make it in ASM anyway, because basic is just not a good language at all for graphics, speed, features, size, or coolness. Anyway, good luck and have fun.
31 March 2001, 21:13 GMT
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