Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Conget Ngan
(Web Page)
I am creating THe DBZ games. I need offers of pictures of some DBZ figures, like gohan, goku, vegeta, trunks, piccolo, All form of Cell, Androids 17-20 and Yajirobe. Please send the files to alanngan277@hotmail.com. I really thanks for people who send me some good pictures. The good pictures will of course ssubmitted in my game and their name will be produced in the game of credit.
22 June 2004, 15:30 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
laurent levesque
Upcoming game: I'm thinking about a turn-based, graphical strategy game with many building featuring 10x7 graphics (allows for 64 buildings on the screen). I thought about using matrixes to calculate proximity, etc. (for example, if a gold mine is next to a castle it produces more gold), but I have no experience with matrices. I have figured out the sprite placement program (7 buildings already). I also thought maybe spliting the 8x8 screen into 4 players with 16 slots each (with their own matrix). Anyways I need help with this one (to learn more about my programming, check out Flight of Time RPG, newly released. It's a really great RPG and I need feedback!) so email-me if you'd like to help. (click on my name)
22 June 2004, 21:12 GMT
Patching The TI-OS Routines
Has anyone ever tried to do this?
ld hl,ionfastcopy
ld de,_grbuffcopy
ld bc,ion_fcopy_end - ion_fcopy
;code for ionfastcopy here
cuz if this works then I'd go out of my way find out
how all/most of the romcalls work, write FASTER
version of those routines(w/ identical outputs) then
I'd make a program that copies these routines into the
OS. If enough of the romcalls were overwritten
over execution speed of just about everything would go up
anyone think this is a good idea?
for one we could get rid of the portion of code that
perhibits user-defined tokens
(think,... OMNIcalc on OS>v1.14.. :D )
Anyone wanna give some feedback?
- Nick_S
"Mmm...byte-sized programs..."
24 June 2004, 09:38 GMT
Grand Battle Royale
Nick Johnston
(Web Page)
I'm coming back to the TI Community for some great games. Sadly, I only know BASIC, but I don't think it will hinder me much. I'm designing a turn-based military strategy RPG. It's called the Grand Battle Royale.
Your a small military company seperated from your unit during a routine military excercise. Your radios are mysteriously jammed and in searching for your unit, you find that the island is a rebel base, where an experimental weapon called a Mech is being tested. Your job is to gather weapons and intel (and increase your stats) so you can destroy the Mech Development Facility. It's up to you and your ten men. Death is permanent, so you can't screw up. It'll have a nice storyline along with an island map to navigate between locations, scenes of the area, a large map with plenty of fighting room, easy to use interface, and lots of fun. I'm only working on the beginning right now, but you can collect up to 23 different items. The rare Particle Accelerator (a handheld model) and Beam Shield may give you a high tech edge against this unknown Mech. Don't only fight with soldiers, but you can control up to 4 diffrent vehicles, a Jeep, a Mitsubishi F-1 (jetfighter), Helicopter, and Tank. Upgrade your abilities using a Skill system that increases certain skills as you do more in that area. Aim better by increasing your Aim Skill, get higher maneuver skill in vehicles by increasing your vehicle skill. To put up a fight against the ending scenario, you'll need to beef up your men and your weapons.
When I get the game programmed out more and I can get screenshots, e-mail me if you could host them for me. E-mail is lzreye@yahoo.com. If anyone has any questions, advice, comments, suggestions about the game e-mail me there with "Grand Battle Royale" as the subject.
5 July 2004, 09:45 GMT
I Haven't Given Up for the 2 and a half ppl who were waiting for the game
aaron barnhart
(Web Page)
If you know me at all, I am a BASIC programmer who can barely do that. While I understand the language, I am "Artistically Challenged" so I don't use Pics in my games, so when you are playing an RPG by me you don't see swords or people, but you get a heck of a lot of text.
Anyway for those that were wondering I stopped programming for a while so the army game I am making is not quite done, and I don't think I am going to release it anyway.
However the RPG game which was originally called "Mystical" is going under some serious changes and will now have many more options and character stats. The game should be released in a few weeks (that's not a promise). Some recently added features include a revamped experience collection process, some new character stats (hit% and weapon strength/shield defense), and of course that must mean the addition of weapons and armor. Woohoo, it sounds like a game now.
For anyone that is at all interested you should look for it to be released on the TI 83+ as Mystical or some other cheesy name.
5 July 2004, 20:48 GMT
Lord of the Rings
(Web Page)
Coming soon......To a calc near you.......
Currently in BASIC but soon to be converted to ASM and realeased is.....Lord of the Rings. You can download the text version or demo of it under TI-83+/BASIC/Games on ticalc.org it is called ALOTR. Right now it is in Basic and is only text. But I am working on converting it into ASM if you would like to join our team of 7 programmers/graphics please visit the site mentioned in URL. ONLY JOIN if you are either an assembly programmer or a graphics specialist. Also we do have one opening for a BASIC programmer that we need filled. In order to fill that position, you must be very good with BASIC and have posted at least two games on this site.
6 July 2004, 15:58 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Asa Forsythe
(Web Page)
I'm making a Ti 83+ BASIC Tetris, and it's going pretty well, but i need some advice on how to make it so that it doesn't run so darn slow. also some additional tips would be appreciated
7 July 2004, 19:33 GMT
My New "Lineup" of games
aaron barnhart
While Armies my turn based strategy game has been sitting on my calc. for months, I haven't polished it enough that I wanted to submit it. You basically lead an army from city to city and try to defeat the last city's army.
Mystical (RPG) on the other hand has been undergoing some drastic changes. The battle system is totally different, now with the ability to pull of critical hits. Also, rather than always hitting your opponent, you now have an aim skill which determines your ability to land attacks. This increases by attacking enemies.
Finally I haven't begun work on this puzzle game, but soon will focus just on it. I haven't come up with a name yet, but it will be similar to Bejeweled in some ways. I don't want to say too much because I may not be able to work this one out.
15 July 2004, 20:46 GMT
Ultra Snake
Hello, I've made a snake game, which we all know of, this being my first game ever on the calculator. In it, you can make your own levels and play them and save them. When I do submit it, since i havent been able to find out how, please play and scrutinize it for me. thanks alot guys
21 July 2004, 03:50 GMT

Re: Ultra Snake
Okay, here's how you upload files (assuming you have windows). Make sure you have your .8xp file on your computer. Then write a readme in notepad or other .txt file generator. Now use winzip to make a zip file of those two (or more) files. Ticalc requires zip files. Then on the ticalc homepage, go to the very bottom and click on underlined word "contributions" (or on archives tab). Then click on file upload form. Sign in, then fill out the form. If you have screenshots, make sure they're .gif's. Then finish and click the upload button. Then if you have to, you can rename your zip file if there already is one by that name.
Warning!! There are tons of snake games already cluttering up the basic games section of ti 83+! Especially ones that have names modified to be alphabetically at the top of the list, blocking the way to better programs that don't have tons of aaa's in front of their name! This practice is despicable and don't do it; no one will respect you for it. Download stats are not worth the real annoyance of actual people. But, your game doesn't sound too bad. If you have email, you could send the code to people such as me to test before you release it. I tried to do this but no one would read my posts! By the way, I was going to make a snake game just like yours but decided that the basic games section was already infested with enough good and bad snake clones. I'll optimize yours for you though. Don't worry about stealing when allowing people to test your games; at least for snake I don't think anyone would care enough to steal it (I was just thinking you might not want me to optimize it, not that I'm saying I think I would do a better job than you, it's just that you took the time to make a post and your game doesn't sound too bad, so I want to make sure that any new snake game is worth it.).
22 July 2004, 20:28 GMT
Columns a basic puzzle game
aaron barnhart
(Web Page)
Columns is a puzzle game I made that actually looks like a good game (if you compare it to any other game I've made). Basically you get a 3x6 grid with numbers ranging from 1-6 on it. You get 20 turns. On any turn you pick a row and the game will increase that number by 1 (obviously if it is 6 already it will bump back down to 1). Once you get a column to have three of a kind you earn points. The game has a highscore feature which I am still testing to make sure it works. This game will be up very soon (like the next few days). If you thought any of my BASIC games were good you should definitely get this one.
24 July 2004, 16:33 GMT
Upcoming Game (no name as of now)
Recently, I've had an inspiration to pick up my 83+SE and start programming again since school got out. I've been working the past couple of days on an RPG (BASIC). So far, I have the battle engine 99% DONE, and I've been expiremeting with an overworld map (on the homescreen, not the graph screen) where you can (hopefully) talk to people, fight monsters, and go into various builings. The only problem is my method uses matrices to draw each screen of the map, which takes about 10 seconds per screen. I know that it is not a tremendous amount of time, but I would like a more efficient way to draw out the map that also prevents walking into things (walls, bushes). If you have any suggestions, please post here or e-mail me. Also, if you would like to help create the game, tell me, because as of now, I've created this whole thing by myself. Anyway, thanks for reading and hopefully there will be an awesome new BASIC RPG with lots of features.
26 July 2004, 22:08 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
My name is Michael Hergenrader and I created my group company, MSH Games, just last November 2003. Our group is committed to achieving the highest quality programs in assembly. New games come out every so often, so check back at this forum to check on them. Have any of you ever played Bejeweled Deluxe? Now you can on the TI-83 Plus! There are different modes such as endless, challenge, and two secret multiplayer modes. You'll have to play the game to check out all of the features! However, don't just play this game! Check back at the forum for more games to be released later on such as Bombercalc:Championship, Weather X, and of course the sequels to these: Bombercalc:Generations, Bejeweled 2, and Weather 2:Cobalt Mountain, plus many more games after that!
1 August 2004, 15:32 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
(Web Page)
I have fully completed my Battleship game for 83 plus basic. (The link after my Username is for v.1.1, 1.2 will be added to the site in a few days.)
I am also going to port it to 83 plus ASM...
With what I've done so far, ASM is actually EASIER to use than basic when dealing with this type of game.
5 August 2004, 22:35 GMT
Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games: MOVIE TYCOON
(Web Page)
I am almost done with the most awesome game ever!
You're the manager of a movie theater. You start off with a certain amount of money. You can buy movies and set the ticket prices. If you make your ticket prices too high, no one will come to the theater. But if you charge too little, you won't make much money. You can buy as many movies as your budget allows. Better movies (LOTR) cost more but bring in more customers. Not-so-good movies (Gigli) Won't break your bank, but not many people will come to them.
I should be done with this kick-ass idea by the end of the month, and updates will include the ability to sell concessions and to create a movie chain across America!
What do you guys think?
12 August 2004, 21:56 GMT
Evan Patton
I'm currently developing a new game that works in modules. There is a application that provides basic functions for RPGs and makes use of IM 2 in order to implement grayscale graphics. The game itself is written in as a separate program which makes use of the functions supplied by the application.
This allows for three main purposes. First, the application is scalable and works much like an OS. Offering the use of these functions to any ASM program can help speed up game development.
The model also provides a lot of flexibility. For example, a programmer can make use of the grayscale functions, without having to use the RPG functions if he/she wishes to make a game of a different genre.
Finally, the application provides many different grayscale sprites for use in RPGs, allowing games built using it to be smaller than standalone games. However, games can "register" their own graphics in order to expand on the available library.
I'm hoping to have a demo available by the end of this year. If anybody would like to contribute ideas, code, etc., please contact me at evan_patton@hotmail.com
13 August 2004, 23:30 GMT
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