Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Zachary Milyardo Powers
I'm currently working on Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger for the 83+. What I want to know is what would you guys look for in games like these. What sort of GUI? Should I stick to the original story or make my own. Would it be ok if I release the game in chapters? How about making it an APP or even sound, I can do all of the in like a 4 page app and 4 years of work, but what do you expect?
24 December 2003, 14:46 GMT
09 Armies
Sorry for replying, but when i try the main reply thing, it put's it on the first page.
Ok, I'm comming out with the ultimate strategy game in a week or so. It's somewhat similiar to Age of Empires, but this game focuses on battle. The way it works, is you have the opportunity to create 9 different (and seperate) armies. You can either go to the barracks, archery range, and stable to create, of course, infantry, archers, and calvary. You also can alter each type of unit's stats including Health, Attack, and Deffense. So pretty much you have 1000 gold to create the perfect army (Well, of course you could build NINE). The infantry and all of the stat's cost 10 gold. However, the calvary and archer's cost 20 because the archer's can attack in the midst of battle without being killed as long as there are other unit's fighting. And the calvary's Attack cost half as much as everything else.
To be continued
2 January 2004, 20:35 GMT

Re: 09 Armies
Ok, The Battle... Unlike creation which is Menu based, the Battle Scenes are live action. The Best part of all is that you do this with anotehr person. So it's kindof like battle bots. It works like this... Those stats that you put in all have different purposes. first, Deffence: all of your unit's deffence is added together into one solid number. Now, your army cannot be harmed until your entire deffence is gone. (this won't effect your stats). ok, your Attack: your attack pretty much is how hard you hit your opponent. note, this is continuouse so you'll be able to watch your enemies health drop. third Health: your health determines how fast your Unit's die. so your unit's will take longer to die if you have more health. Ok, so now you can deploy each type of unit at different times (you choose to your liking) actual battle does not start until both your and your opponent have engaged. So after the battle is over, it works like this. The loser's army will, no duh, cease to exist. However, The winner's army will take on any casualties (stat's will not be affected). But to compensate, the winner will gain lot's of gold!!! I know what your thinking, you can use a friends calculator and just battle week armies, but noooooooooo, the gold you get is based on how many units you kill and what their stat's are. And of course, you CANNOT edit the list's to your liking because they have anti-cheating logarithims.
So there you have it, I'm sorry that this took so long to explain. But i would of course enjoy feedback on whether it sounds cool, if theres something like it, or if i whould just trash it.
2 January 2004, 20:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Ok, well about the gold thing. Everytime you make a new army, you get 1000 gold. All 9 armies are seperate from one another. You pick new army, you get 1000 gold, you build your army, you save your army, and then you battle. When you battle, if you win, you win gold (corresponding to how tough your opponents army). If you lose, your army will simply be deleted.
NOTE: your armies will neither gain gold or be deleted in one player mode.
And are you saying you are actually typing out the code??? that is a tough job! good luck.
Eh, oh, hmmm... That kinda sucks cause i had to change some things to it today. minimal things, but still things.
Assuming you downloaded armies 2: I made it so that after you win or lose in 1 player mode, it goes to the home screen instead, and in the battle equations, Instead of using the ipart(, I just have it display the ipart(. That makes it so if you run out of defense, if you have enough health you can last two hits. before you could only last one hit no matter what. So maybe you can change those along the way, The new version will be up in an hour or two.
22 January 2004, 02:01 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
No problem, I was looking at the code for 09Armies, looks like you may be able to use it, maybe, oh and, dude, optimize, seriously. Stuff like ARM1(1)->A
make ARM1(1->A
DelVar statements can be gouped instead of
DelVar A
DelVar B
DelVar LARM1
make it
DelVar ADelVar BDelVar LARM1
and if you have
If A=0
make it
If not(A
PLEASE!!!! Makes it soo much smaller, as soon as I get my 84+SE I'll give it to Billy, and he'll optimize it for you, if you want. He's a guru at it, I do hardcore programming, he makes it smaller and faster.
21 January 2004, 21:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Ooooohhhhhhhhh!!! I need help!!! Ok, Yes, i keep finding small errors, ya know, minimal stuff, but anyway, for some reason, the program periodicly skips retreiving list 2 from the other calculator. You seee, You pick Defend, which means that battle stays on your calculator, and everything works fine. Then the other person must pick invade, which just puts them into a little loop that is supposed to get a variable for the amount of gold needed to add if it wins, and then get the List 2 back from the defending calculator that it initially sent it to in order for the battle sequence to work. But for some reason, sometimes it does not get the list 2. The really wierd thing though, is after it supposedly get's the list (let's say he lost (meaning all of the list elements should be zero), it just reffers back to the previouse list the list 2 should have been. But the thing is, I deleted the list before the damn loop. If anybody understood any of that... Please help me.
23 January 2004, 01:57 GMT
DoD and programming group
Jonas Theslöf
I´m currently writing a program based on Dungeons and Dragons (well, the Swedish version... It's slightly different from aDD) and could use some feedback and ideas... Yeah, yeah... I know I havn't uploaded it yet, I'm working on some things, like bugs, the battle part and the size... It now uses most of the strings and 15-20 lists... I'd better do something about that...
Anyone intrested in working together on a BIG RPG, DoD base, or similar? I think it's really fun programming it, but I could use other peoples opinions, contributions, story ideas... some help... =) Honestly; I think it would be great to start a programming group were we try to make large and funny games (or progs), instead of those small games you do on a brake and never finish, or those small games you do finish, but forget since they are so friggin boring!
A programming group were everyone share their knowledge and take part of a group concisting of people good at different things, like loops, sprites, getkey, drawing, writing, optimizing etc. Like a real company were everyone has a place and can ask for help by one they know can solve a problem.
Anyone interested? Merthsoft, JAKAS, kris roeske... You sound like serious people! Anyone of you interested? Anyone else?
Mail me! theslof@hotmail.com (got msn!)
1 February 2004, 22:42 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Ok, well, I assume you do have a TI-83 PLUS. Now, If you're downloading 100 kilobyte games, then that's the problem. The Ti-83 Plus has approximately 25 kilobytes of RAM, and about 120 kilobytes of ARCHIVE. RAM can be accessed from the Calculator's program menu, however, ARCHIVE cannot. You need a program such as ION or Mirage to open an archived program directly. Anyway, to archive a program, pres 2nd-Mem, go to Memory Management, click All, and then press enter on a program you wish to archive. A little asterik will apear to confirm taht it is archived. To unarchive, simply do the same thing. You can if you wish send programs from your computer, straight to your archive. Other than that, You must just have really big programs.
(If you don't have the 83 PLUS, then you only have the 25 kilobytes of RAM. No archive.)
5 February 2004, 22:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
I know what it stands for, but im drawing a blank right now, I think it is graphics user interface, but im not sure. Anyways, all my TI stuff was kicked off my comp, so i cant upload!!! You know all those crappy basic text-storing programs that use all your strings, and limit you? well I figured how to store unlimited articles to 1 string while temporarily using others, but mirrage cant handle these commands very well. Everytime I run my "Homework" prgm, my calc crashes under Mirrage. Im confused because it isnt a bug in my program cuz it runs PERFECT on the normal TI OS. Anyways heres my knew text storing code, at least part of it in a demo:
:Str2+sub(Str3,A,1)+ sub(Str3,B,1)->Str2
:Pause Str2
Running that program, youll see a bunch of double digit numbers. If you use the list instead of A and B, and parenthesis in the strings, there are your document headers, so now you cad identify unlimited documents.(whew thats alot) Also, now i program without using a single label in any of my programs, I hate em. I rewrote UWGUNS and MONCRUSH because i hated the labels. I wanna join a basic team, any suggestions?(Sorry bout the long post)
14 February 2004, 04:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey, Ok, I've practically run out of game ideas. I've done a slider puzzle, minesweeper, memory, and tons of dumb little games. So i've decided, in my spare time, to create a word bank for word games. I know you're thinking "what an idiot". But ya know, With the system that i have set up, it will be able to hold about 5000 words, and find them in just a few seconds. It will be able to take a string that has been inputted from another program, and figure out whether it's a word or not. It will then return 1 if it is a word, and 0 if it is not. Of course, 5000 words is not too many, but i think it might be beneficial for some games. If anybody think's i'm just wasting my time, and give me a good reason why, then i thank you.
16 February 2004, 01:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey, Ok, I started on the wordbank problem and... oh wait, I finished it too. Appearently, It averaged out that I could fit about 100 words in about 1000 bytes. Which turned out to be not to bad, but then I realized that since i can't have a complete working diction (because i could think of dozens of games that would be beneficiary), I couldn't think of any games beside's hangman that this would benefit at all. So i decided, even though it was extremely easy, not to bother creating another 900 unless I can get some good Game Ideas. This is why I think nobody has made a wordbank before, There's just no real good games that it would work for. So anyway, if anybody has any Ideas, I would appreciate them.
18 February 2004, 23:37 GMT

Ok, I need help... badly.
Imagine this...
A=anything from 2 through Infinite
A store as dim(L3)
For (B,1,2^A,2
//Operation of Program\\
L3 Change
What I need here, is for L3 to change every time you get to the "L3 Change" command. What it has to do, is go through every possible combination of 1's and 0's from {0,0,0,0... through {1,1,1,1... for example:
Get it?
Please, If you have any idea on how to accomplish this, that would be most helpfull. And if you didn't quite understand me, I'll try explaining it more clearly. Thanks.
27 February 2004, 23:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SOS
Jeeze... Ok, It's not that hard, this is as simple terms as I can possibly state it in. I want to count up using binary. That is... 0 ,1 ,10 ,11 ,100 ,101 ,110 ,111 ,1000 ,1001 ,1010 ,1011 ,1100 ,1101 ,1110 ,1111... Ok???
Anyway, *setting asside my frustration over this stupid little problem* I would really appreciate if anybody knows a function that can count up binary.
P.S. yes, I know how to use the Fill command.
2 March 2004, 02:51 GMT

Re: hey ya'll
Man It's sad that I visit this place like 4 times a day. Anyway, hard? Well that depends. If your trying to learn assembly (the lowest god damn language next to binary),(the hardest damn language in the world) then yes, it is extremely hard to learn how to program. If you're talking about learning Calculator BASIC, then I can guarantee that just about anybody on this site could teach you in a matter of minutes. BASIC is the easiest language to learn. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY A BOOK!!!
If you wanna learn BASIC, here's what you do. Open up you're Ti-83+ Manuals (must be 83+), and look at chapter 16 i beleave. From there, all you need to is read the chapter over a couple of times, Learn the commands, and then practice a little. Make a quadratic formula, try a small little game, and then just accumulate experience.
17 March 2004, 00:53 GMT
Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Hey, ok, I know this has nothing to do with games, but nobody is ever on the math page and I figured someone here might give me some feedback. Anyway, I'm comming out with a math program, which I'm trying to put just about every possible usefull thing on there. What's on there so far is:
Factoring, Line intersections angle solver, Circle stuff, basic triangles, paralellograms, regular polygon solver, Cones, Cylinders, spheres, pyramids, prisms, arithmetic sequenses, geometric, exponential, Linear equations, quadratic, cubic, quartic, polynomial multiplication, logarithm finder, an X-grapher, Matrix system of equations, and advanced Triangle Solver for trig.
I was wondering if anybody can think of any major players that I'm missing for Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Trig. I havn't done calculus or Statistics. Thanks.
18 March 2004, 20:54 GMT
Don't forget these in your math formula stuff
I don't know if you already have these in there, nor do I know the names of these laws/theorums, but they relate to triginometry. All capital letters are angle measures and lower case letters are sides. Also, I am following the idea that in a triangle the side opposite of angle A is labeled with an "a", likewise the side opposite from angle B is labeled with a "b". Also, I'm sure you know that "Cos" means "Cosine" and "Sin" means "Sine." The following formulas are in Degree mode (as opposed to Radians):
Sin(A)/a = Sin(B)/b = Sin(C)/c
Put the Unit Circle in there also too please. You could easily put statistics in there if you wanted. You could start with the "Mean", "Median" commands. Maybe later move to inner and outer quartile ranges. Oh, and what would be *really* nice, is if you could have it so that it will give the domain and range of all functions (if that's possible). For instance, if you were to enter in "Y=X^2" it would figure out that the domain is "all reals" and the range is "all reals greater than or equal to zero." Same for the inverses. But be carefull!! The inverse domain and ranges may not just be the originals switched! For instance the "Y=Cos(X)" and "Y=Cos^-1(X)" are NOT just 'swapped'.
18 March 2004, 22:36 GMT

Re: Don't forget these in your math formula stuff
Hey, thanks for the response, and so quickly too. Anyway, When I said I have and advanced Triangle Solver (at least I think I said something like that), I meant I have something that given any amount of information (as in: A,B,C,a,b,c) then it will figure out everything it can. What it does, is it prompts for all of the Angles and Sides, and if you don't know them and you want to solve for them, you enter X. If the correct info is given (SAS or something) then it will figure out all the angles, all the sides, perimeter, and area. It's pretty cool, as for the ambiguouse cases, I'm still experimenting.
Ok, I'm not quite sure what you mean by unit circle, so maybe you could clarify on that. As for the Domain and Range... Excellent! I'm not quite sure how i'd do that, but i'll certainly try. Thanks!
P.S. The laws yous stated above were the Law of Cosines, and the Law of Sines. They are both incorporated in the Advanced triangle solver.
19 March 2004, 01:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
No, it doesn't have either of those in it. As for the Domain and Range, there might be an algebraic way, however I'm not sure my knowledge in mathematics extentds that far. I do think that it might be possible to do a graphical method of some sort. Anyway, i'm still working on that. About their inverses, that might be pretty sweet. I don't recall you mentioning it before, but I'm pretty sure I could do a simple one, ya know, only one "X" in the equation, and it wouldn't support any of the Math menu fucntions (i.e. Ipart, Fpart). I'll see what I can pull off.
Ok, it's called 23+ Advanced Solvers. I also got in Synthetic Division before I uploaded it.
29 March 2004, 23:10 GMT
Re: 09 Armies
Well, I thought I might go ahead and give an update on 09 Armies for any of you who care.
Progress:About Halfway-Ready in one week or so
Size:Estimated to be about 5000
Removed:Landscapes, all of the damn Bugs
Added:Training (Including Mini-Game), Better Battle Equations, Chance as well as Strategy, Different Pictures, Regrouping Command
Overview: Same basic game, but I went ahead and beefed it up while taking out the bugs and added some stuff. Before, the outcome of the battle could be predetermined fairly easily. Now, there will be randomness to some of it. This will make it so that there can still be good and bad armies, but there can be no singular best army. I've also dummed down the reward for winning so you can keep one army going for a while. That's about it.
7 April 2004, 21:26 GMT

Sequel to my Bomber game.
wayne heaney
(Web Page)
I've been thinking about making Bomber 2, the sequel to one my older games that I like a lot. Please click the URL above this post and check out the first Bomber, it's a really good two player strategy game, or one player with the AI I made. I've been thinking that Bomber 2 would be very similar to Bomber, but be almost completely graphical, where Bomber was almost completely text. There would be a lot more options, like customizing your players abilities (with restrictions of course), starting anywhere in the arena you want (so the opponent won't know where you start), making the arena a little bigger or maybe letting you choose between a big arena or the traditional, having two bases so you don't have to go ALL the way back to your base to win. I would also like to make a better AI (eventually) so you could play one player and have it be challenging. Lastly, I would like to try to make it a smaller file than the previous version... key word "try", it won't be easy if even possible! Anyways, I'd love to hear opinions on this, so please download Bomber from the URL above, play it for a little, and tell me what you think about what I've said here. I would prefer that you email me about this, but I will check the posts here too. Thanks for your help in advance, I love Bomber, and I think this Bomber 2 would be a great game.
10 April 2004, 04:07 GMT

Not a game, but this is where I get the most respect WORSHIP ME...
Hey, well, I made a guitar tableture program... Ok, it's slow, but it's pretty good, not loading yet, but that's because I need an Asm program (One to load the program in Str whatever, or something like that, I know where to get it, I just can't send it to my calc). It's pretty smooth, and looks decent. You have the amount of "notes" as you have memory for... It's good if you happen to be playing guitar, and you make something cool, and you don't have good memory or paper... It'll be released when I get my new calc, just like my coordinate game (look back a few pages for info on that)
10 April 2004, 15:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Games
Well, You can't expect perfection with an RPG. unless that stands for Rocket Propelled Grenade, then anything less than perfection might blow up in your face. Anywho... I'm assuming you want a different BIO than the one I have up, but if not, just use the one I have up. Anyway, I don't really have any plans right now. I just completed 09Armies, and that was my biggie, but, I just started negotiating something about an AI program, so we'll se where that goes.
3 May 2004, 03:51 GMT