Upcoming TI-86 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Is there somebody willing to re-make the BASIC game BHackerz for the TI-89 to work on the TI-86? I like the game, but I don't have a TI-89. I would appreciate it.
9 May 2002, 17:59 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Nick Not sayin
I am making a game where you summon monsters by using energy cards I am no where near done though and it is TI-86 Basic. (I do not know asm) Let me know what you think.
28 May 2002, 02:23 GMT
Dig-Dug Game?
I have a friend who wants a Dug Dug (you know, the old Atari game) game for the 86. If you know where I can find one, or know how to make one, email me.
Oh, and I am making a coinflip game that flips a coin and even keeps score. With mediocre graphics!
25 August 2002, 19:31 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games "Pizzasaurs"
I have an idea for a game called PizzaSaurs. It will be a RPG game made in ASM using at least 20 different items, 30 monsters, 10 dungeons, 40 different attacks, variable stats, and a sizeable world map. I have currently mastered external program support so I have no current obstruction to size (other than 96k :) ). External maps and data are next, and then the program will take shape. Does anyone have any questions?
16 October 2002, 03:13 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Jake G
Hey if any1 gets some basic prog source codes for 86 email me plz @ snoop_dogg_iz_calvin@hotmail.com or jake121788@yahoo.com
30 November 2002, 04:56 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
j w
I am right now making a basic RPG/turn-based strategy game right now. It will have custom graphics and a very cool (in my opinion) title screen. And get this. No picture files!. This game has very little variables. All user data is stored in one matrix (except weapons which are strings). There are I think about 12 weapons give or take about 3. It is called Master of the Beasts.
7 May 2003, 02:39 GMT

sean dill
(Web Page)
On a ti-83+ the command Line(10,10,2,2 creates a line, the command Line(10,10,2,2,0 turns off that same line, however the latter command is invalid on a Ti-86. does anyone know the command equivalaent?
17 May 2003, 16:40 GMT
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